
Showing posts from April, 2013

node.js - npm install private github repositories by dependency in package.json -

I am trying to install a personal repository of the GPUP with NPM, in which other personal gilt repository is included in the dependency. Tried several ways and posts but no one is doing what I am doing here: npm install git + https: // /myusername/mygitrepository.git In the package. Json is like: "dependencies": {"repository1name": "git + https: //", "repository2name": "git + https: // "} What is the correct way to do this? Try it out: Try it out: " dependencies ": {" name1 " : "Git: // -power", "name 2": "git: //"} You can also try, where Wikipedia / Express is the name / repo: "dependencies": {"Express": "Visibility / Express"} or (if NPM package module exists): ...

javascript - CoffeeScript : Array of Objects to an Object -

मेरे पास वस्तु की एक सरणी है arrayObj = [{"a": [1 , 2, 3, 4}}, {"बी": "हैलो वर्ल्ड"}] मैं इसे भी कन्वर्ट करना चाहता हूं, obj = {"एक": [1,2,3,4], "बी": "हैलो वर्ल्ड"} आप एक सरणी की कम विधि का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। उदाहरण arrayObj.reduce (फ़ंक्शन (पूर्ववॉल, curValue) {prevValue [Object.keys (curvalue) [0]] = कर्ल्यू [ऑब्जेक्ट.कीज (curvalue) [0]]; ;}, {}) नोट: यह प्रारंभिक सरणी के विभिन्न ऑब्जेक्ट में समान गुण नाम को दोहराया जाता है, तो यह संपत्ति के मूल्यों को ओवरराइज करेगा (परिणामस्वरूप)। इसके अलावा, अभी केवल पहली संपत्तियों के लिए काम करता है। प्रत्येक युक्त ऑब्जेक्ट की सभी कुंजी को बढ़ाया जा सकता है।

php - Change values of elements inside Div using JavaScript. -

मेरे पास निम्न div है & div; div class = "modal hide" id = "changeProject" & gt; & Lt; div class = "modal-header" & gt; & Lt; एक वर्ग = "बंद" डेटा-खारिज = "मोडल" & gt; एक ?? & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; h3 & gt; & lt;? Php इको __ ('परियोजना बदलें')? & Gt; & lt; / h3 & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "मोडल-बॉडी" & gt; & Lt; form id = "frmChangeProject" & gt; & LT; fieldset & gt; & LT; ol & gt; & Lt;? Php echo $ changeProjectForm- & gt; रेंडर (); ? & Gt; & Lt; / ol & gt; & Lt; / fieldset & gt; & Lt; / प्रपत्र & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div class = "modal-footer" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "बटन" आईडी = "संवाद बदलें" वर्ग = "बीटीएन" मान = "& lt;? Php echo __ ('संपादित करें');? & Gt;" / ...

jquery - How to add a tooltip to every class? -

Is adding tooltip to every class of myClass on this page? I have several divisions of the same class like: I have to give them everything. For example, pseudo-code: $ (". MyClass") .tooltip ({text: 'tooltip text'}); Sorry if asked before, it can not be found anywhere. What are the meanings for all the sections that you found on a page? & lt; Div class = "myClass" title = "hello" & gt; ... & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "myClass" title = "hello" & gt; ... & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "myClass" title = "hello" & gt; ... & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Span class = "myClass" title = "hello" & gt; ... & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; P class = "myClass" title = "hello" & gt; ..... & lt; / P & gt; Or any element with class '.myclass'? The jquery tooltip take...

database - How to resolve php eden error -

I have just used a simple query to insert a record $ q = "INSERT IN jobform (` full_name`, `father_name`,` date_of_birth`, `gender`,` cnic`, `city`,` country`, `region`,` contact_number`, `email_address`,` degree_title`, ` University`, `gpa`,` division ',' banking experience ',' current_sasthan`, 'job-title', 'non-banking_experience', 'non-denomination_structure', 'non-job-title' Full_name ,: father_name ,: date_of_birth ,: gender ,: cnic, city, country :: region ,: contact_number ,: email_ederation ,: title_title, v $ Bind = array (": full_name" = & gt; $ full_name); $ bind = array, "$ Father," => $ father_name, ": date_of_birth" = & gt; $ date_of_birth, ": gender" = & gt; $ gender, ": cnic" => $ cnic, ":" city "= & Gt; $ city, ": country" => $ country, ": area" = & gt; $ area, ": contact_number" = &...

python - Strongly consistent queries for root entities in GAE? -

I am the best way to read / write a strongly consistent in Google App Engine. My data is stored in a square like this. I class UserGroupData (ndb.model): users_in_group = ndb.StringProperty (repeated = true) data = ndb StringProperty (Repeated = true) I want to write a safe update method for this data as far as I understand, I need to avoid getting read continuously because they do not have data loss Take the risk of For example, the following code is unsafe because it uses the vanilla query that is ultimately compatible: def update_data (user_id, extra_data): unit = UserGroupData.query (UserGroupData.users_in_group == User_id) .get () (extra_data) entity.put () If the unit given by the query is stale, the data is lost. To achieve strong stability in these, it seems that I have a few different options, I want to know which option is best: Options 1: use get_by_id () , which is always consistent though strongly, there is no systematic way to...

css - Close Button for Twitter Bootstrap3 Tabs -

I try to add a close button on the Twitter Bootstrap tab afterwards, but I try to shut it down correctly Can not create the button. My codes are: How do I turn off one I try to create with a tag, but my links link to my lin at block level. & lt; Ul class = "nav nav-tabs" & gt; & Lt; Li class = "active" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Tab 1 & lt; Button & gt; & Lt; I class = "fa fa-times" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Tab 2 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Tab 3 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; Solution I forget to insert class = "close" for the button so that is correct : & lt; Button class = "off" ...

Does hbase 0.94.18 supports for secondary indexes? -

I am currently trying to experience hbase to develop a hbase connector for a given project. So that I need to develop secondary indexing for this. So that I just need to know Hbis 0.94.18 which supports the copying secondary index. Can anyone help me do this? Because I'm actually new to hbase and all HBSE does not support the secondary index itself but You can add a secondary index for HBase to Hughai.

php - Best way to send JSON data. -

मेरे पास एक url है मैं उस यूआरएल में जेएसएन डेटा भेजना चाहता हूं अर्थात। {"1": {"id ":" some_id "," xyz ":" 1 "," दिनांक ":" 13 9 7287235418 "," प्रकार ":" 67878 "}} json भेजने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है यूआरएल में डेटा क्योंकि जब मैं इस प्रारूप में डेटा भेजने का प्रयास करता हूं तो यह त्रुटि देता है आपके द्वारा सबमिट की गई यूआरआई को अनुमति नहीं है। मुझे पता है सीआई में चरित्र कॉन्फ़िगरेशन की अनुमति है लेकिन अगर मैं अनुमति देता हूं तो एक सुरक्षा समस्या होगी मैंने urlencode की कोशिश की है और सर्वर पक्ष में urldecode का इस्तेमाल किया है लेकिन यह पहले से धन्यवाद में मदद नहीं कर रहा है। php में कच्चेरलेनकोड फ़ंक्शन से बचें अमान्य वर्ण। उदाहरण के लिए, & lt;? Php $ str = '{"1": {"id": "some_id", "xyz": "1", "दिनांक": "13 9 7287235418" , "typ...

angularjs select ng-click event does not expand the control -

I am trying to load the options of the selected tag on ng-click event dynamically. Click the arrows to expand the fire ng-click event. Since I get the data at that point and bind in the selection control, the angular expansion leaves any kind of extension, the selection does not extend, the user has to see once the results of dynamically loaded options And click on the arrow. How can I properly expand selection in one click while loading options? I tried to find a way to dynamically expand the load to be selected, but after this there is no cross browser approach to getting the APIC. Here is the code, to bring the onclick recovery method and to select the data to bind. Click does not extend the control ... & lt; Div style = "position: relative;" & Gt; & Lt; input type = "text" class = "inputTextFieldCell" style = "width: 215px; position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 2; padding: 0; margin: 0;" Ng-model = "subsc...

How to know the bitrate used for each codec in asterisk? -

मैं एस्टेरिक में सभी उपलब्ध कोडेक्स देख सकता हूं astrisk -rx "कोर शो codecs " कहां से मैं प्रत्येक कोडेक के संबंधित बिटरेट का पता लगा सकता हूं? क्या इसके लिए एक तार्किक कॉमांड है? आप विभिन्न कोडेक के लिए बैंडविड्थ की गणना करने के लिए इस वेब ऐप का उपयोग कर सकते हैं: Aloso यह कुछ सामान्य कोडेक्स के बारे में त्वरित परिचय है:

java - Maven compilation error with jenkins -

जब मैं जेनकींस को मेवेन प्रोजेक्ट: इस वातावरण में कोई संकलक प्रदान नहीं किया गया है। शायद आप जेडीके की बजाय एक जेआरई पर चल रहे हैं? कई शोध के बाद, जावा और मेवेन प्लग-इन स्वचालित रूप से स्थापित हो गए हैं, I नहीं मिल सका धन्यवाद जेनकींस पर जाएं - & gt; जेनकींस प्रबंधित करें - & gt; सिस्टम कॉन्फ़िगर करें - & gt; JDK। JAVA_HOME फ़ील्ड के तहत जेडीके का मार्ग प्रदान करें।

c# - WPF Print XAML Control -

I am trying to add print function to a WPF project. The user can add and remove text in the text box or other controls on the runtime so that the size of the XML control is not fixed. If she clicks on the print button then I want to understand the size of the control and print (if necessary multidisciplinary document). This is my code so far Public Zero Print (Framework Element Element) {System.Windows.Controls.PrintDialog printDlg = new System.Windows.Controls.PrintDialog (); If (printDlg.ShowDialog () == true) {double height = element.ActualHeight; Double width = element.ActualWidth; Size page size = new size (printDlg.PrintableAreaWidth, printDlg.PrintableAreaHeight); //element.Measure (pageSize); //element.Arrange (new react (5, 5, pg. Wyeth, PageSite High.)); PrintDlg.PrintVisual (element, "this is an exam"); }} My idea is to check the actual height and width of the control. If I am larger than one of these pages, then I know that I have to print many pages. I...

How to get index in jstl display table -

मेरे पास नीचे की तरह तालिका प्रदर्शित है & lt; display: table name = "sample" Id = "sample" class = "display-table" शैली = "चौड़ाई: 100%;" & gt; & Lt; / प्रदर्शन: तालिका & gt; अब मैं लूप का सूचकांक प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं जैसे पहले 1 के लिए 0 और 2, 3, 4 के लिए 0 ... आगे बढ़ें। डिस्प्ले टेबल के साथ यह कैसे संभव है। बस संदर्भ के लिए हम इस तरह जेएसटीएल में ऐसा कर सकते हैं जैसे कि विभिन्न प्रकार की वैरिएटस वैरिएबल की सहायता से नीचे तो क्या यह प्रदर्शन तालिका के साथ संभव है? डिस्प्ले टेबल टैग असल में पंक्ति संख्या नामित id_rowNum जहां id प्रदर्शन तालिका टैग में निर्दिष्ट है। अपने परिदृश्य में: & lt; display: table name = "sample" id = " नमूना "वर्ग =" प्रदर्शन-तालिका "शैली =" चौड़ाई: 100%; "& gt; & Lt; प्रदर्शन: स्तंभ शीर्षक = "पंक्ति संख्या" & gt; & Lt; c: आउट मान = "$ {sample_rowNum - 1}" / & gt; & Lt; / प्रदर्शन: स्तंभ ...

java - Ant signjar task takes too long to timestamp -

I am creating a project using Hudson. I have some jar files that I want to sign with Timestamp using the Ant Signer function. It works like a magic when there is no timestamp - it takes about 2-3 seconds for a file. The problem occurs when I add the 'tsaurl' attribute for SignJar function. Then the timestamp takes a few minutes for a file. I tried to use different timestamp servers and did not help. Does anyone know why this is taking so much time? First and foremost, is there any way to fix this problem? Taking too long (at least Linux) was drying the kernel entropy pool. At this point, the process blocks until more entropy arrives. This allows you to see the symptoms which are sitting on the Jersey process, which is not sitting there, the CPU does not take time but much more. Click at some point (1.5 to 1.6AAAIIK), Java / dev / urandom to / dev / random . Actually entropy is actually a rare resource on modern computers - many RAM disk activity decreases, smart pr...

java - Group ArrayList<HashMap> by a certain key -

I have a ArrayList & lt; HashMap & LT; String, string & gt; & Gt; The keys of which they stored some values ​​associated with them. Map = New Hashmap & lt; String, string & gt; (); Map.put (NEWTITLE, title); map.put (TITLE, description); Map.put (THUMBNAILPATH, thumbnail); Map.put (body, body); Map.put (NEWID, newId); map.put (ID, newsId); Map.put (publisher, PUBLISHERNAME); myNList.add (map); According to the key "Nude", I want to summarize the above list, how can this be done? 3) HashMap & lt; String, String & gt; & gt; Compare Implementation gives commands that you want, and Collections. Sort (list, compare) use If you want to "group" in the general sense, you do not want to use the structure, then you can use another map Using newId as the key). need on the map & lt; string, list & lt; map & lt; string, string & gt; & gt; & gt; ;

jasper reports - MySQL remote connect with JasperStudio -

मैं Jaspersoft Studio के साथ एक MySQL डेटाबेस एक ही हार्डवेयर पर ओपनएसयूएसई पर वर्चुअल मशीन पर Jaspersoft Studio पर (विंडोज 8) और MySQL चल रहा है jdbc: mysql: // 3306 / icinga (उपयोगकर्ता और पीडब्ल्यू दिए गए हैं और सही) त्रुटि: javaSQLException उपयोगकर्ता '' / code> क्योंकि मेरे /etc/my.cnf में मेरे पास कोई बाध्य-पता पंक्ति नहीं है, मुझे लगता है कि डेटाबेस दूरस्थ पहुंच के लिए तैयार है। मैं डेटाबेस को और लॉगिन डेटा से एक्सेस कर सकता हूं। चूंकि आप 'रिमोट होस्ट' से कनेक्ट हो रहे हैं, क्या आप सुनिश्चित हैं कि आपके पास उपयोगकर्ता है "आईसीआईएगा "स्थानीय की तुलना में अन्य मेजबानों से कनेक्ट करने के अधिकार दिए गए हैं? यह सही है कि आप phpmyadmin का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, क्योंकि वह उसी मशीन पर डेटाबेस सर्वर के रूप में चल रहा है और डेटाबेस सर्वर द्वारा 'स्थानीयहोस्ट' के रूप में व्याख्या की जाती है।

python - Best way of finding the number of people needed -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 जवाब मेरे पास कुछ दैनिक डेटा है शुरुआती समय और एक कार्रवाई का समय समाप्त। प्रत्येक कार्रवाई के लिए एक व्यक्ति की आवश्यकता होती है मुझे यह जानना है कि मुझे कितने लोगों की आवश्यकता होगी यहां डेटा का एक उदाहरण है (मैं अजगर का उपयोग कर रहा हूं): [str (d.start) + "||" + str (d.end) दैनिक जॉब्स में घ के लिए] & gt; & gt; ['2013-08-09 07:30:00 || 2013-08-09 11:45:00 ',' 2013-08-09 07:25:00 || 2013-08-09 10:45:00 ',' 2013-08-09 07:35:00 || 2013-08-09 10:35:00 ',' 2013-08-09 09:35:00 || 2013-08-09 12:05:00 ',' 2013-08-09 10:15:00 || 2013-08-09 13:20:00 ',' 2013-08-09 09:15:00 || 2013-08-09 12:55:00 ',' 2013-08-09 12:35:00 || 2013-08-09 15:35:00 ',' 2013-08-09 13:05:00 || 2013-08-09 15:25:00 ',' 2013-08-09 17:10:00 || 2013-08-09 18:32:44 '] इस समस्या का एक गैंट-चार्ट है: हम देख सकते हैं कि 6 कार्य एक ही समय में किए जाएंगे। इसलिए हमें 6 व्यक्तियों ...

javascript - Designation for opening jquery-ui dialoge -

I have a situation where I want to open a model with a button. However, it seems that I have to use an ID or class for my designer where it becomes difficult, I want my modal button to look like my second button, so I do not want to give it my class or id , Either it would have to duplicate the CSS or change the button. I have two solutions: Insert a name at one of my hrefs and do my javascript to open the modal instead of class or id Enter a second empty "Model" category on my ARR and give your Javascript to open that model ` $ (" #dialog ") .dialog ({autoOpen: incorrect, show: {effect:" blind ", duration: 1000}, hide: {effect:" explosion ", duration: 1000}}); $ ("#btn_sec"). Click (function () {$ ("#dialog") .dialog ("open");}); and my html: & lt; A href = "#" class = "btn" id = "btn_sec2" & gt; Click me! & Lt; / A & gt; Which is more planned a...

ruby on rails - OmniContacts gem always fail on with my yahoo contacts importes -

I am using the Omni contacts gem to import contacts from Yahoo and Gmail to my app. Now Yahoo importer is stopping working. I have the following functions on my controller: def contacts_callback @contacts = request.env ['omnicontacts.contacts'] @importer = params [: importer] if Session [: draw_token] @draw_token = session [: draw_token] End & import import_failed if session [: draw_token] draw = Draw.find_by_token (session [: draw_token]) If Draw! = Blue session [: draw_token] = zero redirect_to dashboard_draw_arl (draw) and session [: draw_token] = zero redirect_to root_path, warnings: _ (end date) and redirect- (dashboard_show_invitation_email_friendship_url, warning: _ ('Draw does not exist.') 'You have canceled the request.') End End Route: Get / Contact /: Importer / Callback '= & gt; 'Dashboard / Invitation_Email #Contactbackback' '/ Contact / Failure' = & gt; Receive '' Dashboard / Invitation_email #...

google app engine - How to initialize Drive Service with GAE -

I need to start a drive service in my GAE application. I'm using 3-legged OAuth 2.0 I am I use a regular Google account (no service account). I'm trying to: GoogleCredential credentials = usuarioService.getGoogleCredentials (); Drive Service = New Drive. Builder (Transport, JSN_Factory, Credential) .build (); And I get this error: Reason by: java.lang.NoSuchField error: MAJOR_VERSION On. $ ( & lt; clinit & gt; (Drive.java48) The OAuth 2.0 Flow Authority is working on the work, I get the above mentioned error. I do not think my Google credentials are incorrect because I use the same method to get authorization to use Google Picker. How do I get GoogleCredential from the user: GoogleCredential credentials = new GoogleCredential.Builder () .setClientSecrets (clientId, clientSecret) .setJsonFactory (JSON_FACTORY). SetTransport (HTTP_TRANSPORT) .build ...

c# - SQL Server CE executes the same prepared statement no matter what -

I read some data from XML files in my database. The problem is that it only executes a prepared statement (the first I is defined) and it causes the errors. This works: conn = getConnection (); conn.Open (); SqlCeCommand CMD = conn.CreateCommand (); CMD. COMMANDTEX = "Include in RA_STeuni ([denote], [ID_RA]) value (@Denyumer, @ ID_RA)"; SqlCeParameter numeParam = New SqlCeParameter ("@Nanumar", SKLDB type.NVarChar, 100); NumeParam.Value = denumire; cmd.Parameters.Add (numeParam); SqlCeParameter idRAParam = New SqlCeParameter ("@ id_ra", SqlDbType.Int); Idraparam.Value = idRA; Cmd.Parameters.Add (idRAParam); Cmd.Prepare (); Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); cmd.Dispose (); Conn.Close (); It does not work anymore: conn = getConnection (); conn.Open (); SqlCeCommand CMD = conn.CreateCommand (); CMD. Include in the values ​​of CommandsText = "RA-Active ([Denimir], [Gastien], [UPIATAR], [Tip_Active], [NR_Waver], [CARDIBRIEA-ACTIVE], [PATHOMONY], [ID_R...

css - Opera doesn't display outside fonts -

Next problem - Opera does not display fonts next code: @ font -face {font-family: "Ubuntu-Italic"; Src: url ('../fonts/Ubuntu-Ieot'), src: url ('../fonts/Ubuntu-IiT? #iefix') format ('OpenTaype'), src: url ('../fonts /Ubuntu-I.woff ') format (' woff '), src: url (' ../fonts/Ubuntu- I.otf ') format (' opentyp '), src: url (' .. / fonts / Ubuntu -I.ttf ') format (' truetype '), src: url format (' ../fonts/Ubuntu-isvg ') (' SVG '); Font weight: normal; Font style: normal; } It seems that all ok - double quote, "woff" format ... but it does not work for opera. The attribute source requires a list of URLs. or use multiple source definitions. You've mixed it. This is not valid CSS. Your code: src: url ('../fonts / Ubuntu-ieot'), src: url ('. (' Woff '), src: Url ('/' / 'fonts / ubuntu-ieot?') Format ('opentyp'), src:...

c# - recursive program to get children of nodes -

I have the following table as an example PNLId PNLCode PNLParentId operator sign 0 49 C 51 + faucet 50 jade 51 + faucet 51 v 107 / null 52 b 107 / faucet 53 b 108 + null I am looking for relative parent / child So that I can define the following classes: class node {public id id (get; set;} public int? ParentId {get; set;} public string operator {received Rn; set;} public string sign {get; set;} public node guardian {receive; set;} public ILIT child (get; set;) public node () {children = new list & lt; node & gt; );} Public override string toasting () {// Return "node:" + operator + "" + + + + + + "+ string .join (", ", child. (X => ); Return to "node:" + operator + "" + + + + + "+ string .join (", ", select child (x => string.format (" ({0}, {1 }) ", x sign,;}} public That zero GetChild (node, dictionary & lt; Int, node & gt; Map, dictionary & lt; Int, no...

java - Errors on importing MoPub SDK on Android in Eclipse -

I am facing many errors while importing the MoPub SDK in my workspace, it shows more than 5000 errors . Can I tell what I am doing wrong? I have tried to import as a Java project, then in the form of an Android project. I have set it as a library, and referred it to my main project as a library. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you, Wojtec I understand that the eclipse after importing the project The Java Build Path - & gt; source : mopub-sdk / gen mobup-sdk / src but it should be: mopub-sdk / gen mobup- Sdk / src / main / java Simplify Remove and then Add Folder ... Resolve Issues.

c++ - G++ does not recognise "//" as a comment -

I'm trying to compile the following signin (CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64 1.7.28 (0.271 / 5/3) I686): // Integration Regular Template & lt; Typename method, typename f, typename float & gt; Double Consolidated (FF, Float A, Float B, Int Strips, Method M) {Double S = 0; Double H = (B-A) / phase; For (int i = 0; i But I'm getting the following: sh-4.1 $ g ++ -o "triposoid_numeric_pu" traposide_numeric_apppp sh-4.1 $ ./trapezoid_numerical_p3 .cpp /trapezoid_numerical_p3.cpp: line1: //: is a directory ./trapezoid_numerical_p3.cpp: Line 2: Type name: No such file or directory. /trapezoid_numerical_p3.cpp: Line 3: Syntax error near unexpected token `('/' Trapezoid_numerical_p3.cpp: Line 3: 'Double Integrated (FF, Float A, Float B, Int strips, Method M) SH -1.1 $ strong> //: a directory error comes from Bash, and is not relevant to c ++ code Can not seem to have any relevant leads. Can you recommend how to solve the above? you Try...

ios - How to set the zooming effect in all the subviews of UIScrollView -

I'm going through the sample code (), and at the same time try to add the same zooming effect to all the pages Done For pre: If the user increases the zoom effect in 2 pages then it will set the same zoom effect in all the pages. No idea how to do this ... Edit: In short, according to zoomin / zoom out, resize all the subviews of UIScrollView. The reader you are using provides default zoom in and zoom out options . If that does not work, check that you have allowed many to touch.

Java Syntax MyClass -

यह फ़ंक्शन होने सार्वजनिक पैरामीटर मोडपैमेटरबिल्डर के साथ पैरामीटर () {MethodParameter पैरामीटर = नया तरीका Parameter () ; पैरामीटर (पैरामीटर) के साथ वापसी। नई पैरामीटर मोडपैमेटरबिल्डर (पैरामीटर); नीचे एक्सपेर्शन का मतलब क्या है के साथ पैरामीटर (पैरामीटर) .नई पैरामीटर मोडपैमेटरबिल्डर (पैरामीटर) वाक्यविन्यास इनर () बनाता है और आंतरिक वर्ग (*) का एक उदाहरण देता है इनर उस आवृत्ति से जुड़ा हुआ है जो कि encapsulating वर्ग के obj है। जब एक आंतरिक वर्ग घोषित किया जाता है, तो आपको भीतर वर्ग को इन्स्तांत करने के लिए एनकैप्समेटिंग क्लास का एक उदाहरण चाहिए। सिंटैक्स जिसका आप सामना कर रहे हैं, वास्तव में इस उद्देश्य के लिए है। यहां इसका सबसे सरल उदाहरण है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग मुख्य वर्ग {सार्वजनिक वर्ग InnerClass {}} आप InnerClass इस तरह से इन्स्तांत करेंगे: मेनक्लास एमसी = नया मेनक्लास (); इनरक्लास (); (*) आंतरिक वर्ग = गैर-स्थिर नेस्टेड वर्ग

javascript - ng-repeat loop more than the number of elements -

I implement ng-repeat with ng-style I am trying to; . It works perfectly though, I do not understand why my method tells me more than the number of elements in my ng-repeat ! Do you know why? To complete my explanation, I think: I think that When your HTML code is compiled, it issues ng-style instructions even when there is no data (when objects == faucet). After that your controller makes changes to $ scope.items, forcing other slaves to $ scope.getStyle (). I think if you put ng-if = "item! = Zero" ng-repeat, then the function will be called only 5 times.

javascript - Automatically select a button -

I am trying to figure out how to create a page that I can pass through my other scripts automatically Login. The site I want to log in does not allow usernames and passwords in the URL, so I'm trying to use a modded HTML file of jquery and login page (all of Along with their scripts but stripped the rest). I see the following examples: and This issue is the page load, the modified default value is visible, but it does nothing else if I click on the button so it works fine, So I'm assuming that the click is not working (though I've put the script outside of HTML and it says it is put at the end of HTML, HTML). This is the HTML code for the button: & lt; P class = "tdbtn" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" name = "submit" login "tabindex =" 3 "value =" login "class =" form btn "id =" submit login "> And this is the jquery I have added:

Why scala regex not match html a href -

यह मेरा कोड है ऑब्जेक्ट रेगेक्स पार्सर {def main (args: array [string] ) {Val html = "" "test & lt; a href =" / web / content / "& gt; वेब सामग्री & lt; / a & gt;" "val सामग्री ="। * & Lt; a href = \ "(। *) \" & Gt;। * "। Html html {मैच सामग्री (सी) = & gt; Println ("सी = $ {c}") केस _ = & gt; Html क्यों सामग्री से मेल नहीं खाती? Itemprop = "text"> यह जादू की तरह काम करता है (स्काला 2.9.2 पर, इसलिए कोई s )। scala & gt; वैल html = "" "परीक्षण & lt; a href =" / web / content / "& gt; वेब सामग्री & lt; / a & gt;" "html: java.lang.String = test & lt; a href =" / web / content / "& gt ; वेब सामग्री & lt; / a & gt; स्केला & gt; वैल सामग्री = "। * & Lt; a href = \" (। *) \ "& Gt;। *। R सामग्री: scala.util.matching.Regex =। * & Lt; a href =" (। *) "...

javascript - Why does my form post function opens my .pl file instead executing it? -

मेरे पास एक PERL स्क्रिप्ट जो निष्पादित किया जाना चाहिए जब एक बटन दबाया जाता है इसका उपयोग एसवीजी डाउनलोड करने के लिए किया जाता है। लेकिन जब बटन दबाया जाता है, तो वेबसाइट मुझे इसे निष्पादित करने की बजाय perl स्क्रिप्ट की सामग्री दिखाती है। ऐसा क्यों है और मैं इसे कैसे ठीक कर सकता हूं? यह कोड है जिसे मैं अपने बटन को दबाए जाने पर कहता हूं: फ़ंक्शन callOnButtonClick () {var svg = document.getElementById ( "mainSVG"); // एसवीजी टेक्स्ट स्ट्रिंग var svg_xml = (नई XMLSerializer) के रूप में डेटा निकालें। सिरियलकीटोस्ट्रिंग (एसवीजी); console.log (svg_xml); Var फ़ॉर्म = document.getElementById ("svgform"); ['Output_format']। Value = "svg"; फार्म ['डेटा']। Value = svg_xml; form.submit (); } यह मैं अपने फ़ाइल को निष्पादित करने के लिए उपयोग करने वाला फ़ॉर्म है, जिसे डाउनलोड आरंभ करना चाहिए। & lt; फार्म आईडी = "एसवीजीएफ़ॉर्म" विधि = "पोस्ट" एक्शन = "डाउनलोड.प्ल" & gt; ...

node.js - Redis Subscribes multiple times when using Node Cluster, -

I am working in realtime posts using, stream real time updates But the issue is re-subscribed to membership several times and the post appears several times in the stream. I am using node.js cluster module to create multiple node groups. Here is the code, worker.js var cluster = expected ('cluster'); var server = new happy Server (config.port, view_options); Var socketIO = is required (''); Var redis = Required (""); Var RedisStore = Required (''); Var io = socketIO.listen (server.listener); Var sub = redis.createClient (); Sub.setMaxListeners (0); Io.configure (io.set ('store', new redisstore ({redisSub: sub}); io.set ('transports', [' xhr-poll ']); io.set (' polling Duration ',' 10 ');}); if (cluster.isMaster) {for (var i = 0; i & lt; numCPUs; i ++) {cluster.fork ();}} and {sub.subscribe ("userstreams"); Io.s...

c# - While loop for StreamReader not working -

फॉर्म बंद होने के दौरान काम करना बंद हो जाता है। रिटर्न c = s.Substring ... में जबकि StreamReader sr = नया StreamReader ("Unos.txt"); s = sr.ReadLine (); c = s.Substring (s.IndexOf (',') + 2, (s.Length - s.IndexOf (',') + 2) - (s.Length - s.IndexOf ('-') + 2) ); यदि ((स्ट्रिंग। एक्लल्स (cbRazred.SelectedItem.ToString (), c.Substring (0, (c.indexOf ('-')))) और स्ट्रिंग। एक्लल्स (cbOdeljenje.SelectedItem.ToString (), ओडेलजेन्जे .ओस्ट्रिंग ()))) lbSpisak.Items.Add (s.Substring (0, s.IndexOf (','))); जबकि (एस! = नल) {s = sr.ReadLine (); c = s.Substring (s.IndexOf (',') + 2, (s.Length - s.IndexOf (',') + 2) - (s.Length - s.IndexOf ('-') + 2) ); यदि ((स्ट्रिंग। एक्लल्स (cbRazred.SelectedItem.ToString (), c.Substring (0, (c.indexOf ('-')))) और स्ट्रिंग। एक्लल्स (cbOdeljenje.SelectedItem.ToString (), ओडेलजेन्जे .ओस्ट्रिंग ()))) lbSpisak.Items.Add (s.Substring (0, s.IndexOf (','))); } sr.Close (...

jquery - Trying to get a drop down list in a Javascript pop up -

I am trying to get a drop down list in a javascript pop-up box. Start function () {var name = prompt ("Hello, what is your name?") If (isNaN (name)) {confirm ("hello" + name + "!" ) Var race = prompt ("What race are you (first letter uppercase please)") if (race == "human") {confirm ("You are a great race that safeguards on harming your family and children ) "Var startTown = prompt" (What is your city? ")} And if (race ==" Orsie ") {confirmed (" Hello Orc. Your Assassin Journey Begins! ")} Else {}}} Edit: I'm trying to get the drop down list for the Var startdown () function. I'm trying to get a list of custom names in a drop down box in javascript pop up Prompt () The component can only accept text input You can not do a prepopulated list or anything If you want something like this, you can use many jQuery modal windows Can and, I code a and lt; Select & gt; will ad...

XML to XSD,no name space bound error -

My xml is it, and I have also written xsd. The right way to namespace? Error giving it ** no prefix bound ** There is something to do with namespace And I wrote the XSD error that the "xs" prefix is ​​not bound. The XSD for reference. & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" standalone = "yes"? & Gt; & Lt; xs: schema xlmns: xs = "" elementFormDefault = "qualified" & gt; & Lt; xs: element name = "cvccodeSwitch" type = "xs: integer" /> & Lt; Xs: element name = "zodiac" type = "x: decimal" /> & Lt; Xs: element name = "transaction date" & gt; First of all, your xmlns attribute is not spelled correctly (You typed xlmns , so the Parser complains that the xs prefix is ​​not bound. If you decide that you have another error Because you do not force the schema elements on your namespace, yo...

javascript - Load a popover after page refresh -

When I & lt; I was stuck trying to show Bootstrap popup after refresh / reloading my page using a & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; Element. More detailed ... I want to show a popup when the user clicks the logout button, reloads the page, and then, I popup Code> ... / index.php? Page = index and success, try to share the 'success' of the link, it exists, and popover shows, but it does not work. $ (document) .ready (function () {var x = location.pathname; var parts = x.split ('& amp;; 2); if (parts [1] = = "Success") {$ ("#PopOver Logout") .Popware ({Content: "Message displayed", html: true, Placement: 'Top', Trigger: 'Manual' delay: {'Show': 1000 , 'Hide': 250}, Container: 'Popup Container',});}}); Any ideas how can I get this work done? Thanks! After creating your pop you will need to show it $ ("# popoverLogout") popover ('show'). Because you manu...

c# - WPF binding properties to Datagrid -

I have forced an Observable collection for DataSrid for a Madsource, however, I want to recover the personal properties through a setter (through a setter). See modal Fine nonsense will be deemed to be frightening by speaking. In my observation, I have a property called "active", so I want to set this element when a user clicks or closes the checkbox in the datagrid. XML & lt; DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate & gt; & Lt; DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; Checkbox IsChecked = "{Binding Active, Mode = Two}" Horizontal Alignment = "Center" & gt; & Lt; / Checkbox & gt; & Lt; / DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; /DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate> And I want to trigger this code in ViewModel, when the box is unchecked or checked private bool m_active = false; Public Button Active {get {return m_Active; } Set {m_Active = value; OnPropertyChanged ("Active"); }} But on two-way mode, it's not. Note:...

ruby on rails - Parse XML in Windows-1251 encoding? -

चलाने की कोशिश कर रहा है: नोकोगीरी :: एक्सएमएल (खुला ("http: // ")) उदाहरण के लिए: नोकोगिरी :: एक्सएमएल (खुला (" http: // बार- ")) लेकिन मुझे मिल रहा है: नोकोगीरी :: एक्सएमएल :: सिंटैक्स त्रुटि: असमर्थित एन्कोडिंग विंडो -1251 लेकिन केवल सर्वर पर। स्थानीय कंप्यूटर पर यह ठीक काम करता है। ऐसा लगता है कि iconv इस एन्कोडिंग का समर्थन करता है: iconv --list | grep 1251 CP1251 MS-CYRL Windows-1251 और यहां तक ​​कि अगर मैं bash में चलाने की कोशिश xmllint ' .ru / u? ver = 2 & amp; show = 32 & url = ' यह ठीक काम करता है। रूबी 1.9.3 रेल 3.2.16 नकल 1.6.1 ओएस: फ्री बीएसडी 8.1 कोड का नमूना, लाइन 16. पर और यह यूआरएल का नमूना है: मैं इसे कैसे हल करूं? नोकोगीरी :: एक्सएमएल के लिए एक शॉर्टकट है Nokogiri :: XML :: Document.parse () , इसलिए पार्स (string_or_io, url = nil, एन्कोडिंग = शून्य, विकल्प = पार्स ऑ...

-mthreads on mingw 4.8.2 (on Fedora 20) now generating lihnking errors - should I use both -mthreads and -pthread? -

I've just advanced for the cross-compile project in Fedora 20. Fedora 8 is using 20 minzw 4.8.2-1.fc20 My code is mostly there, but I get many uncertain references to pthread_mutex_init and other pthread mutex functions to link. I am connecting with the -mthreads option because my code is multi-threaded and uses exceptions. If I say that -pthread . But it seems that it does not seem right to do so. Here is a short test program: #include & lt; pthread.h & gt; Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {pthread_mutex_t m; pthread_mutex_init (& amp; m, 0); Exit (0); } Sample compile: $ x86_64-w64-mingw32-g ++ -mthreads x.cpp /tmp/ccqTnLlg.o:x Cpp :( .text + 0x21): Undefined reference to the 'pthread_mutex_init' collection: 2: Error: ld 1 exit status $ I can go with it: $ X86_64-w64-mingw32-g ++ -mthreads x.cpp -pthread $ but it looks incorrect. For people who are not familiar with - Mthread is for , here is the section from the man page: ...

javascript - AngularJS Directive Restrict A vs E -

I am working in a small team, building Angulios and trying to maintain some basic standards I am doing; best practices; Especially we are relatively new with glass. My question is in relation to the instructions. More accurate, restricted options. Some of us are using restricted: 'e' , thus gt; & Lt; html Restricted: 'A' and and & Lt; / Div & gt; In the html Then, you can restrict the : 'EA' and above. This is not a big deal at the moment, although the larger the project, the larger it is, I would like to understand somebody what it is going to be. Is there a professional / opposition for doing things to do things or the way of the element? According to: According to: When should I use an element versus an element? Use an element when you are creating a component in the control of the template The common point for this is that when you are creating a domain-specific language for parts of your template ...

php - Remove element from an array -

Hello I'm looking for some help in removing any element from an array. My array organizes incidents in each room, each room has its own array and each event has its own array within the cell array. I display the room id and the loop i loop through the loop and events of that room through the $ room and display their content. I would like to remove the array of events that have been displayed, so I do not have to spend time to compare the time of repeating the loop. Below I am an example of the process that I am describing, I know that there is no point in destroying the element in this argument because I am using foreign, but in my application the function It requires a logic of .. $ rooms array (3) {[1] = & gt; Array (2) {["Ridiculum"] = & gt; String (1) "1" ["Event"] = & gt; Array (0) {}} [2] = & gt; Array (2) {["Ridiculum"] = & gt; String (1) "2" ["Event"] = & gt; Array (0) {}} [3]...

R- Convert data into matrix format same as other matrix -

I have data in Excel: Terms range weight email TV 1.00 acccount email 12.0 Accept phone 3.00 I have other metrics and its format is: Terms TV Email Phone Contact Information Help ..... 1 Do it. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0> Now I want to convert the above data into the format like That Rule Tv Email Support to contact the phone email ..... email 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I want to do that any help in R will be appreciated. thank you in advanced. You have to resize your data. If you do not already have it, then install the package "reshape2" There is a code here to deny your data again is needed (reshape2) Df.reshape & lt; -melt (Df, id.var = c ("conditions", "category")) # where DF is your data. To repeat the string, use the # two words and classes to create the id variable # df.wide and lt; -Document (df.reshape, terms ~ category) Note that this will give you NA ...

java - addPropertyReference cannot be applied to abstractBeanDefinition -

I am trying to create beans on runtime based on entries in a config file. I have a class that implements BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor , and I have the following code in postProcessBeanDefinitionRegistry (DataSourceConfig dsc: configuration.getDatabase ()) {AbstractBeanDefinition jdbcTemplateDefinition = BeanDefinitionBuilder.rootBeanDefinition ("") .addPropertyReference ("remoteDBDoa", BeanDefinitionBuilder.rootBeanDefinition ("" ) .addPropertyValue ("jdbcTemplateRemote", BeanDefinitionBuilder.rootBeanDefinition ("Organization .springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate") .addPropertyValue ("Data Source", Bendiffin Itionbuilder.genericBeanDefinition (DriverManagerDataSource.class) .addPropertyValue ("driverClassName", dsc. GetDriverClassName ()) .addPropertyValue ("url", dsc.getUrl ()) .a DdPropertyValue ("user name", dsc.getUse...

css - Not calculating in less -

At least I'm using CSS math to present elipse Limit-Radius: 0 120px 120px / 0 12px 12px; But less is calculating this how to stop doing it? In the short, you can give to the compiler Radius: ~ "0 120px 120px / 0 12px 12px";

javascript - Test binding of a custom event to a callback function with Backbone and Jasmine -

I am trying to test to make sure a custom event is bound to show a dialog here The code is: setupListener = function () {appEvent.on ('some_event', theHandler); }; TheHandler = function (feedbackdata) {....}; = function () {setupListener (); }; Note: setupListener is a private function. This is my test code that works: This was called 'appEvent.on,' function (spyOn (appEvent, 'on'); (); Var theHandler = function (feedbackdata) {....}; Hopefully (AppAnt.On) .Thovi Bin Callold ('Some Documents', Handler);}); But now I have called the "on" function with the correct parameter, I want to see it: this ('appEvent.on correct Standards were called together, function () {spyOn (appEvent, 'on'); (); var theHandler = function (responseData) {....}; Hopefully (appEvent.on) .tohaveBeenCalledWith ('Some_event', theHandler);}); But I get an error: call ['some_event', f...

html - CSS Smooth fade and out transition (including text) -

I have a simple hover effect that changes text and background What would I want to know, if the fat effect is slowed down One possible way ... I'm sure you can use transition CSS, but I have very little knowledge on how to use it (code is not complete code and works correctly Does not (but should suffice)) Here's HTML: & lt; Div id = "ourproductsleft" class = "grid_3 alpha" & gt; & Lt; H4 & gt; Mail & lt; / H4 & gt; & Lt; Img class = "answer" src = "img / index / body / our products / mail_accaped." / & Gt; & Lt; P class = "comment" & gt; Packed with features and supported by our first-class technical support, data connectivity email hosting is a great choice for both personal and business users. & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Br> & Lt; P class = "comment2" & gt; & Lt; A href = "& lt;% = url_prefix%> hosting.HTML" ...

ios - executeFetchRequest hangs and never returns -

Fetch method of execution of core data is sometimes hanging and does not return error messages either. This is my code ..... NSArray * fetchResults = [DeleteContext executed FetchRequest: fetchRequest error: & amp; Error]; create/update folder from salesforce using api v2 -

I'm trying to create a new folder in the box from a controller class in SalesBox using API version 2. I'm receiving access token and I'm also able to retrieve items from a folder with a HTTP GET request. But I'm not able to create a new folder in the box. Also, the file is not able to copy files from 1 folder to another or update folder information. Below is the code to update the details of my folder: html h = new (hp); HttpRequest REQ = new HttpRequest (); String and point value = ' folders / mam folder_id'; Req.setEndpoint (endPointValue); Req.setHeader ('Authority', 'Bearer' + MacCastoken); Req.setBody ('description =' + encoding Youthil encoding ('new', 'u' code here 'tf-8')); Req.setMethod ('Post'); HttpResponse res = h.send (req); I get the following response: {"type": "error", "status": 400, "code": "bad_request", ...

java - Perform Update using Spring jdbctemplate -

Please use a jdbctemplate to give a suggestion of doing the query below. Update student set result = 'pass' where stud_id (100,101,102); I tried the following, but stuck with an invalid column type. I string query = "I'm passing the update student exam result = WHERE in OBJ_ID (select from the table)"; Int [] stud_ids = new int [] {100,101,102}; GetJdbcTemplate (). Query (UpdateState SQL, New PreparedStatetsetter) {@ Override Public Void Set Valves throws SQL Connection (Last Connection = = MilliDBC Template) GetNativeJdbcExtractor (). GetNativeConnection (ps.getConnection ()); Ps.setstring1, 'pass'); Ps.setArray (2, stud_ids);}}, new romp at & lt; String & gt; () {@ Override public string map mark (as a result, Rs, int arg1) throws SQLException {return rs.getString (1); }}); } You have written: string queries = "Set student exam =? Where in OBJ_ID (select from table)"; GetJdbcTemplate (). Query (updateStateSQL, .....

ios - Display int value as label -

Good evening, I'm new to iOS and I have a quick quick question. I need help as well as how can I get the label of "label" to reflect the value of "number", which is a primitive difference that I set as 25 Have done The problem is that instead of showing 25, it shows 27896. I am sure that this is 25 in each other I have to do this when the user will press the button with the "executed" ID, then P> here is my code Thanks! #import "ViewController.h" @ Interface View Controller () @end @implementation ViewController int number = @ "25"; - (zero) viewDidoadload [[Super Viewedload]; // Setup an additional after loading the view, usually from a nib } - (zero) did risiv memorialisation [[super daviditamammy warning]; // Any resource settlement which can be reproduced. } - Execute (IBAction): (ID) sender {number = number * 2; [_Label setText: [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% d", number]]; } @end Thanks guys, you...

C# pInvoke with long in both 32 & 64 Bit Linux: -

मुझे लिनक्स-फ़ंक्शन कॉल करने की आवश्यकता है यह घोषणा है कि int sysinfo (struct sysinfo * info) ; लिनक्स 2.3.16 तक, sysinfo () निम्न संरचना में जानकारी वापस करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है: struct sysinfo {लंबे अपटाइम; बूट के बाद / सेकंड * / अहस्ताक्षरित लंबे भार [3]; / * 1, 5, और 15 मिनट की लोड औसत * / अहस्ताक्षरित लंबे कुलराम; / * कुल प्रयोग करने योग्य मुख्य मेमोरी आकार * / अहस्ताक्षरित लंबे समय तक freeram; / * उपलब्ध स्मृति आकार * / अहस्ताक्षरित लंबे शेयर्रम; / * साझा स्मृति * / अहस्ताक्षरित लंबे बफररम की राशि; / * बफ़र्स द्वारा उपयोग की जाने वाली मेमोरी * / अहस्ताक्षरित लंबे तुलनीय; / * कुल स्वैप स्पेस आकार * / अहस्ताक्षरित लंबे समय से फ़्रीप्स; / * स्वैप स्पेस अभी भी उपलब्ध है * / अहस्ताक्षरित छोटी procs; / * मौजूदा प्रक्रियाओं की संख्या * / चार _ एफ [22]; / * पैड की संरचना से 64 बाइट्स * /}; और आकार बाइट्स में दिए गए थे। लिनक्स 2.3.23 (i386), 2.3.48 (सभी आर्किटेक्चर) के बाद से संरचना है: स्ट्रेट sysinfo {लंबे अपटाइम; बूट के बाद / सेकंड * / अहस्ताक्षरित लंबे भार [...

ubuntu - xubuntu launches applications at startup that are not in the application startup settings -

At startup, my computer launched several applications that are not in session & amp; Startup / Application AutoStart Settings: Okular, Terminal, Script The closing of these applications did not necessarily open. Xbuntu System: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bit, XCF version 4.10. How can I disable automatic startup of these applications, while they are not in the startup settings? This is because your session was saved with these sessions. Cleanliness should help ~ / .cache / sessions dir.

objective c - Disable swipe feature of ios app which moves it to previous screen -

I think this is the OS level feature in iOS, with which the user swipe the current view back to the previous screen You can. on the right side. It only needs to touch the left edge of one scene and move it in the right direction. You can see it in the screenshot below. The problem is that the user only logs in to log in because it causes the logging of the screen swiping from right to the left, although there is no back button when logging on the screen. This is severely affecting the overall functionality of my app. Does anyone know how to disable this moving back feature on swipe and just limit it to the back button? Use this code in your view controller. If ([self.navigationController answers Teselector: @Selector (Interactive Pop Gesture Litterman)]) {self .navigationController.interactivePopGestureRecognizer.enabled = No;} Hope this code is useful for you.

sql - Rails group/having/count query -

इस तरह की स्थिति को देखते हुए: कंपनी has_many उपयोगकर्ता 3 उपयोगकर्ताओं वाले कंपनियां प्राप्त करने के लिए, यह कुशलता से काम करता है: कंपनी.जेंक्स (उपयोगकर्ता) .समूह ("कंपनियां.आईडी")। आईडी) = 3 ") लेकिन 0 उपयोगकर्ता (कोई नहीं) कंपनियों को प्राप्त करने का सबसे कारगर तरीका क्या है? क्योंकि, जाहिर है, वही दृष्टिकोण काम नहीं करेगा (जैसा कि शामिल होता है परिभाषा के अनुसार 0 उपयोगकर्ता के साथ कंपनियों को शामिल नहीं करता है): company.joins (users) .group (" कंपनियां.आईडी ")। (" COUNT ( = 0 ") INNER JOIN की बजाय एक बाएं जुड़ें। company.joins ('LEFT OUTER पर उपयोगकर्ताओं को शामिल करें = users.company_id')