selenium webdriver - Finding Webelement using ID with Curly Braces -
I'm trying to find the ID of the table using selenium WebDriver, but so are errors in it Unable to find element Please have a suggestion, am I doing wrong? I'm trying to find the table using the ID Any ideas?
& lt ;? Table ID = "{EB2E32F8-B236-42CD-9425-49BB4EA9DB01} - {A85091D3-69F3-419D-98EE-0FEBD1C3CC65}" class = "MS listviewtable" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "1" border = "0" onmouseover = "EnsureSelectionHandler (event, this, 11)" dir = "no" o: webquerysourcehref = "& amp; XMLDATA = 1 & amp; RowLimit = 0 & amp; View 2D0FEBD1C3CC65 =% 7BA85091D3% 2D69F3% 2D419D% 2D98EE% % 7D "xmlns: o =" urn: schemas -micotr-com: office: office "summary =" cloned configuration "Onmousden ="; return Onteblmausdaun (event) "handledeleteinit =" true "& gt;
driver.findElement ( ( "{EB2E32F8-B236-42CD -9425-49BB4EA9DB01} - {A85091D3-69F3-419D-98EE-0FEBD1C3CC65} "));
After the text "itemprop =" text ">
seems like the id is not static. You can try to get it by a classname i.e.,
driver. Find Element (By.className ("ms-listviewtable"));
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