string - Getting back the correct values when using classes in Python -
Then I am coming into programming and Python in my study, and in a Python the word scanner object Takes a string and returns a list of tuples that reads in the format (TYPE, WORD), where TYPE is the word type, and word is the word itself, by searching the word for the word in a group of words of that type Determining the type of wordIf there is a word, or a number, then Tupal gives more words like this; If the word is not there, then the tuple gives an "error" and the word, for example, if the input is "Answer for my 3 days", then the list will return such as read something: [('error', 'mine'), ('(' number ',' 3 '), (' error '), (' error ', gone), (' number ',' answer ') 'Error', 'for'),, 'day')] or something like that. However, when I try to input the code and run it from the main project to get the work done, in the command line, the only value I put in return w...