android - Phonegap WP7 app not perform any functionality -

I'm working on the Cordova hybrid mobile app that is currently in the Android app It's okay when I make the same app for the window phone now it does not do any functionality.

To create WP8, I will then add all my files to the new generation Www in Visual Studio project in the www folder.

But when I run the app it only shows its first page and does not perform any functionality.

What steps did I take? On click the button I call the following function

  $ ('# contactBackupBtn') 'Click', function () {$ ('# P2'). Attached ("back up"); Sm_sync.backupAllTheContacts (function () {$ ('# p4'). The attachment ("after the contact backup function is finished");});});  > 

> this call from the bottom

  backupAllTheContacts: function (callback) {$ ('# P3'). Attachments ("Backup all the costenses"); Navigator.contacts.find (["*"], function (contact) {$ ('# p3'). Enclosed ("These contact success"); Callback ();}, sm_sync.onError, {"multiple": true }); } OnError: function (error) {$ ('# p1') blank (); $ ('# P1') enclosed (error.code). $ ('# P1') attached (error.message). }   

When I execute it, it is going to backup this message to IN Backup all indicators and ths Shows, but no success or error is showing the message. What should I do to run it

(This is a small part of my app running in Android emulator but no windows need help from me) I'm stuck here.

The usage console.log does not support Windows Phones so use it and use local storage in this way. Try running on the device

  document.addEventListener ("deviceready", function () {/ * it is for console log support in WP * / if (typeof window.console == "undefined") {Window.console = {log: function (str) {window.external.Notify (str);}}}} var key0; / * Manage local storage in such a way / / (ifof (window.localStorage) ) LocalStorage.setItem ('lastname', 'Smith'); localStorage.firstname = "One"; if (localStorage.getItem ('ObjectKey1')! = Faucet || localStorage.getItem ('ObjectKey1')! = Undefined ) {Key0 = window.localStorage.getItem ('objectKey1');}}}, false);    


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