bluetooth - When does the BluetoothGattCallback and onConnectionStateChange been called in Android for BLE? -

I'm studying about Bluetooth low energy (BLE, Bluetooth 4.0) for Android.

I have a reference document such as links.

This method uses the connectGatt () to connect to the GATT server on device-A , strong > Like following.

mBluetoothGatt = device_A.connectGatt (this, false, mGattCallback);

And it has on connection connection at onCharacteristicRead , etc. mGattCallback .

is the question:

When is 1 BluetoothGattCallback called?

2. Any change for all attributes on Device-A on Device- A will return a mBluetoothGatt message to on connection connection / Code> ?? , Or does it only return the specificity which was brought to me by the specificity ??

After the first connection all (you gatt-client as gatt-client Gatt-server) You should call the services of the discovery device After some changes, you can send that device to the conversion rate on but this is a case when the BLE The device can be in the form of gatt-client and send writeCharacteristic to your BluetoothGattServer . In that case, you should make a gate server and get a call.


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