c++ - boost serialization of struct derived from struct list -

I'm not sure how I can serial a string that comes from another type of list type. Below is sample code for what I am asking:

// nodes. Http

  #include & lt; Boost / serialization / serialization.hpp & gt; #include & lt; Boost / serialization / access.hpp & gt; #include & lt; Boost / serialization / optional.hpp & gt; #include & lt; Boost / serialization / list.hpp & gt; Struct node {std :: string firstname; Std :: string lastname; Private: Friend class promotion :: Serialization :: Access; Template & lt; Classic Collections & gt; Zero serial (archive and AR, consigned unsigned bunch version) {R & amp; First name; R & A last name; }}; Structure nodes: Public stadium :: List & lt; Node & gt; {Std :: String Address; Std :: string country; Private: Friend class promotion :: Serialization :: Access; Template & lt; Classic Collections & gt; Zero serial (archive and AR, consigned unsigned bunch version) {R & amp; Addressing; R & A Country; }}; BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_KEY (node); BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_KEY (nodes); BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_IMPLEMENT (nodes); BOOST_CLASS_IMPLEMENTATION (nodes, promote: :: ordering :: object_serializable); BOOST_CLASS_TRACKING (promoting nodes, :: ordering :: track_never);   

Please refer to the "public std :: list" line and tell me if my serialization is correct or not.

I do not know what you wanted to ask. Although I know

  1. It is not recommended to do the latter from standard containers (they were not designed for it)
  2. If You do, you still need to specify that you want to serialize the base class:

      Structure nodes: public stadium :: list & lt; Node & gt; {Std :: String Address; std :: string country; Private: Friend class promotion :: Serialization :: Access; Template & lt; Classic Collections & gt; Zero serial (archive and AR, consigned unsigned bunch version) {R & amp; Promote :: Ordering :: base_object & LT; std :: from the list & lt; Node & gt; & Gt; (* this); R & A Addressing; R & A Country; }};     

    Of course, I list a member a base . Do not Forget To Include boost / serialization / list.hpp : See this

      #include & lt; Boost / serialization / serialization HPP & gt; # Include & lt; Boost / archive / text_oarchive.hpp & gt; #include & lt; Boost / serialization / export.hpp & gt; #include & lt; Boost / serialization / access.hpp & gt; #include & lt; Boost / serialization / base_object.hpp & gt; #include & lt; Boost / serialization / optional.hpp & gt; #include & lt; Boost / serialization / list.hpp & gt; #include & lt; Boost / serialization / shared_ptr.hpp & gt; # Include & lt; List & gt; Struct node {std :: string firstname; Std :: string lastname; Private: Friend class promotion :: Serialization :: Access; Template & lt; Classic Collections & gt; Zero serial (archive and AR, consigned unsigned bunch version) {R & amp; First name; R & A last name; }}; Structure nodes: Public stadium :: List & lt; Node & gt; {std :: string address; Std :: string country; Private: Friend class promotion :: Serialization :: Access; Template & lt; Classic Collections & gt; Zero serial (archive and AR, consigned unsigned bunch version) {R & amp; Promote :: Ordering :: base_object & LT; std :: from the list & lt; Node & gt; & Gt; (* this); R & A Addressing; R & A Country; }}; BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_KEY (node); BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_KEY (nodes); BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_IMPLEMENT (nodes); BOOST_CLASS_IMPLEMENTATION (nodes, boost :: serialization :: object_serials); BOOST_CLASS_TRACKING (nodes, boost: serialization :: track_overre); Int main () {boost :: archive :: text_oarchive oa (std :: cout); Nodes nodes; Nodes.address = "Mister"; Nodes.country = "Puerto Mazareki"; Nodes .incent (nodesend), node {"john", "dow"}); Nodes.incent (nodesend), node {"jane", "greenwall"}); Nodes .incent (nodesend.), Node {"morgan", "cheese"}); Nodes.incent (nodesend), node {"walton", "vice"}); O & lt; & Lt; Nodes; }    


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