python - Given a float, find if in list or closest number to it -

I have a list of Tuplesses, that is, with the values ​​of X and Y, 2-dim tuples call it data two floats , Xmin and xmx, and want to withdraw the indicator of the maximum Y value at that interval. It should also work, even if XMan and XMX do not match the exact number of data.

I understand how XML and XMX should be a problem apart from rounding the closest values ​​of the list. I have no idea because I'm a dragon newbie.

  Assign the pointer of points (x, y) to maximum interval [xmin, xmax] def find_peak (data, xmin, xmx):   

Temporarily, I can search through the list and record the smallest difference for each x-value. Is it possible or is there a clever way?

Looking at the list of 2 dimensional coordinates.

  1. Sort the data based on the x coordinate should be the natural list sort.
  2. Use the python module to determine the starting and ending index of data points
  3. Use with the built in minimum key as

    Sample Implementation def foo (data, x_min, x_max): bisect import bisect_left, biscact data from operator import item = sorted (data) x_data = [x, y for x date Index_min = bisect_left (x_data, x_min) index_max = bisect (x_data, x_max) return maximum (data [index_min: index_max], key = itemgetter (1)) [- 1]

    Example run

      & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Data = [[(random.randint (1,20), random.randint (1,20)) _ in the category (10)]> gt; & gt; Figures [(9, 9), (11, 11), (7, 7), (16, 11), (15, 19), (8, 18), (16, 3), (18, 7) (17, 13), (3, 11) ]> Gt; & gt; Foo (Data, 3,7) 11    


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