ios - NSMutableArray adds same object each time -
I'm adding an object to The calendar is in the form of data breeding and sowing names in the array. try it, This should be enough alone if you want to add all the SOWObject to appdelegate.calendarSowArray in TestArray. NSMutableArray but it does add a single object Instead of three times
(AppDelegate.calenderSowArray in SOWObject * object) {temp = object.breedingDate; NSLog (@ "date% @", temporary); [Array all array]; (Indx = 0; indices and lieutenant; counteoffrere; indix ++) {SOBOJECT * NEOBAGET = (SOOBJECT *) [APP DEALIEET CALENDERS SAURA ObjectTitx: INDEX]; NSLog (@ "reproduction date% @", neobacter.breedingdate); If ([temp isEqualToString: neObject.breedingDate]) {[arrayNew removeAllObjects]; [Array object: neject]; }} [TestArray addObject: arrayNew]; }
NSMutableArray * testArray = [[NSMUTABELARROR] INIT]; (App Delegate.calenderSowArray in SOWObject * Object) {[testArray addObject: object]; }
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