
Showing posts from February, 2012 mvc - No 'Add New Item' of type Report or Report Wizard in my VS2013 Project -

This is being done with, I am using Visual Studio 2013 and now RDLC report through a web form. In the connecting phase and ifframe However, I do not know anything about why I do not report the report 'Add new item' type. Do I miss a NuGet package or something? The only thing I have added through Nuget is to install the package- Microsoft now. Report. Viewer Cheers, J This is something unbelievable but so far this scenario is still Is also not supported. You have to go back to VS 2012 or wait. Please add your vote and rough comments here:

ios - Create tableView sections dynamically using array in iPhone -

I have the app in which I want to show data in the table view section The problem is that I do not know the names of the total squares Because it depends on the array, how to show data for each section of the cell for the row on the index path. NSArray * test = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @ "20 June", @ "20 July", "May 1", @ "May 10", zero]; So I want to show data in the table, as all the records of June 20 should be shown in one section and all records of May all will be shown on May 1. Everyone goes for something to know how to solve it. Thanks ( Personally, it is best to create standard structure, I would suggest the following Code> key And, say, June 20 , this value event is a Possible UITableViewController subclass methods Code> - (zero) viewDidoadload [[Super Viewedload]; @ "D @ @ "@": "@" @ "Events": @ [@ "Repair Window Panel", @ ...

c++ - Any reason to use (MFC) CList rather than CList? -

I have learned some guidelines that all of us have always used Const to pass a variable from one context , As if func console T & A) and I know that there is another template parameter in CList one ARG_TYPE . I will use ARG_TYPE as its parameter type CList :: AddTail (like ARG_TYPE item) I have shown in the sample code that it His second template uses the non-type type as argument I have any reason to like non-type type as parameter type? CList & lt; String, and String & gt; a; vs CList & lt; String, const & amp; String & gt; B; Any suggestions would be helpful thanks. Programming without CRT is like driving without the C ++ safety belt. 1. It prevents you from changing the variable, 2. This prevents you from assigning accidental variables 3. Acceptance Const Reference By the argument gives you the ability to pass the value with reference to the security of passing by value At the same time, the compiler can generate more e...

Segmentation Fault at runtime in c++ -

I have determined that the error occurs when I toString () my Linkedist class , more specifically when the line 8 or 9 is executed string LinkList :: toString () const {int traverse = 1; Node * key = head; Wire south; While (size> = trousers) {sout + = "value =" + ---> "+"; That = that- & gt; next; Cross ++; } Return south; } This linkedlist uses a node class to store data that looks like this, and Linkedist class has its own integer shape variable and an indicator for the first node class node {friend class linked list; Private: std :: string s; Node * next; Node (std :: string street, node * nextn); }; I'm guessing that this is some dirty mistake in my part, but I can not understand it by stalking on it or by reading the tutorial again on the signs. The code is defective below. Please add a log for the blank check that = that-> Next (if he == blank) {// std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "A null node was found \ n"... - Procedure or function "Procedure name" expects a parameter "Param name" which was not supplied occurs rarely -

I have a VB Net has a web service function that will send criteria to an SQL server stored function. Everything works perfectly for two months in the deployment machine. but now error The process or function GetEmployeeDetails is expected to have a parameter @progress which was not supplied 'P> posted on the machine Just came once. Everything works fine before and after the error. Web service code: public function GetLocation (ByVal as the oldNumber integer, ByVal integer as NewNumber, ByVal as the location string, Byval progress form In the form of a string, byVal name as string, byVal ID as string, try the string as Command1 = New SqlCommand ("GetEmployeeDetails" Connection1) with Command1. CommonType = CommandType Stored Surechers Parameter.ed ("@ old number", SQLDB Value = old number. Parameter.ed ("New Numer", SQLDB type.ins). Value = Newamer. Parameter. Add ("@Space", SQLBT Ype.VarChar, 10). Value = loc...

How to print out individual characters of a string in C -

मैं इसके बारे में थोड़ा भ्रमित हूँ char * string; scanf ( "% s", स्ट्रिंग); Int i = strlen (स्ट्रिंग); Int k = 0; जबकि (के & lt; i) {printf ("% c", स्ट्रिंग [k]); कश्मीर ++; } और जब मैं इसे संकलित करता हूँ तो इससे कुछ भी छापती नहीं है। scanf ( "% s", स्ट्रिंग); स्ट्रिंग एक सूचक है आपको इसकी स्मृति आवंटित करने की आवश्यकता है ताकि इसे scanf का उपयोग करके इनपुट पढ़ा जा सके। चार * स्ट्रिंग; यह कथन सिर्फ एक वर्ण सरणी के लिए एक संकेतक बनाता है लेकिन सरणी को रखने के लिए स्मृति को आवंटित नहीं करता है। आपको डायनामिक-आवंटन का उपयोग करके स्पष्ट रूप से मेमोरी आवंटित करने की आवश्यकता है। आप कार्यों की तरह malloc का उपयोग कर सकते हैं पढ़ो या आप पॉइंट के बजाय सरणी घोषित कर सकते हैं, चार स्ट्रिंग [आकार]; SIZE स्ट्रिंग का अधिकतम संभव आकार है। आप scanf की बजाय getline के बजाय स्मृति का आवंटन भी कर सकते हैं यदि शून्य है पॉइंटर बीत चुका है। mvc - MVC 4 ACS and Forms Authentication -

I have an MVC4 application with form authentication It is in production and is working fine We can confirm the authentication part by Ezuir Active Looking to move to the directory so that we can authenticate various resources through a lot more than just a web UI. We can not get rid of old accounts that are still active users, but we want to add social login (Google, Facebook, Yahoo!). We looked at ACS and it worked fine, but it is forcing certification for everything. We have some pages that should be public and do not require authentication. Therefore, in brief, the end result is able to authenticate the user with any mentioned provider as well as we already have existing accounts (can be migrated to AD) and public pages Does not require authentication. Similar to Stack Overflow, where they use Google, Facebook and their own. Perhaps my architecture is not right, so any suggestions are welcome! Thanks in advance. If you tried the AllowAnonymous attribute in MVC 4, do no...

jquery - css transition effect not working on click? -

I am trying to apply the transition effect of CSS3 on form detail, when its title is clicked but it Not working HTML: & lt; Section class = "widget" id = "widget-1" & gt; & Lt; h4 & gt; Contact us & lt; / H4 & gt; & Lt; Form class = "contact-form collapse" role = "form" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" class = "form-control" placeholder = "name" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" class = "form-control" placeholder = "email" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" class = "form-control" placeholder = "phone number" & gt; & Lt; textarea class = "form-control" placeholder = "question" & gt; & Lt; / Textarea & gt; & Lt; Button type = "submit" & gt; Submit & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Section & gt; & Lt ;! - W...

Make Call in Android Application using default call application -

I'm using the following code to call my Android application: Intent to intent = new intent (Intent.ACTION_CALL); intent.setData (Uri.parse ("Telephone: 98898988")); StartActivity; If Skype is installed in the phone, then this intent opens the Choice, what I want, it should call directly from the default call application. How do I get it? use intent.setPackage (""); Like intent = new intent (Intent.ACTION_CALL); intent.setPackage (""); intent.setData (Uri.parse ("Telephone: 98898988")); StartActivity; But the user is better to choose. Read more

sql - Query to List all hierarchical parents and siblings and their childrens, but not list own childrens -

I have a basic SQL table, which has a simple successor connection between each row. This is a ParentID for each line and it is used by the second row, as follows: Account ID | Accountant | Parent id --------------------------------------- 1 Matthew 2 Philippe 3 John 2 4 Susan 2 5 Anita 1 6 Amy 1 7 Elsa 3 8 Anna 7 ............................. ........ ......................... 45 Christoph 8 Hope the structure is clear But the need to make this list is a bit weird when we pass an account ID, then all its parents and siblings and siblings should be listed. But it never lists any child of that account at any level. I can explain that in a little more detail with a picture. Sorry for the clarity of the picture .. I have an old phone camera. When we pass Account ID 4 , then all parents and their siblings should be listed, but it's 4,6,7,8,9 , 10 should not be listed. This means that the account and any of its children should be protected from the consequences (depen...

How to filter resource files based on wild card using only JAVA APIs -

There are several processing files located in the Meta-INF folder in my spring project. I use wild card based on file name I want to filter those files Example: Files are in the Meta-INF folder as follows a-config.xml b-config .xml c-config.xml What do I need to filter these files using wildcard * - config.xml I already know that i I can easily use the spring ResourcePatternResolver for this I tried to use the , but for this I have to pass a RegEx to filter the file names. Example: fileFilter customFilter = new FileFilter () {@Override accepts public boolean (file pathname) {if (pathname.getName (). Matches ("(. *) Config (. *) ")) {Return true; } return false; }}; Is there any other way of doing this without using third party dependencies (Spring, Google Guava etc.) and using Regx? I want to use ordinary wild card characters for filtering. Your comments are highly appreciated. What you want is a low-expression pattern ...

javascript - OWL Carousel afterMove get img alt -

How can I display image alt (in the div) alt alt after every move? I try this, but it is not working (I always get alt first) Thank you for your help ... Try this: . Later: function (amm) {var current = this.currentItem; Var alt = elem.find ("Item"). Eq (current) .find ("img"). Et '(' alt '); Console.log ('Imagem is current' alt); }

php - How to display message in yii framework? -

I am working in a jobstate, I have a controller site controller . I can not display the message using the setFlash function. IE setFlash ('success', "job saved!") in the watch page, see page `search_details.fip' . My Controller is Sitecontroler.php '*', "status" => "id = $ job_id",)); If ($ position == 1) {$ session_id = Yii :: app () - & gt; Session ['user_id']; If ($ session_id == "") {$ this-> Redirect (array ('/ employee / site / login')); } $ User_id = $ session_id; $ Model2 = Will save new; $ Model2- & gt; User_id = $ user_id; $ Model2- & gt; Job_id = $ job_id; If ($ Model2-> Save ()) {Yii :: app () - & gt; User- & gt; Set Flash ('Success', "Save Job!"); }} $ - ('search_detail', array ('model' => = model, 'job_id' = & gt; $ job_id, 'position' => gt; 0)); }? & Gt; You have to show it in view ...

android - Starting activity with button -

I'm trying to configure the button 1 to change the activity, but even though I do not know of errors with Eclipse There is no button, no work, no one can tell me what is wrong Thanks after the Alprimo button 'There is another button for data backup, I do not think the problem is due to the presence of another button. Public class uses Aggiungi Activity OnClickListener {Personal button btn_save; Private EditingText edit_turno, edit_ore; Edit private text view_so, edit_anno; Private DbHelper mHelper; Private SQLiteDatabase database; Private string idt urn, enno, mess, turno, ore; Private Boolean isUpdate; Spinner selected Messi, selected Goroni; Private last fixed string MY_PREFERENCES = "MyPref"; Private last fixed string ANNO = "anno"; Public Zero Cambia (see footage) {Last intention cambioTermini; Cambiotechny = new intent (this, Cambio.class); Button Button = (Button) Find VVBIID (R.B. button 1); ButtonksetOnClickListener (new scene. OnClickListener...

html5 - Using regular jquery syntax within jquerymobile code? -

मुझे इस लाइन के साथ एक समस्या है - $ ('# container1')। Html (html); अगर मैं सतर्क (html) का उपयोग करता हूं; यह html ठीक दिखाता है लेकिन समस्या को कंटेनर 1 डिवेल में डाल रहा है यह कैसे संभव है? मैं jquerymobile के लिए नया हूँ इसलिए मुझे यकीन है कि अगर मैं कुछ गलत कर रहा हूँ, क्या अब नियमित jquery सिंटैक्स का उपयोग करना संभव नहीं है? jquery $ (फ़ंक्शन () {$ .event.special.swipe.scrollSupressionThreshold = 10; // इस क्षैतिज विस्थापन से अधिक, और हम स्क्रॉलिंग को दबाने देंगे। $ .event.special.swipe.horizontalDistanceThreshold = 30; // कड़ी चोट क्षैतिज विस्थापन इस से अधिक होना चाहिए। $ .event.special.swipe.durationThreshold = 500; // इस से अधिक समय, और यह एक स्वाइप नहीं है। $ .event.special.swipe.verticalDistanceThreshold = 75; // स्वैप ऊर्ध्वाधर विस्थापन इस से कम होना चाहिए। $ (दस्तावेज़) .on ("swipeleft", फ़ंक्शन () {चेतावनी ('परीक्षण'); $ .get ('notifications.php')। सफलता (फ़ंक्शन (html) {$ ('# Container1')। Html (html);});});}); ht...

Gantt Chart Flex For 4.1 SDK -

Which gantt chart should I use in my Flex application but I should suggest it not reduce the performance of my application Should not, it should not slow down as well. Please suggest that any person has worked or used on Gantt in the application me Only 2 Gantt Chart Libraries:

php - printing a row after finding it in Yii -

I have a model named object with a column object_type in the table. I want to display all the records in a table with object_type = journal , but I'm getting the error "unchanged index: object_name" . I should record how I call ? & lt; Tbody & gt; & Lt ;? Php $ type = 'journal'; $ Criteria = new cdccitrea (); $ Criteria- & gt; Condition = "object_type =: object_type"; $ Criteria- & gt; Parameters = Array (': object_type' = & gt; $ type); $ Result = object :: model () - & gt; Search (all criteria); Foreign Currency ($ result as $ value); {Echo '& lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; '. $ Result ['OBJECT_NAME']. ' & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; '. $ Result ['object_publisher']. ' & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; '; }? & Gt; The code to work below & lt; php $ type = 'journal'; $ Criteria = new cdccitrea (); ...

grouping - OpenLDAP : ACL : Allow users to manager their own groups -

I need your advice on the LDAP structure and associated ACL. Our LDAP 10 (Numbers may vary) Organization that includes users (total 250 users) I want 1 user to manage all users of my organization. Users will also be attached to custom groups What is the best LDAP structure for this? My first thoughts are: Group: dn: cn = manager, ou = roles, ou = group class: posixgroup class: top cn: manager gidNumber: 10100 MemberUd: user1 memberUid: user3 dn: cn = Structure1, ou = structures, ou = group class: posixGroup cn: Structure1 gidNumber: 10000 Description: Structure1 memberUid: user1 memberUid: user2 dn: cn = Structure2, ou = structures, ou = group Class: posixGroup cn: Structure2 gidNumber: 10001 Description: Structure2 memberUid: memberUid user3: user4 user1 user user2 should be allowed to edit, but not user3 or u Ser4 user3 should be allowed to edit user1 but not user2 I actually stuck on ACL because I would like to do something like a group of entries using the ACL set...

html - Navigation active with css -

I have two pages and both of them are included in navigation, so editing it once in both of them Makes easy But now I am very unsure how to implement the classroom activation, which shows that you are in highlights with CSS. This code is: & lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "../ / rapport / index.php" square = 'relation' & gt; Rapport & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "../ diagram / index.php" square = 'diagram' & gt; Diagram & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; Edit: This is CSS for image and CSS and icons. In the blade I did it to activate it: & lt; Li class = 'pil {{($ aktiv ==' sok ')? 'Active': ''}} '& gt; & Lt; A class = 'sok' {{HTML :: linkRoute ('sok', 'Søk')}} CSS: .navbar-default.navbar-nav>. Active & gt; a.rapport: first, .navbar-nav & gt; Li & gt; A synerg...

inno setup - How to allow entering only alphanumeric chars in a TInputQueryWizardPage edit box? -

मुझे इनो सेटअप के TInputQueryWizardPage संपादित करें बॉक्स में केवल अल्फ़ान्यूमेरिक वर्णों को दर्ज करने की अनुमति है। मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूँ? एक अल्फ़ान्यूमेरिक वर्ण को पहचानने के लिए मैं विंडोज़ एपीआई फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करेगा और असाइन किया गया इनपुट संपादन का OnKeyPress ईवेंट अगर मैं अल्फ़ान्यूमेरिक न हो तो मैं चाबी खाऊंगा: [सेटअप] AppName = मेरा प्रोग्राम ऐप = संस्करण = 1.5 DefaultDirName = {pf} \ मेरा प्रोग्राम [कोड] #ifdef UNICODE #define AW "W" # # एफ़आई "ए" # एडीआईफ़ फ़ंक्शन IsCharAlphaNumeric (ch: चार): BOOL; बाहरी 'आईएसआईएचएचआरएएलएफ़ए न्यूमेरिकः {#AW}@user32.dll stdcall'; प्रक्रिया InputQueryEditKeyPress (प्रेषक: TObject; var कुंजी: चार); // प्रारंभ करें यदि वर्तमान में दबाए गए कुंजी अल्फ़ान्यूमेरिक नहीं है, तो उसे # 0 असाइन करें, यदि नहीं है तो IsCharAlphaNumeric (key) तो कुंजी: = # 0; समाप्त; प्रक्रिया प्रारंभिक विज़ार्ड; Var संपादन इंडेक्स: पूर्णांक; इनपुट पृष्ठ: TInputQueryWizardPage; आरंभ // इनपुट क्वेरी पृष्ठ बनाएं और एक संपादन आ...

c++ - Library to unzip archive in C on osx -

I am using zlib to inflate some .gz and zip files. The point is that now I want to inflate zip archives but my research and test and error tell me that zillib can not do this? If so, why could I use other libraries because at the moment I can get only minijip and LGG, but both libraries only support Windows. (The best option would be to close the port interoperable stage). Thanks Sam You can view in POCO libraries. They also have support for OS X

How do I extend a TypeScript class definition in a separate definition file? -

I have a JS library that has been typed in a manual that has an existing typeuscript definition file. I want to use a plugin that enhances some items in the booklet with an additional function. In the existing type-script definition file, the object is defined as classes rather than the interface. For example Module L {Function Circle Marker (latlng: LatLng, options?: PathOptions) Announce: Cirkilmarker; Export Class Circle Marker Circle (Constant (latlong: Let's Launch, Options: Pathopaptations) Expands; SetLatLng (latlng: LatLng): Circlemaker; SetRadius (Radius: Number): Circlemaker; toGeoJSON (): Any;}} If I try the second time in the second file and define it, then I get an error about "duplicate identifier circle marker". Module L {Export Square CircleM declare arker {bindLabel (name: string, option: any): circillmarker;}} This code makes sense because it is a class and there is no interface, but it does happen But is there any way to expand this c...

php amazon elastic transcoder -

I am trying to execute a job that will transcode a video file ... I have a php file & lt ;? Php is required 'vendor / autoload.php'; Use the Allsial Transmoder \ Elastic Transistor Client; // Create a service locator using a configuration file $ client = ElasticTranscoderClient :: factory (array ('key' = & gt; 'my key', 'secret' => 'my secret', 'field' = & Gt; us -west-2 ',)); $ Result = $ client- & gt; Create (when array ('pipeline id' = & gt; 'my pipeline id', 'input' => array ('key' = 'gtc:' video.mp4 ',' frameRate '= & gt;' auto ' 'Resolution' = & gt; 'Auto', 'Aspectatio' => 'Auto', 'Interlacedcade' => 'Auto', 'Container' =>, 'Auto',), 'Output' = & Gt; array ('key' => gtc: 'output.mp4', 'thumbnail page' = & gt; thumb ...

android - Image rotate 90 degree using camera intent -

Hello I'm working on an Android app where I use the camera intent on the image Need to capture and set bitmap in imageview but here the bitmap rotates 90 degrees. I have examined many threads of stack overflow but have not worked for me. Here I am executing this exif.getAttributeInt (ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION, 1); Then returning it is no condition in 0 ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED and my getImage function is not satisfactory. Intent cameraInventant = new intent (android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE); Captured Photo Name = System.currentTimeMillis () + ".png"; File photo = new file (environment .getExternalStorage directory (), captureFatName); CameraIntent.putExtra (MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, Uri.fromFile (Photo)); ImageUri = Uri.framefile (photo); StartActivityForResult (camera entrant, CAMERA_INTENT_REQUEST); On-activative result Uri selected image = Picture URI; GetContentResolver () Inform (selected image, empty); ContentResolver cr = g...

Calculating time difference between two 24H time in php -

I am struggling to calculate time difference between two 24-hour format. The data extracted from my database is as follows: $ timein = "09:00"; $ Timeout = "17:00"; $ Timediff = $ timein - $ Timeout As above, how do I get $ timediff = 8 ? If you set them first in full dates: $ timein = "09:00"; $ Timeout = "17:00"; $ Datein = strtotime (date ("Ymd". $ Timein); $ dateout = strtotime (date ("Ymd". $ Timeout); Therefore, actually the date that you use (Today's date) can be any other date because it is about the time between all hours. Then you can create php date function: $ hourIn = date ("G", $ datein); // = 9 $ hourOut = date ("G", $ dateout); // = 17 simple Mathematics followed: $ diff = $ hour hour - $ hourIn; // = 8

How to do auto-width with HTML IFrame -

I am trying to use iframe to open another URL. But for the reason the width isiframe is fixed at 155px. I need to resize the width iframe to fit the entire SRC iframe. & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; iframe frameborder = "0" scrolling = "no" height = "100%" width = "100%" src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; I tried width = "100%", but did not work. html, body {height: 100%; Width: 100%; Margin: 0; }. H_iframe iframe {width: 100%; Height: 100%; } .h_iframe {height: 100%; Width: 100%; } HTML & lt; Div class = "h_iframe" & gt; & Lt; iframe src = "//" frameborder = "0" acceptable lens & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;

sql - replace multiple values at the same time - in order to convert a string to a number -

I am trying to convert a varchar field to a number, however, one of the common characters within that field I have to be successfully removed in order to convert it to numerical sets. The field name UKSellPrice1 I need to convert it from USSLPRIC 1 to the following string in numeric: '00' '' ' '' '' $ '' #n / a ' How can I do this? At this time I have the following: ; (Select Style Style Code, Color Code, UK SLEERPR 1 = Case when Chardix ('00', UK SLPRIIC1, 1) & gt; Re-Place (UK SLPRIC1, '.00', ' 'ELSE UKSellPrice1 END, UKSellPrice2 FROM dbo.RangePlan) SELECT * FROM R0 I Replace (replace, 'col', '$'), ''). , 'One pound', ''), 'n / a', '') and so on. The second is try to change the first digit and from there. It requires complex logic with patindex () . An example of: select cast (left (substring (col, patindex ('% [0-9...

java - replace a char in String -

Hi, I want to change one to four in the string. My problem is that before you do not know which character it is, so in some cases I get an error message when my four example is for example '+' I do not want to have my four as regex To be defined, what should I do? May code should be something like this: string test = "something"; char ca = input.chatAt (0); Input = input.replaceAll ("" + ca, ""); I hope you can help me. just don 'then use regex. input = input.replace (String.valueOf (ca), ""); copying all method string takes a string representation of a regular expression as an argument. Change is not the method. View.

How to set current location manually in the map (sencha touch2)? -

How can I set the current location in the map (sencha touch 2), because proxy is not allowed to send me Here's my current location For example: ... items: [{xtype: 'map' , Longitude: 'X', Latitude: 'Y'}] The following configuration options Use: Usenet Location: True

Android: put URL code in AsyncTask -

How can I insert the following text in AsyncTask ? My problem is that by getting the code I get an error NetworkOnMainThreadException I need any help Please try it try {url myFileUrl = new URL ("http : //.../cercanias.png "); HttpURL connection conn = (HttpURLConnection) myFileUrl.openConnection (); Conn.setDoInput (true); Conn.connect (); InputStream = conn.getInputStream (); Bitmap BM = BitMapfichture Decodestream (is); FileOutputStream Out = New FileOutputStream (getCacheDir () + "cercanias.png"); bm.compress (bitmap.compress format.png, 90, out); See Submompling Scale Image View Image = (Submommeling Scale Image View) Find VVBIID (RID imgannitida); imageView.setImageFile (getCacheDir () + "cercanias.png"); Out.close (); If (Saved InstantState! = Empty & amp; Saved Instantstate Caninees (STATE_SCALE) & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; AgentState.Centenske (STATE_CENTER_X) & amp; ; amp; amp; amp; & amp; amp; & amp; am...

Python Equality Check Difference -

Suppose we want to execute some blocks of code, when both 'A' and 'B' 5 Are equal to say. We can write like this: if a == 5 and b == 5: # do something But a few days ago, I just Check out the similar situation that was written effortlessly: if a == b and b == 5: do something from which I think, someone Is not the difference between the two? Apart from this, there is another way too, if a == b == 5: # do something is there any difference, any difference Assessed or executed process or time taken? Is it better or which is better? Is it related to the concept of transit? Since they are equivalent to basically , so the way you read Think about the code /: if a == 5 and b == 5: #some may read as if "if a is equal to 5 and b equal 5 , then do ..." . You must do idea / find , even then a b equals. This is the opposite of the next example: if a == b and b == 5: # something As reads "If is equal to one...

c# - regex to extract a value from a string -

टी = 1814994788352, स्लॉट = 35, चक्र = 6, नलफ़्रेम फ्लैग = 0, पीपीएफ़्लैग = 0, जासूसफ़्लैग = 0 मेरे पास यह रेखा है, और regex का उपयोग करके मैं चक्र मूल्य निकालना चाहता हूं। मैं यह कोशिश कर रहा हूं लेकिन यह काम नहीं करता है। मैच मैच = रेगेक्स। मैच (लाइन, @ "चक्र = \ डी,"); अगर (मैच। सफलता) {string key = match.Value; } @ "(? & lt; = cycle =) \ d +" इस regex का उपयोग करें HTH आगे के संदर्भ के लिए, समान प्रश्नों के लिए बेहतर खोज और regex सीखें, इसके सहायक।

sql - Database design: Users with roles and profiles with fields for each role -

I want to create a database with the following requirements, but I'm having trouble. There are 3 types of users: Doctor, registered user, and administrator I can add other types of users in the future. Each of these user types has different profile fields. For example, registered users ( username , password , email , first name , and lastName ). In addition, doctors have previous fields, but they have additional fields ( PhoneNumber , work location , country , state city , ...). These fields may be different for other user types. Some fields are common to every user type, and some are not. I think I need two tables: users, and roles. User table ==== ======== UserID INT Primary key AUTO_INCREMENT Username VARCHAR (50) No password, VARCHAR (100) No email, VARCHAR (50) No , First name VARCHAR (50) No, last name VARCHAR (50) No, not played role INT not // This is the foreign key role table: ============= RoleID INT Primary key AUTO_INCREMENT role Name VARCHAR (50)...

dns - Pushing PHP code to multiple domains with slight changes -

I have a simple web app that people use to track golf scores, Hosted with 4 separate databases on different domains. The changes made in one are to be made in all, because it is a collective purification process. The code is almost identical in addition to minor changes such as DB connections, title of pages, and a header logo. This information is included in a file that is unique to each domain, all pages drag that information. What is the best practice for maintaining a single source code and uploading the same version across all domains ?? In addition to a platform-specific solution, as provided by the micronle, A general approach may be based on Git branches, you can create a branch for common features and branches for each publishing edition. Every time you finish a change on a general facility, you combine it with other branches. An explanation and discussion on this topic can be found here.

mysql - Get rid of slow subquery -

I have a database of connection to my server, currently with 2,300,000 lines. I run the following query to find a connection by a user, remove duplicates, if nick / ip / client_id are the same. 'IP', hex (`` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` " Also, in the form of 'Nick' 'as' Customer_ID 'as' Customer_ID`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP (`date`) from 'date' (selection 'from' to 'date' DESC) also things like this: - 'IP' & INET_ATON ('') = INET_ATON ('') by the group `nick`,` ip`, `customer_id` by` date` orders by dsc limit 500 Why do I use a subquery in the first place? Use the GROUP BY To get the latest date value while doing this I think the query ORDER BY The role of and GROUP BY is misunderstood to get the latest date nick, ip, client_id , you will type the query as follows: SELECT `nick`, INET_NTOA (` ip`) In the form of `IP`, hex (` customer_id`) as' clie...

Comparison of hex numbers (32'h and 0x) in tcl script -

I am writing a text script (in Qwestishim) which compares below but values ​​are the same but still do not match Any indicator will be helpful for this. Code snippet: set XAPADR 0xffff0000 set edit "SIM: / TB_top / dot_top / m1 / m2 / m3 / acer" set actual edder "[check -HEX $ ADR] "If {$ realm == $ XAPDR} {" ADRD match detected @ time [XPR $ now / 1000000.0] puts us ") {other" ADRAD matches do not know @ time [ XPR $ now / 1000000.0] puts us "$ put $ $ $ XAPRR" Result: ADDA Match No @ time 145.99 Real Address: 44'Hat 000FFF 000000 Expected Address: 0xffff0000 Address must be decoded. This is a work for scans , one of Tcl's lightweight arbitrary superheroes! [check -hex $ addr] "% dh% x" bitwidth Actual You can now get numeric comparison ( == ) should be able to compare with 0xffff0000. As a bonus, you get the number of actual bits in the value (stored in the bitwidth variable).

javascript - drop file js get main id -

मेरे HTML पृष्ठ & lt; div id = "MyID" class = "सामने" onmouseover = "oneffect (); ondragover =" dragover (this); "ondragleave =" dragleave (this); "& gt; & lt; img वर्ग =" withUpload "src =" ../ img / withUpload.png "/ & gt; & LT; span class = "nbreResult" & gt; 20 & lt; / span & gt; & lt; अवधि & gt; & lt; h1 & gt; शीर्षक & lt; / h1 & gt; & lt; / span & gt; & lt; / div & gt; मेरे श्रोता जे एस window.addEventListener ( "ड्रॉप", समारोह (ई) {चेतावनी (; e.preventDefault (); getFile (e.dataTransfer,। आईडी)}, झूठी); जब मैं अपने डिव पर एक फ़ाइल छोड़ देता हूं, मुझे आईडी प्राप्त करना है, लेकिन मुझे एहसास हुआ कि अगर उपयोगकर्ता अपनी फाइल बच्चों (शीर्षक, img, अवधि), तो मैं किसी भी आईडी मिल जाएगा नहीं है, क्योंकि वे एक नहीं है। इसलिए उन पर "मुक्त क्षेत्र" ड्रॉप करने के लिए है। मैं कैसे DIV में हर ज...

how to import a web application on a junit java project -

I wrote some test cases using a janet and mokito for a web application, while writing the exam cases Dependence on the build path was given. Another project which is a dynamic web application, I have written all test cases using jokes and old, but I know how to give that web application as a dependency of my junior project, now when I To implement it, the eclipse can be a project dependent on the path that works on it, but thanks Check your own web projects Run inside the suite define another source package like '/ src / test /' and put them there. Then modify your ant script: Run these tests on the build or test Exclude this source package at war. Optional extracting the normal class, which are using both projects, and make a new project jar. After this, import this new jar as dependence on both projects.

sql - PostgreSQL: Remove attribute from JSON column -

मुझे एक जेसन टाइप कॉलम से कुछ विशेषताओं को निकालना होगा। तालिका: बनाएँ तालिका my_table (id VARCHAR (80), डेटा json); My_table (आईडी, डेटा) मूल्यों में प्रविष्ट करें ('ए', '{"एट्रिए": 1, "एट्रिब": सच है, "एट्रिसी": ["एक", "बी", "सी"]}'); अब, मुझे कॉलम डेटा से attrB निकालना होगा। कुछ ऐसा तालिका को बदलना My_table ड्रॉप कॉलम डेटा- & gt; 'attrB'; अच्छा होगा लेकिन अस्थायी तालिका के साथ एक रास्ता भी पर्याप्त होगा। अपडेट : 9.5+ के लिए, वहां स्पष्ट ऑपरेटर्स हैं जिनका उपयोग आप jsonb के साथ कर सकते हैं (यदि आपके पास json टाइप किया गया कॉलम है, तो आप उपयोग को संशोधित करने के लिए डाले जा सकते हैं): JSON ऑब्जेक्ट (या, एक सरणी से) से एक कुंजी (या एक इंडेक्स) को हटाना - ऑपरेटर के साथ किया जा सकता है: SELECT jsonb '{"एक": 1, "बी": 2}' - 'ए', - jsonb '{"b": 2}' jsonb '["a", 1, "b", 2] उत्पन्न करेगा'...

dosbox - Programs hangs when opening COBOL Indexed file -

I recently started a COBOL course, and my computer's configuration ( Windows 7 64 bit and GNU / Linux 64bits) I have to use compile and execute code . Everything is working fine but when I open the indexed file , either IO or Ouput mode I try, then there are some problems. I can compile and link but in execution time, DOSBox gets frozen. My compiler version is MS-COBOL 5.0 and to DOSBox 0.74 (the previous version). Does anyone have this problem? Someone can tell how to fix it. My code is this. Thanks in advance. AGENDA.DAT is the absolute path for itemprop = "text"> after Sometimes with legacy dos programs, you can not read / read files inside folders with empty space on your name. Say, if your current folder is C: \ MS cobol \ , rename it to Celsius: \ mscobol \ This is a try If worth This is your case

javascript - How to get id of the element correctly? -

I try to get the element that is "div", but I get a type of error in Firefox , What is the reason for this? & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Window.onload = function () {var oParent = document.getElementsByTagName ('div') [0]; Console.log (oParent); Var arr = oParent.getElementById ('div'); Console.log (arrive); } & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Div class = "test" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "div" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; you should replace var arr = oParent.getElementById ('div'); with var arr = document.getElementById ('div'); That's because getElementById is a method of a document and not divs.

ios - Getting caret (cursor) vertical position in a UIWebView -

In order to manage the automatic scrolling in a content editable UIWebView, I need to get the right carat Y vertical coordination. I identified two methods, using javascript Javascript function first uses a getClientRects: . CGRect caretRect = [self. WebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: @ "sel = document.getSelection (); Range at sel.getRangeAt (0) .cloneRange (); range.collapse (true); r = range.getClientRects () [0]; return '{ {'+ R.left +', '+ +'} {'+ r.width +', '+ r.height +'}} ',']; Int Carit Y = Carat Detector With this, the caret keeps blinking and one gets its right vertical position with a problem: when the user type returns key, so that the next row is empty, the carti is equal to zero The character key is typed. That is why this method can not be used. Enter the second one TMP period, then deletes it : int caretY = [[self.webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: @ "on Sel = windo...

neo4j - Determine the Longest Unidirectional Path in a Directed Disconnected Graph -

I have a disconnected graph in which some nodes can be connected to a variety of multiple unidirectional relationships. It is possible that there are loops in the graph. How can I determine the length of the longest unidirectional path in my graph? I am trying the following questions without following success: START n = node (*) MATCH P = N & lt; Path in the form of a collection (P) as MAX (length (P)) AS XLLMB Return Filter (path in path where the length (path) = maximum lamp) in advance thanks, about it: MATCH p = (n) & lt; - [: RELTYPE *] - (M) LENGTH (P) DESC LIMIT 1 by return length (P) order Keep in mind that depending on the structure and size of your graph, Query can be expensive. Use 1.9 for Neo4j: START n = node (*) MATCH P = (N) & lt; - [: RELTYPE *] - (M) Return length (P) Order by lens (P) DESC LIMIT 1

javascript - unable to connect to database in nodejs? -

I am reading and trying to connect to mysql database using node js. Here is my program var mysql = require ('mysql'); Var connection = mysql.createConnection ({host: "localhost", user: "root", password: ""}}}); Connection.connect (); Connection.query ("Use the Exam"); Var strQuery = "select from chat"; Connectionkquery (Strccri, function (fault lines) {if (err) {throw Gden;} else {console.log (rows);}}) connection.destroy (); I do not have an error, but no one is able to achieve output wait for the program to execute your queries to connection.destroy (for); with connection.end ();

Hindi speech to text using sphinx4 in java -

I'm using Sphinx 4 to convert text from speech, it works fine for English, But how can I use it for Hindi speech? For example, I said "my name is Amit". After changing the text, the output should be "My name is Amit". You can download Hindi acoustic model here: Use it with the Sphinx 4 here: However, it is in a very basic condition and it is unlikely that its high accuracy will be. You can try the acoustic model for better accuracy, see the tutorial for details The installation of models in Eclipse is simple: 1 ) Download the latest code as described in the tutorial: 2) Open transcriber demo for acoustic model and edit and point to the model to download from the dictionary 3) A grammar as described in the LM tutorial Create class language models 4) Change the file for recognition 5) Run and see that this file recognizes

c++ - How to link .obj Files into an opengl program and use them? -

My question is, is it that I Ozage files (from Blender) will be available in my (OpenLL) program without these visible on my hard drive Therefore, I thought it might be possible to link and read from these .obj files in my program file. How can this be done or not possible? what else can I do? REMARK: The .obj files contain 3D mess, which should not be editable by the user and I do not want to do these .obj files as hard codes in the .pip file. Working on OSX Mavericks + Eclipse On Windows, you can embed a file in resources and then load them from within your software.

Where are the Openstack images stored? -

I have a OpenStock Private Cloud positioned in my organization I have some virtual images such as Ubuntu Image, Window Image that is uploaded via the OpenStock Dashboard but I would like to know that where images are stored in the Openstock controller node I Tried to go through: / etc / glance and / var / lib / glance . But not on any list of uploaded images, it would be great if I could get information about it. >

python - How to define callbacks for Task API? -

Reading, it seems that using webhook as a callback is possible executed successfully Has happened. I can not find any such example how it is done. google.appengine.api Import Tasksuke Tasks.ed from (url = '/ worker', params = {'key': key}) This way the work is pushed into the queue, but how does it know that the work is finished and its callback URL will be called? How do I work in callback url? You are confused with docs App Engine is your app To specify a programmatic asynchronous callback as an HTTP request, sometimes a Web hook is called to enable the HTTP hook model to enable push processing by sending HTTP request to enable the Hook Model capable parallel processing. There is no callback at the end or end of a running job, call the queue url (your handler), and in your example / worker this work Triggers to do what is defined in your code that calls to the caller / caller There is nothing magical here, the entire process was called for...

php - Use REGEX in user input variable in SQL Query. -

I want to write a SQL query with a class that looks for user input values ​​in the database table. Say a job title to a job title "Head of Science and Mathematics" The query should look at all the words in the separate job title and accordingly the list of return departments. $ keyword = mysql_real_escape_string (keyword $); Select from departments, jobtitle_keywords where regexp '$ keyword' jobtitle_keywords.keywords and = jobtitle_keywords.dept_id; This query runs perfectly in ideal conditions (a particular character, spaces, etc.), but otherwise fails Does anyone give me all kinds of Can specifically guide the characters and discrepancies to guide them in order to avoid specials so that my query does not fail. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks "itemprop =" text "> Then in your comments, I think that you have your user search input ( i.e. "head of science / mathematics" ) and...

How translate button value with i18next? -

का उपयोग करना डेटा- i18n = "content.mytranslation" अनुवाद बटन के ">" के अंत में जाता है। मैं बटन मान का अनुवाद कैसे कर सकता हूं? आप डेटा-आईआईएलएन =" [मूल्य] कंटेंट। मेरी ट्रांसलेशन "का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं, जिसमें बटन में वैल्यू सम्मिलित किया जा सकता है। आप "[" "]" का उपयोग करके किसी भी तत्व विशेषता को बदल सकते हैं

Running executable program with no UI from windows service -

I am running a console application with no UI and generate thumbmail images from PDF files. The compile file works fine for this application, however I need to call this compile file from the Windows Service application, which implements the file system vetor to find out when the new PDF files are uploaded to the directory. And I am using the suggestion from this link Prostestart Infos Info = New ProcessStartInfo (APNAM); Info.UseShellExecute = false; Info.RedirectStandardError = True; Info.RedirectStandardInput = True; Info.RedirectStandardOutput = True; Info.CreateNoWindow = True; Info.ErrorDialog = false; Info.WindowStyle = Process WindowStyle.Hidden; Process process = process Start (notification); If (! Process.HasExited) {LogEvent (process.ProcessName + "is started and called thumbnail app"); } Other {LogEvent (process.ProcessName + "has been terminated"); } I can see the procedure to process "pdfThumbnail.exe" but I am getting this error ... - Syncfusion DOC to PDF conversion changing the colour of my font -

I am using SyncFusion dll in in PDF to a DOC template. It's changing well, but my headers are getting white instead of black with black font. Font color in Microsoft Word will not be treated as auto and If not defined and the viewer will present it in white color, if its background is full of dark color or its background color is filled with light color, I suspect that this may be your scenario here, Specifically, the font for the header text is in the form of white color Try tapping, which clearly use MS Word to resolve this issue with your issue. Otherwise report this issue to sync support and get the proper resolution. You can contact Syncfusion Support via

angularjs - Login application not working -

This is my first application in bronze. I was not sure why this is not working & lt; Body ng-controller = "login controller" & gt; & Lt; Div name = "sign in" class = "box-content" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "box-top-content" & gt; & Lt; Label & gt; Username: & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" ng-model = "user name" /> gt; & Lt; / Br & gt; & Lt; / Br & gt; & Lt; Label & gt; & Lt; / Labels & gt; Password: & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; Input type = "password" ng-model = "password" & gt; & Lt; / Br & gt; & Lt; Button type = "submit" ng-click = "submit ()" & gt; Login & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; My JS is: var loginApp = angular.module ('loginapp', []); LoginApp.factory ('authFactory', function) {var authFactory = {}; Aut...

case issue in sql query to generate report -

Text after " I have a table like this: leave_id applicant FROM_DATE to TO_DATE type 1 position 2 / 7/2014 5/7/2014 Annual approved 2 Basudev 2/7/2014 5/7/2014 Annual approval 3 Basudeb 2/7/2014 5/7/2014 Casual approved 4 Basudev 2/7/2014 5/7 / 2014 ill approve 5 a 2/7/2014 5/7/2014 Casual Accepted 6 A 2/7/2014 5/7/2014 Sick Approved I would like a report like this: Applicant's annual casual sick one 2 4 to 6 Basudev 1 to 4 I will query this query Using is a.applicant, is the case when a.type = 'annual' then (DateDiff (TO_DATE, FROM_DATE)) + 1 or 'Annual_consume' terminated as the case When a.type = 'Comfortable' (DateDiff (TO_DATE, FROM_DATE)) + 1 or ending in the form of "Casual_console", ca se when a.type = 'Ill' (DateDiff (TO_DATE, FROM_DATE) + 1 otherwise but it is showing data like this: Applicant Annual Casual Ill 2 A 4 A6 Basudev 2 Basudeva 3 Please help correct this problem. After "text...

osx - Problems SourceTree listing files in local repository as deleted -

We have two developers working on a large project that includes 30 small satellite web sites from two different stations. We have been facing problems with SOURCATRI in this fact that sometimes many files have been destroyed in the "Change of work copy" field in OSX station and requires reques A The main issue: Have been. But when we check that the files are still present in the Mac's project folder, then they are still there. We can not drag the file until we will not make any further changes, ignoring the change for each file from the file, or confirming the deletion of another file. Are committed This seems to be uncertain when one of us seems to push the change on the reserves. Although we do not know that it can be related to it, another issue that is happening well is that the folders should ignore the guitgn file Not requested b. Management (pushing, dragging, Collecting) on ​​the repository for the content, we are usin...

OCR library to read text from images(preferably python) -

I need to read text from some images, images are clear and very low on noise. So my basic idea was that text should be very easy to bring. (Very few I know) I have tested some Python libraries without success ( Python ), they get 10% right can do. I changed but it is still far from good. Here's an example: And the result of the following is: nemnamons Ill w_on lhggerllo '59' as \ M_P2ma \ vuu uu Ca fl lode omer Mom | Diana Mama | Diana Langerello 2vMnne = Tr2rspnn | Factory (Hexmee; Ledge Flow Loxxlank Flag w_o «w_o« cammem Am I doing wrong? Or is the OCR validation really bad? To get better results, you must pre-process the image, such as removing the noise. Later, Like def get_string (img_path): img = cv2.imread (img_path) img = cv2.cvtColor (IMG, CV2) to get the text of your image COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Some noise Kernel = N.P.On ((1, 1), NPUUT 8) IMG = CV2Dellet (IMG, Colonel, Iteration = 1) IMG = CV 2. Erode (IMG, Colonel, Iteration = 1) Remove...

Java path set in linux -

As shown in the image below, the linux environment is capable of setting the Java path, but when I put the Putty environment Again, the Java path is not set up ... so every time I open the bar, I have to set the Java path ... so how can I set it permanently ...? P> [Route @ IP-177-31-21-182 /] # Exportable JAVA_HOME = // opt / jdk1.7.0_55 [Root @ IP-177-31-21-182] # Export Java_home = / opt / JDK1 7.0_55 [Route @ IP-177-31-21-182] # Export JAVA_HOME = / opt / jdk1.7.0_55 / JR [Route @ IP-177-31-21-182 / # Export Path = $ Path: /opt/jdk1.7.0_55/bin:/opt/jdk1.7.0_55/jre/bin [Route @ IP-177-31-21-182] #javac /opt/jdk1.7.0_55/bin/ Javac [root @ ip-177-31-21-182] # ^ c [root @ ip-177-31-21-182]] # export javva_home = / opt / jdk1.7.0_55 for the current session only as a Java variable Jawa_Home will set up If you want to keep your changes consistently, you have to set it up in your user accounts. The .bash_profile file is located exactly at ~ / .bash_profile This will ...

javascript - How to take snapshot of a datagrid directive/ table in Angularjs? -

How can I get a snapshot of the DataGrade Directive (an HTML5 table used in the template) in the Angels app? Even if it can be obtained using Javascript, it will not be a problem. HTML5, more specificity with canvas object, and javascript allows you to do this. Not sure that you took the time to search this topic in SO, but here's a very advanced answer to solve the problem you're describing: You will be warned that it will work only on an HTML5-ready browser

Why using em as margin or padding unit in css? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर मुझे पता है कि em के रूप में फ़ॉन्ट आकार इकाइयों, यह हमेशा उत्तरदायी डिजाइन ट्यूटोरियल में चर्चा की जाती है। लेकिन कुछ वेबसाइटों में मैंने पाया कि वे का उपयोग भी करते हैं मार्जिन या पैडिंग की भी चौड़ाई की इकाई के रूप में । मुझे पता है कि वे इसे px में क्यों नहीं तय करना चाहते हैं, लेकिन क्यों केवल यूनिट का प्रयोग द्रव लेआउट के रूप में किया जाता है? em ? मान लें कि आप अपनी स्टाइलशीट में देखें और पीएक्स में 50 भिन्न फ़ॉन्ट-आकार की घोषणाएं ढूंढें। यह 50 स्थानों पर आपको उस फ़ॉन्ट आकार को एक मीडिया क्वेरी के माध्यम से बदलने की आवश्यकता होती है जब स्क्रीन का आकार बदलता है यह 50 चूसना अंक है। सभी 50 स्थानों में से सबसे पहले सभी के लिए बहुत सारे हैं, लेकिन वेबसाइटों की सबसे बड़ी संख्या है। लेकिन मान लीजिए कि उन 50 जगहों में वे सभी थे अब मीडिया प्रश्नों के माध्यम से आपको केवल शरीर पर फ़ॉन्ट-आकार बदलने की ज़रूरत है और यह परिवर्तन दस्तावेज़ के माध्यम से सभी तरह से कैस्केड करेगा और तदनुसार आकार समायोजित करेगा। इस...