crossrider - sometimes not work -
I have a problem with crossword code.
I want to show the indicator with this code: ({'name': 'my-notification-name', 'title' 'Title', 'body': body_popUp, 'theme': 'facebook', 'position': 'bottom-left', 'off': false, 'sticky': true, 'fadefitter': 1, 'width ':' 700px ',' closeWhenClicked ': false});
But sometimes work, sometimes do not work Do you have any ideas? I have to write any instructions before the phone. Show ()?
Thank you in advance, Matia
You do not show that Body_popUp is set up, but it is considered valid HTML and it is placed in the extension, the JS file, the code looks ok.
Normal, note that the notification is smart and only appears when detecting the user's movement in the browser.
[ Disclosure : I am a CrossReader employee) This algorithm is a way to ensure that notification is viewed, as the user considers.
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