java - EntityManager.persist() not inserting values to DB -
New to JPA and Servlets. I am trying to create a student unit and using a servicelet to convert your DB I am trying to put There are no errors in the code when I go to the servlet, the browser worked without errors but the prices are not putting my DB
Student Unit: -
@Entity applies to the public class student Serializable {Personal Stable last long serialVersionUID = 1L; @ Id @ Generated Values (strategy = generation type.eeto) Private long id; @column (drain = false) name of private string; @column (negligible = false) Private interval age; Public string getName () {return name; } Public Zero Setname (string name) { = name; } Public int getAge () {return age; } Public Zero setAge (int age) {this.age = age; } Public Long IID () {Return ID; } Public Zero Set ID (Long ID) { = id; } @ Override Public Ent Hashod () {Inti hash = 0; Hash + = (id! = Tap? Id.hashCode (): 0); Return hash; } @ Override public boolean equals (Object object) {// TODO: Warning - this method ID field will not be set (student!} Student Other = object (student); if (( == NULL And other; id! = Null) || (! = Null & amp; ( {return false;} back true;} @ override public string toasting ( } {Return "model. Student [id =" + id + "]";}
My servlet: -
< Code> public class A spreads HttpServlet {@PersistenceUni (UnitName = "persistenceCheckPU") EntityManagerFactory emf; @Resource UserTransaction ut; Protects Zero ProcessRequest (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {response.setContentType ("text / html; charset = UTF-8"); try to (Printwardr out = response .getWriter ()) {student = new student (); student.setName ( "John"); student.setAge (22); EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager (); ut.begin () ; Em.persist (student); Ut.commit (); Out.println ("& lt; h2> success !!! "); } Catch (SecurityException | IllegalStateException | javax.transaction.RollbackException | HeuristicMixedException | HeuristicRollbackException | SystemException | NotSupportedException ex) {Logger.getLogger (A.class.getName ()) log (Level.SEVERE, null, East). }}
My purpose: -
- Create ID as unique and auto increment.
& lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Persistence version = "2.1" xmlns = "" xmlns: xsi = "" XSI: Schema Locations = "Http://"> & Lt; Firmness unit name = "persistence check pu" transaction type = "jta" & gt; & Lt; JTA-Data-Source & gt; Jdbc_persistence & lt; / JTA-Data-Source & gt; & Lt; Will be unlisted sections & gt; False & lt; / Will be unlisted sections & gt; & Lt; Properties & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action" value = "Create" /> & Lt; / Properties & gt; & Lt; / Persistence unit & gt; & Lt; / Persistence>
Check that you have a JTA firmness unit (
persistence.xml < / Code>) and then
em.joinTransaction ()
call to the start or after the transaction afterEntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager (); Call
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