sqlite - Temp. table in an android application -
I have created a phone app. I want to give call waiting facility. Assume that call waiting is enabled
Now I get a new call on my phone with number + 1-646 123 4564. I answer the call now I get another call, while I'm talking to the first caller - the screen shows the number + 1-646 321 4568 I do not answer the caller. Disconnects the second caller. Now I would like to display the first caller number which is + 1-646 123 4564
How to store the first caller number temporarily? Is this possible without using the database? if so, how? Or there is no temporary database that can be made and removed.
The problem I am facing is that whenever I receive a call, the activity is refreshed. Therefore, they can not put them in a variable
Update: Try the shared choice to save the number To get the number: If it is not in condition because it is always empty, You can use the number to save the number
Shared References. Editor Editor = getPreferences (MODE_PRIVATE) .itit (); Editor.putString ("incoming suspension", incoming number); editor.commit ();
Shared references prefs = getPreferences (MODE_PRIVATE); String restored text = prefs.getString ("text", blank); If (restored text! = Null) {incomingnumber = prefs.getString ("incoming digits", "1234567891"); }
shared references = references received (MODE_PRIVATE, 0); SharedPreferences.Editor Editor = settings.edit (); Editor.putString ("incoming suspension", incoming number); editor.commit ();
to retrieve the number
shared settings = received references (MODE_PRIVATE, 0); String incoming number = settings .getString ("Incoming Nobbs", "1234567891");
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