oracle - Convert time stored as hh24miss to hh24:mi:ss -

I have a column in my table that will store time as hh24miss format, i.e. it 091315 < / Code> which is 9 minutes 13 minutes and 15 seconds, I need to convert it to HH 24: MI: SS and insert it with date column which is in the format YYYYMMDD . Just, the following column dates: 19940601 and time: 091315 to 01-Jan-94 09:13:15 .

You should not store dates in the form of stars, and time There is no need to store in a separate field. The second involves the time below (you need TIMESTAMP for seconds frames.)

If you are actually stuck with this schema, then you have two strings A DATE :

  to_date (date_column || time_column, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')   

Then you can show that you Whatever format you want; Which you have shown:

  to_char (to_date (date_column || time_column, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'), 'DD-Mon-RR HH 24: MI: SS')   

However, you have data on June, no.

But in fact, please re-use your schema again and use the appropriate data type, do not store the value as a star, you have no validity and there is no easy way to check that the value you submitted Really represent the valid date and time.


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