java - Android Refactor Menu Class -

I have a menu class for the Android application and I think I can refract it because I have about 4 The bar is the same method, please see below:

  Public abstract class activity enhances SherlockActivity {Create a bundle saved instenestate {super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); ActionBar AB = Letarslock (). GetActionBar (); Sherlock Hiller Setup section (now, this); } @ Override Public Boolean On Crate Option Menus (Menu Menu) {Return Create menu (this, menus); } Public Stability Boolean Maneu (Sherlock Activity Achievement, Menu Menu) {MenuInflater inflater = (ShareLock Activity) Aactive) .getSupportMenuInflater (); Inflater.inflate (R. menu.main_menu, menu); Intent I = new intent ((reference) is an activity, directional activity class); I.putext ("flag", "first instructions"); Menu.findItem ( .setIntent (i); Menu.findItem ( .setIntent (new intent ((reference) an activity, LearnActivity.class)); Menu.findItem ( .setIntent (New Intention ((Referred to an activity, ShareActivity.class)); Menu.findItem ( .setIntent (new intent (a reference to an activity, MapActivity.class)); Menu.findItem ( .setIntent (new intent (a reference to an activation, savedResultsActivity.class)); Back true; } Build public static building menu (Sherlock Holistic ActiveActivity, menu menu) {MenuInflater inflater = aActivity.getSupportMenuInflater (); Inflater.inflate (R. menu.main_menu, menu); Intent I = new intent ((reference) is an activity, directional activity class); I.putext ("flag", "first instructions"); Menu.findItem ( .setIntent (i); Menu.findItem ( .setIntent (new intent (aactivity, LearnActivity.class)); Menu.findItem (Rid.share) .setIntent (new intent (aactivity, ShareActivity.class)); Menu.findItem ( .setIntent (new intent (aActivity, MapActivity.class)); Menu.findItem ( .setIntent (new effect (aActivity, SavedResultsActivity.class)); Back true; } Create public static boolean menu (Sherlock fragment active activation, menu menu) {MenuInflater inflater = aActivity.getSupportMenuInflater (); Inflater.inflate (R. menu.main_menu, menu); Intent I = new intent ((reference) is an activity, directional activity class); I.putext ("flag", "first instructions"); Menu.findItem ( .setIntent (i); Menu.findItem ( .setIntent (new intent (aactivity, LearnActivity.class)); Menu.findItem (Rid.share) .setIntent (new intent (aactivity, ShareActivity.class)); Menu.findItem ( .setIntent (new intent (aActivity, MapActivity.class)); Menu.findItem ( .setIntent (new effect (aActivity, SavedResultsActivity.class)); Back true; } Build public static building menu (Sherlock fragment, activity menu, menu menu) {MenuInflater inflater = aActivity.getSherlockActivity (). GetSupportMenuInflater (); Inflater.inflate (R. menu.main_menu, menu); Intent I = new intent ((reference) aActivity.getSherlockActivity (), command disabled.clus;); I.putext ("flag", "first instructions"); Menu.findItem ( .setIntent (i); Menu.findItem ( .setIntent (new intent (aActivity.getSherlockActivity (), LearnActivity.class)); Menu.findItem (Rid.share) .setIntent (new intent (aActivity.getSherlockActivity (), ShareActivity.class)); Menu.findItem ( .setIntent (new intent (aActivity.getSherlockActivity (), MapActivity.class)); Menu.findItem ( .setIntent (new intent (aActivity.getSherlockActivity (), SavedResultsActivity.class)); Back true; }}  

I want to change this so I do not have only one method. To do this, I think that I pass through a generic object, but I do not really know Is that what's going to be! Do I need to change the methods in a dynamic one instead of static?

Any help on this will be appreciated. Thank you very much

To create whatever you need in the body, you should only context < / Code> requires all of your methods.

Remove the same comedy in a method that takes context as the argument, so that you can call this method as often as you need it.

In this case, this error is a free code, because you have to handle all the things about the AVCLASS with the user and you do not know what you have in your system Have done


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