sqlite - Best Possible way to Store Data (Lot of Strings with Images) in android application -
I'm trying to create an application that will be of an eBook type (lots of theory and figures).
I am also very worried about the data protection. This will be a paid app, I want to secure the data and it's fast and convenient too.
In addition to this, I thought about changing the doctor files (data) in the App Format & amp; So use the app API to access the data and display it on the Android app screen, will it be a traitorous idea? Compared to the above methods?
Which is more secure, fast, flexible & amp; easy!
Depending on what is more important to you - speed or security
Speed Definitely SQLite, it's not quite clear, but definitely the fastest way. Security Custom files that are encrypted - it will take some time for the entire file to decrypt it and display it, Ensure that the attacker will use encrypted files and without the knowledge of encryption - that data will be useless for that. EPUB If you are worried about security, you do not know how to apply DRM ... and honestly There is not a way to go.
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