
Showing posts from September, 2010

mysql - Inserting into table with skipping the auto incremented column without the need to write the columns' names -

Then I have this large table with more than 30 columns, and what I wanted to do would include its values But the first skipping column on the OCC is 'ID' which automatically increments, so I have two options which I can think of, one is: 'table name' col2 , Col3, col4 ... INESERT INSERT Val2, val3, val4 But it takes a long time to copy the names of columns, Having Uti is likely to be missing a letter. Then another option will bring the last ID in the table and edit the next ID itself: $ last_row_query = mysql_query ("Select ID from order order by ID DESC limit 1"); If (! $ Last_row_query) {dead ('invalid query:' .mysql_error ()); } $ Last_row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ last_row_query); $ Last_id = $ last_row ['id']; $ Current_id = $ last_id + 1; and then the query will be INSERT 'table name' VALUES $ current_id, val2, val3, val4 Is there any difference in the efficiency of those two methods? And is there any way more r...

linq - Dynamic sorting with nullable coulmn -

I am writing dynamic sorting with lambda expression such as: string sortColumn = imageFilterType = = 1? "Created": "Abuse"; Var paramExp = expression.Pameter (typef (item), typef (item) .ostring ()); Expression propConvExp = expression. Convert (expression. Properties (paramx, sort code), typef (object)); Var sortxp = expression Lambda & lt; Funk & lt; Items, objects & gt; & Gt; (Proponxpec, Permanence XP); After this I am creating dynamic sort column and I am implementing this type of extension in Bile query: var item = _db Items.AsQueryable () .expandable () .user (sortexp). Where (ingenious) Select (x = & gt; x). (_db.Users, i = & gt; i.UserId, u = & gt; u.UserID, (i, u) = & gt; new {i, absolute name = u.UserType == 1? U.FirstName + " "+ U.LastName: u.CompanyName, u.UserType, u.UserName}. Ollist () .Skip (Page Index) (page size); In my input there are 2 columns, through which I have been made one and the seco...

javascript - TinyMCE windowManager - modal with scrollbars -

I am trying to create a modal window with ({...}} The only way to ensure that a list of items (maybe longer) will be displayed will be displayed properly, fixed height is set in the modal and it has to scroll content. at is not really helping me here I find some examples of describing the scrollbar option Was: ({scrollbars: true, height: 300, ...}); But it worked for me If someone can give me a hint on this, then maybe I have to use some kind of thing for my model body? I really appreciate it if someone updates me Ah, I have tried to figure out this to everyone, but as soon as I have posted my question Here is the answer. I want to redo the dialog after manually setting overflow: auto by calling win._bindings.repaint [0] () I was trying to get an error: unchanged can not read the property 'autosolol' and it came to know that autoScroll which I was looking for: editor.window...

javascript - Why does throttle set timeout, context and args to null? -

So I'm just trying to understand the code of throttle in Underscore.js. _ Throttle = function (funk, wait, options) {great context, args, result; var timeout = null; Var previous = 0; Option || (Option = {}); Var after = function () {false = options.leading === false? 0: (); Timeout = null; Result = Funny Aply (references, args); Reference = args = faucet; }; Return work () {var now = (); If (past & options.leading === wrong) last = now; Var balance = wait - (now - last); Context = this; Args = arguments; If (left & lt; = 0) {explicit timeout (timeout); Timeout = null; Last = now; Result = Funny Aply (references, args); Reference = args = faucet; } And if (! Timeout & amp; options.trailing! == wrong) {timeout = setTimeout (later, remaining); } Return results; }; }; I was wondering why context, logic and timetable are redundant. I originally thought that they were being set up for garbage collection assistance. To test that I made a big string, pass...

Mule - DataMapper throws "Error while validating DB connection." -

... org.jetel.connection.jdbc.DBConnection: डीबी कनेक्शन को मान्य करते समय त्रुटि। org.jetel.lookup पर org.jetel.connection.jdbc.DBConnection.getConnection ( पर org.jetel.connection.jdbc.DBConnection.isValid (; 3131) पर java.lang.NullPointerException Com.mulesoft.mule.module.datamapper पर org.jetel.graph.TransformationGraph.preExecute (TransformationGraph.javaSTART_12) पर DBLookupTable.preExecute ( ... ऊपर यह त्रुटि है कि मैं अपने MuleStudio कंसोल में देख रहा हूँ; हालांकि, डेटामैपर डीबी लुकअप सत्यापन कार्य के अनुसार (नीचे चित्र देखें), डीबी कनेक्शन ठीक लगता है। प्रश्न: इस त्रुटि का कारण क्या है & amp; यह त्रुटि कैसे ठीक करें? ऐसा लगता है कि नए एवनपोर्ट स्टूडियो में यह समस्या नहीं है।

c++ - Get the list of files in a directory with in a directory -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 18 उत्तर मेरे पास " बेसफ़ाइल "के साथ इस निर्देशिका में, मेरे पास" Dir1 "," Dir2 "," Dir3 "आदि नामक निर्देशिकाएं हैं, इन सब-डायरेक्ट्रीज़ में, मुझे उन फ़ाइलों की सूची है जिनके लिए मुझे सूचीबद्ध होना चाहिए कोड के माध्यम से क्या कोई मुझे इस पर कुछ सुझाव दे सकता है? मुझे इसे विंडोज़ और लिनक्स प्लेटफार्मों में दोनों करने की ज़रूरत है .. आप इस प्रकार के कोड को opendir () और readdir () का उपयोग कर लिख सकते हैं #include & lt; dirent.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; stdio.h & gt; Int मुख्य (शून्य) {DIR * dirp; Struct dirent * निर्देशिका; Dirp = opendir ("/ home / user /"); अगर (डीआईआरपी) {जबकि ((निर्देशिका = रीडडीयर (डीआईआरपी)) = = नल) {printf ("% s \ n", निर्देशिका- & gt; d_name); } बंदर (डीआईआरपी); } वापसी (0); }

excel - Step into when opening another workbook -

I am trying to debug the code using "step in", but the first part of my code is another The workbook requires the text box. So when "Text Inbox" appears, it just stops (I mean there is no chance of selecting the file through the button or filling it with the keyboard). Is there a way to step by step or debug code to avoid this step? Thanks in advance! You can (temporarily) add code due to a break debug Attach & lt; Some situations that go wrong when you want to break & gt; For example debug Ascar incorrect

phpmailer - PHP Mailer compile and store message for later sending -

Can we compile and archive messages as a draft in PHP mailer and send each message later ? I do not think PHPMailer supports this feature. But you can do this by using the DB table. To store messages, recipients, from, headers, etc., create a table in the database and later send them from a cron job by PHPMailer.

php - Solr compound word splitting - how to get more relevant results -

I am struggling with solar and how to deal with compound words for our German site. We mainly deal with clothing and accessories, so our search terms are usually words related to wearable items. I have been able to fix the dictionary comprehension wordToken filter filter , so that it can mostly split mixed search terms, which we can face (for example: Schwarzkleid => Schwarz kleid). However, the search is returning irrelevant results, it returns those items which include only the word "Schwarz" and the item that contains only the words: "Clyde". So instead of just looking at black clothes (swirlcled = black dress), I'm looking at different colors and dark colors. Essentially returning to a solar divided token or any item that contains any keyword My full query is: q = keyword: Schwarzkleed And deleted: 0 (where one 0 indicates that the product is not yet sold). The debug of this query is like this: "debug": {"raw quarters":...

javascript - What does "this._events || (this._events = {});" mean? -

I have started learning backbone.js. Currently my javascript skills are not very good. I have started checking the backbone.js file and I've got a strange line code whose purpose I can not understand. Code sample (if you need more context, manually download for developers and see line 80): var Events = Backbone.Events = {// callback to an event callback 'Tie in function. The "all" passes will have callback / bind to close all events. On: Function (Name, Callback, Context) {If (! Event API (this, 'on', name, [callback, reference]) .backback); This._events || (This._events = {}); Var events = this._events [name] || (This._events [name] = []); Events.push ({callback: callback, context: context, CTX: context || this}); Back it; }, line this._events || (This._events = {}); mean? For me, _events looks like an internal variable, but used for (this._events = {}) assignment, or it's a or is a comparison? Or = Is there a completely different pr...

css selectors - CSS - prioritizing css rules -

I have a project table with strange and even row color for better view: Tr: nth-child (even) {background: #CCC} tr: nth-child (weird) {background: #fff} my There is also a code which checks whether the project is delayed and if I paint all the project lines in red (rather than the usual colors of strange rows) In addition, each line In The class depends the name of the class when the project is late or not. Classes are: .redBackground {background-color: # CD5C5C;} .yellowBackground {background-color: # FFFF00;} .noBackground {} The problem is that any class that is not in the line, even the weird lines of CSS always "wins", so I never see a red or yellow background how do I get it late in the date of delay Work, will it show red and yellow sections, and in the regular case will it be strange or even? Post text "itemprop =" text "> Use more selectors, for example table tr.redBackground {background-color: # CD5C5C;}

javascript - Bash shell simulation in browser -

Is there a way to simulate emulation in the browser, just with Javascript / JQuery? I would like to do a demo on our web site, where it uses our new database system from opening a single bash. It would seem as if someone was typing in a shell command and the output would be listed as line-by-line such as opening a specific shell. I'm not looking for anything, so how do I implement it - to make my work easier, which jQuery plug-in? Take a look at this: Record Assisiina Terminal sessions There is a free and open source solution for doing and sharing on the web.

r - Grouping & Aggregation about Character linking[in SQL HANA DATABASE] -

इस तरह मेरा डेटा फ्रेम: & gt; Mydata समय आईडी उत्पाद 1 201301 1 सेब 2 201302 1 एचटीसी 3 201302 1 सेब 4 201302 2 एचटीसी 5 201302 2 सेब निम्न परिणाम कैसे प्राप्त करें? & gt; परिणाम समय आईडी उत्पाद 1 201301 1 सेब 2 201302 1 सेब और एचटीसी 3 201302 2 सेब और एचटीसी मैंने कोशिश की है ddply () फ़ंक्शन इस तरह: ddply (mydata,। (समय, आईडी), संक्षेप, paste0 (उत्पाद, "& amp;", उत्पाद)) लेकिन यह काम नहीं करता है मेरी उम्मीद के रूप में। आपके उत्तर के लिए धन्यवाद। और, मेरा कहना है, कैसे एसएपी में एसएपी में एहसास करने के लिए हाना डाटाबेस? बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद! आप यह कोशिश कर सकते हैं: ddply (टैब,। (समय, आईडी), संक्षेप, उत्पाद = पेस्ट (उत्पाद, पतन = "& amp;")) hth

How to map values in a map in Java 8? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मेरे पास एक मानचित्र & lt; स्ट्रिंग, पूर्णांक & gt; । > इसे से एक मानचित्र & lt; स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग & gt; प्राप्त करने का एक आसान तरीका क्या है? आसान करके, मुझे इसका अर्थ नहीं है: मानचित्र & lt; स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग & gt; मैप किया गया = नया हैशमैप & lt; & gt; (); के लिए (स्ट्रिंग कुंजी: originalMap.keySet ()) {mapped.put (key, originalMap.get (key) .toString ()); } बल्कि कुछ एक लाइनर की तरह: मानचित्र & lt; स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग & gt; मैप किए गए = मूलमैप.मॅप वैल्यू (v - & gt; v.toString ()); लेकिन स्पष्ट रूप से कोई भी तरीका नहीं mapValues ​​ है। आपको प्रविष्टियों को स्ट्रीम करने और उन्हें एक नए मानचित्र में एकत्र करने की आवश्यकता है: मानचित्र & lt; स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग & gt; परिणाम = map.entrySet ()। स्ट्रीम () .collect (toMap (Entry :: getKey, e -> String.valueOf (e.getValue ()));

java - Multiple WebDriver instances in Selenium without Grid? -

Is it possible to use many Selenium WebDriver without using the Selenium grid to run multiple tests at the same time? I am creating many code at new firefoxdriver () , but windows sessions interfere with each other. The driver has been created and destroyed it JUnit The methods shown below are a web driver for each test class but each test case has a different execution period. And before the end of the test class and tearDownClass () was called from this class. The exception has thrown it: org.openqa.selenium.remote.SessionNotFoundException: FirefoxDriver can not be used after dropping information: Version: '2.39.0', revision: '14fa800511cc5d66d426e08b0b2ab926c7ed7398', Time: '2013-12-16 13:18:38' System Info: Host: 'T61', IP: '', OS. Name: 'Linux', os.arch: 'i386', overson: '3.11.0-15-generic', Java version: '1.7.0_51' @BeforeClass Public Stable Zero Set Up Class (Driver) = New Firefox ...

avoid for loop in R -

I am the root level in R. It is better to rewrite the loops by applying it. But for the following problem, I do not know how to get it. Can anyone help? Or some similar examples recommend? data (iris) ## Iris is a dataframe N & lt; - For NOCL (Iris) (i in 1: (N-1)) {subset and lt; - Iris [, C (i, n)] ## Remove ith column and last column for the analysis result & lt; - Some functions (subsets) ## Subset score [i] & lt; Analysis - Results $ score splitVal [i] & lt; - Results $ splitVal} You can do this easily: data (iris) some functions & lt; - Function (x) {list (score = mean (x [, 1]), split val = mean (x [, 1])}} n will remove this result: [, 1] [, 2] [, 3] [, 4] score 5.843333, 3.057333, 3.758, 1.199333, and Split Val 5.800000 3.000000 4.350 1.300000 It may be appropriate to do the same with the implementation of H as it is useless using By making it easy to switch to parallel programming.

c# - "do not ask me again" in confirmation popup -

I have an application of windows that have ow windows. When I close the form, I want to add a confirmation box that says "Do you want to close this form?" How can I confirm the post-popup in C # in "Do not ask again"? First of all you have a solution in a class , _yes > to memorize the user's preferences _askUserAgain with public properties three static public properties which I have created and _no . public class confirmation {public static bull _askUserAgain = true; Public static bool _yes = false; Public Stable Bull _no = false; } If (confirmation ._askUserAgain == true) {E.Canel = true; Form 2 Form 2 = New Form 2 (); Form2.Show (); } And {e. Canal = false; }} The next Fomr2 is shown as: Private Zero checkbox box checked (object sender, EventArgs e) {confirmation._askUserAgain = false; } Private Zero Yes_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {confirmation._yes = true; Confirmation. _no = incorrect; Form 1 parentform ...

php - Need the whole PHPExcel project for dynamically generated Excel file -

Only curious about the requirements of the entire PHPExcel project when you want to create a simple dynamically generated Excel file that is 125 More than lines, I am preparing a report of the names and statistics that go with these names on my site, although after clicking on the button, it takes about 15-20 seconds to generate it, which has so far It's long. Just wondering if you need the whole project to do this or can you reduce fat (to speak quickly)? Any help would be greatly appreciated _helper- & gt; Layout () -> $ this-> Pre-DisabledLayout (); $ Data = factory_ company :: getForAdminCompaniesPage (array ("page size" => 10000, "page" => gt; 0)); $ ObjPHPExcel = new PHPExcel (); $ ObjPHPExcel- & gt; GetActiveSheet () - & gt; getStyle ("A1: J1") - & gt; getFont () - & gt; setBold (right); $ ObjPHPExcel- & gt; GetActiveSheet () - & gt; setAutoFilter ('A1: A1'); $ ObjPHPExcel- & gt; get...

c++ - XMPP File transfert with gloox -

I am currently working with Glox for sending XMPP messages from my C ++ program. I work with my personal promo XMPP server in the local network, sending text messages between the two clients but the file is not, I tried the gloox instances (ft_rcv & amp; ft_send), but it did not work (obviously I modified the example to match my configuration), I always have the same error: & lt; Error Type = 'Canceled' & gt; & Lt; Service-missing xmlns = 'cache: IETF: parameters: xml: ns: xmpp-stanzas' / & gt; In the beginning I thought that this was due to my professional network, but I have added the following lines to the conf files: component "proxy. Local "Proxy 65" proxy 65_address = "proxy.jabberserver.local" proxy65_ports = {7777} I tried different server and separate port, but I am currently at a dead end If someone has any idea then it would be great. Thanks A - & gt; AdStreamHost (J.D. ("Proxy. Pan...

html - body tag margin creating bad whitespace up top -

I can not get rid of white margins on the body tags at the top of my page. One formatting, but it is still and my inspector still shows the default 8px padding for some reason. Why will not the body lift it? @import "bootstrap"; @ Import URL (; .body {margin: 0 pixels; }. Container-Top {text-align: center; Font-family: 'open breathed conditioned', without-serif; Background color: # 424b51; Font-size: 25px; } You should remove the dot. 'From the body. body {margin: 0; }

About definition for terms of audio codec -

When I was reading the coca audio queue document, I found several words in the audio codec Is defined in the structure. Here are the conditions: 1. 1. Sample rate 2. Packet 3. 3. Frame 4. Channels I have sample rate and channel . Why was I confused by two others? What do the other two words mean? In addition to this, you can answer this question by example. For example, I have a dual-channel PCM-16 source with a sample rate of 44.1kHz, which means that 2 * 44100 = 88200 bytes are PCM data per second. But about packet and frames Thank you in advance! You are already familiar with the sample rate definition. The sampling frequency or sampling rate, FS, is defined as the number of samples obtained in a second (samples per second), thus for the sampling rate of FS = 1 / T and 44100 Hz, you have 44100 samples per sample. Seconds (per audio channel). The number of frames per second in the video is the same concept as the number of samples per second in the audio. ...

ruby - Rails console glitches in Ubuntu with Rails 4.1 -

मेरे पास एक डिफ़ॉल्ट DigitalOcean VPS है जो उबुंटू + ngnx + यूनिकॉर्न (पूर्वनिर्धारित छवियों से) चल रहा है। जब मैं बॉक्स से SSH के माध्यम से कनेक्ट होता है, तो सब कुछ ठीक काम करता है, जब तक मैं रेल c को फ़ायर नहीं करता, तब जब मैं सांत्वना छोड़ता हूं, तो सभी प्रकार की गलतियां करने के लिए बाश शुरू होता है - यह दिखाता है कि रेल कंसोल शीघ्र, कभी-कभी उबुन्टू एक होता है यह मूल रूप से बेकार है। इस समस्या के लिए प्रहार करने के लिए कोई भी विचार क्या है? मैं उत्पादन मोड में 4.1 रेल का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ। हो सकता है कि आप कान नहीं करना चाहते, लेकिन आप एक अलग शेल (शायद ZSH प्लस sh -c "$ (curl - FsSL " स्रोत:

php - Trying to query an array -

I have a table in which the function has an ID that is in reference to another table named after the function (FinCao in Portuguese , As presented in the code). I want to print the name of all the functions next to that person's name in that function. Basically the code of the whole program is for the user to write something in a search bar and it is shown, because the user presses a key, the results are shown. Here is the part that is giving me errors (the search_string variable is the field where the user writes.) $ query = 'SELECT * from the users where "%'. $ Search_string '%' '; $ Result = $ tutorial- db- & gt; query ($ query); while ($ result = $ result-> fetch_re ()) {$ result_array [] = $ result;} The above questions take the name of the user. $ query2 = 'Select * Funnel from WHERE id_funcao = "'. $ Result_array ["id_funcao"]. ''; $ Result2 = $ tutorial- db- & gt; query ($ query2); while ($ re... - Page ViewState, Control ViewState and ControlState -

What is the difference between pageviewstrate, control viewstate, and controlstate? Why are there 3 different things in A page is a control , therefore viewstate Inherit property when viewstate is saved, then ASP.NET On the control tree, it creates a persistent medium (a hidden field in the HTML provided by default) to the viewstrate of each control. The ViewState incurs an overhead, repeater , DataGrid etc. for. It is therefore desirable to disable the viewstation often, and instead control every postback. Although these problems occurred in .NET 1.x, because some controls do not work properly when the viewtet was disabled - paging and sorting in example DataGrid . ControlState was therefore introduced in .NET 2 so that the control can save the minimum state data that they need to work on postback.

python - OpenCV, area between two curves -

I work with the library in OpenCV Python . The question is whether to select the roi field separately in two different parts? Curves are defined by two quadric polynoms. I curve 1 and curve You want to know the count of black pixels in the restricted area between 2 You can create a mask by drawing, But from your equation you should have the following data, center ??? The center of the oval (here I used the center of the image). Axes half of the size of the oval main axes (here I have used the picture size / 2 and image size / 4 respectively respectively for both). Angle ??? Elliptic rotation angle in degree, (here I used 0) startAngle â ???? Begin the angle of elliptic arc in the degree (here I used 0) Andangle â ???? End the angle of oval arc in the degree. (Here I used the -180) If you get the above data for both the curve, then you can draw just like thickness = cv_fild, Make the largest oval with the first color = 255. Now create the second oval ...

php GD create a transparent png image -

I create a transparent PNG image with transparency to create a last PNG and trying to create various other PNG and JPG layers I am here. I'm having trouble creating my initial blank transparent PNG that currently has a white background. Can anyone tell me in the right direction? This is my code so far ... $ image = imagecreatetruecolor (485, 500); Imagealphobalending ($ image, wrong); Image swords ($ image, true); $ Col = imagecolorallocatealpha ($ image, 255,255,255,127); Image file ($ image, 0, 0, $ cola); // Image filter tag ($ image, 0, 4, 4, 500, $ black); / * Add door glass * / $ img_doorGlass = imagecreatefrompng ("glass / $ door style / $ doorGlass.png"); Imagecopyresampled ($ image, $ img_doorGlass, 106, 15, 0, 0, 185, 450, 185, 450); / * Add Door * / $ img_doorStyle = imagecreatefrompng ("Door / $ Door Style / $ Door Style". "_". "$ Doorcolor.png"); Imagecopyresampled ($ image, $ img_doorStyle, 106, 15, 0, 0, 185, 450, 185,...

osx - Trading Terminal Objective-C -

This is my first question here. Am I trying to create an app for chart analysis in Objective-C Is it a good solution to show a stock chart in one scene and be able to draw the line on this chart as well? Just shown in this picture: I am very new to this program for programming and a school project. Feel free to present every solution, I really want the right idea to be successful. seems "solution" (in other words, everyone walks with one) is the coreplate, which You can get here on the blame: And there's one, though there are (or their) tutorials ready for more iOS so that you can work with MacOS To make some adjustments. At least you can use the same neighborhood (objective-C, core plot etc.). I suspect that any solution is going to be a bit "heavy" (or too much) so that you think of it as a new programmer. Graphics & amp; The intrigue inside the app really intimidates, and you should try to get your belt and some other projects in your por...

android - Cannot generate HashKey for facebook app -

Hi I am working for hours on this release. I especially need the main margins to create an Android-Facebook app. I can not find any jdk folder though i have ADT (by the way is ok?) The way I download to jdk1.7 it is the JDK path C: \ program files \ Java \ Jdk1.7.0_60 \ bin Then I downloaded the openssl from Google code and named it as OpenSSL and inside that folder "C: \" and this is my order c: \ program files \ java \ jdk1.7.0_60 \ bin & gt; Keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "C: User \ age \ .android \ debug.keystore" | "C: \ OpenSSL" sha1 -binary | "C: OpenSSL" Base64 but it is not working ....... "I think there is something wrong with C: OpenSSL" base 64 because OpenSSL folder There is no Base 64 content in Try this code to create a hash code, which you can log in Can see in try {PackageInfo info = getPackageManager (). getPackageInfo ("Your Package Name", PackageManager.GE...

generics - Pass List into method requiring List in C# -

क्या यह संभव है? var cats = catsource.Select (c = & gt; नया {CatId = c.catId, नाम = c.Name,})। ToList (); var myCatObject = नया CatData (बिल्लियों); यह काम नहीं करता क्योंकि कंपाइलर कहता है कि वह बिल्लियों में सूची & lt; T & gt; । बिल्लियों एक अनाम प्रकार है, और CatData है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग CatData & lt; T & gt; {सार्वजनिक पूर्णांक; सार्वजनिक अंतर रिकॉर्ड; सार्वजनिक सूची & lt; T & gt; रिकॉर्ड; सार्वजनिक कैटडेटा (सूची & lt; T & gt; डेटा ऑब्जेक्ट्स, इंट कुल रिक्तियां, इंट नंबरओफ़रॉज़) {कुल = (इंट) मैथ। कैलिंग ((कुल) कुल रिकॉर्ड / संख्याओफ़रियो); रिकॉर्ड = कुल रक्षक; पंक्तियाँ = डेटाऑब्जेक्ट; }} कोई भी विचार? संपादित करें: इसलिए मैंने यह कोड किया है, लेकिन फिर भी एक समस्या है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग CatData {सार्वजनिक पूर्णांक; सार्वजनिक अंतर रिकॉर्ड; सार्वजनिक सूची & lt; T & gt; पंक्तियों; निजी कैटडेटा (लिस्ट & lt; T & gt; डेटा ऑब्जेक्ट्स, इंट कुल रिक्तियां, इंट नंबरओफ्रो) {कुल = (इंट) मैथ। कैलिंग ((कुल) कुल र...

c++ - How to register reference to Qt containers? -

I QQueue . I want to pass the queue from context because I do not want to copy the data, when I change the queue element in the slot. Therefore, I should register this meta type which has QiQunction I when I register it like this: qRegisterMetaType & lt; QQueue & lt; Double & gt; & Amp; & Gt; ("QQueue & lt; double & gt; & amp; quot;); I get the following error: Error: 'qRegisterMetaType (const char [16])' does not match to make calls' How do I register it? Whatever register you register it without reference. qRegisterMetaType & lt; QQueue & lt; Double & gt; & Gt; (); You will also have to declare the metatip in each compilation unit where it will be used - ideally you should have an AF typed in your header file: // ww. H. #fdf wquyuh #define dvalequayuh #includes & lt; QQueue & gt; Typipfif QUUU & LT; Double & gt; DoubleQueue; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE #endif Then you will have ...

c# - Change items position in List -

मेरे पास 3 आइटम के साथ एक सूची है reg.ToList () गणना = 3 सिस्टम .Collections.Generic.List & LT; स्ट्रिंग & gt; [0] "टेक्स्ट 1" स्ट्रिंग [1] "टेक्स्ट 1" स्ट्रिंग [2] "टेक्स्ट 2" स्ट्रिंग मैं सभी आइटम की स्थिति बदलना चाहता हूं, पिछले एक के बजाय पहली पोस्टियन और शेष आइटम इस उदाहरण के लिए [0] "टेक्स्ट 1" स्ट्रिंग [1] "टेक्स्ट 2" स्ट्रिंग [2] "टेक्स्ट0" स्ट्रिंग आप सूची में पहले आइटम निकाल सकते हैं और फिर से जोड़ सकते हैं। इस तरह आपका मूल्य सूची के अंत में होगा var item = reg [0]; reg.Remove (आइटम); // विशिष्ट आइटम reg.Add (आइटम) निकाल देता है; सूची के अंत में एक आइटम है यह भी बड़ी सूचियों के साथ काम करेगा और सूचकांक तदनुसार बदल जाएगा संपादित करें: क्रोनो का समाधान तेजी से काम करेगा मेरा: एस

draw - How to know the screen is fully drawn in iOS -

I'm pulling my hands free of the code mentioned in the link below. Now, I can draw the curve but what I want is to display a warning once the view is completely ready with curves. Any help appreciated So far, what have I done that I received CGPET color. But I'm not sure how once I know the colors of CGP, how can I add this situation. I do not know, do you want to win the CRPO, but I would like to do what you want to do Want: - (zero) Draw intact: (CGRact) Rect {[Super Draw Inward: Rectangle]; // are doing your drawing [self-doStuffAfterDrawing]; } - (zero) doStuffAfterDrawing {// Here you can launch your alerts} - Jquery datatable tabletool Save as Excel, CSV, PDF, copy and print not working when deployed on IIS7.5 -

I have applied Save, Exchange, CSV, Copy and Print tools to my website, and when I go to local form From the website when I deploy the website on IIS7.5, the buttons do not work at all. I have noticed that flash information is not visible when I slide on the buttons and right click. What could be the problem? Can this be a security problem? It looks like you're using relative path for .swf File that breaks when deployed on the server: ... oTableTools: {sSwfPath: "/path-to-datatables/extras/TableTools/media/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf ", ...} ... Use a full path instead: ... oTableTools: {sSwfPath:" http: // example com / path-to-datatables / extras / tabletools / media / swf / copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf ", ...} ...

java - Gradle test tasks with webcontext fails to use entities -

I have a problem with some graded work that should run tests. Since it has some legacy from ant functions, we do not want to include them in our test suite. Particularly considered in those things to be examined, and made by us, and used on a regular basis, spok and janit are used. The problem is that these tests are using some references that work very well, I run those tests under the eclipse IDE, but if I try sth, then this Fails: Function testingNegistance (type: test, dependon: test classes) {useTestNG () includes = ["** / * IT *"]} But when I try to use that task, then "org.hibernate.MappingException: Ignore Error "," error "," unit "or" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException. "The query defined for that name is" Actually the problem is deep. Gradle is trying to be smart and whatever folder has defined it, it puts class files in the class folder, and puts all other files into resources when persistence.xml is loa...

php - Mysql query strange error -

I am getting an error when the second page is working well, but the second returns an error on the same query code. Is my code here wrong with that? $ ttt = mysql_query ("Choose from * where (user_id = '$ user_id' and sound_id = '$ sound_id')", $ Link) or die (mysql_error ()); Error There is an error in your SQL syntax; Using WHERE (user_id = '' and 'sound_id =' ') similar to Check the manual related to your MySQL server version for the correct syntax for. as is a SQL and you should use "likes" inside the backticks `` Where (user_id = '$ user_id' and sound_id = '$ sound_id') ", $ link) or die (mysql_error ()); txt = mysql_query / Code>

python - Append child in the middle -

I want to add an element to an XML file using a minidom from Python. Suppose I have the following XML file & lt; Node-a & gt; & Lt; Node 1 / & gt; & Lt; Node2 / & gt; & Lt; Node -3 / & gt; & Lt; Node one / & gt; In this case I can easily add an element like "node4" node4 = designDOM.createElement ('node4') nodea .appendChild (node4) resulting with the following XML: & lt; Node One & gt; & Lt; Node 1 / & gt; & Lt; Node2 / & gt; & Lt; Node -3 / & gt; & Lt; Node-4 / & gt; & Lt; Node one / & gt; My search is: If I want to force entry of an element to a place at the end in a specific position ... what should I do? For example if I want to have an element like "2-A" in the following XML, which combine me? & lt; Node-a & gt; & Lt; Node 1 / & gt; & Lt; Node2 / & gt; & Lt; Node-2A / & gt; & Lt; Node -3 / & gt; & ...

python - What shall I do to solve this error? ImportError: No module named requests.structures -

I'm trying to run a scrappy project in Pyro 2.7 but I have that problem. I had other problems but I got them Solved with sudo pip installation ... I looked at Google but could not find a solution to this problem. have you installed the library? sudo pip installation request requests.structures There is just one module in that package.

javascript - How to make this slider control to work in both directions? -

I am trying to create a range slider but it is only working in one direction (right) and the original Dragging from the container (#volume). How can I fix this? I've attached a demo bedlake link. Markup & lt; Div id = "volume" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "progress" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "volume slider" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; css # volume {width: 300px; Background: #ddd; Cursor: indicator; }. Progress {height: 10px; Background: # 999; Status: Relative; Width: 0; }. Volumeslider {background: # 808080; Status: Completed; Width: 20px; Height: 20px; Range radius: 15px; Correct: -10 pixels; Top: -5px; Bind ('mousedown', function (e) {$ ('.Volumeslider')} JS $ ('.bind (' mausomov ' , Function (e) {$ ('progress') width (E. PageX - $ ('progress') offset (). Left + 'px'); $ (this) .css ('left',

c - Error while Reading from a file -

I am trying to read the contents of a file as below: Int frameFD = 0; Int readResult; Four buff [BUFFER_SIZE]; Framefd = open (MY_FILE, O_RDWR); ReadResult = Read (MY_FILE, Buff, Buffafia); BUFFER_SIZE is 256. I'm saying the error 'error: const char *' invalid conversion of 'int' from '[-fpermissive]' Any solution to this issue? read () uses file descriptor, not file name: readResult = read (frameFD, buff, BUFFER_SIZE);

sql - Oracle Update Join based on a select -

Using the following selection and want to make an update, but a bit confusing of syntax is so easy in Microsoft SQL! If the selection is down and what I want to do, then select this where anything is c.allow_to_trade = 'n' for 'y' and the base on the rest of the criteria. Select "Trade Date", t.client, c.shortened_name, c.allow_to_trade "active", C.GCD_NUMBER from lib.trades t, lib.client_address C. Where c.allow_to_trade = 'y' group by t.client = c.client and C.GCD_NUMBER, t.client, c.shortened_name, being the maximum (trade_date) of c.allow_to_trade; Thanks in advance , You can try this: update lib.client_address set allow_to_trade = 'n' ou (where lib.trades t, t.client selection client, lib.client_address c. Client = c.client and C.GCD_NUMBER, t.client, c.shortened_name, c.allow_to_trade having having Max (trade_date) & lt c.allow_to_trade = 'y' group, '01 May 2012');

algorithm - Recreate the Sequence -

I've come to the following problem, which has since been in my mind: Alice wrote Is continuous, positive, integers on a blackboard such as N such as "99, 100, 101, 102" . Bob has erased all the digits, but one, from each number, so that the sequence now reads eg. "9, 0, 0, 1" . Note that the digit which he leaves can be different for every integer. Our task, O (n log n ), in the complexity of time, the sequence may start to find the smallest number, the answer in the above example would be 99 length 7 sequence "1, 4, 0, 5, 4, 1, 4" , the answer would be 1042 . (Which generates the sequence of 1042, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048,.) ​​ I can show the upper limit to almost 1234567890 * N , so output Can not be of an unlimited size, though I am not able to even get an efficient o (n ^ 2) solution. Any thoughts? Update: For those interested, this problem (this is " Sequence "). , Here's an O (n log n) solutio...

java - Getting incorrect distance using gps lattitude longitude -

यह मेरा कोड है: निजी अंतिम स्थिर डबल [] multipliers = {1.0, 1.0 9 36133, 0.001, 0.000621371192}; निजी अंतिम स्थिर स्ट्रिंग [] यूनिटस्ट्रिंग = {"मी", "वाई", "किमी", "मी"}; निजी शून्य अद्यतन मापन () {डबल दूरी = कैल्शजीओडिस्टंस (स्टार्टलाट, स्टार्टऑन, चालू लॉट, चालू लॉन) * मल्टीप्लायर [यूनिट इंडेक्स]; स्ट्रिंग दूरी टेक्स्ट = "" + गोल दशमलव (दूरी, 2) + "+ यूनिटस्ट्रिंग [यूनिट इंडेक्स]; ((TextView) findViewById ( setText (distanceText)। } प्राइवेट डबल कैल्स जीऑडिशन (अंतिम डबल लैट 1, फाइनल डबल लॉन 1, फाइनल डबल लैट 2, फाइनल डबल लॉन 2) {डबल दूरी = 0.0; {अंतिम फ्लोट [] परिणामों का प्रयास करें = नया फ़्लोट [3]; स्थान। डाँटेंसबेटिन (लैट 1, लॉन 1, लैट 2, लोन 2, परिणाम); दूरी = (डबल) परिणाम [0]; } पकड़ (अंतिम अपवाद पूर्व) {दूरी = 0.0; } वापसी की दूरी; } मुझे 8310 किमी मिलते हैं जब मैं मोबाइल हिलाता हूं। क्या आप सही स्वरूप की डिग्री में लांग और लाट का उपयोग कर रहे हैं? यह आपके द्वारा पारित किए गए मानों को देखने में ...

android - Fill a listview without calling setContentView -

I have to fill in a list with some information. My problem is that I want to fill the last one at the end of an activity. I try to explain: start -> Activity 1 (Layout 1) - & gt; Activity 2 (Layout 2) - & gt; End (layoutand) Now I want to add some information to the list and I want to end it (activity). I can not setContentView for the layout of the activity, because I have set the layoutEnd that code in the end. @Override Public Zero OnCreate (bundled savedInstanceState) {super .onCreate (savedInstanceState); SetContentView (R.layout.training_beendet); Listview = (List View) SearchWidIlist (; Listview.setAdapter (New Your Adapter (This, New String [] {"Efferner 1"})); } Layout with list view: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; LinearLayout xmlns: android = "Http://schemaskandroidkcom/apk/res/android" Android: Layout_width = "Fill_parent" Android: Layou...

windows - Get string memory location C++/CLI -

I have a method in a Windows Forms application where I get the contents of the text box and store it in the string. I would like to get the memory spot where the string is stored. In the console application, it works with and string data but I am not able to get memory space in this situation. This is what the function looks like: Private: System :: Zero Button 1_Click (System :: Object ^ Sender, System :: EventArgues ^ E) {string} ^ Maestring = text box 1-> Text; // myString} string myString Is a managed item. You can not retrieve the original resident for managed objects using the operator's address ( & amp; ). Instead, you can use this to pin the object so that it can not be transferred by the garbage collector, as long as pin_ptr ;> is in the scope . pin_ptr But assuming that the code in question is not exaggerated for the purposes of an illustration, I do not know why you want to do this just in the first place one Create unmanaged objec...

AngularJs custom directive call hirearchy -

I am new to AngularJs. I wrote custom instructions in Angel J. I can find the link here: I Alerts have been added when loading and clicking on a personal link. My specific question is why alert message is "custom instructions have been loaded." Being triggered after linking I was under the impression that the message will only be called on the document load and the links will not be clicked on every time Please tell me where I am wrong . You are changing page when clicking anchor Lt; A href = "#" class = "ops-block" & gt; Just delete the hash.

linux - pthreading in parallel computing -

# शामिल हैं & lt; stdio.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; math.h & gt; # से & lt में शामिल हैं, pthread.h & gt; # से & lt में शामिल हैं, stdlib.h & gt; लंबे डबल एक्स, तथ्य [150], पीआरएच [150], एस [1]; Int i, शब्द; शून्य * पावर (शून्य * temp) {int k; के लिए (k = 0; k & lt; 150; k ++) {pwr [k] = पाउ (x, k); //printf("%.2Lf\n",pwr[k]); } वापसी पीईआर; } शून्य * तथ्य (शून्य * temp) {लंबे डबल एफ; Int j; तथ्य [0] = 1.0; के लिए (अवधि = 1; शब्द & lt; 150; शब्द ++) {f = 1.0; के लिए (जे = टर्म; जम्मू> 0; जे -) एफ = एफ * जे; तथ्य [शब्द] = एफ; //printf("%.2Lf\n",fact[term]); } वापसी तथ्य; } शून्य * EXP (शून्य * temp) {int t; एस [0] = 0; (टी = 0; टी एंड एलटी; 150; टी ++) के लिए [0] = s [0] + (पीईआरएच [टी] / तथ्य [टी]); वापसी एस; } Int main (शून्य) {pthread_t thread1, thread2, thread3; Printf ("एक्स का मान (0 से 100 के बीच) दर्ज करें (एक्सपी (एक्स) की गणना के लिए):"); scanf ( "% वाम मोर्चे", & amp; एक्स); Printf (...

javascript - How to POST backbone model data to DB through PHP -

I am trying to understand localStorage , but still is a bit confused because it Only a few lines of code do a lot in the background. What do I need to do in a database to access a database using PHP through a database? It seems that save () does everything for you, but how do I set up a connection with db, user, password ... etc? Please tell me in the right direction? Thank you! The first local store is an HTML5 API, and saves it locally; Whereas PHP is on the server. is a great one that tells how to set up routes, PHP framework with the use of larley (but you can use anything). If you are running Apache Web server, or you can use the emulateJSON () backbone method, or enable the PUT and DELETE method to set up U . > If you prefer to choose ESU, Put and Delay HTTP methods will be interpreted as POST method after going to the server. I hope that I am clearly enough, if it is not, feel free to ask.

javascript - can't make flash working -

I am developing an application with nodes, express 3.4.1 and passport 0.1.17, all is well, Except I can not do Req.flash, I've read many posts, they have advised me that support for Flash has been removed since the Express 3 and should use Connect-Flash, notice that Where used in my server, but nothing is working, here Wpuarn share my server.js: var flash = require ( 'connect-Flash'); Var Express = Required ('Express'), path = is required ('path'), fs = is required ('fs'); Var passport = requirement ('passport'); Var neo = Required ('neo4j'); Var db = new neo.GraphDatabase ('http: // localhost: 7474'); Var neoDb = New neo.GraphDatabase ('http: // localhost: 7474'); Var app = express (); // bootstrap model var modelpath = path.joined (__derename, 'bb / model'); Fs.readdirSync (modelpath) .for eca (function (file) {requirement (modelpath + '/' + file);}); // Arrange blank DB with dummy data //requi...

css transition not working on dialog box -

I am trying to understand why this code is not being brought in in a dialog box and why the business is not in it. What am I trying to do, fade in and out on the click. But I am just trying to / in these feeds with CSS as well. When I manually work the "active" class in the console with effect, but when I actually click on the link (to open the dialog box). This is my code This is my code > CSS: Model. {Display: Block; Overflow: Auto; Overflow-y: scroll up; Status: fixed; Top: 0; Correct: 0; Bottom: 0; Left: 0; Z-index: 99; -Widk-overflow-scrolling: touch; Profile: 0; Background-image: url ('pixel.png'); Opacity: 1; } .model-dialog {max-width: 600px; Background color: white; Z-index: 99; Minimum height: 200px; Opacity: 0; Webkit-Infection: All 0.5S Easy; -Mozy-infected: all 0.5S easy; -O-Infection: All 0.5 S Easy; Transition: All 0.5s ease; }. Model-Dialog Active {Opacity: 1; Background color: #ffffff; Border: 1px solid # 999; -Vibit-background-clip: ...

android - Set TextView style to strikethrough in XML only without using background -

I am trying to set the style of a textView for a strikethrough for a smartwatch app 1) Setting the background of textview on an image: It works, but only when the text is not wrapped, and I textview.setPaintFlags (textview.getPaintFlags () | Paint.STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG); 2) Customers receiving long items are receiving complaints; I can not do this because I am unable to get TextView reference in code due to the work of SmartWak API (you send it to Layout ID and then you have any Do not have control) 3) Using HTML tags in the string: does not work, because I only have permission to send a string in the control, and it avoids the tag 4) Using span label: Program would not if I get sent using it span.toString (), I avoid the tag, and if I use the bundle. Nothing is displayed instead of the input charsquain (span). It sounds strange to me that you can set bold in italics in XML, but nothing else can suggest some other possible suggestions? When creating custom layo...

php - Insert JSON into MySQL. -

I have .json file [categories.json] like after { "apple": [ "fruit", "15"], "cat": [ "animal", "400"], "pumpkin": [ "vegetables", "20"], "orange": [ "fruit", "30"]} I want to insert json object in mysql using such loop php are | ___ id__ | ___ product__ | _____ type _____ | __price__ | | 1 | Apple Fruit | 15 | | 2 | Cat | Animals | 400 | 3 | Pumpkin | Vegetables | 20 | | 4 | Orange | Fruit | 30 | How do you thank me $ File = ''; $ Data = json_decode (file_get_contents ($ file) is true); {$ SQL = "Join in Product"; Foreach (dollar data as $ line $ product = & gt;); .. $ Sql ​​= "Set product = ''. Mysql_real_escape_string ($ product)" ', type =' '.. Mysql_real_escape_string ($ line [0]) "', price =" mysql_real_escape_string ($ line [1]); Mysql_que...

optimization - Should we prefer temporary variables over user defined variables in c++ -

Let's say that a C ++ function is Fu () which gives the boolean. I call this function to check the status of a property or to get the result of a function call. Then what would be the best way to call this type of function. Method 1: bool flag = foo () if (flag) {// some code} other {// and some code} Method 2: if (foo ()) {// some code} other {// some code} My question : The variable using the variable gives the compiler the opportunity to better optimize in general. First of all, we should remember the comparison of a compiler, It does not matter: syntax does not matter, only words like we can argue that it has symbolic view in terms of code. In addition, when the adapter plays, it will apply analysis and changes that equivalent symbolic execution in equivalent binary. Therefore, what is the key to optimizing words are 3 different syntax forms that can be used for a if statement: // If with temporary (make ()) {...} else {...} // Alr...

HTML + CSS Navigation issue -

I'm having trouble aligning the navigation bar at the center I have tried a lot but nothing seems to work If someone needs more information then there is also a Bela, thanks & Lt; Ul class = "navigation" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "index.html" & gt; Home & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "biography html" & gt; Biography & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "media.html" & gt; Media & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "media.html" & gt; Picture & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "media.html" & gt; Video & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "tour....

PHP Store array values -

Hi I'm using Maxmind minfraud. And I got the result like this: An =; CountryCode = in; Ip_region = 25; Ip_city =; Ip_latitude = 10.0223; Ip_longitude = 30.2433; HighRiskCountry = No; QueriesRemaining = 1075; CityPostalMatch =; ShipCityPostalMatch =; Ip_domain =; Ip_countryName =; Ip_continentCode = as; Ip_corporateProxy = No; ShipForward = NA; RiskScore = 0.20; Prepaid =; Minfraud_version = 1.3 Here I want to return as an array. Price & lt; php function fraudQuery ($ ip, $ COUNTRY_CODE, $ state, $ city, $ AREA_CODE, $ MAIL_DOMAIN, $ address) {$ d = file_get_contents ( "https: / /". IP_LOOKUP_KEY. "& amp; i = $ ip & amp; country = $ country_code & amp; city = $ city & amp; postal = $ area_code & amp; domain = $ mail_domain & amp; shipAddr = $ address & amp; shipCity = at $ city & amp; shipRegion in = $ state & amp ; ShipPostal = $ AREA_CODE & amp; ShipCountry = $ COUNTR...

css - Display radio and div elements in vertical way -

फ़ॉर्म के अंदर रेडियो विकल्पों की यह संरचना है। & lt; div id = "hier_all" & gt; & Lt; h2 id = "tit_hierarq" वर्ग = "hierarq दृश्यमान" & gt; चुनें & lt; / h2 & gt; & Lt; h3 id = "tit_hierarq_help" class = "hierarq दृश्यमान" & gt; विकल्प में से एक & lt; / h3 & gt; & Lt; form id = "form_hierarq" वर्ग = "hierarq visible" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट आईडी = "hierarq0" class = "hierarq दृश्यमान" प्रकार = "रेडियो" नाम = "रेडियोबूटहिरैक" मान = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; div id = "hierarq0" वर्ग = "hierarq दृश्यमान" & gt; विकल्प 0 & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; इनपुट आईडी = "hierarq1" class = "hierarq दृश्यमान" प्रकार = "रेडियो" नाम = "रेडियोबुटहिरैक" मान = "1" & gt; & Lt; div id = "hierarq1" वर्ग = "hierarq दृश्यमान" ...

wpf - How to Virtualize Grid panel -

I am using grid as item panel template for item control because my grid has 100 rows and columns Render it so much time. So how can we make a grid panel like StackPlan? Did you VirtualizingPanel Another option is to use the datagrid which you are trying to do, Let him do it. There is a great article in which I found it.

Jquery dotdotdot.js plugin not functioning properly for text with html elements -

I am using dotdotdot.js for my project. Recently, I have added a rich text editor (tinense), and the text now has some html elements like P, A, B, I, etc. Dotdotdot is not working as expected for this lesson. Here's the answer: $ (". -text-ellipsis"). Dotdotdot ({watch: "true", after: ".read-more", callback: function (truncated, organcontent) {if (truncated) {$ (read 'more', this). ;}}}); Please find the screenshot showing the following problem: The text "UUUUUU" should be fully displayed. But it is cut in half of its vertical height. This is the problem I am facing. I want to show it normally, I mean, show the full height of the line or only "..." if it can not get the vertical height available Please help! Remove overflow from your Bela: hidden : .text-ellipsis {max-height: 27px; Width: 100%; }

ios - Calling NSURLConnection inside dispatch_async and reading didReceiveResponse in mainRunLoop in iPhone development -

First of all, it's random with me because this is my first iOS related question for SO. Am I receiving feedback for the following methods - (zero) connection: (NSURLConnection *) connection was the reception: (NSURLResponse *) response {} after calling it NSURLConnection * conn = [[NSURL connection alloted] initWithRequest: request representative: self]; [Schedule Schedule Infinite Loop: [NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode]; [to start]; one inside sender_sink (); but the connection method is not calling, but when I run NSURLConnection code out of dispatch_async I call this method, What is the reason for this and how can I correct it? This is because the representative refers to self and self refers to the background thread but UIViewController is not the same class is? Since you are making a connection to schedule in a loop and afterwards start, With the code> initWithRequest the startImmediately parameter is set ...