javascript - TinyMCE windowManager - modal with scrollbars -
I am trying to create a modal window with at < Code> is not really helping me here I find some examples of describing the But it worked for me If someone can give me a hint on this, then maybe I have to use some kind of thing for my model body? I really appreciate it if someone updates me Ah, I have tried to figure out this to everyone, but as soon as I have posted my question Here is the answer. I want to redo the dialog after manually setting can not read the property 'autosolol' and it came to know that ({...}} < / Code> The only way to ensure that a list of items (maybe longer) will be displayed will be displayed properly, fixed height is set in the modal and it has to scroll content.
scrollbar option Was: ({scrollbars: true, height: 300, ...});
overflow: auto by calling
win._bindings.repaint [0] () I was trying to get an error:
autoScroll which I was looking for: ({autoScroll: true, height: 300, ...});
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