Unable to replace String occurence in java? -
I have a stringbuilder object in Java that stores some Jason formatted data created on the fly by using the Java program. I am trying to do this, trying to change the occurrence of string one with string two in stringbuilder object. I wrote the code below to change but it will not work? Any reason or effective method to replace a string? Error: Two code in your code Problems are first of all, the logic of the first need to be used. The strings in the other are irreversible - Alternatively, the stringbuilder json = new stringbilder (); Public Zero Method 1 () {string replacelater = "{\" name \ ": \" & lt; Font color = \\\ "# ff 20000 \\\" & gt; + "+ \ funcvp_name4.trim () +" <\\ / font> \ ", \" child \ ": ["; callingmethod2 (); replacewith = "{\" name \ "with string: "& Lt; font color = \\\" # FF0000 \\\ "& gt; + + funcvp_name4.trim () + totalempforfuncvp +" & lt; \\ / font & gt; \", \"children\":[ "; String jsonnew = json.toString (); Jsonnew.replaceFirst (replacelater, replacewith); Json.setLength (-1); Json.append (jsonnew); }
Exception in thread "main" java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: illegal repetition near index 2 {"name": " & lt; font color = \ "# FF20000 \" & gt; (7h Coast 806) "," Kids ": [^ at java.util.regex.Pattern.error ( Unknown source) at java.util java.util.regex.Pattern.com at java.util.regex.Pattern.expr (unknown source) at java.util.regex.Pattern.sequence (unknown source) regex.Pattern.closure (unknown source) (unknown source) ) At java.util.regex.Pattern & lt; Init & gt; (Unknown source) at java.util.regex.Pattern.compile (unknown source) java.lang.String.replaceFirst (unknown source) CreateChart.iterateFuncVPNamesFromArrayList (CreateChart .java: 496) at CreateChart.getDataFromEMPHCForCVp (CreateChart.java:110 ) CreateChart.main on (CreateChart.java:964)
replaceFirst is considered as a regular expression, so things like backslabs and braces may play literal things to find meta characters. Y -
replaceFirst to you
pattern.quote .
replaceFirst does not modify the string it was called, it returns the result as a new string.
string jsonnew = json.toString (). Change Fast (Pattern Quat (replacelater), replacewith);
replaced method treats its first parameter as a literal string rather than a rajx but it all Will change the events, not just the first time.
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