regex - Python Regular Expression returning nothing to repeat? -
So, what I'm trying to do is parse the text file line by row in a list.
I have done this successfully. Now, I need to draw all links coming out of So I thought I would parse each line and if it were code: I just try to remove the links that appear for this record: but they Actually, random, therefore * .html In regular expressions, Here, .html .
* html . So I believe that the best way to do this is regular expression. Below is my code and there is no return error about the error being repeated in the question. I have bolded the line that refers to it.
compiled = re.compile ("*. Html") // here error [ (0) For [ (l)] if M]
Nws_NewsDetails.aspx@Site_Id=2& lang = 1 & amp; NewsID = 148513 & CATED = 1 9 & amp; Type = Home and gtype = 1.html
* one is meta And this is a special meaning because this gives you an error. You can use the following RegEx,
re.compile (". * .HTML")
. * This means that any character can be multiple times (0 or more often) (which is actually
* Regular Expression) and then you want to match to
. , so we can call it
. , because dot also has a special meaning (it matches any character), we have to save it from
\ .
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