sublimetext2 - linting error for angularjs HTML template -

I am trying to use the elegant linter-HTML-TDE on the following angular template:

  & lt; Div class = "empty-panel" ng-show = "feed! = Null & amp; feed length == 0 and ADA loading_done" & gt; & Lt; I class = "icon-time" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Span & gt; Nothing changes & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;  

linter gives me this error for "& amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp;; ркоાં the donut feature as

" unsecured & Which should be written as & amp;; "

How do I potentially flag it as a subline-HTML-problem?

There is no real error, it is recognized as HTML and not as javascript. It is telling you that instead of ' & Amp; & amp; nbsp; Instead of putting an HTML character & amp; amp; ,

if you do not want to change your character & amp; & amp; For;; you can edit user config files in Preferences> Package Settings> HTML Clean> Settings - Users

  {"quote-ampersand"}: false}  


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