How can I restrict YouTube videos that can't be played in the US, on iOS? -
How can I ban YouTube videos that can not be played in the US? (NSString *) query offset: (int) offset withBlock: (Zero (^) (NSMutableArray * mediaArray, NSError * error)) Block {NSError * searchError = - (zero) loadMediaListWithQuery: [NSError errorWithDomain: @ "No Video Detected!" Code: 120 User Information: NULL]; Query = [query excelstustration: @ ""] == is true? DefaultSearchQuery: Query; NSString * searh_url = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% @ q =% @ and orderby = relevance & start index =% d & amp; max-results = 20 & amp; v = 2 and time = all_time & amp; ; Alt = json? ", YoutubeSearhURL, query, offset]; NSURLRequest * urlReques = [[NSURLRequest alloc] initWithURL: [NSURL URLWithString: [UtilsSpaceString: searh_url Convert]]]; AFHTTPRequestOperation * Operation = [[FTPTRAAST Operation Eloc] InitvatRuest: URLReques]; [OperationSatemAllablockWithSoftware: ^ (FHTPPKAEASTA Operation * Operation, ID ResponseAbject) {NSER * Error =...