c# - Moving file from folder to folder -

Reading instant messages from

 : 20: S10734539 / 940   

Folder, and in the row: 20: I want to know whether the file and readings are valid or not. In this case if line: 20: There is 940, then the windows service is read and it successfully moves to the folder, but an invalid file will not have 940 on the line: 20:, the meaning of the service of the window is at the invalid file location Have to go I have written a code to do this, but it is not able to transfer the file. I get an error message 'Use File', find the snippets below my code.

  if (Directory.Exists (@ CBN_INFLOW940)) DirectoryInfo dr = new DirectoryInfo (CBN_INFLOW940); Fileinfo [] fi = dr Gatefile (); String [] files = directory. Gate Files (CBN_INFLOW940);   

int lengthchk = 0;

  if (files.Length & lt; 1) check = false; While (files.Length & gt; Lemic) {StringBuilder sb = New StringBuilder (); Logger.Info (fi [lengthchk] .name + ": read from folder"); String narrationgen = ""; bool isvalidrtgs = false; DateTimeDet = Fi [langeling]. Creationtime.dat; File stream stream = zero; Try {stream = File.Open (files [lengthcakecake], flammod.open, filesystems. Redwright, fisaiye.num); Streamerdinder sf = new streamrider (stream); }   


  if (line is included (": 20:")) {firstchk = 1; If (line line ('/')) {string [] fnamesplit = fi [lengthchk] .name Sample ('.'); String newfname = fnamesplit [0] + "_bk" + ".txt"; String destlocation = Invalidfilelocation940 + newfname; String sourcelocation = CBN_INFLOW940 + fi [langling]; // + "\\" file. Forward (sourcelocation, destlocation); Return; } String [] narr = line.Split ('/'); String filecode = slogan [1]; If (filecode.Trim (!! = "940") {string [] fnamesplit = fi [lengthchk] .name Sample ('.'); String newfname = fnamesplit [0] + "_bk" + ".txt"; String destlocation = Invalidfilelocation940 + newfname; String sourcelocation = CBN_INFLOW940 + "\\" + fi [langling]; File Forward (sourcelocolation, distalction); Return; }}    

Try splitting your check code with your driving code This is a better It will be designed, and you can lock the file to read, when you are trying to move it.


  if (ShouldMoveFile (filename))   

and make sure that you Close the file you are reading.

If you keep the code the same:

Add lines:

  sf.Close (); Stream.Close ();   

Before you move files.


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