ios - Dismiss UIview form the popup IOS7 -
In my application I'm displaying Here's the code for the user to popup. Popup button code. in The above code I used to display as Thank you. What will I do that adds a tactile overlay behind your popup. In your .h Loaded in your view And then you will look like your ways: UIView as a popup when the user is now on the button The problem is that when you click somewhere in the application, please tell me how to dismiss
UIView popup.
- (zero) showPopView {self.popview.alpha = 1; [Self. POPView Setframe: CGRactMake (15, 100, 300, 300)]; // [self-rejecting papermeer: not]; }
- (IBAction) click: (ID) sender {[self showpiece View1]; }
viewDidLoad I have used this code.
self.popview.alpha = 0;
UIView as a popup, please tell that when users click out to dismiss the popup .
@interface yourController: UIViewController {UIView * overlay; }
overlay = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: self.view.frame]; Overlay.bakcgroundColor = [UIColor clear collar]; UITapGestureRecognizer * singleFingerTap = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget: Self Action: @Selector (HandtingTalap)]; [Overlay addEngistizer: singleFingerTap];
- Showpop view ({self.view addSubview: overlay}; Self.popview.alpha = 1; [Self. POPView Setframe: CGRactMake (15, 100, 300, 300)]; // [self-rejecting papermeer: not]; } - (Zero) HandlingTap {{Overlay RemovalFrowspaceview]; self.popview.alpha = 0; [Self ..popview setframe: cgttezeiro]; }
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