shell - Batch Script to manipulate an existing textfile -
I'm totally new to writing a batch script, I'm busy with a tutorial in the example below. Can i learn I really need help writing a batch script to insert a line of text between the existing text file.
For example, the file with myfile.txt file is given:
A BCD FAG HJClnamnop Q RS T Uvuxiz Command ./ "=== === ===" myfile.txt should modify this file: A BCD efg hjiklmnop === === === q rs t uvwxyz
Calculate the number of files with FIND / F %% in the line for @echo off rem file (get the "Search / C / V" line "set number / one middle = numlines / 2 Find all the lines in the rim process, insert line numbers using FINDSTR / N / F "token = 1 * delims =:" %% in ('findstr / n' ^ ""% 2 ') (RAM) Echo root line is echo / %% b rem if line is middle one ... if %% is equal to% mid% (resonance% ~ 1 to new line)) previous batch file Create as - middle-middle .bat and execute it as follows: put-in-middle "=== === === "Myfile.txt Note:
- Previous program Does not check Ion, such as missing parameter if you wish, this investigation may also be included.
- If the row is empty, then slash
echo / %% b is inserted in order to avoid the "ECHO is turned on" message. If in the line "/?" If the string can occur, then this command should be changed to echo (%% b ) so that a single help can be displayed in this case (the left parenthesis is the only character - if the file There are special characters in batch, such as
< , echo / %% b command failed In this case, special processing of file lines Should be added. The same point applies to the newly inserted line. - The previous program only displays the new file in the screen. If you want to change the original file, then the output should be redirected to a support file and change the original one to the end:
(for / for "token = 1 * deals =:" %% a in ('findstr / n' ^ "% 2 ') (... ..)) & Gt; Auxiliar.txt move / u auxiliar.txt% 2
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