My Cassandra version is 1.2.4 and I try to upgrade it to I'm 2.0.5 and I know that in the first part I have to upgrade it to 1.0.14 and then upgrade it to 2.0.5 Try When I try to run nodetool -h localhost remondode host id then gives me this: "main "Exception in java.lang thread. Unsupported operation exception: can not delete itself on org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService.removeNode (StorageService.java3199) .....
Before trying that command I tried Nodetool upgradesstables What's the problem? And how can I solve it?
OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Update - Download the version 1.2.13 and the cassandra of 2.0.5 from the official site. Open Cassandra.yaml in both versions Cassandra Download
- Turn off the recording unit (the reading task will continue): Nodetul Dellies
- Stop the old Cassandra.
- Copy the data from current (old) Cassandra to a new version 1.2.13. Run it (1.2.13).
- Cassandra 1.2.13 update for the command table format: nodetool upgradesstables-a.
- Copy Cassandra 2.0.5 data from Cassandra 1.2.13.
OK points - Cassandra.yaml in the default virtual host - vnodes (records are included in "num_tokens: 256") in 2.0.5 In).
- In the 2.0.5 record, the "index_interval: 128" is functional out of the cassandra.yaml file for table-level properties.
- Some settings are absent from previous versions of Cassandra.yaml in 2.0.5.
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