
Showing posts from February, 2013

angularjs - Angular UI-Router nested tabs, switch and switch back to where we left off -

please click on "left" "Link 2 "to expand Click" right " Click" Left "- link 2 is no longer expanded Q: How can the left tab "Remember" that was displaying "Link 2" when we tab away from it and then come back to it? (I also want to do this for the right tab) Please note that I do not want to hack the official angular (UI router, etc.) code by any means. Also, I like that Link 1 stands first by default when Left is displayed or selected (with the same default on the right). But can it be a subject for a different question? You can do it very easily. Set different states for each tab at the same level 1) Register the $ stateChangeSuccess listener on $ rootScope . If the state .includes ("left") or .includes ("right") , then keep track of the destination status and its states. 2) Change a $ state on the $ rootScope change listener. If the state is at .is ("left")...

Unbound variable in python -

I'm trying to create a toy singleton in Python for learning the language and simultaneously running into a problem. I am declaring such a class. class error logger: #include which provides logging in file instance = a df getInstance (): # Our singleton " Constructor "for example no one is: print" foo " when I file "/ home / pal / call Projects / Space / SRC / Error Laggar ", line 7, if there is no example in getInstance: unbound local error: local variable 'example' referenced before assignment what's happening here , Should be assigned statically as an example? What would be the right way to do this? This is a static variable in the form of the ErrorLogger prefix. Class error: Homeless: # Singleton which provides a file instance = any logging @staticmethod def getInstance (): # If our singleton "constructor" error logger .instance is none: print "foo"


नीचे एसक्यूएल देता है -811 या नौकरी रद्द हो जाती है अद्यतन दर एक SED.D_PROC_RATE_END = '1234' कहां मौजूद है (A.C_PROCEDURE का चयन करें, A.C_SPECIALTY, A.C_PROV_TYPE, A.C_PROCEDURE_MOD प्रोक बी वाम बाहरी से A.N_PROC_RATE शामिल हों दरें एक पर A.C_SPECIALTY = '181' और A.C_PROV_TYPE = बी C_PROV_TYPE और A.C_PROCEDURE = B.C_PROCEDURE और (A.C_PROCEDURE_MOD = B.C_PROCEDURE_MOD या A.C_PROCEDURE_MOD IS NULL) और (A.D_PROC_RATE_END शून्य है या A.D_PROC_RATE_END = '12 / 31/9999 ') और A.N_PROC_RATE = क्या इस एसक्यूएल को प्रत्येक रिकॉर्ड को कम से कम क्वैरीटिया में अपडेट नहीं किया जाएगा? हम जवाब नहीं दे सकते कि यह हर पंक्ति अपडेट करेगा या नहीं। हमें डेटा नहीं पता है अगर EXISTS () विचलित हर बार एक 'सच्चा' मान देता है, तो यह हर पंक्ति को अपडेट करेगा; अन्यथा यह नहीं होगा। इस क्वेरी को पहले चलाएं: SELECT A.C_PROCEDURE, ए.सी.विपेतिटी, एसी_PROV_TYPE, A.C_PROCEDURE_MOD, A.N_PROC_RATE दरों से एक कहां मौजूद है (चयन A.C_PROCEDURE, A.C_SPECIALTY, A.C_PROV_TYPE,...

python - Recursive Function for drawing a tree in Turtle -

I am trying to attract a tree using a recursive function. This is my best shot I know I am away, but there is a problem in trying to fix it. Any help would be appreciated! Def svTree (trunkLength, level): "Turtle" uses the drawing function to return a tree with input of a certain level: two integer, trunk length and level " NewtrunkLength = trunkLength * .5 if level == 1: Penup () Other: Forward (trunk langement) left (45) svTree (trunk langang * 0.5, level -1) right (90) forward (trunkLength * .5) svTree ( TrunkLength * 0.5, Level-1) Left (45) Backward (trunk length) Right (trunkLength) Right (45) svTree (trunkLength * 0.5, Level-1) Left (90) svTree (trunkLength * 0.5, Level-1) Right (45) backward (trunkLength) svTree Return (newtrunkLength, Level-1) Here's my new attempt: I think it's close because I can make Y but then I think my recursive step Faulty ... please help! Thanks! Def svTree (trunkLength, Level): Uses turtle drawing functions to return a tre...

jQuery check .hasClass('[class*="myclass-"]'); -

मेरे पास एक वर्ग की कक्षाएं शुरू होती हैं, जैसे myclass-s1 , myclass-b10 , myclass-ss1 आदि। क्या jQuery के क्लास की जांच है अगर क्लास का नाम 'myclass-'? आप का उपयोग कर सकते हैं ($ ('div')। है ('[class ^ = myclass]')) {// अपने सामान यहां हैं }

linux - CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection: ORA-12541: TNS:no listener -

Then I'm trying to connect to db Oracle using oci8 from php application. It works fine in Windows Ora-12,541: TNS: Any listener CDbConnection Tried to fail to open the DB connection p> I have oci8 installed in Linux machine (RHEL6) Oracle server is running in windows In my tnsnames.ora, the listener. Ora are the hosts 'localhost'. listener = (DESCRIPTION_LIST = (Description = (ADDRESS = (Protocol = IPC) (key = EXTPROC1521)) (ADDRESS = (Protocol = TCP) (Host's Like = * * localhost **) (port = 1521))) Is this a problem? Or else how to fix it? Is your Oracle listener running? The most common cause of a listener error is not due to the Oracle listener running in the background You can do this in Linux by ntsysv Areas can be configured via

Clear specific validation group in javascript -

मैं एक विशिष्ट सत्यापन समूह को Page_ClientValidate ('validationgroup') का उपयोग करके मान्य कर सकता हूं; अगर मैं किसी पृष्ठ में सभी मान्यताओं को रीसेट करना चाहता हूं। Page_ClientValidate (''); यह ठीक काम करता है लेकिन विशिष्ट सत्यापन समूह को कैसे साफ़ करें? आप सभी मान्यताओं को साफ़ करने के लिए निम्नलिखित जावास्क्रिप्ट का उपयोग कर सकते हैं फ़ंक्शन स्पष्ट ValidationErrors () {var i; (I = 0; i & lt; Page_Validators.length; i ++) के लिए (पेज_वैलिडेटर्स [i] .style.display = "none"; }}

sql server - Searching the data from database -

I have to search the data based on the month and year from the database and the data should be displayed on the scene in grid view format. Used two different tables, one table and other details for storage of only one month and year, and in this table, I have used reference key in the table of months and years. Now I have to get the data based on this reference key. Please help. I am the new ASP.Net MVC Please see "Creating Our Data Model Object" topic by Scott Gujarat . Plus plus which talk about Linq to Sql (unit framework).

java - How to increase the mcrypt-generic-init key size from 8 to 16? -

When I run encryption, I get an error: Warning: mcrypt_generic_init () [function.mcrypt-generic - init]: The size of the key is too large; Supply Length: 16, Max: 8 My code: $ size = mcrypt_get_block_size ('des', 'ecb'); $ Input = pkcs5_pad ($ input, $ size); $ Key = '* 5hS7e6 $ 23 n # 2m7s'; $ Td = mcrypt_module_open ('des', '', 'ecb', ''); $ iv = mcrypt_create_iv (mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size ($ td), MCRYPT_RAND); Mcrypt_generic_init ($ td, $ key, $ iv); $ Data = mcrypt_generic ($ td, $ input); Mcrypt_generic_deinit ($ TD); mcrypt_module_close ($ TD); $ Data = base 64_ode ($ data); $ Return data; I'm trying to write an encryption & amp; Decryption between Java (code provided by Java developer) & amp; PHP. But Java only supports 16 characters. Thank you. You can not DEE encryption key length supports 56bit (7 characters), block size 64 Bit (8 characters). More characters are useless, I do not know how l...

excel - edit cells using userform search function -

I want to edit data on a worksheet's cells using a userform and text box and a pair of combo boxes . This is the code that I use to go through the data of cells: Private sub-combo box 1_Click () Dim rfound as the range on error Next start with Sheets ("IO-DB"), set = rfound = .Column (1). Find (what: = ComboBox1.Value, After: =. Room (1, 1), LookIn: = xlValues, LookAt: = _ xlWhole, SearchOrder: = xlByRows, SearchDirection: = xlNext, MACCYZ: = incorrect_, searchformat: = Incorrect) Go to Error 0 If the frame is not anything then exit the sub application. Goto round, true text box 1 Text = roundabout Offset (0, 0) textbox 9 Text = rfound.Offset (0, 1) combobox 7.Text = rfound.Offset (0, 3) combobox 8. Text = RF Offset (0, 2) combo box 5. Text = roundabout Offset (0, 4) textbox4. Text = RF Offset (0, 5) TextBox5.Text = rfound.Offset (0, 6) ComboBox3. Text = roundabout Offset (0, 7) combo box 4 Text = RF Offset (0, 8) Combo box 6 Text = RF Offset (0, 10) text box 7 ....

android - Auto Cancel Custom Notification using RemoteView -

I have created a custom layout notification using RemoteView is facing the problem, after the user touches it How To Cancel Notification Automatically I tried some things, but any one is giving the desired result Find the code below:. RemoteViews remoteView = new RemoteViews (this.getPackageName (), R.layout. Notification_layout); NotificationCompat.Builder Builder = New Notification Compat.Builder (MainActivity.This); Builder.setSmallIcon (R.drawable.ic_launcher); Intent = intent (new activity), this is the second activity. Pending Prntent Piaiantient = pending Aitiaktivti (Menaktivitikis, Arkyuensisiidii, intent, Lmbitintent. Felajiansianelelaananaraanananaraanaanti); RemoteView.setOnClickPendingIntent (, pIntent); Builder.setAutoCancel (right); Builder.setContent (remoteView); Notification = Inform the creator. Build (); Notify.flags | = Notice FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL; Notification Manager Manager = (Notification Manager) getSystemService (reference. NETIFICATI...

el - Expression Languages Example in Apache Oozie -

I am currently learning to use Expression Languages ​​(EL) in the Apache Ozzy workflow. Although I was able to obtain an abstract picture of using EL in OoZ, but I was not able to do this with a practical example. If you are related to the real world example and can provide clarification and provide elaborate details on using the EL in OOG, then it will be helpful. Thanks Take a look - there are some examples of using Hadoop EL Function.

How to Share Our Own Static Status in Facebook using Android -

I am developing an application. When I click on the Twitter button, as I want to share, the Auto button is pressed / strong> but I have information in Facebook Can not share as if I want to show in the blank text box of the facebook share status window. Where is me wrong, please tell me? This is my code. last string msg = "hay -" + "message to share"; @ Override Protected Zero (InstanceStatus saved from Bundle) {..................... ............... .... .. Fixed SocialAuthAdapter adapter; Adapter = new social euthapetter (new response lister); {Adapter.addConfig (Provider T. Witter, "Key", "BSI4LH5Y4SAMBM .............", tap); } Hold (exception e) {e.printStackTrace (); } Imgtellfriend.setOnClickListener (new OnClickListener () {@Override public click on zero (see ARG0) {anim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation (getApplicationContext (), R.anim.sequence); imgtellfriend.startAnimation (Anime); terror sendIntent = new intent (); sen...

drop down menu - Why is this javascript not working on my site? -

I am trying to cascade the filter according to the country, in which States should filter, with many codes I My site was trying to work, one of the codes I use works well when I use it as a separate demo test code and give the results according to my requirement, But when I in my project So using C code it does not work. My script code is below: & lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var Country = New Array ('United States', 'Indonesia', 'Thailand', 'Australia', 'Germany', 'Japan'); Var state = new array (); State ["United States"] = New Array ("Q", "We", "Er", "RT"); State ["Indonesia"] = New Array ("as", "SD", "DF"); Function Resetform (The Form) {/ * Reset Country * / [0] = New Option ("Please Select Country", ""); For (var i = 0; i & lt; country.length; i ++) {thefo...

c# - Integration to Microsoft Dynamic CRM 2011 -

How to integrate your application into Microsoft CRM 2011 using CRM 2011 SDK and C #? EDIT: I was taken to the answer to follow the question and answer format. According to Guido Prite. Because now I'm in the habit of sharing new things, I learn everyday, I just Here's how I am connected to Microsoft CRM 2011 using CRM 2011 SDK and C #. This will help you push your head on the wall as I did some time ago. First add Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll to your project context. Which you can get from CRM 2011 SDK (Download it here :). How to Join the CRM Service This code is: .sqk. Client using Microsoft.Xrm; Using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query; Using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk; // This is your organization service that you can find through the actual CRM UI settings & gt; Optimization & gt; Go to Developer Resources URI Organization URI = New Uri ("http: //crmservername/organizationname/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc"); Uri Homieri URI = Faucet; Client credentials crede...

ios - Picture in Table View Cell Not Showing -

In this project, I have absolutely no no code my main In the storyboard, I have a Table View Controller with 1 cell in that one cell I put a image view , then I have some pictures Chose Cell 320 (width) 44 (height) The main everything looks fine. Storyboard, though I run, the app opens, but there is nothing, there is only one inclination. Any help would be great. Please give me a screenshot to help me solve this problem. I am using xCode 5.1. If you do not want to write any code, then you stabilize the table view type! Check it out.

c# - Displaying data on a datagrid too slow -

I have the DataGrade (WPF / C #), which is pulling from a large field into two fields. However, It takes a very long time to render on the screen and I want to know that there is a fast way? Private Zero SetupDataGrid () {try {_con.Open ()} Var com = New MySqlCommand ("Select Record ID", `TLBTist by Company Name`; all)" { Connection = _con, commandtip = commandtip.text}; var dt = new dataTable (); var sdt = new MySqlDataAdapter (com); sdt.Fill (DT); DataGrade activitivity.datcontext = dt;} hold (exception before) {message Show the box (ex.ToString ());} _con.Close (); You can apply paging in the grid, and only remove the records from the database. Another way would be to remove data, cache, and then access the cache - but in this case it will slow down for the first time. If there is a problem removing large data sets , Then I can only remove items for the current page. With MySQL you can do this in the following approach SELECT * FROM [TABLE] LIMIT 5,10; ...

java - Usage of compiled XSL transformations -

मैं ट्रांसफार्मरफैक्टर का उपयोग करते हुए एक्सएसएल ट्रांसफ़ॉर्मेशन फाइलों से संकलित क्लासी फाइल (ट्रांस्लेट) का निर्माण कर रहा हूं जो कि org.apache.xalan द्वारा कार्यान्वित किया जाता है .xsltc.trax.TransformerFactoryImpl। दुर्भाग्यवश, घंटे के लिए मेरी खोज के बावजूद एक्सएम रूपांतरण पर इन ट्रांसलेट कक्षाओं का उपयोग कैसे किया जा सकता है। क्या कोई भी उदाहरण है या संदर्भ दस्तावेज आप दे सकते हैं? क्योंकि दस्तावेज़ अपर्याप्त और जटिल है धन्यवाद। XSLT में एक मानक परिवर्तन इस तरह दिखता है: सार्वजनिक शून्य अनुवाद (InputStream xmlStream, InputStream शैली स्ट्रीम, आउटपुटस्ट्रीम परिणाम स्ट्रीम) {स्रोत स्रोत = नया स्ट्रीम संसाधन (xmlstream); स्रोत शैली = नया स्ट्रीमसोर्स (स्टाइलस्ट्रीम); परिणाम परिणाम = नया स्ट्रीम रिजल्ट (परिणामस्वरूप); ट्रान्सफ़ॉर्मरफिचरेट टीएफसी = ट्रांस्फ़ॉर्मरफैक्टर.न्यू इंस्टेंस (); ट्रांसफार्मर टी = टीएफटीसी। एनईयू ट्रान्सफॉर्मर (स्टाइल); टी। ट्रांसंसफ़ॉर्म (स्रोत, परिणाम); } ऐसा दिया गया है कि आप ट्रांसफार्मर फैक्ट्री का उपयोग नहीं करते हैं, लेकिन एक तैयार किए...

What can cause a firefox is already running pop up - Ubuntu -

I have installed a monitor web app some time ago. We use Firefox to run it and It appears that we are not responding to "Firefox is already running, but popups on the customer side" Sometimes it works well, and sometimes, we are not able to start Firefox again. As we are on an Ubuntu system, I killall - 9 Firefox & amp; to restart Firefox but I would like to know why this problem is happening. Do you know how can I check this issue? Will they be able to get some infographics about some Firefox dev-modes or crash logs, why not answer it? A few technical things about web apps that I think can help: - It's working Django 1.5 thrown up Apache 2 - It's regularly refreshed (this monitoring system Thank you in advance, and tell me that you need more details / div>

java - Extending existing Swing look and feels with custom JComponents -

I am writing a custom JComponent which should look different for different forms and It seems that I intend to have at least the different ComponentUi classes for WindowsLookAndFeel , MetalLookAndFeel and MotifLookAndFeel . Now, while this work seems quite easy, I do not know how to easily expand and realize an existing form with my custom ComponentUi classes. How do I think about registering the correct ComponentUi for different forms and think? Is this possible at all? If not, what is the most preferred way of writing a custom component to look different? To be a bit more specific, at this time I am overriding the JComponent # updateUI different ComponentUi example to set my In custom component: @Override Public Zero Update (UI) (LookIFeel Feel = UIManager.getLookAndFeel (); If (for example WindowsLookAndFeel looks) {setUI (MyWindowsCustomUi.createUI (this)); } And if (for example MotifLookAndFeel) {setUI (MyMotivCustomUi.createUI (this)); } And if (for ...

design patterns - Qt QListWidget Item with Alternating Colors -

I am trying to be like a checkboard pattern in a QListWidget . For example, in the dark in the list is the first item in the background, and the second item in the list will be a light brown background and be fine as soon as it goes down. Is this an easy way to accomplish this? I know that by creating a class I can extend QListWidget and then every time the list updates but I am looking for the easiest way possible any answer helpful Will happen. list widget-> SetAnlineingRowwers (true); This is an underlying property of QT If you use Designer:

java - Multithreading with Embedded ObjectDB -

ObjectDB requires a nuclear counter but the following code does not work as I expected: Previous> final EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory ("test.odb"); EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager (); Point P = new point (0, 0); Em.getTransaction () start () .; em.persist (p); Committed to em.getTransaction (). Em.close (); Last counting l = new countdownload (100); (Int i = 0; i & lt; 100; i ++) {thread t = new thread (new runnable)} {@Override public runs zero ({{EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager (); em.getTransaction ( ). Query query = em.createQuery ("UPDATE Point SET x = x + 1"); query.executeUpdate (); Em .getTransaction (). Commit (); em.close (); l.countDown ();}}); T.start (); } L.ait (); Em = emf.createEntityManager (); TypedQuery & LT; Point & gt; Myquery = em.createQuery ("Point P to SELECT p", Point.class); & Lt; Point & gt; Results = myquery.getResultList (); System.out.print...

netbeans - How to use log4j in an EJB Module with WebLogic? -

I added log4j.xml say folder covers log4j.jar libraries, sources ; But I get an error: ** I have also tried including classpath:. \ Lib \ log4j ... MANIFEST.MF in .jar but still no positive feedback .. Please guide me how to solve this ??? After the Use Java Utility logging, which is included in JEE space. No additional jar is added.

c++ - GDB 7.7 symbols error SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX -

We upgraded our compiler to 4.5.3 and now while trying to debug the server binary on the Solar System Problems are coming with linux rhel5 and ok on AIX 6.1) Below is a log of debugging attempt any help would be appreciated. -bash-3.00 $ gdb myServer python exception exception. Import is not a module named gdb: Warning: The Python GDB module could not be loaded with `/ usr / local / share / gdb / python '. Ltd. Python support is available from the _gdb module. Passing Suggestions - Data-directory = / path / to / gdb / data-directory GNU GDB 7.7 Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License: GPLV3 +: GNU GPL version 3 or later it's free software: You are free to change and redistribute it. There is no warranty to the extent permitted by law, type "show show" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "Spark-Sun-Solis 2.10" for configuration details "Show configuration" type To help, type "help...

python - Setting number of Gibbs steps for BernoulliRBM -

I use the BernoulliRBM to prevent scikit-learn Want to use Boltzmann machines, but I can not find a path or parameter anywhere to determine the number of steps of Gibbs for the PCB sample. Do I think that k = 1 can not be modified? Yes, the training algorithm uses a harsh " of " in it Once sampling, which can be seen, then updates the parameters.

python - What does [1] mean in this code? -

I just started learning python I found this statement: output = " Name: abc "log = output.split (" = ") [1] what [1] denote? Why is this used? [1] is listed in the list output.split ( "=") returned by; If that method gives a list of two or more elements, then [1] lists the second element. In your specific case, this is a IndexError , because there is no = in output . Due to this, the output.split ("=") method returns a list with just a string. You can try these things at a Python interpreter prompt: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Output = "name: ABC" & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Output.split ('=') ['name: abc']> gt; & Gt; & Gt; Output. Split ('=') [0] 'name: ABC' & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Output. Split ('=') [1] traceback (most recent call final): File "& lt; stdin>", line 1, & lt; Module & gt; Index error: the list ind...

c - Combine an if statement with do while -

I am finishing a small game where the first task is to do what Input & gt; 0 or Input & lt; 23 integer height; Do {printf ("height:"); Height = getInt (); } While ((height & lt; = 1) || (height> 23;)); This works when you write a value that is not in accordance with the statement, you have to type a new one, though I would like to include a statement in a way: if (the situation is not true) {printf ("fill a number between 1-23!"}} but it can not work Any clues on doing wrong? Invert type: Inti height = -1; // DEFAULT VALUE me (when height> 23)) ((height> 23)) // Enter a number between about acceptable class play in print value message ( "1 -23"); // Read an altitude = GetInt (); Printf ("Height:"); }

c# - Set Focus on row by cell value -

मेरे पास दो ग्रिड दृश्य हैं, अर्थात् PositionsReadyListGridView और PositionNotReadyListGridView । अब कार्यक्षमता की आवश्यकता को क्लिक करने पर बटन सेट नहीं तैयार से स्थितिरेड लिस्ट ग्रिड दृश्य से हटा दी गई सूची को हटा दिया गया है और इसे पदनामों में जोड़ा गया है नॉटरेड लिस्ट ग्रिड दृश्य । इसी प्रकार से बटन सेट करें पर क्लिक करें PositionsNotReadyListGridView से चयनित आइटम को हटा दिया गया है और PositionsReadyListGridView में जोड़ा गया है । मैंने इस कार्यक्षमता को लागू किया है लेकिन मैं नवीनतम पंक्ति पर फोकस सेट करने में असमर्थ हूं जो कि ग्रिडिव्यू के किसी भी हिस्से में जोड़ा गया है। क्या कोई ऐसा तरीका है जिसे मैं कक्ष मूल्यों के अनुसार पंक्ति में फोकस सेट कर सकता हूं? उदाहरण के लिए दोनों ग्रिड में मेरे पास एक कॉलम कोलाइड जो एक पंक्ति के लिए अद्वितीय है क्या मैं किसी भी तरह से इस कोड को फोकस को PositionsReadyListGridView (सेट रेडी क्लिक सेट करें) या PositionNotReadyListGridView पर सेट करने के लिए जोड़ सकते हैं (सेट पर तैयार नहीं है क्लिक करें)? धन्यवा...

linux - Is it possible to make local reverse-geocoding? -

I am working on an application that receives a lot of coordinates & amp; I need to find out every one of Google & amp; There are probably limitations in other services, which can be used locally on Linux? There are at least two old questions, this is the same problem, then it may be that in them The given answer should start in the right direction: 1. 2.

javascript - Testing ajax requests using jasmine returns TypeError -

Description of work I want to test code that loads a list of resources using $ .get. Then, source code: fetchTemplates: function (list, cb) {var promises = [], $ container = $ ('# template'); Object.edge (list) .for (function (tplSelector) {if ($ (tplSelector). Length> gt; {return;} var promise = $ .get (list [tplSelector]); promise .done (function ( TplHtml); {$ container.append (tplHeit);}) .file (function () {console.warn ('template' '+ tplSelector + "did not match url:" + list [tplSelector]);}); Promises.push (promise);}); Refund $. when. Testing suite ($, promise) .done (cb);} test suite: This ("true template fitching", function (done) {Var fetchResult = viewManager.fetchTemplates ({'#helpTpl': 'somecorrectaddress'}); fetchResult.done (function () {expect (true) .toBeTruthy (); done ();}); (function ) {Hope (false) .toBeTruthy (); done ();});}); What it generates. Exam passes, but generat...

java - Ajax call to jsp and jsp redirecting to further jsp -

I am getting an Ajax call on a jsp page which in turn is redirecting based on the value of a flag variable JSP file. The AJAX call is something like this: $ Ajax ({url: 'uploadwebcamimage.jsp', type: "post", data: {encodeimg: dataUrl, OwnerId: document.Clickpictures.OwnerId.value, OwnerPhone: document.Clickpictures.OwnerPhone.value, mobilepass: document.Clickpictures. Mobilepass.value, emailpass: document.Clickpictures.emailpass.value, mypassword: document.Clickpictures.mypassword.value, mygroupuserid: document.Clickpictures.mygroupuserid.value}, error: work () {warning ('error');} success : Function (msg) {// warning ((msg)); if (msg) indexOf ("true")> = 0) {// how grouplist location.href = "site_index_groupadmin.jsp res1 =?" + to get the grouplist;} else {warning ("unsuccessful");}}}); And in jsp I have done something like this: & lt;% ArrayList & lt; String & gt; List = New Arrestist & lt; Stri...

angular ui - AngularJS Google Maps Search/Auto-Complete -

I am using the instructions. When I select a text box with the user's location and auto completion, when the user selects from the autocomplete drop down, then load the location in the map canvas. How do I use these instructions? Thanks This feature is not yet supported and is under construction. Reference:

c++ - How to reduce compilation time with Boost MSM -

I have root state machine which nearly 40 transition (including four Subtest machine). All used to work well, but when I begin to increase the compilation time compilation, there is a great increase (the development of the big state machine became hell). I encourage MSM :: :: Back :: divided tried to use favor_compile_time policy and multi-language translation units, but does not impact anyone solve anything about this problem? Boost - 1.53, compiler - Msvisi 2012 processor - Intel i7 "But it is not I think the idea is that the increasing pace of life in sharing the TU / because / you do not always need to re-create the TU will not necessarily clear restructuring quickly. in fact, , I expected that there would be a slow (non-parallel) construction for more TU, because every ti Ends which can be reduced to the same address for 99% of headers. Pre-compiled headers somewhat. In this regard, the respective headers ( and Pre-Processor

dataframe - Convert a list from tapply(.) to data.frame in R -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है t & lt; - tapply (z [, 3] , z [, 1], सारांश) # & gt; टी # $ एयूएस # मिन पहला क्यू औसत अर्थ मैक्स। # -0.92420 -0.57920 0.08132 -0.13320 0.35940 0.39650 # # एनएजेड # मिन पहला क्यू औसत अर्थ मैक्स। # -1.80700 -0.98980 -0.98310 -0.57470 0.02292 0.88330 मुझे इसे Min के रूप में प्रदर्शित करना है। पहला क्यू औसत मतलब तीसरा क्यू मैक्स। Aus -0.92420 -0.57920 0.08132 -0.13320 0.35940 0.39650 एनजे -1 -180700 -0.98980 -0.98310 -0.57470 0.02292 0.88330 इसे आर में कैसे किया जा सकता है? कोशिश करें (rbind, t) यह rbind सूची से सभी डेटाफ्रेम t बीटीडब्ल्यू जाएगा विशेष रूप से आप जो कर रहे हैं, आप इसे आसानी से भी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं t (sapply (z [, c (1,3)], सारांश))

matlab - Delimiting a text file with inconsistent spacing -

I have a text file filled with sensor data which has the following formats per line: Date: 2014-04-22_09-48-16.547400 Timestamp: 2873652.086362542 Gyro.X: -0.0372661240398884 Gyro.Y: 0.0541165024042130 Gyro. Z: 0.1216094791889191 UserAxcel.x: -0.0201703608036041 UserAccel. Y: -0.0118222190067172 UserAxcel Z: -0.0187157746404409 Gravity .X: -0.9937761425971985 Gravity.Y: -0.0025820778682828 Gravity.Z: -0.1113654002547264 All I want from the file timestamp, Giyu, acceleration and numerical values ​​for gravity Are there. I have tried to use space as a delimiter, but I am running into problems because there are two places before each value if the value is positive but only one negative. So far I have the following, but it is only going to work if there is a place between each value (each value would have to be negative). data = textscan (fid, '% * s% * s% * s% * s% f% * s% f% * s% f% * s% f% * s% F% * S% f% * s% f% * s% f% * s% f% * s% f ',' delimiter ',...

ios - No codesigning identities -

No codeigning identifier (ie the certificate and private key pairs) that your build settings (â ??? ??? Ios7ProvisioningProfileâ ???? ) I just used to upload the application. However, when I try to earn an application, I can solve this problem. I got this message I tried to set up automatic but it does not work. Actually it says that XCode can solve this problem. However, I click the fix button and it does not work. How is my profile listed in my building's settings? In the build settings, instead of basics, choose all the options, you will find a section called code-signing, All provision options are listed there. If you want to see all the provision profiles installed on your system, you can use the iPhone configuration feature. mvc - MVC 5: Controller gets ignored -

I'm sure the question is stupid as simple, but because someone can not give me a signal, I try it I'm learning MVC asp.Net by creating a small company-internal application that has only 1 page. I have sutured the tutorial: that helps me a lot. My problem: I went to the controllers-folder, by selecting "MVC 5 controller with the read / write controller", then in the view-subfolder views \ NewItem \ I " Select an index.cshtml by selecting the page ". But now when I debug the program and select it in the URL, it shoots a 404-error, which means that the page is not found. I'm debugging the controller, but it does not even go into index-mode. Am I missing something I think it is so stupid and clear that I do not even find it on the Internet. Still thanks for all the answers. I think the easy way to add views for your action math, which you can see inside the controller Keep it inside your body of action, right click (which you want users to...

ruby - Nokogiri: Handling text nodes -

Is there another great way to get the contents of text nodes with the nungee? Right now I am using something like this: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Testcase & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; 53 & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Code & gt; WKDO-188,465 & lt; / Code & gt; & Lt; / testcase & gt; Xml = Nokogiri :: XML ( ('test.xml')) ID = xml.at_css ('TestCase ID'). Children.first.textcode = xml.at_css ('TestCase code'). Children.first .text In this case you use the text-less on the elements directly We do. xml = Nokogiri :: XML ( ('test.xml')) ID = xml.at_css ('TestCase ID'). Text code = xml.at_css ('TestCase Code') .text

javascript - "Foreach" loop throw an error -

It looks simple, but I do not understand. So I have HTML div class = "ui three column grid" data-bound = "foreach: stories" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "column" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "ui stacked segment" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "ui three column grid center align" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "column" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "ui button icon" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "UI button short" & gt; & Lt; I class = "icon plus" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "column" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "ui label circular" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "ui label" & gt; 124124 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "column" & gt; & Lt; Div class ...

javascript - reloading store deletes filters -

I have a trigger-form-field that I use as a search field. Every time the price changes, another search is done. So far, so good. But I have a PHP script, which needs to be run again every 30 seconds. For this I have the following grid.js setInterval (function () {var grid = Ext.getCmp ('grid'); var Store = grid.getStore (); store.load ();}, 30000); All these works are just as expected, but my view and filters are eliminated every time my store is loaded again. For example: When I am writing a "test" in my search field, the grid is filtered correctly. But after refreshing the grid, the filter does not apply again. I'm looking at users instead of being directed at the top of the page. Is this also possible? P> Why would you like to reload the store ?? Just update the records and refresh the grid view.

javascript - Is it possible to set a canvas as foreground? -

मेरे पास इस तरह एक सरल HTML पृष्ठ है: & lt; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; title & gt; & lt; / title & gt; & Lt; link rel = "icon" प्रकार = "image /" href = "images / icon.png" / & gt; & lt; link rel = "stylesheet" प्रकार = "text / css" href = "style.css" / & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & Lt; body bgcolor = "ffffff" & gt; & lt; br & gt; & lt; img src = "चित्र / 1.png" शैली = "स्थिति: सापेक्ष; बाएं: 4%; चौड़ाई: 85%" & gt; & lt; / img & gt; & Lt; मेटा http-equiv = "ताज़ा करें" सामग्री = "7; होम_ html" / & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; जो एक छवि प्रदर्शित करता है और 7 सेकंड के बाद होम पेज पर रीडायरेक्ट करता है। मुझे कैनवास का उपयोग करने वाला एक शांत कॉन्फ़ेटी कोड मिला है और मैं इसे अग्रभूमि में इस पृष्ठ पर जोड़ना चाहता हूं, लेकिन ह...

jquery - Anchor tag with mailto and javascript function -

Below is my part of code, I am trying to perform a JavaScript function and mailout when the user clicks on anchor-link My Javascript function is throwing errors, if I remove the mail then it works fine. If I am missing anything then please give advice. & lt; One rel = "nofollow" onclick = "javascript: confirm ('2 r', 'ADDRESS'); return true;" href = "mailto: topic = incorrect residential address" & gt; Accommodation (click here) & lt; / A & gt; Here is my confirmation function, which has an AJAX call Confirm the function (adodod, type) {$ .ajax ({url: ' https: // mysite.url / confirm ', data type:' jason ', method:' post ', cache: wrong, first send: function set header (xhr) {console.log (adodod +' & lt; - & gt; '+ type +' & lt mask ("Please wait ...")}}, data: {'addcode': adodoad, 'type': type, '' $ (...

Removing (or rather conditionally attach) const modifier using macros in C -

I am dealing with the following issue in C: I use global variables to define some global parameters in my code. I would like to have such a global variable stable, even if they should be started on a regular basis, which read their values ​​from the inlet data file. In short, I'm looking for a good way to delete "Cost" during variable initialization (I think that there seems to be no reason for const_cast in C ++) I used to come up with a pattern based on macros to do this, as illustrated below. It works fine, but I have the following questions whether any hidden faults or down Have seen potential threats in the process? My attitude: I have a main header file in which my global variable ( int n ), Such as / * main_header.h * / #ifdef global_params_reader #define __TYPE__QUAL__ #else #define __TYPE__QUAL__ const #endif __TYPE__QUAL__ int N; I have a file "get_global_params.c", which implements the initialization of N, which looks as "N ...

php - array - Illegal string offset -

I am trying to display a single value from an array of values. If I use print_r ($ arr) then this value shows {"a": 14, "b": 3, "c": 61200, "d": ["2014- 04-22 12:00:06 "," 2014-04-23 12:00:06 "," 2014-04-24 12:00:06 "]} but when I changed my code to echo $ arr-> An attempt was made to use a and $ arr ['a'] it shows invalid string offset 'a' . How to get a single value from an array of values? looks like json first $ d = '{"a": 14, "b": 3, "c": 61200, "d": ["2014-04-22 12:00:06", "2014 -04-23 12:00:06" , "2014-04-24 12:00:06"]} '; $ J = json_decode ($ d); Echo '& lt; Pre & gt; '; Print_r ($ j); Counterpart $ j-> A;

Splitting a String Python within a list -

मेरे पास एक सूची है a = ['जॉन (है, महान) फिर मैं ऐसा करता हूं मैं एक में: b.append (i.split (',')) लेकिन सूची इस तरह दिख रही है [[जॉन 'है', 'महान)', 'पॉल', 'स्कूल'], ['रॉबर्ट', 'जैक इसका कारण ये है कि इसका विभाजन अल्पविराम पर होता है, परन्तु इसे विभाजित करने का दूसरा तरीका है, इसलिए यह जोन (है ',' महान) कोड> एक स्ट्रिंग के रूप में दिखाई देता है जैसे जॉन (है, महान) आप list.extend () का उपयोग व्यक्तिगत रूप से जोड़ने के लिए कर सकते हैं: में मैं: b.extend (i.split (',')) अल्पविराम पर पाठ को विभाजित करने के लिए अंदर कोष्ठक में नहीं आप निम्न नियमित अभिव्यक्ति का उपयोग कर सकते हैं: re.split (r ', (? = [^ ()] * (?: \ (| $)) ', I) यह केवल अल्पविराम पर विभाजित होता है, अगर यह अगले ओपनिंग कोष्ठक तक तब तक नहीं किया जाता है जब तक कि किसी भी कोष्ठक (खोलने या बंद) यह अभिव्यक्ति नीचे आती है जब आपके नेस्टेड कोष्ठक है, लेकिन आपके सरल मामले के लिए काम करता है: &...

deployment - Minimum target iOS version/device platform for iPhone-App to get uploaded at AppStore -

What is the minimum minimum iOS version and device platform for a new iPhone app to upload to the appstore 64-bit binary but iOS 5.1.1 of iOS 4.3 Strong> support for target So you must have Xcode5 for the submission app in the App Store. And in xCode5 , we can not define device platforms such as (iPhone4, iPhone4s, iPhone5, iPhone5s .. etc) We can set deployment goals so that you have a minimum deployment You can set Goal 6.0 if you want to do less then 6.0 and if you can not find that option like you can enter the Bellow image directly into the deployment target Are there.

javascript - How to retrieve POST data from TbSelect2 widget in Yiibooster? -

I'm using TBselect2 widget for Yiibooster, code of my thoughts: $ This- & gt; Widget ('bootstrap.widgets.TBSelect2', array ('name' = & gt; 'cat_names',' data '= & gt; category :: getRecipe (),' htmlOptions' = & gt; array ('multiple' = ' & Gt; 'multiple', 'class' = & gt; 'span3'))); Render output generates autocomplete input, such as "field", but when I inspect the input field, a similar box appears, it is not an input field but ul list with a div tag with all the selected items. After selecting the desired values ​​from the AutoComplete box, I must post the form, but because the HTML input field provided by TBSSET2 is not, how can I get the value generated by the self-fully TBSelect2 widget Can not because it is not a form field? PS: This is a long form in which there are many HTML elements, so I do not want to submit the form using AJX. Any help? If you u...

java - Run Maven webapp on server from Eclipse with properties injection from profile -

I'm Eclipse & amp; To develop the Spring + hibernate webpip, I have several profiles in my pom.xml with different properties that I inject a .properties file. This file is used in the applicationContext.xml to configure the spring, and when I want to launch the application, I am forced to deploy the template that runs outside Eclipse. Here is some part of my code: pom.xml: ... ... # JDBC information # Some properties are my .m2 / settings. Xml jdbc.driver.classname = $ {db.driverClassName} jdbc.url = $ {db.url} / $ {} $ {db.params} jdbc.user = $ {db.username} JDBC. Pass = $ {db.password} ... applicationContext.xml: ... & Lt; Property name = "url" value = "$ {jdbc.url}" /> & Lt; Property name = "user name" value = "$ {jdbc.user}" /> & Lt; Property name = "password" value = "$ {jdbc.pass}" /> & Lt; / Bean & gt; ... Using the ...

c# - Can't Get $expand Working for a Single OData Entity With AsyncEntitySetController -

I'm unable to extend $ over a single unit, but it works fine on the archive. I have the following asynchronous OData Web API Controller is: Public Class Author Controller: AsyncEntitySetController & lt; Author, Int & gt; {Private Readonly IAuthorRepository _AuthorRepo = New Author Repository (); // GET odata / & lt; Controller & gt; [Queryable] Public override async Tasks & lt; IEnumerable & lt; Author & gt; & Gt; Get () {var authors = wait _AuthorRepo.GetAll (); Return Authors ANALIMABLE (); } // GET odata / & lt; Controller & gt; / 5 [queries] Public async works & lt; Author & gt; ([FromODataUri] get the int key) {var author = await _AuthorRepo.GetById (key); Return Author; }} Requesting archiving through the works, and through the expansion of such authors books? $ Extension = does books. However, while attempting to expand a single unit, what is the above method? $ Extension = Accepts an important parameter through the...

livecode - answer file dialog not recognizing cancel -

Why does this check cancel and not work? Answer file "Bite build owls" If the result is not "Canceled", type "Images". Jpg | Jpeg | Png ", put it in the TMImage path ... end if it always starts to run the code, I also tried" cancel "and" abrecen " German and Livicode 6.6.2 are using MacOSX in RC3. Just "result" to " This "and this should work. The user response of a reply dialog is stored in the" it "variable. Press" Cancel "in the BTW," Answer file "dialog And "it" Some also does not return, so you can thus change your script Answer File "Bitte Bild auswählen" type "Images | Jpg | Jpeg | PNG "If this is not empty then put it in TMImage path ... if

objective c - Amazon S3 track downloaded file in Asynchronous method in iOS -

While downloading multiple files using the Asynchronous method of AWS IOS, I want to keep track of which Image is being downloaded The following code is used for asynchronous image download. S3TransferManager * tm = [S3TransferManager new]; S3 Transfer Operation * Download File Operation = [TM Download File: StoreFillettePatt Bucket: Bucket Key: Download Path]; The above method is for loop, so there can be n images to download. Representative information that indicates image is downloaded - (zero) request: (AmazonServiceRequest *) Requested with some: (AmazonServiceResponse *) Response {} But I did not find anything that I can use to manage what the actual image is downloaded. Whether it was the first ID image or the other one Any idea where I can put some additional data, which can be found on the image download? You can set requestTag: S3PutObjectRequest * putObjectRequest = [[S3PutObjectRequest alloc] initWithKey: keyFile inBucket: self.s3BucketName];...

c# - Destructor vs App.Current.Exit vs All other exit handlers -

Im is a problem where I need to run a part of the code when I quit my class. Basically the code writes the property and parameters for an XML file, so they can be sent to the programmer to replicate the same settings as the client. So I have created this kind of code on each of my classes. ~ workspace viewmodel () {this.Save ("workspace"); } My problem is that I can not get a handler which will run before this Destructor. I have tried the following //App.Current.Exit + = new system.window.exeventhandler (programmate); //AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit + = New EventHeader (Programmatic); //App.Current.MainWindow.Closed + = New EventHeader (Programmatic); //App.Current.WindowsEND_STRONG_1.Closed + = New EventHeader (Programmatic); //AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload + = New EventHandler (Programmatic); //App.Current.MainWindow.Unloaded + = New (ProgramExit); // system Windows .form. Application Application Asset + = Ne...

ruby - rbenv installation stopped responding -

I'm Ruby 2.1.1 try to use rbenv on ubuntu 14.04. I used the following command. curl -fssel | Rbenv install - patch 2.1.1 But stopped to respond after a few minutes, I got an output. Download Ruby -2.1 .tar.gz ... - & gt; Http:// Installing Ruby -2.1.1 ... patching file ext / readline / readline.c patching file ext / readline / extconf.rb patching file ext / readline / extconf.rb After that, it stopped responding, what would be the problem? The installation command -v together can bring more endurance.

PHP Paypal button error message on quantity -

I have applied a PayPal checkout Unfortunately, when I receive the following paypal error at checkout ... "You entered an invalid quantity value. The value of one volume should be an integer greater than or equal to one." I do not know why this error occurs because the quantity values ​​are always equal to or equal to 1. I also tried to apply all the quantities till 1, although I still get the error. Below is my code. Your help will be greatly appreciated. if (! $ _ Session ['cart_array'])} count ($ _ session ['cart_array']) & lt; 1) {$ cart_output = '& lt; Div class = "pager" & gt; There are no items in the cart! & Lt; / Div & gt; '; } Other {// PayPal checkout button setup // appropriate URL for PayPal form action: // "method =" post "> $ paypal_btn. = ' & Lt; form action = "" method = "...

Is it right to use @variable in class scope in Ruby? -

I am using the Ruby project in the Ruby class as the frequency variable in the scope of the class. In the I class method, think square variables @@ var should be used, and in an example method, the frequency variable @ wise should be used. I want to know that the use of @var in the square is being done correctly? At present, I know the difference in using variable squares in the variable and class variables in the example that the example variable can not show the expression of the inherited code by the sub-class. class Foo @bar = 8 @@bar2 = 10 def self.echo_bar p @bar end def self.echo_bar2 p @@ bar2 end end class Foo2 & lt; Foo end Foo.echo_bar Foo.echo_bar Foo.echo_bar2 Foo2.echo_bar Foo2.echo_bar2 # Result: # 8 # 10 # zero # 10

php - EzPublish 5 friendly URL's won't work -

I have established a local EzPUblish 5 installation, and it seems to work with an exception: Friendly URL. When I go, it works, but if I go, then it tells me that 404 is not found. I did some research already; I have copied .htaccess to .htaccess_root, I have set ForceVirtualHost = True in site.ini, I have checked in my httpd.conf that AllowOverride All is set - I'm running out of ideas here. The legacy part of ez publishing in the files and settings you mention is a matter of concern and its The most impact will not be on the forum. Whatever you are describing, first thought that I had come to the VHost configuration could not be completed. Please compare your configuration officially with an EZ system: and. Do you probably miss the following line? Rewrite. * Index \ .php Please also keep in mind that the root of your webserver needs to point to the "web" directory, and if you are not using VHOST based configuration The .htaccess file "web...