msbuild - app.publish components not getting copied after build -

I have a release. Proj file that I am running during the daily build. It should create my cloud service and then copy the content of the \ bin \ app.publish folder to another newly created folder. It is preparing the solution but the content is not being copied. I have also tried to use the DependsOnTaret property, it seems like the problem of the time Falling looks like my release. Proj file:

   & lt; copy source files =" @ (package) "destinationfolder =" $ (release folder path) \ package "/> & gt; & gt; Target & gt; & lt; / Project & gt; ;    

The estimates of files in "AzureCloudService \ bin \ release \ app.publish \" will be created during MSBuild published calls, right? If so, transfer the definition of your item group to the target:

  & target; target name = "prepare release" & gt; & gt; MSBuild target = "publish" projects = ".. .. AzureService.sln" property = "configuration = release;" / & gt; ; & Lt; ItemGroup & gt; & lt; Include in package = ".. .. .. AzureCloudService \ bin \ release \ app.publish \ *. * "*" & Gt; & Lt; / ItemGroup & gt; & Lt; MacDayer Directory = "$ (Release Folder Path) \ Package" / & gt; & Lt; Copy source files = "@ (package)" destinationfolder = "$ (release folder path) \ package" /> & Lt; / Target & gt;   

When the item group element is outside of any goal, it will be defined before any goal, which means that if a file is not present at the beginning of the build, then it is empty


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