Big reprojection error while using OpenCV cvStereoCalibrate to calibrate a pair of cameras with different resolution -

I have tried OpenCV cvStereoCalibrate function to fix the pair of stereo camera. The same resolution it works fine when calibrating a pair of camera but when I have 10 times larger in the very attempt to test a couple of cameras with different resolution of (the image on the left image). I got big re-launch error and did not get much meaningful results

The code below is part of the cvStereoCalibrate phone in my program.

  Rprr = Kwsteroklibrte (& amp; _objektpoints, & amp; _imagepointsl, & amp; _imagepoints2, & amp; _npoints, & amp; _ml, & amp; _dl, & amp; _m2 & amp; _D2, twist, & amp; amp; amp; amp;;; & amp; _, & amp;; f; 100; 1e-5), cvclib_jiro_tangirl_5];   

If you have tried

  rpErr = cvStereoCalibrate (& amp; _objectPoints, & amp; _imagePoints1, & amp; _imagePoints2, & amp; _npoints, & amp; _M1, & amp; _D1, & amp; _M2, & amp; _D2, imageSize, & amp; reload, & amp; _T, & amp; _E, & amp; _F, cvTermCriteria (CV_TERMCRIT_ITER + CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 100 , 1e-5));   

I did not improve the result.

Did anyone face a similar problem? What could be wrong?

I have different internal calibration before each camera before using cvCalibrateCamera2, then output Used cvStereoCalibrate (with parameter CV_CALIB_FIX_INTRINSIC) gave me small reproduction errors and significant meaningful results.

It looks like the size of the bigger image is not necessary to change. In CvStereoCalibrate, we can set the imageSize as the size of a camera image. This parameter is not as useful to start the internal camera calibration, which if called with cvStereoCalibrate parameters CV_CALIB_FIX_INTRINSIC (according to openCV documentation).

Part of the code below

RpErr_intrinsic1 = cvCalibrateCamera2 (and _objectPoints, and amp; _imagePoints1, and amp; _npoints, imageSize1, & amp; M 1, & amp; _ 1 , Faucet, Nouvel, CV_CALIB_ZERO_TANGENT_DIST);

rpErr_intrinsic2 = cvCalibrateCamera2 (& amp; _objectPoints, and amp; _npoints2, & amp; _npoints, imageSize2, & amp; _M2, & amp; 2, tap, narwhal,

Arpiiarar = Sivisitiaroklibret (& amp; _objectPoints, & amp; _imagePoints1, & amp;; _imagePoints2, & amp; _npoints, & amp; _M1, & amp; _D1, & amp; _M2, & amp; _D2, imageSize, & amp; reload, & amp; _T, & amp; _E, & amp; _F, cvTermCriteria (CV_TERMCRIT_ITER + CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 100, 1e- 5), Sivi_ CALIB_FIX_INTRINSIC + CV_CALIB_ZERO_TANGENT_DIST);


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