mongodb - Mobile Meteor App - calculating nearby locations and storing as sortable collection -
I'm putting a mobile meteorite application that I use to use local (within 20 miles radius) features Want to I have a collection of these features, which I would like to be able to pass in my current location (using Cordova) with current lately data and generate a list (/ archive?) First of all to generate Sorted
I have two specific problems on which I get some advice!
Can I use this for Mongo's $ pass
or should I use it to calculate the distance node.js add-on (like 'Geolib '-)?
How do I get a temporary (locally stored) collection of these places to display in my list? Maybe if I do not use near $
then I have to calculate the distance at all those places, and then any distance must be returned, but it is below a certain limit, but This is a costly way to do this when my location list grows and grows.
Sorry, this is the first time I have tried to do something like this;
Edit - My code (Why is not it working ?!)
I am collecting collection of such places in a collection: < / P>
Beaches.insert ({name: 'Venice Beach CA', geometry: {type: "point", coordinates: [-118.473314,118.473314]}});
Beaches._ensureIndex ({'geometry.coordinates': '2D'}, function (hey, result) {if ( Mistake) console dir (err);});
I ask these entries like this (going through lat and lng):
getNearBeaches = function (LNG, lat) { Return Beaches.find ({'geometry.coordinates': {$ near: {$ geometry: {type: "point", coordinates: [lng, lat)}}, $ maxDistance: 20000 // meter}})};
I can list my collection directly with find ()
but my location search returns nothing, even if I have set E $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ >
You can send the current location to not to the server and, to archive the subscription, MongoDB can be filtered by by $ < / Code>:
Meteor.subscribe ("Facilities", {latlng: Session.get ("latlng")});
and smth like this:
Meteor.publish ("utilities", function (latlng) {return features. Search (search ({location: { Near $: {$ Geometry: {Type: "Point", Coordinate: LatLng}, $ maxDistance: 20000 // Meters}}})}};
You must be Correct data type and indexed and field location
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