Error when trying moses's sample-models -

After successfully installing Moses in my laptop (Ubuntu 13.04), I try to run a sample-model ().

I remove it in wget and folder. And then run the command:

  ~ / mosesdecoder / bin / moses -f phrase-model / moses.ini & lt; Phrase-model / in & gt;   

and it failed with the following error:

  [user @ my-pc sample-models] $ ~ / mosesdecoder / bin / moses -f phrase -model / moses.ini & lt; Phrase-model / in & gt; Defined parameters (per moses.ini or switch): config: phrase-model / moses.ini feature: IRSTLM name = LM factor = 0 order = 3 marks-features = 1 path = LM / Europaral. Srilm.gz distortion word expression unknown PhraseDictionaryMemory Input-factor = 0 output-factor = 0 path = phrase-model / phrase-table num-features = 1 table-limit = 10 input-factor: 0 mapping: T-n-best-list: nbest.txt 100 Weight: WordPenalty0 = 0 Lm = 1 distortion 0 = 1 phrase mechanism 0 = 1 error: unknown parameter Feature error: unknown parameter weight error: a phrase translation table (ttable-file)   

here phrase-model / moses.ini :

  ############################ Moses Confident File ############### ############ # Input Factor [Input-Factor] 0 # Mapping Phase, either (T) Translation or (G) generation [Mapping] T [Feature] IRTSLM name = LM Factor = 0 order = 3 nm-features = 1 path = lm / europarrel srilm.gz in distortion wordpenetents unequivocal penaltization Source input factor = 0 output-FA ctor = 0 path = phrase-model / phrase-table num-features = 1 table-limit = 10 [weight] WordPenalty0 = 0 lm = 1 distortion 0 = 1 phrase toolmom 0 = 1 [n - The best list] nbest.txt 100   

I am a newbie for Moses and I do not know why this error shows whether anyone in my help Can do? Or let me know what each argument means in moses.ini ? Actually I think that Alexandra has suggested that you have a reverse problem. If you really have Moses v2.1, then it should be backward-compatible with the Moses v1 configuration files.

So I think you must have installed the exclusion Musa 1.0. You have to install Moses 2.1. Sample-models.tgz Turbal from the website also includes configuration files in the new format.

Installing Moses from the source can be a pain. But on your Linux machine you should be able to install the following Debian package:

Taken from:


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