
Showing posts from April, 2012

Find out if a String contain a value in an array in Java -

Is there a way to find out if there is any value in your string string []? This is my code: string s = "hello world! My name is bao" ;; String [] arr = new string [] {"o", "!", "-", "y", "z"}; (String item: arr) {if (s.contains (item)) {System.out.println ("string contains:" + item); } Else {System.out.println ("Not included in the string:" + item); }} Is there a way to do this? I do not want to use the for loop for this. It may slow down when the array contains 4000+ strings. For large arrays of strings, first it is to assign an array and target string to a HashSet . Duplicate characters will be removed from being a set , and compared with having the hash version will be faster. After that you can do some work of quick set subtraction to get your answer: string s = "hello world! My name is bao" ;; String [] arr = new string [] {"o", "!", "-...

How to listen to text modify event of group widget (Java SWT)? -

What do I do: when I change the title of the group widget (by calling setText ()) method), I need to check the headline, if there are some characters, then I will do something. The problem now is how to change the text of the group widget change the text? I tried addListener (SWT.Modify, listener); Method, (see examples given below), it does not work. import org.eclipse. Swt.SWT; Import; Import; Import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout; Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button; Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event; Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Group; Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener; Import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; Public class test {public static zero main (string [] args) {final display display = new display (); Shell shell = new shell (display); Shell.setLayout (new grid layout (1, wrong)); shell.setText ("Stackoverflow"); Last Gr...

sql - Need to fetch records from one table which is not present in another one table -

I have two tables, one table has three columns and the other is two columns. I need to get a record from Table 1, which is not present in Table 2. For example, enter Table 1 Table (C1Int, C2Int, C3Int) @ Table 1 values ​​(1,1,1) @ Table 1 Enter values ​​(1,2,2) INSERT INSERT @ Table 1 value in table 1 values ​​(1,3,3) (2,1,4) DECLARE @ Table 2 table (C1 INT, C2 INT) @ table 2 Enter values ​​(1,1) Table 2 values ​​include INSERT (1,2) I need the result as shown below C1C2C3---- ---- 1 3 3 2 1 4 This should work: Select Table 1 * 1 Table 1 from Left Otar to Table 1 on Table 2. C1 = Table 2 C1 and Table 1 C2 = Table 2. C2 Where Table 2 C1 is zero and table 2 C2 is null

php - How to retrieve amazon order id associated with magento salesorder through Magento API? -

I am using the following extension to recover my order from Amazon and Routke Com in Mementen and they are called Magnesto Selling against sales But now I want to get associated amazon order ID via the Memmington Soap API, but it is not returning to my information. I use salesorder.list C am This additional information section. You receive it from the order object. $ order-> getData ('extra_data'); You can see that this data has been serialized and retrieved data by unassigned. Amazon is associated with order number "channel_order_id" I have not tried this, but hopefully it will help you.

c - calculation of the length of the file doesn't work -

# शामिल "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" int main () {FILE * fp; Int noOfLines = 0; Char fname [] = "Rtl_Prod_Id.txt"; printf (fname); fp = fopen (fname, "आर"); चार च; // हर लाइन के लिए looping करें {ch = fgetc (fp); अगर (ch == '\ n') noOfLines ++; } जबकि (ch! = EOF); // अंतिम पंक्ति से पहले लाइन अगर (ch! = '\ N' & amp; amp; NoOfLines! = 0) noOfLines ++; fclose (एफपी); printf ( "% d", noOfLines); वापसी 0; } मैं बस मेरी फाइल में लाइनों की संख्या की गणना करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ वही मुझे कोई परिणाम नहीं लौटाता है मैं क्या कर रहा हूँ जो संभव गलतियाँ हैं पर्यावरण: एएक्स और कंपाइलर: सीसी धन्यवाद संपादित करें: मेरे प्रोग्राम को सफलतापूर्वक संकलित किया जाता है, लेकिन इसे निष्पादित करते समय। ओट फाइल में यह कुछ भी चालू नहीं होता पीएस: हालांकि मुझे जवाब मिल गया है। करने के लिए धन्यवाद । मुझे चार च; से int ch; बदलना पड़ा। लेकिन मुझे आश्चर्य है कि क्यों? चार घोषणाओं में क्या गलत है? । जैसा कि मैं '\ n...

How to sort or arrange the items of a listview in android? -

Can anyone tell me what is the way to sort or organize items in the list visit in Android? I searched it through Google, but I did not find any programs to do this. Please suggest .. Thank you for your valuable time! .. Archive. Use Data Comparator (Data, New Comparative & lt; YourDataModel & gt; () {@}, such as comparator for sorting / html>

ios - How should I distribute an OSX framework for use by developers of an application? -

Assume I'm building an application with dependency on a third party library, but I created myself It is - say, encouragement. I have packed the dependency into a framework that is the OSX method of working. How should I distribute the framework to the dependent application developers? If it were Windows then I was probably using Naboot, or on suitable Ubuntu etc. Python is PEP for this type of thing - is a standard macode method of working with a joint source; Binary Dependencies? Cheers. I can imagine 3 different ways of doing this: : This is the closest thing to you like "Package Manager" Create a Githab / BitBasket repository and use GIT for distribution Create a framework bundle and Distribute it via download (like packaged in. Or DMG) or email

python - Nest multiple yield functions without eval -

I have the following structure (which may need to be reworked, but I feel natural): DEF (BaseWire): If type (basware) == Generator type: Production from bassware: yield bassware DRT multiplier: Base type: Type (base) == Generator type: for item in bass : Produce item * 2 other: produce baseVar * 2 funcs = {'get': get, 'multiply': multiply} for result = 10 function f: result = funcs [f] (results) print (list) There will be another approach (but it is not dynamic) that the way I want to perform intelligent work, where a moving object is passed to each device, Getting more speed (theoretically) than: Multiply for the result (mill (10)): ... How do I The name of the function without any yield functions and nest generator object in one line, getattr Without hard coding again, what do you want to do if you have different jobs, on single elements Use the map: def get (x): return x def multiply (x): return x * 2 print (list (map (multiply), map (get, [...

c++ - How can I monitor Wifi status for Linux -

I want to write an application to monitor Wifi status, for example, if Linux connects to an AP, So I have a notification telling me that Wi-Fi is ready. What should I do if the "iw" and "wpa_cli" commands are available for the system? Create a new thread to scan WiFi every 5 seconds? Does anyone have a better solution for this? thank you in advanced. We are currently experiencing a radical change in that part of the Linux system. You have heard about the systemd debate? systemd will replace the good old SysV Init. In this process of changes, the way to monitor network interfaces will also change. Although today's distrust solutions are based on the scripts introduced by init (or upstart (on Ubuntu), the upcoming distort systemd script I have not worked with systemd yet, but I found this document on the Networking Monitoring topic: All the distributions agree that they can be as soon as possible systemd , so using a future proof solution ...

string - Convert a number to a duodecimal, replacing numbers to one of 12 letters in JavaScript -

I am working on a system to replace numbers with letters for listings. I use 12 letters, such as ABCEHKMOPTXY . Then such a replacement requires the use of the dodicimal number format. Here is the table for conversion results, which is important: 1 â ???? A2 - B3 - C ... 11 - X 12 - Y13 - AA 14 - AB ... 48 - CY-49 - EA ... 156 - YY157 - AAA 158 - AAB I try to use the .toString (12) to convert the number to a doudecimal and then change each letter to switch-case I replace it with letters, but the difficulties with round doudecimal numbers, like the result of 1884. 1883 - YYX 1884 - NY ** - wrong! Eg ** 1885 - AAAA This is my job, which works well for numbers up to 1884, but I need a more universal one. Please, help! function numToString (num) {var duodecimal = (+ num) .toString (12); Var numArray = duodecimal.split (''); Var lttrs = ''; (Var i = 0; i & lt; numArray.length; i ++) {switch (numArray [i]) {case '1': lttrs + = 'A'...

Does jQuery retrieve all assets when getting a page via ajax? -

If I retrieve a page with the jQuery AJAX function, but only removing a part of the returned content and that Part is similar to DOM ("PJX" principle, but not the use of that library), jQuery tries to load any related property (JS, CSS, image) which is the portion of the retrieved page Are linked to not I am trying to verify here that this page is not being ridiculously disabled by this method of loading content (that is, to retrieve the whole page and "partial on the server Contrary to the appearance of the form or "piecemeal" part of some similar material. Ajax response does not come with all the attached documents. When you image, css and js to dom element , the browser creates a request in your specified pa th to bring the document . Write a simple AJAX code and then check the Net tab in the firebug or the Network tab in Chrome , you can completely client server communication Ideas are really great when working with AJAX .

.htaccess - Remove parameters form URL via htaccess -

मैंने बदलने की कोशिश की http: // localhost / archives? Key = [uncicode स्ट्रिंग] http: // localhost / archives / [uncicode string] उदाहरण के लिए http: // localhost / archives? Key = س٠?? df से http: // localhost / अभिलेखागार / س٠?? df मैं यह कैसे कर सकता / सकती हूं? पुनर्लेखन ^ अभिलेखागार / ([। *] +) $ अभिलेखागार? कुंजी = $ 1 समस्या क्या है? यह नियम आज़माएं: रीवाइटएन्गइन ऑन रीराइटकंड% {THE_REQUEST} ^ [एजीड] {3,} \ s / + archives \? key = ([^ \ s & amp;] +) [एनसी] रीराइटरेउल ^ / अभिलेखागार /% 1? [आर = 301, एल, एनई] रीराइटकॉन्ड% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f पुनर्लेखनकंड% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -डी रिवेराइटियम ^ अभिलेखागार / ([^ /] +) /? $ / अभिलेखागार? कुंजी = $ 1 [एल, बी, पूर्वोत्तर, क्यूएसए]

ios - How to call a method in another thread? -

I have a tableview, but when I scroll to the table, my timer has to be stopped while scrolling and scrolling After calling it, I want to call that timer in the second thread. // This is my timer. [NSTimer Scheduled Timer WithTime Timeline: 1.0 Target: Self Selector: @Selector (TimerColded) userInfo: Zero Replay: Yes]; // This is another thread method I am trying to do this, but its not working dispatching_accept (send_gate_global_que (DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^ {[self timercalled;;}); Can anyone suggest me? NSTimer Usually when a table or other UIScrollView is scrolling, So there is no fire ??? Or by doing anything while placing a run loop in event tracking mode when we define a timer: [NSTimer scheduled timer with time interval: 0.5 targets: Self selector: @ selector (call_a_method :) userInfo: zero repeats: yes]; The timer is added to the default run loop mode, which is NSDefaultRunLoopMode which means your timers will be effectively stabilized whe...

Upload multiple files in android -

I used Corinthian.js and cordova-2.3.0.js to upload files, but these scripts The option to select multiple files to upload a server to asynchronous thanks in advance I'm not sure but I expected that you - HTML unable to open image despite correct location -

Despite the correct position, there is a problem opening an image (JPG) on the browser, the remaining image in the folder Are able to open. Link 1 - & gt; I need to do some advice or talk. Show my FTP link 2 - & gt; Dictionray Do you try to encode url into src Contribution of your image tag? (I find this link useful for a quick check): When the file name of your image is You can & lt; Img src = "encode with + and +% 2B + sign + in + url.jpg" />

ios7 - Get complete Touch Area/Space on the screen IOS -

Is there a way to find the area / location in the screen (like, if you put your thumb on the screen by thumb Need to back cover frame area)? In iOS 8.0 the new is the property of UITT, which should give you the necessary data: Use the value in this property to determine the size of the touch reported by the hardware This value is an approximation of the size and is different from the amount specified in the major RadiusTolerance property Could.

haskell - Same data structure is imported twice and cannot access underlying data -

I'm trying to get the line number out of SourcePos sourceline I therefore have the text Parsecos (SourcePos, Source Line) imported. However, another module ( Language.ECMAScript3.Syntax ) creates SourcePos , export as its own type but it sourceLine export does not do. This does not help me get this error: src \ Main.hs: 62: 53: `language. ECMAScript 3. Syntax 'with' text SourcePos' expected type: JavaScript Language.ECMAScript3.Syntax.SourcePos - & gt; [Four] Actual type: Javascript text. Parssec.Pos.SourcePos - & gt; [Four] .... list (one: rest) = one case (VarDeclStmt _ [VarDecl _ (id ln a) _]) - & gt; "\ Nvar" ++ (Show (Sourcelen (LN)) ++ (Show A) ++ List Otherwise - & gt; List rest big references: lookAtJs module source label func = case parseFromString SR count count -> "A test-case can not be parsed:" ++ "\ nError" ++ (shows error) OK JS-> Label ++ (Joy JS) list0 Tree = Case Tree (S...

java - Add value to arrayList in android -

I am trying to add the difference value in the array list ArrayList & lt; Integer & gt; arraylistPage1; {Int x = 0; for int j = 1; j and lt; = total page; j ++); (Int i = 1; i & lt; = rangeMode; i ++) {if (binary table [i] [j] == 1) {cardInPage [j] [x] = i; System.out.println ("Card Number:" + i); ArraylistPage1.add (i); Println (arraylistPage1); X ++; }} System.out.println ("Page -" + + "Total Card:" + + x); TotalCardInPage [J] = X; } But when I run it, the program stops. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks Change the code to ArrayList & lt; Integer & gt; arraylistPage1; {Int x = 0; for int j = 1; j and lt; = total page; j ++); Array list page 1 = new arreelist & lt; Integer & gt; (Border mode); (Int i = 1; i & lt; = rangeMode; i ++) {if (binary table [i] [j] == 1) {cardInPage [j] [x] = i; System.out.println ("Card Number:" + i); ArraylistPage1.add (i); Println (arraylistPage1); X ++; }}...

javascript - css image gallery with inner zoom -

I have a working interior-zoomable image using the code given below and I can zoom it out with a Imagine the image element selected in the image gallery, but the method of starting can not be understood. Would I wish to transfer the image to the second hyperlink ("img_02" src = ") below for the source. Any light can any shade please? & lt ; Html> gt; head & gt; script src = "../jquery-1.8.3.min.js"> gt; & lt; / script & gt; & lt; script src = "../ Jquery.elevatezoom.js "& gt; & lt; / script & gt; & lt; / head> gt; body & gt; & lt; img id =" zoom_01 "src =" ../images / package .jpg "data-zoom-image =" ../ images / package_big.jpg "> gt; & lt; img id =" zoom_01 "src =" ../ images / package.jpg "data-zoom-image =" ../ images / package_big.jpg "& gt; & lt; Div id = "zoom_01" & lt; a href = "#" data-...

sails.js - SailsJS: Transferring Facebook app secret to local.js file -

I am using PAL + passport for Facebook authentication in my app. I have a middleware file that includes: module.exports = {express: {customMiddleware: function (app) {passport.use (New FacebookStrategy ({ ClientID: "123456", Customer customer: "123456", callbackURL: "", passReqToCallback: true}, Since the app is open Therefore, I do not want to expose the customer's client GitHub. Sales documentation recommends using a local.js file which is ignored by git. Let me know this Did not find the local How can this function be returned from the file? Any help will be highly appreciated. The complete code is on GitHub: local.js is being loaded after all other config files, you might be using your clientID postprice = itemprop = "text" From Sails.config to config / passport.js via / code> and clientSecret . But simultaneously, the solution can also be simple: because both files...

sql - mysql query to fetch count of each status related to it's company courier -

मेरे पास दो टेबल हैं company_details ---- company_id, नाम, पता company_courier_status ---- courier_id, company_id, status स्थिति कॉलम में 0, 1, 2 मान होगा 0 --- प्रसंस्करण 1 --- सफलता 2 --- लौटा निम्नलिखित आउटपुट प्राप्त करने के लिए एक mysql क्वेरी कैसे लिखनी है अग्रिम धन्यवाद / P> आप नीचे की तरह कर सकते हैं: SELECT as company_name , एसएम (बी.स्टेटस = 0) के रूप में प्रोसेसिंग, एसएम (बी.स्टेटस = 1) सफलता के रूप में, एसएम (बी.स्टेटुस = 2) कंपनी द्वारा दिए गए एक कंपनी से दोबारा निवेश करें company_courier_status b पर a.company_id = b.company_id GROUP BY A.company_id,

php - Get the number of rows -

I need to get the number of lines of studentID and then count if the count is greater than 10. This is what I have written so far. But does not seem to work. $ findID = ID1231275; $ Gipct = mysql_query ("SELECT COUNT (studentID) to classFees where studentID = '" $ findID. "' '); If ($ gipct> 10) {echo ("$ gipct"); } $ searchID = 'id 1231275'; $ Gipct = mysql_query ("SELECT COUNT (studentID) classrooms as students where studentID = '$ searchID'"); $ Line = mysql_fetch_object ($ gipct); If ($ line-> Students & gt; 10) {echo $ row-> student; } The BTW, mysql_functions have been deprecated and can be removed in future versions, I recommend you see the PDF statement or the MyScal_Functions function.

sql - MySQL select max date or null date -

I want to select the maximum date or zero but it shows an error message. Error: SQLCODE = -104, SQLSTATE = 42601, SQLERRMC = IS;, case when MAX (date; conak, driver = 3.64.114) Original table is Employee code should resign date 001 1/2/2013 001 1/5/2014 001 tap 002 10/10/2000 EMPLOYEE_CODE RESIGNATION_DATE 001 False 002 10/10/2000 This is my query SELECT EMPLOYEE_CODE, in case When MAX (RESIGNATION_DATE IS is NULL) = 0 THEN MAX (RESIGNATION_DATE) by END as the date received from the EMALOMEECOCONTRACT group; Can anyone locate any problem? Thanks Can anyone figure out the problem? Condition in: Maximum (RESIGNATION_DATE IS NULL) = 0 You have MAX > as RESIGNATION_DATE is NULL Your query should be: select emp_code, res_da, select / em, first select zero emp_code * where res_date emp_code select UNION emp_code, MAX ( res_date) by maximum group * / select from maximum non-zero emp_code * / from Table_name where emp_code is not (select em...

cgi - Perl crypt() acting weird -

Once I'm using the function below to create a hash for download link (originally from prelomax) weird thing It is that I always get the same hash result. I'm RTFMing I've ensured that the crypt () function gets the last 8 characters of $ EXP, and $ EXP actually verifies changes too. I manually encrypt the crypt () function Have tried to feed with random values, only those people have done the right thing and hash result has changed. What am I missing here? Strict use; Use CGI; Sub Chash {My $ exp = $ _; My $ key = 'abcd1234'; // is not real $ my hash = crypt (substr ($ exp, -8,8), $ key); $ Hash = substart ($ hash, 2); $ Hash = ~ s / [^ a-zA-Z0- 9] // g; $ Hash = UK ($ hash); Return $ hash; } $ Exp = time () + 60; My $ hash = wrench ($ EXP); My $ download_url = "$exp-$hash"; You want to drag items before @_ Instead of trying to read $ _ in the sub my $ exp = shift; or My ($ exp) = @_; or my $ exp = $ _ [...

onchange - How to trigger OnChnage Event of Radio Button when its UnChecked -

I have an HTML table with courses of rows and columns. Each row has radio buttons and each line is a group of radio buttons, that means that I can select only one radio button in the row from all the columns. I am trying to set up a CSS on the selection of a radio button cell in my table, it is fine, but when I go to another radio button in the same line, when the radio button is grouped, the previous radio button D-silvered but the CSS remains there, because on the selection of any other radio in the group, the on-change event for the radio is not triggered, which are automatically selected. Is there a way to switch to selecting a section on the radio? How about: JS $ (function () {// (var tri = 0, tri & lt; 3; tri ++) {var $ tr = $ ('& lt; Tr & gt; '). AppendTo (Var' rai = 0; rai & lt; 3; rai ++) {var $ sp = $ ('& lt; span class = "radio-holder"> gt;'); Var $ rd = $ ('& lt; input type = "radio" n...

linux - Script: Rename and remove duplicate directories -

After I'm tailoring with a different version name like a directory structure / drivers / I2c_vl / drivers / I2c_vl_0 / drivers / I2c_v2_l / drivers / I2c_v3 / drivers / Spi_vl / drivers / Spi_v2 / drivers / Spi_v2_0 / drivers / spi_v2_1 I name change Need / drivers / i2c_v3 with / drivers / I2C to remove and drivers / i2c_v * and / drivers A. / spi_v2_1 with / drivers / SPI and remove / drivers / spi_v * name of the latest version at above the rest One of the version-enforcement directorates should delete them, rename it. Any help ... prefix = $ $ for p in prefixes (ls / drivers / * _ v * | sed 's /_.*//' | uniq); All = ($ ($ (ls -vr $ {p} _ *)) # Sort in reverse version order Latest = $ {all [0]} # First is the highest version of MV $ latest / driver / rename # such name This will not be removed by the wildcard below if [[$ $ # all [@]} & gt; 1]]; Then # check that other than multiple versions rm- rf $ {p} _ * # # non-versioned

java - Sending POST from Android Application -

With new Scala 2.11.0 do we still have to use Slick HList to overcome arity limit? -

Good news, Scala 2.11.0 has been released. They have finally set the fixed limit and for the case sections 22 My question relates to clever orm, do we still have to use the HIVIIT to overcome the emirate's border? There is no production ready for Scala 2.11.0 at this point. Only the milestone compiles the Slick version 2.1.0-M1 on the new Scala. Tuplicated & amp; The indispensable ways to compile are not present in those methods, if the classes arity & gt; By April 22, 2013, we still have used the HIVIST to overcome the Emirates border @Ra Jeans, thanks to Jean-Gilles who helped me in discomforting myself

how to parse the json url response of xignite Api using jquery -

To display gold rates by using iam xignite api, whenever the URL passes in JSON, It does not print any output, plz helps me down my code in this regard: var dmJSON = " GetLondonFixing? Symbol = XAU & Currency = USD "; $ .getJSON (dmJSON, function (data) {$ .each (data, function (i, f) {var tblRow = "& lt; tr & gt;" + "& lt; td & gt;" + f.Outcome + "& Lt; / td>" + "& lt; td & gt;" + f.price + "& lt; / td & gt;" + "& lt; / tr & gt;" $$ ( TblRow) .appendTo ("#AccessData");});}); Do not try to repeat in $. Try it: Here is the string that you return data & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ {Document} .ready (function ()...

php - Why does this if require a default? -

It is: session :: is ('vaccine')? Session :: Mill ('vaccine'): 1; I would like to leave it: 1 But then it fails for some reason, while TC is set up in the other? If you already know that the value of tk is You do not have to use the () function to check it. Use only: session :: find ('vaccine');

Parser XML in python -

I have some database like another IM in XML trying to parse it with Python 2.7: & lt; Team & gt; & Lt; Generator & gt; & Lt; TEAM_NAME & gt; TeamMaster & lt; / TEAM_NAME & gt; & Lt; Team_year & gt; 2000 & lt; / team_year & gt; & Lt; Team_city & gt; NewYork & lt; / Team_city & gt; & Lt; / Generator & gt; & Lt; Players & gt; & Lt; Definition name = "John V." Number = "4" age = "25" & gt; & Lt; Criterion Status = "Fove" side = "True" & gt; & Lt; Criterion website = "" version = "1" result = "true" /> & Lt; / Criteria & gt; & Lt; Object debit = "2003" version = "3" flag = "full" & gt; & Lt; History item_ref = "team34" /> & Lt; History item_ref = "predominance" /> & Lt; / Definition & gt; & Lt; Defini...

web services - How do I add custom interceptors to my annotation scanned spring-ws endpoint -

I am using Spring-II 2.1.4.RELEASE and Spring 3.2.8. RELEASE. I'm trying to add an interceptor to my endpoint, but there is no luck yet, though I think my setup is very basic. I have in my Spring-X XML: & Lt; / SWS: Interceptor & gt; & Lt; SWS: annotation driven /> & Lt; Reference: component-scan base-package = "" /> & Lt; Bean id = "MessageFeature" class = "" & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Payload Caching" Value = "Correct" /> & Lt; / Bean & gt; Spring-WS @ Action Annotations is used to address mapping in the annotated bean in my endpoint: @Endpoint ( "Medicin Card Index Endpoint") Public-Class MedicinesCardides {@ Action ("http: // someuriandversion # GetMedicineCardIdws") @ResponsePayload Public String getMedicineCard (@RequestPayload Element Payload, Soap Message Soap Messa...

Perl regex: How do you match multiple words in perl? -

I am writing a small script that should match all the strings in another file (the words "" and " "" And "symbol" also). The regex statement is currently being used, although it only generates results for '. () *' and ". () * " my @string_matches = ($ file_string = ~ /'(.*) ''" (. *) "/ G); print" \ n @ String_match "; How can I include" "or" symbols "in the results? (Print" string "instead of just the string) I try to search online But no content can be found on it $ file_string is basically a string version of an entire file. Use this: '(. *?)' | " It seems that the greedy operator returns your string to the last ' . Use this regex to lazy IMHO: [']] [^' '] * ? This will also solve the problem of not getting quotes inside your match. Demo here:

php - Formatting Arrays for json_encode -

I'm looking for days to try and piece together my solution, but still struggling I am I am struggling with some PHP and want to format it in Jason-Encoded so that I can use Nakout.JS. I have a DB that looks like this: | ID | Name | Price | | 1 | Action Name | First Work | | 1 | Workdays | Enter your first task. | 1 | Agenda | Very important. | 2 | Action Name | Second task. | 2 | Workdays | Enter your second task. | 2 | Agenda | Important | I am trying to get this response on my site with json_encode: [{"id": "1", " "Work name": "first work", "workday": "enter your first work", "agenda": "very important"}, {"id": "2", "function name": "second task", " Even today I have: code> $ user = 1; $ Task_sql = "Select * FROM` li_id` at INNER = li_details` on WHERE li_id.user = '". $ User =' $ '= ...

sql server - Transaction isolation for sql statements -

Can you determine the isolation level for plain SQL statements in the stored procedure in SQL Server 2005/2008? Case 1: (This will work fine) Start the construction process as MySpace Transparency insulation level Read unwanted tran read selected * MyTable COMMIT Case 2: (Is this isolation stuff works here?) Start the construction process as MySp to read the translation escalation level Cancel Select * MyTable from END If case 2 is correct, then this is what many Ynit will also work for the statements? If you a Transposition Assaltion Level in a stored procedure, this transaction isolation Level is used for the period of the stored proc as per: If you release or translate the SET Transformation Aslomation level in a stored procedure, when the object controls the return control Isolation level is applied to that object when ob Joint applies. Setting the transaction isolation level is not the same as starting a transaction. Transaction tells SQL Server to control ...

jquery - How to change name of attribute -

How can I change the name of the attribute, for example, I have "rel", and I want to change it "Rel2" When the site is ready, is it possible? var oldrel = $ (l) .attr ('rel'); $ (L) .attr ('rel2', oldrel) .removeAttr ('rel');

amazon web services - How to obtain AWS EC2 key-pair creation date? -

To use ec2 examples, we need to create an SSP key pair. Do I need to remove the date on which the key pair was created? Is it possible to use AS SDK APIs? The AWS does not provide a way to obtain the dates of the SDK dates, a key pair generated by the private key There is no API to retrieve the public key for some languages ​​via the SDK, although it is only accessible when running within an example 2 example because they curl Earns like / latest / meta-data / public-keys / 0 / openssh-key D run to get the key and metadata is only available from within the EC 2. It is being said that I have never heard of receiving a date from an SSH Key pair. If you can show me how this is done, then maybe I can remove some things that work for you. EC2 SSH key pair is no different from any other key pair. The answer to your question remains the same, SDK does not provide this function.

c# - ListBoxView populated using Linq based on TimePicker Value -

WPF सी # का इस्तेमाल करते हैं Xceed.WPF.Toolkit से TimePicker का उपयोग करें TimePicker नामक फाइल लोड करने में सक्षम होना चाहते हैं फ़ाइल के अंतिम लिखने के समय के आधार पर एक सूचीबैक के लिए प्रश्न: मैं Linq का उपयोग करते हुए लॉग टाइम चर के आधार पर सूचीबद्ध फाइलों को सीमित करना चाहूंगा और जहां फ़ाइलों को लॉग टाइम से मेल करना होगा सूची बॉक्स की आबादी के लिए कोड वर्तमान में निजी void LoadLogsNoDate (स्ट्रिंग ldate, string ext) {string [] लॉग = directory.GetFiles (logPath + ldate, ext); InitializeComponent (); logList = नया निरीक्षणीय कलेक्शन & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; (); logList.Clear (); LbLogs.ItemsSource = logList; Foreach (लॉग में स्ट्रिंग लॉगनाम) {string s = logName.Substring (logName.IndexOf (ldate) + ldate.Length + 1); int extPos = s.LastIndexOf ("।"); // & lt; - एक्सटेंशन s = s.Substring (0, extPos) पाता है; // & lt; - एक्सटेंशन s = s.ToUpper () निकाल देता है; // & lt; - अपरकेस लॉग लिस्ट में बदल जाता है। जोड़ें (एस); // & amp; lt; - यह पाया गय...

ios - UITableview with images scroll very slowly -

After I downloaded a UITableView its UITableViewCell which is a Images. Server I noticed that the table scrolls very slowly - (UITableViewCell *) tableView:. (UITableView *) tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath {static NSString * Cell identifier = @ "Pendulum cell"; JBParallaxCell * cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: CellIdentifier]; NSURL * imageUrl = [NSURL URLWithString: [[News objectAtIndex: indexPath.row] objectForKey: @ "Resim"]]; NSDTA * ImageData = [NSDTATA DATAVITY content of the: imageURL]; UIImage * imageLoad = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData: imageData]; cell.titleLabel.text = [[News objectAtIndex: indexPath.row] objectForKey: @ "Eddie"]; cell.subtitleLabel.text = [[News objectAtIndex: indexPath.row] objectForKey: @ "Resim"]; Cell. Pattern image. Image = image load; cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone; Return cell; } You are loading the image file on the mai...

java - Don't show ads for Android API 8 or lower -

Users with Android version 2.2 (API 8) do not appreciate the ads in my Android application. I want to disable ads for this orroid version or less. Is there any such type if / else statement that prevents showAdsBanner () and showAdsInterstitial () functions from being loaded? This way ads will not be loaded and will be shown to my users. DroidGap applies in the public category app AdListener {Personal handler mHandler = new Handler (); Private Ad Visual Ads; Private Interstelliad Interstitial; Override public null on @reate (bundle saved instainstate) {super.naught (savedinstenstate); Super.loadUrl (Config.getStartUrl ()); ShowAdsBanner (); MHandler.postDelayed (new Runnabal) (Public run zero () {showAdsInterstitial ();}}, 2500); }} I am quite new to Java and I can not get a solution to work. I would greatly appreciate any help. Thank you if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT> 8 } {ShowAdsBanner (); MHandler.postDelayed (new Runnabal) (Public run zero () {showAdsInterstitial (...

ios - Resize text view and table view cell dynamically in static table view -

I have a static table view that I am using as a script for data entry for my app. One of those cells has a UITXTView, which dynamically increases and contracts as a user type, as well as the cell is growing / shrinking with it logically. I've read many posts on this, but I think I'm throwing because I'm using a static table view. Here's my resizing attempt (much more unsuccessful): - (zero) text view view: (UITextView *) textView {self.numberOfLines = (textView.contentSize .height / textView.font.lineHeight) - 1; Float height = 44.0; Height = = (textView.font.lineHeight * (self.numberOfLines - 1)); Cgrtt text viewfreight = [text view frame]; TextViewFrame.size.height = Height - 10.0; // 10 values ​​that I want to retrieve the height padding at the same time when I started the UITextView [textView setFrame: textViewFrame]; [Self.tableView startupdates]; [Self.tableView and Updates]; [Self. Set the message text under the resource: UIEdgeInsetsZero]; } - (CGFloat)...

multithreading - What is the best way of threading while using c++ to create windows form application in visual studio? -

I am trying to create a Windows Forms application that waits for a message from the customer using the socket. But the program has been shown in the task manager as not answering. Therefore, to avoid this IM plan to use another thread to run the waiting process. However, limited threading options are limited during the development of C ++ in Visual Studio 2010 Pls help std :: thread is in VisualStudio 2010. You can use any other means of threading based on your needs, such as (Free and Openers) or (commercial). Personally, I will go to the Promotion: Thread , unless there was no need for a late conversion in C ++ 11, in that case I Just :: Thread , which is std , it is very easy to get up and running and no effort is made for basic tasks. There is more information about me Note that the concept is common in two libraries

matlab simple for loop -

I have 200 rows of data and I am trying to remove specific numbers from column 3 which is 1, 2 , 3, or 4, in column 1 (randomly duplicated). I associated those numbers with column 1 in column 1 E = C (C (:, 1) == 1, [3]); So I have assumed that I can remove all those 2 related to 1 then use 3 to 3 and 4 for i = 1 4; E = C (C (:, 1) == I, [3]); Finally But I have all the data related to all 4 of this column 1. If I change it in 1: 3 then I get data related to 3S. I tried to write it for for I = [1,2,3,4] , but then in column 1, get the number from column 3 related to column 3. I'm sure this is a simple error, but any help would be greatly appreciated thanks. The problem is that you are overwriting the value of e Through time, so in the end you just left with the last walk. If you are not guaranteed to have the same number of results each time through the loop (for example, the different numbers are 1 s and 2 s), you can use a cell array to store th...

ruby - Gitlab project - failed to run "rails generate" -

Introduction I have a gitlab installation on a local LCD container which is running Ubuntu 13.10 - saucy. I have installed RVM as a multi-user installation - to do / usr / local / rvm The gitlab application is running properly but I have a problem generating rail / li> $ cd / home / git / gitlab $ source / etc / profile / use $ rvm gemset ruby_2.1.1@gitlab - I A custom made gemset $ gem list - lists all the gems that in Gemfile Appears for Gitlab, so I know I am on the correct gemset $ rails -v - & gt; Rails 4.0.3 generate $ rails --help output / usr / local / rvm / gems / ruby-2.1 .1 @ global / gems / bundler-1.5.3 / lib / bundler / runtime.rb: 76: In `requirement ': such a file can not load - / usr / local / rvm / gem-rb-inotifa (load) Err) /ruby-2.1.1@global/gems/bundler-1.5.3/lib/bundler/runtime.rb: 76: requires 'block (2 levels)' / usr / local / rvm / gems / Ruby 2.1 from '.1 @ Global / Gems / Bundler-1.5...

clearcase - Deliver specific delivered activities(deliver.xxxx) from developer stream to Integration stream -

I'm getting error Post delivery: code once our remote server 2 and the remote server local Scale is remote SDS for the impact of the case, we manually ct deliver -complete execute, but I get the errors. Errors user @ s007246a ~] $ tailf xxx_sds.deliver.log activity: deliver.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 "activity: deliver.2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222" activity: deliver.3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 "activity: deliver.4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 "cleartool: ** error: unable to set change in reading for entry activity" 33333333333333333333333 "** cleartool: error: unexpected error unable to convert the elements of the elements Cleartool: error: save B. Cleartool: Error: Unable to Merge Cleartool: Error: Unable to Integrate Cleartool: Error: Unable to deliver stream "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...

parsing - ENBF to JavaCC difference between [] and {} -

मेरे पास EBNF में निम्नलिखित 2 उत्पादन नियम हैं: & lt; charliteral & gt; :: = '' '[& lt; प्रिंट करने योग्य & gt;]' '' और & lt; स्ट्रिंग लिटरल & gt; :: = '"' {& lt; प्रिंट करने योग्य & gt;} '' दोनों के बीच अंतर क्या है? [] 1 या अधिक पुनरावृत्तियों का अर्थ है और {} 0 या अधिक पुनरावृत्तियों का अर्थ है? ईबीएनएफ में, [एक्स] का मतलब 0 या 1 एक्स और {X} से 0 या अधिक X का अर्थ है। जावासीसी में, [X] व्याकरण निर्माण के लिए 0 या 1 एक्स का अर्थ है; नियमित अभिव्यक्ति प्रस्तुतियों में, आपको (X) का उपयोग करना चाहिए? इसके बजाय जावा सी में 0 या अधिक एक्स को व्यक्त करने के लिए (एक्स) * ।

android - Sending Integer to Json Call -

Actually "speaking rigidly, Jason has been implicated, so you can not send it as an integer, This is a string. "It is said 2 years ago, so I wonder if there is any change in JSON to get an integer from the JSON object. I try to call the integer this way; Fixed Ent version CODE = 0; JsonObject = new JSONObject (results); JSONObject queryJSONObject = jsonObject.getJSONObject ("query"); VersionCode = queryJSONObject.getInt ("versionCode"); And JSON is like this; {"query": {"versionCode": 1, ....}} Can anything be done? Thank you. Follow this You can use the GetString () function to get the value

regex - Shortcut for matching accented characters -

regex में, शॉर्टकट हैं, जैसे \ w या az । उसी तरह, सभी चाहने वाले चिह्नों को लिखने का एक विकल्प है (उदाहरण के लिए, [éèàêâûôîùÈ ...] में \ ê )? उदाहरण के लिए: $ t = "सामान्य पाठ éèàêâûôîùÈ अधिक पाठ "; Preg_match_all ('/ [^ \ P {लैटिन} \ x00- \ x80] + / u', $ t, $ m); print_r ($ मी); परिणाम: सरणी ([0] = & gt; सरणी ([0] = & gt; éèàêâûôîùÈ)) असल में, यह सभी "लैटिन" वर्ण (= अक्षर) का चयन करता है, जो कि निम्न ascii range (= a..z) में हैं यकीन नहीं है कि अगर इसे "शॉर्टकट" कहा जा सकता है;)

coldfusion - How to share a cookie between diffrent domains? -

मेरे पास एक व्यवस्थापक वेबसाइट (उदाहरण:) और सार्वजनिक वेबसाइट जैसे (और) मैं चाहता हूं एक कुकी बनाएं जिसमें से दोनों वेबसाइट पर साझा किया जाएगा। यहां दोनों सार्वजनिक वेबसाइटें अलग-अलग URL के साथ एक समान हैं तो कुकी साझा करने के लिए मैं डोमेन विशिष्ट कुकी बना रहा हूं & lt; cfcookie name = "admin" value = "xyz" डोमेन = "।" & gt; तो कुकी से ऊपर जो बनाया जाएगा से साझा किया जाएगा, लेकिन साथ नहीं। क्या कोई मुझे बताएगा कि मैं किसके लिए एक ही कुकी को साझा करूं? संक्षिप्त उत्तर यह है कि आप नहीं कर सकते जहां तक ​​उपयोगकर्ता ब्राउज़रों का संबंध है और एक ही ( डोमेन के उप डोमेन हैं ताकि वे एक ही व्यक्ति के स्वामित्व में हो सकें इसका मतलब है कि आप इसे सेट अप कर सकते हैं ताकि आपके द्वारा साझा किए गए साझाकरण को देखा जा सके। दुर्भाग्यवश जैसा कि आपने देखा है किसी डोमेन को साझा नहीं करता है ताकि आप उन्हें डोमेन कुकीज के रूप में साझा नहीं कर सकें। इसमें गोल करने के कुछ तरीके हैं I मेरे स...

selenium webdriver - Finding Webelement using ID with Curly Braces -

I'm trying to find the ID of the table using selenium WebDriver, but so are errors in it Unable to find element Please have a suggestion, am I doing wrong? & lt ;? Table ID = "{EB2E32F8-B236-42CD-9425-49BB4EA9DB01} - {A85091D3-69F3-419D-98EE-0FEBD1C3CC65}" class = "MS listviewtable" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "1" border = "0" onmouseover = "EnsureSelectionHandler (event, this, 11)" dir = "no" o: webquerysourcehref = "& amp; XMLDATA = 1 & amp; RowLimit = 0 & amp; View 2D0FEBD1C3CC65 =% 7BA85091D3% 2D69F3% 2D419D% 2D98EE% % 7D "xmlns: o =" urn: schemas -micotr-com: office: office "summary =" cloned configuration "Onmousden ="; return Onteblmausdaun (event) "handledeleteinit =" true "& gt; I'm trying to find the table using the ID driver.findElement ( ( "{EB2E32F8-B236-42CD -9425-49BB4EA9DB01} - {A85091D3-69F3-41...

ubuntu - Owncloud 6 and Nginx -

I will configure my home PC for Nkclue 6 by NGNA at Ubuntu 14.04. When I receive only one "502 - Bad Gateway" error, when I https: // localhost / owncloud / or https: // localhost / I am These are the configuration files that I use. /etc/nginx/nginx.conf User www-data; Worker_processes 2; Pid /run/; Events {worker_connections 768; } Http {sendfile on; Tcp_nopush on; Tcp_nodelay on; Keepalive_timeout 65; Types_hash_max_size 2048; Include /etc/nginx/mime.types; Default_type application / octet-stream; Access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log; Error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log; Jeez; Gzip_disable "msie6"; Include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf; Include / etc / nginx / sites-enabled / *; } / etc / nginx / sites-enabled / default server {80 default_server; Listen [::]: 80 default_server ipv6only = on; Root / usr / share / nginx / www /; Index index index.htm index.php; Server_name localhost; Location / {try_files $ uri $ uri / = 404; } Location...

How to concatenate a variable to a string in smarty? -

मैंने चतुर कोड का पालन किया है: {foreach = $ preview_data key = key आइटम = मान} मैं एक इकाइयों _ स्ट्रिंग को वैरिएबल $ की में समाहित मान को जोड़ना चाहता हूं। मैं कोड के ऊपर की कोशिश की लेकिन यह काम नहीं किया। यह कैसे प्राप्त करें? $ की सिर्फ एक चर है, एक ही वाक्यविन्यास का उपयोग करें: & lt; input type = "hidden" class = "form-control" name = "units _ {$ key}" id = "यूनिट _ {$ key}" value = "{$ value.units}" & gt ;

python - Using string with while loop -

O people are new to the development of dragon. I'm just a beginner My problem is that I typewriter . My code is & gt; & Gt; & Gt; TIP = "SDDF`` while tip: tip = tip + 1 print (tip); An error occurs when I run the code above like Traceback (most recent call final): File "& lt; Pythhell # 12 "in line, 2, in & lt; module & gt; tip = tip + 1 type error: the 'int' object can not be converted into a strip I I have tried this solution on the internet but I did not find it .. You can help me people first ... thank you ... Thanks in advance First of all: your indentation is wrong second: as mentioned above, you can not 'add' string and integer , You can still add the string to the second string, which is '1' (a character). Finally, your loop is infinite and your program never Also does not end ...

java - hibernate collections with inheritance -

My case is a form with categories, questions, answers ... in a form there are different categories, of which Everyone has different questions and these questions give one or more possible answers. In my implementation of Java, I give an object called tree object which implements all the relations between the elements (and other common properties as the date of creation ...). This object has a list of children and is a parent to follow the hierarchy of the form. Then, categories, forms and other elements increase this class and add some extra functionality. Databases with the specific data for each common data (tree object) and child and parent relationship, and some other tables (forms, categories, ...) for each one, I InheritanceType JOINED Use the Tree Object Class code (updated to include @ kostja comments): @Antity @ table (name = "TREE_OBJECTS") @ Inheritance (strategy = inheritance type.joint) Public abstract class Mr. object Otryobakt {@Id @GeneratedValu...

.net - Cannot see xml comments from dll in a project -

I commented or acts with a .dll created XML and Subs: '' '& lt; Summary & gt; '' The path of this assembly '' '& lt; / Summary & gt; '' '& Lt; Returns & gt; Assembly & lt; / Returns & gt; '' '& Lt; Comment & gt; & Lt; / Comments & gt; Public function GetactiveProgrammPath () String Dim exeName, exedir string exeName = Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.Location exedir = Path.GetDirectoryName (exeName) as the Return exedir end function I The .dll reference can not be seen in another project and XML comments. Any ideas why? I was built followed You really xml file of instructions? Page appear to be linked not to mention it to Right-click on your project. -> Settings -> Build -.> Check "Xml documentation file" when you build your project, you must produce two MyProject.dll and MyProject.xml files. Your other project should now be able to...

javascript - How to get the first and last date of the previous week? -

I'm trying to get the first and last date of last week . My code gets the first and last date of the current week var curr = new date; Var First Day = New Date (curr.setDate (curr.getDate () - curr.getDay ())); Var Last Day = New Date (curr.setDate (curr.getDate () - curr.getDay () + 6)); The program that you run will only start the last week and end dates . var date = new date (); Var Dummy = Date.GetDay (); Dummy = Dummy + 7; Date.setDate (date.getDate () - dummy); Warning ("Last Day First Day:" + date); Date.setDate (date.getDate (+6); Warning ("last week last day:" + date); Best of luck.

c# - Benefit of IoC container in MVVMLight -

What is the benefit of IOC container in MOVVM light? What is the benefit of ViewModelLocator? Why not start the visual-model directly in XAM file like below? & lt; UserControl & gt; & Lt; UserControl.DataContext & gt; & Lt; VM: MainViewModel / & gt; & Lt; /UserControl.DataContext> & Lt ;! - Other user control element here - & gt; & Lt; / UserControl & gt; It is perfectly ok to install the visual model in Xaml, but there are some things in this account ... When you use Xaml for the visual model, the VM constructor is the main The window is called during the InitializeComponent method. This means that VM will be built on the UI thread. Besides, when you use XML, it's like 'hard-coding' VM and it defeats late bond and module detection, which is an integral role in large composite applications. relates to a certain extent from the previous point of view, some teams have to decrypt everything and use the configuration ...

Failed to decode JSON in HTTP request -

I'm using to make a 'DELETE' HTTP request. This is exactly the same as the header and the request URL for 'get in' header: header: {'content-type': 'application / json; The 'received' request works, whether I put the method: 'received' or not 'charset = utf-8', 'authorization': 'OAuth' + ironToken} Inside Parse.Cloud.httpRequest () . This works, even if I send some data as body: (which is ignored). However, for the 'DELETE' request, I have to send body: body: {'id': ['someMessageId']} {"status": "content-length": "32", "content-type": "400", " Header ": {" Access-Control-Permission-Origin ":" * "," Connection ":" Keep-alive "," Content-Length ":" Application / Jason "," Date ":" Tuesday, May 06, 2014 10:15:27 GMT "}," text ...

Javascript regex function wont initiate -

I need to do some verification using regular expressions in javascript. 8 of my 10 regexs work like a magic except this one, I have tried many changes in my regex and code, firebug, dreamware, participated in many browsers, code Will not be cautious, the problem is in the function and I can not point to my fixer on it. Here is a test version of my code: Function valid DO_B () {var regexDOB = / ^ (jan | feb | mar | apr | may | jun | Jul | august | september | october | november | DEC) ([0-9]) {4} $ / i; Var check dob = "jan1888"; // document.form.DateofBirth.value; If (regexDOB.test (checkDOB) == incorrect) {Warning ("Date of birth should be in the following format: jan1990 (example)"); //document.form.DateofBirth.focus (); return false; } And if (2014 - eval (checkDOB.substr (3,4)) 19) Alert ("You must be at least 19 years old"); //document.form.DateofBirth.focus (); return false; } And {warnings ("true"); Back true; }} // validate DOB ...

python - Ajax sidebar in Django -

I'm doing a part of my blog in Django, almost part of the blog, but on every page I have a timetable There is a sidebar with schematic changes (i.e. when a teacher is sick and classes will teach lessons with other teachers in other classes). What would be the best way to implement it? I've heard of templatetags, RequestContext and other such things. This is my first project project and every day I am learning new things. Now I have an app in the project that is called blog (These are the models: post , categories and page ; page is like a flatpage, but it's a ForeignKey ). The project's is forwarded to each request (next to / admin ) on blog.urls , where further action is taken (Fair visual class). The scenes have been written using common ideas and class succession. Contains: PostLineView, PostView, Pageviews . PageListView is unnecessary because the user is able to select page from the main navbar. 'Sidebar changes' should all...

kendo ui - Filter datasource against another datasource -

I am in a situation where I have two different types of UI datasource, and both of them have a field called "ID". Datasus 1 Datastra 2 Now I need the following: Apply the group on the first data and data source 1 (this Then populate a list with only those items that have an ID that is also part of DataSource 2 I tried this list with a script in the view template, but when the item is "excluded", it produces a below Li-element Is. Any thoughts? I got help from teleic support to solve this. Here's the solution: Because it does not have the functionality that you are looking for, you'll need to implement it manually. Firstly you have to filter the data source, then through the results loop and other data will need to get items that match the one you find (matching ()) method. You can then push items to a new data source that you can use to display the list of the template. This works great.

javascript - Jquery, Disable Browser Shortcut keys -

I'm trying to block some browser shortcut keys for my projects like if the user presses the F1 key The new page should open the project, but browse to its help page Browse if I press Ctrl + N then it should open a specific page but open the browser in a new window. Here my code is I ( ) $ ('body'). Keypress (function) {if (event.keyCode == 17 & amp; amp; amp; and event.keyCode == 110} {warning ("new");} and {event.preventDefault ();} }); It seems that you can not interfere with ctrl + key combinations, for which special words can be used. Browser (at least it looks like Chrome 34's status). Take a look at some ways to show keys and key combinations. Note that when pressing ctrl + n , the keydown handler still triggers state transit (observation of alerts on keystroke sequence ctrl + n , shift + n Proof of this is , shift + n ). However, I have not found a way to stop the browser from claiming keystrokes with meaning in the UI (which...

Custom Horizontal Scroll view with image not smooth when scroll in Android -

I am used in this application in my horizontal scroll view class. It was not good at scrolling, so please help to scroll any one easily and post some sample. You reference this link for a horizontal approach

cordova - ondeviceready and backbutton are not working in phonegap android? -

document.addEventListener ("ondeviceready", फ़ंक्शन () {चेतावनी ("123");}, सच) ; Document.addEventListener ("बैकबुटन", फ़ंक्शन () {अलर्ट ("123");}, सच); // मैंने भी फ़ंक्शन को अलग से इस्तेमाल किया, लेकिन काम नहीं किया // मैं सही कॉर्डोबा पुस्तकालय का उपयोग कर रहा / / / मैंने इस कोड को बाहरी जेएस फाइल में रखा था, फिर भी इसका काम नहीं किया। // मैंने इसे किसी भी अन्य जेएस फ़ाइल को एचटीएमएल / उसी में शामिल करने से पहले भी बुलाया था, उसी तरह 'बैकबुटन' घटना & lt; head & gt; & Lt; meta http-equiv = "सामग्री-प्रकार" सामग्री = "पाठ / html; वर्णसेट = UTF-8" / & gt; & Lt; मेटा नाम = "प्रारूप-पता" सामग्री = "टेलीफोन = नहीं" / & gt; & Lt; मेटा नाम = "व्यूपोर्ट" सामग्री = "उपयोगकर्ता-स्केलेबल = नहीं, प्रारंभिक-स्तरीय = 1, अधिकतम-पैमाने = 1, न्यूनतम-स्तरीय = 1, चौड़ाई = डिवाइस-चौड़ाई, ऊंचाई = डिवाइस-ऊंचाई, लक्ष्य-घनता डीपीआई = डिवाइस- dpi "/ & gt; ...