c# - LINQ: How to null out properties in a projection? -
The title is very awesome, so try to explain it in code. I have a unit named Change the Change category ChangeDetail class My linppad attempt Png "alt =" Enter image details here "> To do this: Update Requested, here is the treat you as a LINQ query Although it was an archive I think your The result of the query here is calculated once, and each of its result formats is mutated. But then when you calculate the query again, the result is resuscitated from scratch; As a result, the mutation is 'lost'. In theory, it would be possible to include some strategic call to call toList () to get the desired effect. But it is not in the spirit of LINQ. Do not mix LINQ and side effects If you want to project some items conditionally and do not want to leave others untouched, then do this: BTW, you may need to call Change and has a collection of institutions in the
ChangeDetail I want to store the
Change > ChangeListItem is called . I'm roaming with LINQPad and have actually launched and I want to work, but whatever I can not do, leave all those people in the group except
ChangeListItem s. Here's my code:
public class: {Receive the public date time change time; Set; } # Area Navigation Properties Public Virtual IcLonac & lt; ChangeDetail & gt; Details {Receive; Private set; } #endregion Public Changes () {this.Details = New list & lt; ChangeDetail & gt; (); }}
public class ChangeDetail {public string description {get; Set; } #region Navigation Properties Public int ChangeId {get; Set; } Change public virtual changes {get} Set; } #endregion}
var change = change Select Selection (C => C. Description). Orderbodsciding (C => C.Change.ChangedDateTime). Select (C => New ChangeListItem {ChangedDateTime = c.Change.ChangedDateTime, Description = c.Details}) .GroupBy (c => c.ChangedDateTime) .Pre (G = & gt; { (1). Firstly, when I put it in the result pane, I still see the
ChangeListItem < / Code>, but the
ChangedDateTime property is still loaded out. I'm sure I'm missing an assignment somewhere on the way, even if I thought what I would do I'm good enough How can I get it?
ForEach extension for code:
Public Stable Class IQueryableExtensions {Public Stable IQueryable & lt; T & gt; for AEH & lt ; T & gt; (This IEnumerable & lt; T & gt; source, action & lt; T & gt; action) {if (source == null) {new argument (NullException) ("source"); } If (action == faucet) {new binary NullException ("action"); } Leading (TT in Source) {Action (T); } Return Source. Eskenable & lt; T & gt; (); }}
ForEach extension looks like this:
foreach (various items in the source ) {Side effects (item); } Return source;
changeGroup.Select ((c, Index) = & gt; Index == 0? C: new ChangeListItem {Time changed = zero, details = c.Details});
asenumerable () before making this change because I do not think LINQ supports the entity's overload Is
Select which includes the item index (though, can not remember hand-hand).
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