windows - Debugger.Break() in dll Visual Studio 2010 (c#) and delphi 6 trouble -

Years ago I had installed Visual Studio 2010 after 3 months, I told Delphi 6 (yes, it is too old) and forgot about it.

Delphi. My OS is Windows XP.

Now, I have created a program that has created DLL. My DLL is a plugin for this program and I want to use the debugger. In my code I have the debugger. Use brake () . Okay, the program started, DLL started and the programmable said to me: "Do you want to start a debugger?" I agreed. And Delphi 6 debugger did not start VS!
After that, I deleted Delphi 6, but now I agree with the offer to use Programmer Debugger VS Debugger.

I do not know how to solve this problem. Maybe I will be able to re-establish VS but I do not want to do this. Maybe I can change the value of debugger in Windows, I do not know.

Do you have any ideas?

Thank you.

You can find instructions on how to restore these settings on MSDN:


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