c# - How to use this WndProc in Windows Forms application? -
Please guide me how to use this I've seen people like to use this kind of code above in WPF You can use the method. WndProc Forms in Windows:
private IntPtr WndProc (IntPtr hwnd, int message, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, handled bool ref) {if (msg == NativeCalls.APIAttach & amp; & amp; (uint) lParam == NativeCalls.SKYPECONTROLAPI_ATTACH_SUCCESS ) {// Make the Skype window netic call to the current handle. HWND_BROADCAST = wParam; Handled = true; New Interrupt Return (1); } // Skype sends our program messages using WM_COPYDATA if the data is in lParam (msg == original call. WM_COPYDATA & amp; amp; & amp; amp; amp; WPParam == original call. H.F.F.D.A.A.A.T.T.) {Copdatatadata Data = (Copdatatact) Marshall.traighter structure (LPAMM, typef (COPIDATTCT)); StateTextBox Appendex (Data. LPDT + Enterprise. Newline); // Check for connection if (data.lpData.IndexOf ("CONVITATUS ONLINE") & gt; -1) connect button. I.e. enabled = false; // Check for Call IsCallInProgress (data.lpData); Handled = true; New Interrupt Return (1); } Return IntPtr.Zero; }
protected override void OnSourceInitialized (EventArgs e) {base.OnSourceInitialized ( E); // WndProc HwndSource Source Attached = Presentation Source. FrameVisual (this) as HwndSource; Source.AddHook (WndProc); }
[SecurityPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] public class TestMessageFilter: IMessageFilter {public bool PreFilterMessage (ref Message m) {// blocks all messages associated with the left mouse button. If (m.msg> = 513 & amp; amp; m.sg & lt; = 515) {Console.WriteLine ("Message Processing:" + m.msg); Back true; } return false; }}
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