Print Mapbox/Leaflet Map -

I want to print a mapbox map, on which there is a custom pin on Chrome or Safari, there is no problem, Because I can only use the window.print command.

I have problems with Firefox and IE when trying to print:

  • Pin shown in wrong position
  • Pin fully

    I also tried:

    • Html2Canvas: He was not working, I think because the tiles have been fixed to you Let's take the canvas back, it only shows the "back" normal gray / white grid of the map
    • static map box ap E: I need pins were numbered than 9 and Mapboks API provides only pins from 0 to 9.

      Do you have a good idea to solve this problem? What is the chance to use the static MapBox API with custom pins?

      This CSS was snippet:

        .leaflet-container img {Max-width: none! Important; }    


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