how to update list item in list view in android -

I have a list view, in the list view, I try to display the images in the list view, after that It is possible to update the image to show the list to see the size and update of the image ... it is possible to update the images at run-time .... and how to get the current view which is currently spread and we Can modify it .. ??

This class is .. ..

  Public class gallery adapter base adapter {Private reference mContext; Private intimate neocolum; Private Inc. NOOfListItem; Gridview grid; Int ListItemHeight; Private string [] header; Pref; SharedPreferences Group Private Shared Gallery Pref; Screenshots Library myScreenshotLibrary = null; // Arielist, which is the path to images from SDCD. Array list & lt; String & gt; Itemlist = New Array's & lt; String & gt; (); Private Table Layout Table_Layout; // Image Layout Ultimate LinearLayout.LayoutParams Parameters; Public int inback = 0; IMAG VIEW IMG; Private Lucrash & lt; String, bitmap & gt; MMemoryCache; Private integer size; Cursor image cursor; Int counter = 0; // Constructor @ Sparshalint ("NewAP") Public Gallery Adapter (Reference Gallery, Int Numfilist Item, String [] str) {} @ Override Public In Receipt () {Return Nophilistitum; } @ Override Public Object Hot Itam (Int Pose) {// TODO Auto-Generated Method Stub Return Itemlist.Gate (Position); } @ Override Public Long ITMID (Int Position) {// Tudo Auto-Generated Method Stub Return 0; } Public Null Settlement (Int.) {Grid.setNumColumns (i); Grid.requestLayout (); NotifyDataSetChanged (); } Public Entitleto Itam Height (Int Land) {Shared Presentations ImageSizePref = PreferenceManager .getDefaultSharedPreferences (mContext); If (length% number number == 0) {return ((length / numcolumn)) * ImageSizePref.getInt ("ImageParm", 100) + 55; } And {return ((length / number number + 1) * image size proof GetInt ("ImagePerm", 100) + 55; }} @ Override public view getView (integer status, seeviewview, viewgroup guardian) {layoutInfleter inflator = (activity) mContext) .getLayoutInflater (); See customRow = inflater.inflate (R.layout.list_item, null); // Test Visit, which displays the headers of the Screenshot Library TextWiki txt = (TextView) customRow.findViewById (; Txt.setText (header [status]); // Tablelayout that will be used to include images inside table_layout = (table layout) customRow.findViewById (; Int count = 0; // Loop for loop number (int i = 0; i & lt; roaming (numcolumn); i ++) {// table row = new tabler (MCTX); Row.setLayoutParams (New LayerPrime (LayoutsPrint.match_PARENT, Layout Para. WRAP_CONTENT)); // Inner loop, // is used for the number of images in each line of tablelayout .... and for num (int j = 1; j & lt; = numcolumn; j ++) {img = new ImageView (mContext); Img.setAdjustViewBounds (true); If (count> itemList.size ()) {int resId = mContext.getResources () GetIdentifier (itemList.get (Calculate ++), "Drawable", mContext.getPackageName ()); Loadbitmap (RID, IMG); // img.setLayoutParams (Parameters); Img.setLayoutParams (new layoutprim (size, size)); Log.i ("fromcache", "num" + counter); Img.getResources (); } And {break} } Row.addView (img); } Table_layout.addView (line); } CustomRow.setLayoutParams (New ListView.LayoutParams (ListView.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ListItemHeight (itemList.Size ()))); Return customs; }  

Yes you can update listview with dynamic_data.

Just look at this tutorial ...

And I recommend you use Picasa for images ...

Picasso is easy to use.

  @Override public zero getView (integer position, seeviewview, ViewGroup parent) in your adapter {ImageViewView = (ImageView) ConvertViewFind WBID (RID.ranking_prod_pic); Picasso.with (reference) .load (URL) .into (see); // URL Image URL / / If you want you can resize image / * with Picasso (context) .load (url). Reset (50, 50) .centercrop () .INTO (View) * /}  


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