phonecalls - Trigger a phone call in Windows Phone 8 application -

I need to develop an app to call the Windows Phone 8 app using Visual Studio.
But I did not get any resources to do this.
When a button is clicked, I have to call the mobile number already.
I'll just need to call that mobile number by clicking that button.

This is what I have coded. When a given button is clicked, I am calling this method ...

  Private zero hyperlink button_click_1 (object sender, routing event e) {Folkoltsk folkskoltsk = new phonecoltask ( ); phoneCallTask.PhoneNumber = "0719957868"; PhoneCallTask.DisplayName = "gauge"; phoneCallTask.Show (); }   

But I get an uncontrolled exception.

Unrestricted Exceptions.

  // Code for executing unauthorized exceptions: Private Zero Application_translated exception (Object Sender, ApplicationUnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) {if (Debugger.IsAttached) {// has an unrestricted exception; Debugger debugger Break (break); }}    

when you use PhoneCallTask ​​ If you are, then specify a new capacity for your app in WMAppManifest.xaml: ID_CAP_PHONEDIALER


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