lucene - Solr Multiphrase query not able to generate result even when the token was present -

Hi I'm stuck with a problem: I have a field splited_data and field type

(in my schema.xml ):

 & lt; Field name = "splited_data" type = "text_split" indexed = "true" stored = "wrong" /> < FieldType name = "text_split" class = "solr.TextField" autoGeneratePhraseQueries = "true" omitNorms = "true"> & lt; Analyzer Type = "Index"> & lt; Tokenizer class = "solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory" /> & lt; Filter class = "solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase = "true" word = "stopwords.txt" enablePositionIncrements = "true" /> & lt; Filter class = "solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory" generateWordParts = "1" generateNumberParts = "1" catenateWords = "1" catenateNumbers = "1" catenateAll = "1" splitOnCaseChange = "1" preserveOriginal = "1" splitOnNumerics = "1" /> & Lt; Filter class = "solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory" /> & lt; Filter class = "Solr .KStemFilterFac Tori" /> & lt; / Analyst> & lt; Analyzer type = "query"> & lt; Tokenizer class = "solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory" /> & lt; Filter class = "solr.SynonymFilterFactory" Synonyms = "synonyms.txt" ignoreCase = extension of "true" = "true" /> & lt; Filter class = "solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase = "true" word = "stopwords.txt" enablePositionIncrements = "true" /> & lt; Filter class = "solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory" /> & lt; Filter class = "solr.KStemFilterFactory" /> & lt; / Analyst> & lt; / FieldType> 

Now I'm sequencing the region splited_data with value "Layer Hybrid Case Black iPhone 5C" after sequencing when I different queries (simple Leucine parser I'm trying as well), it is the result:

  1. q = splited_data: "iphone 5c" => 1 results found results
  2. q = splited_data: "black iphone 5c" => No results found. (Not desired)

This iPhone has something with cap but I'm not sure what happened. Please help. I'm using Lucene 4.3. I know that I need to tell any other information too.

Update: I have problems but to ensure that the problem is how to handle the word status tokens arising from Delimiter factory:

 Black Condition: 4 iphone-position : 5 i-position: 5 Phone-position: 6 5c-position: 7 

So when I'm searching for Black iPhone 5C, it gets black in 4 in 4 and position 6 But nothing to match. Ideally, instead of 6, 5c should match directly to 7 position. Is there any way to specify this in the phrase query?

Your field "text_split" sounds good to me Solr admin analysis tool. Your query decreases up to "black, iphone 5c", the document is indexed for "layer, layer, hybrid, case, black, eye, phone, 5c", 5, c, 5c ". " Black iphone 5c "for the query document I'm using i solr version 4.7. Tomatuct 7.0_01 7.


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