java - how to write in the database with the same persist order -

I have this code that I am creating:

  (int I = 0; I & lt; listofplusieurdrapage.size (); i ++) {continue (list Flalissepress.jet (I)); } I have two values ​​ 
  litsofplusieurdrapage => litsofplusieurdrapage.get (0) = 1 = & gt; Litsofplusieurdrapage.get (1) = 2   

But when I check the database, I found them in this order:

  • 2
  • 1

    And when I add the code to just one system.out.println I get good command

     < Code> (int i = 0; i   
    • 1
    • 2

      Do you have an explanation of the problem? Adding system.out.println to your code Can I keep good order with my name?

        public zero existence (object object) {em.persist (object);}    

      There is no command in the tables, for example and see other links. / P>

      If you have listofplusieurdrapage If you need to order, you must specify the order, for example see.


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