java - Sms Permissions not working. No matter where I put the permission tag -

I'm just trying to send a simple text to myself ... exception is java.lang. Exception: Sending SMS Message: uid 10263 does not have Android Permission. SSMS

This looks like what's my manifest file

   & Lt; Android Android: allowBackup = "true" android: icon = "@draubable / IC_Luncher" Android: label = "@ string / app_name" Android: Theme = "@ Style / Aaptim" & gt; & Lt; Activity Android: name = "com.example.homesafe.MainActivity" android: label = "@ string / app_name" & gt; & Lt; Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; Action Android: name = "android.intent.action.MAIN" /> & Lt; Category android: name = "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> & Lt; / Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; / Activity & gt; & Lt; / Application & gt; & Lt; / Reveal & gt;   

Right now it is under the manifest tag. But even if I get permission under the application tag, I still get it The same error I am confused ..

All you have to do is:

  & lt; Manifest xmlns: Android = "" package = "com.example.homesafe" Android: versionCode = "1" Android: versionName = "1.0" & gt; & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.SEND_SMS" /> & Lt; Use-SDK Android: minSdkVersion = "8" Android: targetSdkVersion = "19" /> & Lt; Android Android: allowBackup = "true" android: icon = "@draubable / IC_Luncher" Android: label = "@ string / app_name" Android: Theme = "@ Style / Aaptim" & gt; & Lt; Activity Android: name = "com.example.homesafe.MainActivity" android: label = "@ string / app_name" & gt; & Lt; Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; Action Android: name = "android.intent.action.MAIN" /> & Lt; Category android: name = "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> & Lt; / Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; / Activity & gt; & Lt; / Application & gt; & Lt; / Reveal & gt;    


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