
Showing posts from May, 2015

Spring.NET with NHibernate and quartz transaction (global transaction manager) -

I want to use Global Transaction Manager at my service level. For example. Namasthan assembly name. Call.seva Implementation {public class demosva {public zero demo} {save (model); // This is the nHibernate transaction (id); // it is related to quartz}}} What should I do? If I used the TransactionScope () then it is giving me an error because NHibernateTransaction can not I & lt; Object id = "transactionManager" type = "Spring.Data.NHibernate.HibernateTransactionManager, Spring.Data.NHibernate33" & gt; Have used. & Lt; Property Name = "DbProvider" ref = "DbProvider" /> & Lt; Asset Name = "Session Failure" Ref = "NHibernateSessionFactory" /> & Lt; / Object & gt; Edit : Then I used two transaction managers in the Spring config file: & lt; Object id = "transactionManager" type = "Spring.Data.NHibernate.HibernateTransacti...

java - Why does this md5 not match -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 23 उत्तर मैंने हाल ही में कुछ करना शुरू कर दिया अपाचे डाइजेस्ट यूथल्स के साथ एन्क्रिप्शन मैं बस प्राधिकरण के लिए एमडी 5 हैश का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं, लेकिन मैं इस विषय में एक पूर्ण शुरुआत कर रहा हूं और सामान्य रूप से जावा में वास्तव में अनुभव नहीं किया है। इस लाइब्रेरी के एपीआई ने मुझे एमडी 5, एमडी 5 एचएक्स के तरीके प्रदान किए। अगर मैं इन परिणामों का गलत परिणाम नहीं हूं तो हेक्सस्ट्रिंग के रूप में आउटपुट में भिन्नता है (मुझे यह भी यकीन नहीं है कि इसका क्या मतलब है) और नियमित बाइट्स। स्ट्रिंग बी 1 = डाइजेस्ट यूटील्स। एमडी 5 हेक्स ( "कुछ स्ट्रिंग"); स्ट्रिंग बी 2 = डाइजेस्ट यूथिल। एमडी 5 हेक्स ("कुछ स्ट्रिंग"); परिणाम 83beb8c4fa4596c8f7b565d390f494e2 & amp; 83beb8c4fa4596c8f7b565d390f494e2 लेकिन == परिणामों के साथ झूठी में परिणाम यदि (b1 == b2) {System.out.println ("मिलान") } मैं बहुत उलझन में हूँ और मुझे इस विषय के आसपास एक परिचय (स्रोत के लिए जावा!) क्योंकि == नहीं है कि कैसे स्ट्रिंग...

ios - How to authenticate UIViewController for Facebook API -

Actually if I use the code given below in the rep where I have added Facebook login button provided by Facebook SDK If it was started, then it works (enters successful and print out details). The representative class that I create and use the button is called "log-in visual controller": NSError * error) {if (error!) {// success! NSLog (@ "user information:% @", result) Include your code to handle results here; } And {nslog (@ "unsuccessful"); // An error occurred, we need to see the error // see:}}]; However when I try to use it in another view controller named Profile View, it works (regardless of the active session) regardless of the session! So my wild guess is that I need a way to prove this scene so that I can access the user's information to Facebook? Please do I am doing wrong? Thanks alottt! ps How do I use this to check that the user is already logged in, so it should go to the profi...

How to find the First Character starting in SQL Server 2008 -

घोषणा @ इनपुट NVARCHAR (MAX) = 'प्रक्रिया परीक्षण करें' DECLARE @ SearhString NVARCHAR (MAX) = 'प्रक्रिया 1- मुझे स्ट्रिंग प्रक्रिया के बाद शुरू होने वाले अगले अक्षर की लंबाई ढूंढना है 2- इसके बाद मैं यह जांचना चाहता हूं कि क्या डीबो स्ट्रिंग निर्दिष्ट लंबाई में उस लम्बाई के बाद मौजूद है। मान लीजिए कि पहला अक्षर टेस्ट 14 स्थिति से शुरू होने पर स्ट्रिंग प्रक्रिया , इसलिए मुझे इसका उपयोग करना होगा DECLARE @ स्ट्रिंग varchar (20) = SUBSTRING (@ इनपुट, 21, 10) @ स्ट्रिंग इंडेक्स BIGINT = CHARINDEX (' dbo। ', @String) @FirstCharacterIndex BIGINT घोषित करें (यह पहला अक्षर का सूचक होगा) यदि @ स्ट्रिंग में स्ट्रिंग dbo नहीं है, तो सामान MySchema टेस्ट से पहले। कृपया सुझाव दें। UPDATE मैंने अपनी खोज को अपडेट कर लिया है आयन 22 @ इंडेक्स + @ फॉर्टेक्टर इंडेक्स + 9 @ इंडैक्स = 8 @FirstCharacterIndex = 4 का परिणाम है (रिक्त स्थान के लिए 3 गिनतीएं और चौथे को पहले वर्ण के लिए है) 9 = स्ट्रिंग के प्रक्रिया प्रयास करें नीचे यह एसक्यूएल...

optimization - stream multiprocessor, core per streamprocessor in cuda -

विभिन्न प्रकार के nvidia ग्राफिक कार्ड के साथ, इसमें अलग-अलग स्ट्रीम मल्टीप्रोसेसर और प्रत्येक प्रोसेसर के साथ अलग-अलग संख्या है प्रत्येक स्ट्रीम प्रोसेसर में कोर। डिवाइस की क्षमता के अनुसार धागे ब्लॉक को एक ही प्रोसेसर को 32 वार्प्स के ब्लॉक या 16 वार्प्स के 2 ब्लॉकों के समान सौंपा गया है। लेकिन मैं प्रत्येक स्ट्रीम प्रोसेसर में कोर की संख्या को समझ नहीं सका प्रत्येक स्ट्रीम प्रोसेसर में बड़ी संख्या वाले कोर वाले उपकरण का महत्व क्या है मुझे लगता है कि बेहतर अनुकूलन के लिए हमें डिवाइस गुणों का बेहतर उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता है धारा प्रोसेसर के बारे में डिवाइस में सीयूडीए प्रोग्राम किस तरह से बहती है और हर स्ट्रीम प्रोसेसर को कोर में? प्रत्येक स्ट्रीम प्रोसेसर में बड़ी संख्या वाले कोर वाले डिवाइस का क्या महत्व है ??? प्रति एसओ के कोर की संख्या लगभग कितने का अनुवाद करती है ताने निर्देश किसी भी घड़ी चक्र में संसाधित किए जा सकते हैं। एक एकल ताना अनुदेश किसी भी घड़ी चक्र में संसाधित किया जा सकता है लेकिन निर्देश को पूरा करने के लिए 32 कोर की आवश्यकता होती है (और इसे प...

c# - Changing connection string from SQL Server to windows authentication -

/ P> name = "GCDataContext" connectionString = "data source =; initial catalog = gc; user id = s; password = xxxx; reliable connection connection = false; continue security information = true; multiple nonactive Resetset = True "ProvisionName =" System.Data SQL Client "/> Change in (not working) Can anyone help me on this? Integrated Security = True is for Windows authentication, but the connection is not established. /p> ASP.NET applications do not impersonate by default. As a result, when they use Windows authentication to connect to SQL Server, they use the process identification of web applications. With this approach, your front-end web application has authenticated and authorized its users and then uses a trusted identity to access the database. Database relies on the identity of the application and relies on an application to properly validate and authorize callers. To connect to SQL Server...

java - Moving files between folders based on file name -

I tried some code to run some priority files from one folder to another (i.e. file with the first name Should be transferred first) string option 1 = "ww document"; String option 2 = "OEM-document"; ArrayList & LT; File & gt; InsertOrder1 = New ArrayList & lt; File & gt; (); ArrayList & LT; File & gt; InsertOrder2 = New ArrayList & lt; File & gt; (); ArrayList & LT; File & gt; InsertOrder3 = New ArrayList & lt; File & gt; (); String bassdire = "d: \\ vignesh \\ levfoulder"; String destDir = "D: \\ vignesh \\ leftfolder \\ testFolder"; File initialization = new file (basedear); (For File File: Forward: Initial Location.List Files ()) {String Filename = FileTomoveGetname (); If (fileToMove.getName () ends (".jar")) {if (fileName.contains (choice1)) {insertOrder1.add (fileToMove); } And if (fileName.contains (choice2)) {insertOrder2.add (fileToMove); } And {insertOrder3.add (fileToMove...

c# - String to date parsing error "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime." -

नीचे मेरी प्रॉपर्टी में मीट्रिक स्ट्रिंग को datetime के नीचे सार्वजनिक वर्चुअल स्ट्रिंग स्टार्टटाइललोकल {सेट करें {स्टार्टटाइम = दिनांकटाइम। पर्स (मान) .ओयूयूटीसीडीटाइम (); }} बस चेक इन वैल्यू में मेरे पास 26/1/2014 02:17 PM क्या आप कृपया मेरी मदद कर सकते हैं मुझे क्या गलत है पर्स स्टैंडआउट तिथि और समय प्रारूप । आपकी स्ट्रिंग उनमें से एक नहीं है। आप इसके बजाय उपयोग कर सकते हैं या विधियों। string s = "26/1/2014 02: 17 बजे "; दिनांक समय डीटी; अगर (डेटटाइम.TryParseExact (s, "dd / m / yyyy hh: mm tt", CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo ("en-US"), दिनांकटाइम स्टाइल नॉन, आउट डीटी)) {Console.WriteLine (dt); } Else {// आपका स्ट्रिंग मान्य दिनांकटाइम नहीं है }

c++ - size_t(-1) and int(-1) under 64-bit system -

I wrote a test code to confirm some issues with 64-bit porting. But I was confused with the following matters: size_t size_neg_one = (size_t (-1)); Int int_neg_one = -1; Printf ("size_neg_one =% # zu, int_neg_one =% # x \ n", size_geg_on, Int_neg_one); Output result is: size_ neg_one = 0xffffffffffffff int_neg_one = 0xffffffff Obviously, size_neg_one int_neg_one should not be equal to. But I tried if (size_neg_one == int_neg_one) and found TRUE does not match my expectation. Can anyone explain this condition to me? thank you in advanced. My DEV environment: GCC-4.6.3 with 64-bit Xubuntu 13.04 . signed and unsigned integer 1 when the integer type With one value converted to another integer type, except _Bool, if the value can be presented by a new type, then it is not unchanged. # 2 Otherwise, if the new type is not unsigned, then the value can be changed by adding or subtracting the value from the maximum value repeatedly, until th...

javascript - SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'keys' in IE8 -

I'm getting the error: SCRIPT438: does not support object property or method 'key' file: jspdf.debug.js, line: 362, column: 4 / code> On this line: var fontKey = 'F' + (Object.kid (fonts). length + 1) .stustring (10), all Something is working fine & gt; IE 8 version, but I got hit in IE8. Please help me solve my problem Thank you. According to the MDN object. Kids method is only supported in IE 9 and more. Object. Keys objects objects an array of property names. You may wish to check your library browser compatibility. Because other obstacles may occur

c# - Worksheet is not getting deleted - adding a new one causes a name-collision error -

foreach (Excel.Worksheet पत्रक में m_objExcel.Sheets) {if (sheet.Name == "इससे पहले और amp; ल्यूब वेट के बाद ") {//sheet.Delete (); । (Excel.Worksheet) m_objExcel.Sheets [6]) को हटाएँ (); m_objSheet = (एक्सेल.Worksheet) m_objSheets.Add (m_objSheets [6], टाइप करें। मिसिंग, टाइप। मिसिंग, टाइप। मिसिंग); M_objSheet.Name = "ल्यूब वज़न से पहले और बाद में"; }} ऊपर दिए गए कोड एक मौजूदा कार्यपत्रक को नए वर्कशीट के साथ ओवरराइट करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। मैंने रेखा से लाइन डिबग करने की कोशिश की है और सभी कोड अच्छी तरह से काम कर रहे हैं लेकिन वर्कशीट एक ही नाम (नोटेड फ्रेमवर्क 2.0) के साथ अन्य शीट जोड़ने से पहले कभी नहीं हटाया जाता। अपवाद संदेश तब होता है त्रुटि: शीट को दूसरी शीट के रूप में नामित नहीं किया जा सकता मेरा मानना ​​है कि इसका कारण यह है पिछले वर्कशीट को ठीक से नहीं हटाया गया है। आपका वर्तमान समाधान मुझे अक्षम दिखता है ... ऐसा लगता है आप जो भी करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं, वह आपकी शीट साफ है .... कक्ष ... foreach (Excel.Worksheet) हटाने क...

php - base64_encode() function is not working with equal to (==) operator. -

$ url = GET_URL (पुष्टि, base64_encode ($ _ पोस्ट [ 'स्थिति']। "|"। $ Agent_id )); ta_send_verification ($ _ पोस्ट [ 'ईमेल'], $ _ पोस्ट [ 'agent_name'], $ url); मैं प्रोफाइल की पुष्टि मेल भेजकर उपयोगकर्ता प्रोफ़ाइल पर भेज रहा हूं। उस मेल में सक्रियण यूआरएल लिंक है जब मैं उस लिंक पर क्लिक करें मैं इस यूआरएल मिला गलत यूआरएल MlJPSEU0WEFKVlNZSFZFRFVXMlk1VVpUUTBIRk1KT0w0WDVBUzNVMnwyNA == सही uRL MlJPSEU0WEFKVlNZSFZFRFVXMlk1VVpUUTBIRk1KT0w0WDVBUzNVMnwyNA दूसरा url सही है और यह भी ठीक काम करता है। लेकिन, मेरे सक्रियण लिंक में मुझे हमेशा इस url को == प्रतीक के बराबर मिलता है मुझे नहीं पता कि मैं अपने सक्रियण यूआरएल लिंक में उस == प्रतीक के बराबर कैसे निकाल सकता हूं? यह base64_encode () जैसा == कुछ भी नहीं है लेकिन पैडिंग का एक डिफ़ॉल्ट व्यवहार है। से > '==' और '=' अनुक्रम से संकेत मिलता है कि अंतिम समूह में क्रमशः केवल 8 या 16 बिट्स हैं। इसे हटाने के लिए, कोड> str_replace () डबल बराबर प्रत...

c# - Entity Framework many-to-many intersect -

I have many-to-many relationships and I need help to get this result Public Sector Customers {Public Virtual ILIT & lt; Customer recommendation & gt; Customer priority {receive; Set; }} Public category preference {public virtual icon & lt; Customer First & gt; {Preferred customer prefaces; Set; } Public int DefaultValue {get; Set; }} Public Class Customer Preference {Public Full Value {Received; Set; } Public Virtual Consumer {get; Set; } Public Virtual Priority {get; Set; }} Come with the basic value of customer 1 and pref 1, pref2, pref3, 0. If I put a customprime record for the pref1 with Price 1, then I would like to examine this result the customer. Priority | Price - Customer 1 | Pref1 1 Customer 1 | Pref 2 | 0 Customer 1 | Pref3 0 Thank you. What you are trying to achieve is done through simple selection CustomerPrime From , make sure that you have given the selection result to customer and priority . var query = In the context of the ...

TSQL how to remove all characters or text after the last tab space -

I have some data that looks like this: Maple Leaf City This is in a single column called City. I want to remove the word city so that the output looks like this: maple The code removes everything after the first place rather than the last place. How do I do this: Maple Leaf City and change it to Maple Leaf What is: SELECT LEFT (city, CHARINDEX ('', city) - 1) Where the Chardix ('', city) & gt; 1 My code gives me this: Maple declare @ root varchar (255) set @tr = 'maple leaf city' LEFT (@str, ln (@rr) - charxx ('', river (@rrt))

python - Argument not being taken from class? -

I hope that when I grow up I'm trying to create a class to make my program easier. I have a class tilemap, which makes a pajama phantom. I try to call this phantom, then I'll blow it up. But when I do this, it claims that it is not a surface but instead it says that it is a tilemap class. Error: Traceback (most recent call final): File "F: \ Desktop Files \ Python \ Pigme RPG Type Game \ RPG Test 2.p", in line 166, player = player (placeplayer) grassstyle = tilemap (spacegrower) waterlet = tilemap (location) waterbeak = tilemap (space-bit) TILE_WIDTH = 32 TILE_HEIGHT = 32 Tilemap = [[Grassstyle, Grassstyle, Grassstyle, Grassstyle, Waterbeek, Waterlit, Watertate, Watertile, watertile], [grasstile, grasstile, grasstile, grasstile, Waterbeach, watertile, watertile, wate rtile, watertile], [grasstile, grasstile, grasstile, grasstile, waterbeach, watertile, watertile, watertile, watertile], [watertile, watertile, waterlet, watertale, watertale, waterlab, w...

Rally API not retrieving custom values of system fields -

I'm using the Rally Web Service to get the Environmental Area value If I add or change the values ​​of environment fields, then the web service returns the same data. I want the web update to be updated like the new update NV-2, Nava-3 etc. Based on my trial, it Should work for you as you want, do you go through a proxy (which are caching the old reaction)?

java - What's the best rule for fitting a dynamic JTable inside a dialog or a frame?(height issue) -

I want to calculate the height of a dialog which contains only one table depending on how many rows the table is , Using the cross multiplied rule. For example, I initially check that for some value my table dialogue (without the bottom space) is appropriate and after that I use cross multiplication rule because the data is dynamic. But unfortunately this rule does not solve the problem. What is the best rule to fit a dynamic table inside a dialog or frame? Here is my code public square flowout changing {public static zero main (string [] arg) {// just for testing, but the data is being from database and it is a dynamic object [ ["]", ["Cathy", "Smith", "Snowboarding", New Integer (5)}, {"John", "Do", "Rowing", New Integer (3)}, {"Sue", " New "Integre", "Joe", "Brown", "Pool", New Integer ("Black", "Knitting", New Integer (2)}, {"J...

optimization - Why "lines()" doesn't draw anything on the plot in R? -

I have the following code, but line () attracts nothing at plot I I've been created by plot.ts (nhtemp). I do not want to use the HaltWinter function. Data (required) data (nhtemp) str (nhtemp) mona.function & lt; - Function (beta, y = nhtemp) {y.hat = numerical (length (y) y.hat [1] = y [1] y.hat [2] = y [2] (i in 3: Length (y) {y.hat [i] = beta * Y [i-1] + (1-beta) * y.hat [i-1]} sq.sum = 0 (i in 2: length )} {sq.sum = sq.sum + (y [i] -y.hat [i]) ^ 2} plot.ts (nhtemp) line (y.hat, col = "red") returns (sq.sum) This is a result I have: And this is the plot I hope to get: you line (ts ( Y.hat, start = start (nhtemp) [1], end = end (nhtemp) [1]), col = "red") In this way, Construct that starts in the same way and ends with nhtemp .

iphone - How to run application in debug mode and release mode with different api's in ios -

Please help me with this problem. I have to start my application in debug mode with an API and in release mode I use this API in debug mode and should use the release mode as I release mode or debug mode I want to run in I'm changing according to all my APIs. But I know that this is not the right way. Please select the "Define LINK_API @" link which you want "# # Define LINK_API @" link that you want "#endif

phpmyadmin - #1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) -

Every time I am trying to open phpMyAdmin in the wamp server and the default username and password i.e. 'root' and ' 'This is showing the same error respectively. 1045 - Access denied for user' root '@' localhost '(using password: no) phpMyAdmin has created a MySQL server Tried to connect to, and the server rejected the connection. You should check the host, username and password in your configuration and make sure they are relevant to the information provided by the administrator of the MySQL server. Even after uninstalling the ramp and then installing it again, showing the same error I went to the entire post related to this issue and every The place is asked to login using username = root and password = "tap", but it does not work for me. Q) Phpmyadmin # 1045 - User access to 'root' @ 'localhost' (password usage While doing: no)? A) 1: Go to Local Disk (C) Drive 2: Select Wamp Server 3: Select the App Fol...

php - Magento call child html inside static block -

मैं इसके बारे में थोड़ा भ्रमित हूँ। मेरे पास & lt;? Php ईको $ this- & gt; getChildHtml ('खाता लिंक')? & Gt; header.phtml के अंतर्गत धन्यवाद सबसे पहले, किसी भी खाता लिंक्स उपनाम नाम की जांच करें सभी xml फ़ाइल लेआउट में बाहर है। मान लीजिए अगर मुझे पता चला है कि store_language पेज.xml में बाहर निकलता है और यह header.phtml में कॉल किया जाता है $ this-> getChildHtml ( 'Store_language') ; अगर मैं इस फ़ाइल को किसी भी स्थान पर कॉल करना चाहता हूँ, जहां नीचे कोड का उपयोग किया गया है इस $ echo-> getLayout () -> gt; ; बनाएँब्लॉक ('पृष्ठ / स्विच') - & gt; सेटटैम्प्लेट ('पृष्ठ / स्विच / भाषाओं.फाइल') - & gt; toHtml (); उसी तरह आपको अनुसरण करना जरूरी है

java - android wifi peer to peer -

I found that they told me the current API which enabled developers to do some programming WiFi peer is only in Android 4.0 for companion (API level 14). Is this true? I mean, I can only use the first version of Android for the use of Android 4.0, which does Pir Programming the WiFi Peer? Can I use Android 2.3 or earlier for WiFi peer 2 peer access? It has been clearly stated in the developer's view that Wi-Fi peer-to-peer ( P2P) does not allow Android 4.0 (API level 14) or later devices. Please go to , you can use 4.0 or later versions of Wi-Fi peer with wifi peer-to-peer (P2P) API for pyro programming where applications Without the need to connect to the device, it is allowed to connect to nearby devices. Network or hotspot Wi-Fi P2P allows your app to quickly locate and contact nearby devices at a range beyond the capabilities of Bluetooth. It's not at 4.0 and later.

winapi - GetDefaultPrinter() reference unfound in VC6 -

I getDefaultPrinter () and then according to the suggestion to use CreateDC (), but VC6 I have learned, but many People are facing the same problem, but none of them was fruitful. Is this the correct way to use GetDefaultPrinter (). Includes Winspool.h and Windows.h. You probably have very old SDKs. Check whether GetDefaultPrinter is defined in your winspool.h file. If not, here are the definitions: BOOL WINAPI GetDefaultPrinterA (LPTST pszBuffer, LPDWORD pcchBuffer); BOOL WINAPI GetDefaultPrinterW (LPWSTR pszBuffer, LPDword pcchBuffer); #ifdef UNICODE #define GetDefaultPrinter GetDefaultPrinterW #else #define GetDefaultPrinter GetDefaultPrinterA #endif //! Unicode BOOL WINAPI SetDefaultPrinterA (LPCSTR psz printer); BOOL WINAPI SetDefaultPrinterW (LPCWSTR pszPrinter); #ifdef UNICODE #define SetDefaultPrinter SetDefaultPrinterW #else #define SetDefaultPrinter SetDefaultPrinterA #endif //! UNICODE

sql addition of 2 queries return NULL -

I want to add the sum of the two questions (please see the questions given below, this example works) My problem When a question returns an empty result like (Select the amount (60 + 3 + 25 + 2)) + (Select the amount (0)) montant In addition, Additionally, the result of the result is automatically the tap. But when there are more results than the tap of 2 questions: choose (select amount (60 + 3 + 25 + 2) + + (select amount (300 + 50) ) As the montant works in addition and I get the right result: Here is the query that gives me 90 as a result lf.idFraisForfait = on joining the fichefrais FF on the selected amount (lf.quantite) fraisforfait joining the f lignefraisforfait lf ff.idVisiteur = LF .IDVisiteur and ff.mois = Is where lf.idVisiteur = "a131" and lf.mois = "201312" This is the second result which gives me 0 results select Lignefraishorsforfait LFH inner yoga ff.idVisiteur = lfh.idVisiteur and ff.mois = lfh.mois where ff....

php - Column count doesn't match value count at row error in correct syntax -

I have written a insert query but it throws an error # 1136 I am a comma with other values ​​and other syntax and fields Checked, tap permission is also checked. It is not working. I searched for similar questions but did not help but I tried to do it both ways. The first method: Posted in SET PostId = NULL, EventId = 1, FacultyId = 'hemal.desai', InstituteId = 1, PostTitle = 'title ', PostMsg =' msg ', postdate =' 2014-04-22 ', event =' 2014-04-30 ', posttime = CURRENT_TIME (), DeleteDate =' 2014-04-30 ', edited =' no ', File URL = 'null', position = 'upcoming', reason = null, old event = null; and another way: posted details (post ID, eventID, facultyIID, institute, postatile, postmg, postdate, eventdate, posttime, finder, edited , File URL, status, reason, old date) value (zero, '1', 'Siddhi Shah:,' 1 ',' Siddhi Mum ',' Message ',' 2014-04-22 ...

java - How do I call a base class's own method from another method when it's overridden? -

सार्वजनिक वर्ग अभिभावक {निजी ऑब्जेक्ट oBase; सार्वजनिक वस्तु getObject () {// [कुछ तर्क] वापसी oBase; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग getObjectValue () {वापसी getObject ()। GetValue (); } पब्लिक क्लास बाल अभिभावक (निजी ऑब्जेक्ट o चाल्ड; सार्वजनिक ऑब्जेक्ट getObject () {रिटर्न ओबिल; } सार्वजनिक ऑब्जेक्ट getObjectValue () {getObject return ()। GetValue (); } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग getParentObjectValue () {वापसी super.getObjectValue (); }} उपरोक्त टेम्पलेट में, मुझे यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए एक तरीका है कि Parent.getObjectValue () में getObject () को Parent.getObject () और Child.getObject () नहीं कॉल करता है, ताकि बच्चे को ओबेस और ओ चाइल्ड को प्राप्तकर्ता मिल सके। मैंने कोशिश की है ((माता-पिता) यह) .getObject ()। GetValue () में parent.getObjectValue (), लेकिन यह अभी भी पोलीमॉर्फ बच्चे की परिभाषा के लिए क्या विशिष्ट कॉल के लिए जावा में स्थिर बाइंडिंग को मजबूर करने का कोई तरीका है? मैं माता-पिता .getObject () में से [कुछ तर्क] दोहरीकरण से बचने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ, लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि अगर इसक...

Django change trans message -

'तैनाती' के लिए टेक्स्ट हाइपरलिंक कैसे बदल सकता है? & lt; a href = "#" & Gt; {% trans "LANG"%} & lt; / a & gt; मैंने कोशिश की है: & lt; a href = "#" & gt; LANG & lt; / a & gt; मैंने भी। PO फाइल में संदेश बदल दिए हैं और उन्हें संकलित किया है .. क्या मुझे याद है? आपको" प्रारंभ "को" तैनात "में बदलना चाहिए और ./ makemessages -l & lt; LANGUAGE CODE & gt; सभी भाषाओं के लिए या makemessages -a यह नई। पीओ उत्पन्न करेगा -file तब ./ compliemessages और यह ठीक होना चाहिए। वेब-सर्वर को पुनः आरंभ करने के लिए मत भूलना।

scala - Can't access generic function type in a inner PartialFunction -

I am currently writing a generic function to execute dispatch async requests, but in dispatch handlers I can not access the normal type: execution of personal def [message type] (query: rick, error message: string) {html (ok as query string. Either.Success {case left (error) = & gt; Println (errorMsg) case correct (JSN) = & gt; println (new message per second (json)) // error here}} I have an error on the new messaging: "New Message Type (JSN)" in "did not resolve the icon message type Can you help me? Thanks in advance Victor EDIT: I have found another interesting method here. You must use the Manifest feature: class DynamicTestClass () {def output () {println ("Hello from class dynamically sent")}} def testFunc [T: Manifest] (): T = {manifest {T] .erasure.newInstance (). AsInstanceOf [T] val dynamicTestClassInstance = testFunc [DynamicTestClass] () dynamicTestClassInstance.output () It starts working! You can not do this de...

c# - Gridview is not binding properly: -

I am using I have a LINQ query which I set and I am bound to a GridView using the following query Am But Gridview is not properly binding. In all the rows, it looks like this: + Where to selectIntequireElectrector 2 [[lt; & Gt; F__AnonymousType652 6 [system. Minus] 1 [System .32], System.String, System.String, System.String, System.String, System.Int32], System.String] My aspx page & lt; Columns & gt; & Lt; ASP: TemplateField HeaderText = "Slow No." ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign = "center" & gt; & Lt; ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; Div style = "margin: 0 pixels auto, width: auto;" & Gt; & Lt; asp: label id = "lblslno" runat = "server" text = '& lt;% # container.displayindex + 1% & gt;' & Gt; '& Gt; & Lt; / Asp: label & gt; & Lt; asp: HiddenField id = "hf" runat = "server" value = '& lt;% # Eval ("Em...

c# - Mocking IDisposable classes -

Scenario: I have a class that subscribes to my default constructor for a constant event. As such, class IDisposable is made, as if it can unsubscribe from the stationary event and collect the garbage appropriately. This class is being joking in the test using the rhinomox . This composite part is children, which can or may not be IDisposable . Problem: I'm leaking these objects due to the Dodge method RhinoMocks . Q: I know that Rhinomox has been told in a manner that the basic method should be called. ( CallOriginalMethod ), but I have noticed that Rhinomox sometimes creates itself behind the curtain beyond my declarations like, I do not think I should be leaking the object Can stop me Is there a way to solve this problem? When you mock a class, you can pass in additional interface (or type) (I.e. IDisposable) During the tuning of the unit test, you will be given a type of IDisposable and call settlement

java - Why Struts 2 annotations don't have LongRangeFieldValidator -

I was working on verification using annotation in Stratus 2 and I was quite surprised to see that in the annotation . It shows an error because it does not actually exist and can not be converted to com.opensymphony.xwork2.validator.validators.LongRangeFieldValidator in a comment type. It was quite clear so I switched to the next. I used I could use it a lot because it was unable to do a type of casting. I thought it was supposed to work because Docs says that For numerical type. This is a valid (and it should be) non-integer value so I had to leave it. / P> Finally I had to convert my long area to string and use it. My question is why is there no Longerangerfield Validator in the package and what are the best practices for obtaining it? It seems that they forgot to add this annotation to the main package. There can be only one mistake, but there is an alternative solution. Use a value @CustomValidator (type = "tall", field na...

php - Change rating numbers to 1 - 5 -

मेरे पास रेटिंग संख्याओं की एक सरणी है। array (34, 35, 33, 17, 38, 29, 31, 23) मैं चाहता हूँ कि संख्या 1 से 5 (1, 2, 3, 4 या 5) के बीच स्वचालित रूप से एक रेटिंग में बदल जाए। उदाहरण "38" (उच्चतम संख्या) का दर्ज़ा 5 होना चाहिए "17" (सबसे कम संख्या) चाहिए की रेटिंग 1 है। "31" का शायद 3 का मूल्यांकन होना चाहिए। मैं इसे PHP कोड के साथ कैसे गणना करूं? उच्चतम संख्या 35 से अधिक हो सकती है और न्यूनतम 17 से कम हो सकती है। आप कोशिश कर रहे हैं संख्याएं 17 और 38 को 1 और 5 के बीच में दर्ज करें, बीच में सभी मूल्यों को दोहराएं। हमें निम्न संख्या में इन संख्याओं का उपयोग करें जहां num श्रेणी से किसी भी संख्या का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है: (num-17) नक्शे 17 और 38 से 0 और 21 (num-17) / (21) नक्शे 0 और 21 से 0 और 1 (num-17) / (21) * (4) नक्शे 0 और 1 से 0 और 4 (num-17) ) / (21) * (4) + 1 नक्शे 0 और 4 से 1 और 5 PHP कोड: फ़ंक्शन mapvaluetorange ($ सरणी, $ a, $ b) {$ map = array (); $ min = मिन ($ सरणी); $ अधिकतम = अधिकतम ($ सरणी); Foreach (...

java - Ignore running unitTest in the test itself -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 जवाब ऐसा हो सकता है, कि यूनिट टेस्ट ठीक से भी कारण प्रणाली की स्थिति का परीक्षण नहीं कर सकता। उदाहरण: एक अन्य नौकरी चल रही है, जो किसी सेवा द्वारा प्रयोग की जाने वाली तालिका द्वारा लॉक करता है। इस मामले में परीक्षण का उत्पादन सफलता नहीं होना चाहिए और न ही असफल होना चाहिए ... यह सिर्फ जैसे IGNORED क्या परीक्षण में खुद को 'अनदेखा' इकाई परीक्षण सेट करने का कोई तरीका है? ऐसा लगता है कि आप जेयूनिट 4 से ग्रहण करना चाहते हैं। इस दस्तावेज़ीकरण को देखें

javascript - How to scroll one a page height on mobile? -

I want to ask how to scroll on a mobile device at a page height, such as Does this page work on PC? I am now using jquery: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ (". Main") .Onepage_scroll ({sectionContainer: "Section", responsivebackback: 600, loop: true}};}); But it does not work on mobile. How can I do the same effect on mobile? Thanks for reading. / P> var h = $ (window). Light (); $ ("html, body"). Chetan ({scrollTop: H}, 1500, 'easeOutBounce');

android asmack private chat in MUC group -

I am using asmack and openfire to develop group chat (MUC). Now I want to do a private chat inside the list of group residents, for example if the group has 10 contacts, then the user can chat with only 6 contacts in the list, while leaving the message to 4 other contacts Should not be sent, if possible please inform me about the API. If it is possible then possible in AMM and Open Fire. Why is not making another MUC Then, in this room included Invite selected contacts to be Hope this will help

Launch application automatically from an SMS on Windows Phone 8 -

I want to launch an application using the parameters provided by an SMS. The behavior I want to achieve is that as soon as the user receives an SMS, the application will start with the criteria given in SMS. To wit. In a more user-friendly manner, SMS is offered uninterruptedly. I have experimented with URI protocol associations and so far I can send SMS to test phone (protocol is taken from the book ??? Except for the Windows Phone 8, the code is in the WP8UnleashedSource_01_05 \ Source \ FileAndProtocolAssociations ). The application has been started successfully after pressing the link in the received SMS. But it would be great if there is a way to automatically launch the application only after receiving SMS. Is it possible on all Windows Phone models and versions 8 and up? Or there are other approaches, for example, use push notifications, which are better suited for the description of case-case. Thanks & amp; Regards This question is similar, but I would like ...

javascript - Append a custom AngularJS directive on ng-click to a container HTML element -

I have one of the following problems: I have a complex custom command, which is used for information about input areas Woeful WS . I want to add this HTML code to ng-click using the current & lt; Button & gt; to wrap up. Please, take a look at the appendirective function, this is what a parent element should be directed to, which is called it. The director looks like this: app.directive ('recursivefields', function copy: 'e', ​​replace: true, controller: "httpPostController" Template: '$ lp; div ng] $ {compiler: $ http} {return} {radius: {field:' = field ', model:' = model '}, restart: -repeat = "field in nested field. Nested field "& Gt; div ng-show =" {{Nestedfeld.ICCTA & amp;; Nestedfield.esennam}} "& gt; '+' & lt; p ng-show = {{nestedField.isRequired}} & Gt; {{Nestedfeld .name}} *: & lt; / p & gt; '+' & lt; p ng- show = {{nested field. SEREware}}...

c# - Check if a NumericUpDown has no value -

How can I check that the user left a NumericUpDown control blank? I have looked at another question to examine the 'text' property but there is no text property to check against it. You can check against the text property, though it is a designer and Is hidden from Intelligence. Just try this sample it works: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (control.Text)) {// a value}

jquery - Autosave functionality in ck-editor -

I have implemented ck-editor in my project, users can save data after clicking on the save button. But now the customer wants to implement the autosave functionality to save data. How can I save click events in a seek-editor? I want to save plugin.js after fix time. How do I implement it? In javascript you can use setInterval to run it A function at intervals This function will run every 2 seconds: setInterval (function () {// Save code goes here}, 2000); & Lt; - Change this number to the length that you want in MS

java - Error when creating a new maven project -

When I try to create a new Maven project (with many architectures, not only down), I is facing: unable to create a project originally [org.apache.maven.archetypes: maven-archetype-quickstart: RELEASE] the current package unable to add modules for packaging The type is not of POM. Does anyone know why this is happening, and how to solve it? It seems that your directory is not empty This command line works for me: (empty directory In) mvn archetype: generated - dgroupId = fr.myGroupId -DartifactId = MyApplication -Dackacknameame = fr.myGroupId -DarchetypeArtifactId = maven-archetype-quickstart results: [INFO] using the property: groupId = fr.myGroupId [INFO] using the property: artifactId = MyApplication defined property value 'version': 1.0-SNAPSHOT :: [INFO] Property use: package = fr.myGroupId attributes configurations Tip: Group ID: fr.myGroupId artifactId: MyApplication2 Version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT Package: fr.myGroupId YY :: [INFO] ---------------------- -...

Kivy Screen Changing -

OK guys, I have a problem, I want to click on a button on the popup and then click on the popup It should transcise another screen .... here my code just wants to get a new fresh screen when I click on the popup button Import from app popup from kivy .uix.gridlayout Import from kivy.uix.label import from kivy.uix.textinput Import label by kivy.uix.button Import button from TextInput ki vy.uix.boxlayout import box from # kivy.uix.stacklayout from stackLayout kivy from screenmanager import screenmanager, screen class login screen (grid layout, screen): def __init __ (self, sm, ** kwargs): Super (login screen, self) .__ init__ (** kwargs) = sm self.cols = 2 self.row = 2 self.add_widget (label (text = 'user name', font_size = '20sp') ) self.username = TextInput (multiline = False) self.add_widget (self.username) self.add_widget (label (text = 'password')) self.password = TextIn (password = true, multiline = folose) self.ad_visit ( Se...

How to Draw a triangle shape in python? -

I want to draw a triangle using python. I've already drawn the shape of the circle but I can not drag the triangle. Can anyone please help me with this? This is my code for the circle and I want to use the same type of code for the triangle. I Import Graphics Random Win = Import Graphics. In the range I (1000): x = random.randint (0,500) y = random.randint (0,500) z = random.randint (1,100) point in graphin ("exercise 7", 500,500) win.setBackground ("white") = Graphics. Point (x, y) circle = graphics Circle (dot, jade) color = graphics color_rgb (random.randint (0,255), random.randint (0,255), random.randint (0,255) circle.setFill (color) circle.draw (win) win.getMouse () win.close () Thanks! This should be a triangle, with a random corner (corner): I hope it helps.

java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got BINARY -

I have a method in the Dao class that is list & lt; Object [] & gt; I & # 39; re using name and query public list & lt; Object [] & gt; GetListByCustomer (session session, integer customer ID, list & lt; integer & gt; strIds) {query named = session .createSQLQuery (query constant.export); NameQuery.setParameter ("Customer", Customer ID); NameQuery.setParameter ("stringId", strIds); & Lt; Object [] & gt; Objects = nameQuery.list (); Return items; } me the list & lt; Integer & gt; String in stringed id in named query public class query constant {public static final string export = "SELECT sv.NAME, sv.TYPE, sv.CLIENT_ADDRESS, sv NAME_REDUNDANT, sv View from "DEPARTURE_DATE, s1.CODE, sv.STATE, sv.CODE" + "sv, Process P1, SET s1" + "WHERE sv.R_ID = p1.R_ID and p1.ISSUER_ID = s1.USER_ID and sv .CUSTOMER_ID = : Customer and sv.R_ID IN (: stringId) "; } But I'm getting OR...

Tomcat 7 struts2 org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Failed to start component -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 7 जवाब टोमैक खिचड़ी भाषा नीले रंग से बाहर शुरू .. या मुझे याद नहीं है कि मैं कहाँ बदल गया त्रुटि संदेश नीचे दिए गए हैं क्यों org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException : घटक प्रारंभ करने में असफल? दोहराएं: प्रारंभिक java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException के दौरान एक बच्चे कंटेनर विफल हो गया है: org.apache .catalina.LifecycleException: घटक प्रारंभ करने में विफल [मानकइंजिन [कैटलिना]। मानकमान [लोकलहोस्ट]। पर ( java.util.concurrent.FutureTask पर। org.apache पर org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.startInternal ( पर org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.startInternal (कंटेनरबेस.जावा 1212) पर (फ्यूचरटस्क.जावाप्रथम 88) प्राप्त करें। । catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start ( org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase $ पर (कंटेनरबसे.जावा 155 9) org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase $ पर (कंटेनरबेज.जावा 154 9) java....

c# - How to include currency sign(₹) in crystal reports formula -

Using Crystal Report 2008 to report purpose in my project, in which I want to display Indian currency sign (Â ?? ¹). And I also said that I did not find any solution. Suggest some solutions to add currency symbol to crystal report formula. These steps are for the version of Crystal Reports in VS 2012, but I suspect that they If you take too much, you'll probably find it in one or more space. Right-click on the field and select "Format Object". Select the "Number" tab in the popup window, if it is not already selected. Press the "Customize" button. Select the "Currency Symbol" tab. Find the "Currency Symbol" text box.

c# - Roxy file manager in MVC doesn't accept session path -

Hi friends I've downloaded a file manager for my MVC project. So I added to my project and everything works fine but everyone can use this product I mean everyone can type urls and upload files to my host !!!! This filemanager has a Jason config file, as you can see here: {"FILES_ROOT": "Fileman / Upload "," "File_type_kenny": "file", "THUMBS_VIEW_WIDTH": "140", "THUMBS_VIEW_HEIGHT": "120", "PREVIEW_THUMB_WIDTH": "300", "PREVIEW_THUMB_HEIGHT": "200", "MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH": "0" "ASP_net / Main.Shex? A = Created", " Dealederer ":" ASP_net / MAN.assx "ADELEDED IR "," MOVEDIR ":" ASP_net / Main.Shex? A = MoVEDIR "," Copdier ":" ASP_net / Main.Shex? A = Copdier "," Richie Dar ":" ASP_net / Main ASP_net / main.hex? A = Upload "," Downlo...

java - XStream: UnknownFieldException - No such field -

I am following the exception, when I want to de-serial Java object. com. Thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter $ UnknownFieldException: XMLmlSerializer.EntityFields.EntityFields such a field. I saw your solution on the following link, but it does not work for me: package xmlserializer; Public Class EntityFields {Private list & lt; EntityField & gt; Unitfield = new arreelist & lt; EntityField & gt; (); Public listing & lt; EntityField & gt; getEntityFields () {return entityFields; } Public Zero SetIntextfield (List & gt; Unit Filt & gt; Unit Field) {this.entityFields = entityFields; }} package xmlserializer; Public class EntityField {Private string field name}; Private string fielddesignplainname; Type the private string field; Private boolean ismultiVyued = false; Public string getFieldName () {return field name; } Public Zero setFieldName (string field name) {FieldName = fieldName; } Public string getFie...

How to verify whether new tab opened or not in selenium webdriver? -

I have a situation where I have to check whether a new tab has been opened after clicking on the link. If the tab opens then I also want to see the title. Does anyone have any information about it? Here is the same for C #; It has been tested and it will work whether the link opens in a new tab or a new window. var browsertab = driver Windhands; . Driver.SwitchTo () window (browserTabs [1]); // Check whether or not this is the right page to open (eg check page title or URL etc) // Go to the Close tab and return the driver. Stop it (); . Driver.SwitchTo () window (browserTabs [0]); Hope that any person coming in this thread will be helped.

java - IE is taking response of controller as a file -

The following is the code where I tried to upload the file with my code, the code is working properly in Chrome and Mozilla But it is not working for IE.For IE when the Controller Return Ent (which shows whether the file has been successfully uploaded or not) This uploads the browser as a file and for this reason to open or save this file And ifi opens that file in Notepad Land, indicating that brick which is based on 1 or 0 result, I do not know that taking him in as a file. Please help me // Requesting Mail Configuration (Value = "Upload", Method = Request Post) // @ Production (Text / HTML) Try this type, but the results change Could not. Public @ResponseBody int upload (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @RequestPart ("datafile" MultipartFile file) {write code to a directory on the specified directory, which gives 1 on success and 0} on failure} // The code is in javascript, which is the iframe (which submits the form) to the con...

ios - Instantiate ViewController with identifier causes a crash using storyboard and a xib -

Then I am using a storyboard and an xib I have a tableview in my ViewController I use and have a custom header as a xib file (the VC file is owner). I want to present my new VC on swipe headers, I added a swipe signal to xib using IB, but now I am having trouble presenting it. Crash has come when I am trying to gain the integrity of the controllerwindifier. I have made the property of my present Vice Chancellor and set the correct identifier "swipe right". - (IBAction) Swiped right: (ID) sender {NSLog (@ "right"); If (_mpvc == blue) {// user for those people, if only use it, do not push it twice more MPGc [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier: @ "swiperight"]; } [Self-present ViewController: Animated _mpvc: yes complete: zero]; } Error: can not be executable for CFBundle 0x9022120 & lt; / Applications / Developer / SDKs / iPhoneSimulator7.1.sdk / Syst...

jquery - Implement select2 for Bootstarp Typeahead -

मैं bootstrap typeahead को select2 के साथ कार्यान्वित करना चाहता था। मेरा अजाक्स का परिणाम पूरी तरह से आने पर होता है लेकिन मैं परिणाम को संबंधित ब्लॉक में विभाजित करना चाहता हूं, तो टाइप-ऐड में कैसे कार्यान्वित करें !!! [फिडडेल] = आशा है कि यह आपकी मदद करता है अपडेट की कोशिश करें: चेक आउट

java - ClassPathXmlApplicationContext from a Runtime.getRuntime.exec -

I develop a web app in eclipse with spring to handle dependency injection & amp; To work, Maven I am trying to make this small code work: Public class MainExternal {public static void throws exceptions {@SuppressWarnings ("resource ") ApplicationContext appContext = New ClassPathXmlApplicationContext (" ClassPath *: Web Configuration / App Contex. XML "); Projectbau Projectbau = (ProjectBoop) App Contact. Gatebin ("Projectbau"); System.out.println ("- & gt; IM" in "); *** List of & lt; User & gt; ListUser = (list & lt; user & gt;) for projectBo.findUsers (project); (User myUser: listUser) {System.out.println ("user:" + myUser.getFirstname ());}} When I run it inside the eclipse, that work But when I call it from my web app, such that it does not work: Public Zero Extraction Analysis () {System.out .println ("-> I call my work"); try {String [] Order = { "Java", "- C...