java - Update table column when the user clicks item in a listview -

I want to update a table when the user clicks on a list by clicking on an ovallister and setting my code

  view_list.setOnItemClickListener (New OnTimeClicklist) {Item zero on Public Zero (adapter view & lt;? & Gt; Arg0, see arg1, int arg2, long arg3) {string click = (Adrillist.Jet ( Arg2) .toString (;); ShoppingListDB.rawQuery ("UPDATE ITEMS SET FOUND = 'YES' WHERE ITEM_NAME =" + + '' '' '', 'tap');}});    

now I'm doing rawQuery execSQL

  string update = "set the updated item = 'yes' ou' ITEM_NAME =" + "'+ + + +' '' ''; ShoppingListDB.execSQL (updated);    


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