Segmentation fault (core dumped) error C linux sockets -

Please send me the program through sockets, but this error shows the segmentation fault when I run it The server uses the thread to implement multiple clients. Thanks! This is my final project!

This is the server code:

  # include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; #to & lt include, string.h & gt; #to & lt include, stdlib.h & gt; Sys / socket.h & gt; #includes & lt; # Include & lt; ARPA / inet.h & gt; # Include & lt; Unistd.h & gt; #to & lt include, pthread.h & gt; Static const int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; // Producer Halo Zero * Connection_Handler (Zero *); Int main (int argc, char * argv []) {int socket_desc, client_sock, c, * new_sock; Struct sockaddr_in server, client; // craker socket socket_desc = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); If (socket_desc == -1) // Error al-sial EL socket {printf ("Error Alla CREAR EL Socket"); } ("Socket creeda"); // Socket CREDA // Walos Dell Socket Server. Sin_family = AF_INET; // Socket IP server. Sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; // EJECUTAR CON LA IP de la Macquina Attributes server. Sin_port = htons (9999); // Puerto / Asiciar Sokat Yuen Puerto If (bind (Socket_desk, (Structor Socadar *) and server, size (server)) and lieutenant; 0) {// Error en la escosity dealer ("Error al Esquire EL Socket AL Pureto Dell server "); Return 1; } ("Puerto Credo N.L. Server Coercion"); // Listen to Modo Escua Coxione Entrants (socket_desk, 3); // TRES CONEXIONES PERMITIDAS // ACEPTA puts the CONEXIONES ENTRANTES ("ALA Aspera de Coxione Entrants"); c = sizeof (straight sockaddr_in); While (client_sock = accept (socket_desc, (struct sockaddr *) and customer, (socklen_t *) & amp; c)) // conception aceptada {puts ("cexion azeptada"); Pthread_t sniffer_thread; New_sock = malloc (1); * New_sock = client_sock; If (pthread_create (& amp; sniffer_thread, NULL, connection_handler, (* * new_sock) & lt; 0) {perror ("NO SE PUDO CREAR EL THREAD"); Return 1; }} If (client_sock & lt; 0) {false ("FALLO"); Return 1; } Return 0; } / * * HABILITAR VARIAS CONEXIONES * * / Zero * connection_handler (Zero * socket_desc) {// Socket int sock = * (int *) socket_desc; Four buff [BUFFER_SIZE]; While (1) {FILE * fpIn = fopen ("/ mnt / SHARED / La.Lista.De.Schindler.Latino.avi", "r"); // archivo aynower ssize_t bytesRead = fread (buff, 1, size (buf), fpIn); If breaks (bytes read & lt; = 0); // EOF printf ("Yes lido% i bytes del archivo, avandolos ... \ n", (int) bytes read); If (send (sock, buff, bytes read, 0)! = Bytes read) // ENVIR NELL SOCKET (copy ("AL environment !!"); breakdown;}} // LIBERAR EL socket free (socket_desc); return 0;}   

This client code

 includes  #  gt; printf # include & lt; string.h & Gt; // Stellen # included & lt; sys / socket.h & gt; // include socket # & lt; arpa / inet.h & gt; // inet_addr static const int BUFFER_SIZE = 16 * 1024; Int main int argc, char * argv []) {int sock; Struct sockaddr_in server; // cracker socket sook = socket (ANNETET, SOCKRRM, 0); if (sock == -1) {printf ("no SE Pado Crayer EL Socket ");} (" EL Socket FUE CREADO "); server.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (" "); // IP server server. Sin_family = AF_INET; // Socket IP server .sin_port = htons (99 99); // Puerto / Contector AL server if (connect (sock, (Stroke Socadar *) and server, size (server)) 0) {mirror ("LA Kaafle Falo") ; Returns 1;} ("Kaizeson Estalecida \ n"); FILE * fpIn = fopen ("/ home / soporte / PELI", "w"); // archivo reichibudo if (fpIn) {char buf [BUFFER_SIZE]; While (1) {ssize_t bytes reacid = reclweel (sock, buff, saiff (buff), 0); If (bytes recepted and lieutenant; 0) membrane ("reception"); // Error AL RECIBIR (Breaks == 0) Repeated Bytes; // SE Cierra LA CONEXION AL FINAL DEL ARCHIVO printf ("Yes yes receipido% i bytes des la lard, escinido Ao archive ... \ n", (int) bytes reexpected); If (Efflait (buff, 1, bytes received, FPIN)! = (Size_T) bytes reaxed (return ("frame"); breakdown;}} Fclose (fpIn);} and printf ("Error, nobody read Arbor [% S] \ n "," / home / soporte / ESTEBAN "); close (sock); return 0;}    

I run this code with GDB, these are the back marks ... sigpipe found

socket crado puerto creda nl server contentant
a La espera de caxias attortes
Concepts Aceptada
CA Han Lido 11 bytes Dell archive, NYandolos ...
Yes, Lido 11 bytes del archivo, Evindolos ...

Program signal signpip, with broken pipes Finished.


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