bluetooth - When does the BluetoothGattCallback and onConnectionStateChange been called in Android for BLE? -
I'm studying about Bluetooth low energy (BLE, Bluetooth 4.0) for Android.
I have a reference document such as links.
This method uses the And it has When is 1 2. Any change for all attributes on After the first connection all (you gatt-client as gatt-client Gatt-server) You should call the services of the discovery device After some changes, you can send that device to the conversion rate on connectGatt () to connect to the GATT server
on device-A , strong > Like following.
mBluetoothGatt = device_A.connectGatt (this, false, mGattCallback);
on connection connection
onCharacteristicRead , etc.
mGattCallback .
is the question:
BluetoothGattCallback called?
Device-A on
mBluetoothGatt message to
on connection connection / Code> ?? , Or does it only return the specificity which was brought to me by the specificity ??
but this is a case when the BLE The device can be in the form of gatt-client and send
writeCharacteristic to your
BluetoothGattServer . In that case, you should make a gate server and get a call.
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