
Showing posts from May, 2010

java - How to resize row height of JXTable -

I'm writing a piece of code to display images in the database from JScript, everything works fine . I have determined the line that the height of that table, now I want to change the row height dynamically using the mouse. How to get it. I know that SetroHight (100) will be useful, how can I get value in it dynamically? Thank you inadvance Here are some code that I wrote the web some time ago: / P> import javax.swing. *; Import javax.swing.table. *; Import javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter; Import java.awt. *; Import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; Public class tablewareSocial mouseInputEditor {public status cursor resize cursor = cursor.getvalued cursor (cursor.NOSSIZE_CURSOR); Private int mouseoffsets, resizing rouge; Private cursor other cursor = resize cursor; Private jetty table; Public TableRowResizer (JTable table) {this.table = table; table.addMouseListener (this); Table.addMouseMotionListener (this); } Private-int Rousing (Point P) {Returning Recessing RO ...

hadoop - Knowing usage of mapper and reducer -

I'm running a dip Latin script on 550 GB of data. I reddor is default 1. It takes approximately 38 minutes to generate the result Are there. I want to know that if the number of resellers who execute the script faster, then Any help would be appreciated. In addition to this, I had to know the concept behind changing mapers and reducers. The increase in the number of reducers will definitely be helpful (if the operation you have done is aggregation), as real aggregation is decreasing, running many reducers will increase the performance. You can use the word 'parallel' to determine the number of reducers in the pig. Ex: A = Load 'myfile' AS (T, U, V); B = Group A By T PARALLEL 18; The number of mappers is decided by using the input size and the map. The number of mappers is usually equal to the number of input divisions.

jbpm - How to use email service tasks in JBPM6 -

I'm a newbie for JBPM6 and I am currently studying on BPM notation. When a user is served (if a user has completed the task, send the notification to the next level) I have a problem connecting the process of implementing an email notification because I can not find a useful document about that (Such as: Send task, get work, message event, email service etc.) can help me with a proper example with anybody Es. (Such as to add data input set, output set, etc.) and also please help me with a way to add business rules work in a process. Did you go through domain specific services? View. Domain specific work is a major extension point in jBPM, where we can add new function types, jbpm has been given an example example of a document using a notification example. May be useful for you.

methods - Wireshark POST data -

यह वाइरहार्क का कब्जा डेटा है पोस्ट / आर HTTP / 1.1 सामग्री-प्रकार : आवेदन / x-www-form-urlencoded उपयोगकर्ता-एजेंट: डलविक / 1.6.0 (लिनक्स; यू; एंड्रॉइड 4.0.4; जीटी-आई 9100 बिल्ड / आईएमएम 76 एल) (एन-यू) कैश-नियंत्रण: नो-ट्रांसजेंड होस्ट: Xx.xx.xx.xx कनेक्शन: एलीव स्वीकार्य-एन्कोडिंग: जीज़िप सामग्री-लंबाई: 77 डब्ल्यूएलएल202GUI # 00000058 $ CuII4425339CnsI4425339CzsXT3BQnVOa1ZR0OL0 + 0 एचएलWwgCksHiqQ0V5HTTP / 1.1 200 ओके सर्वर: ढेर-रखाई रखें: टाइमआउट = 30, अधिकतम = 300 कनेक्शन: रखें - सामग्री सामग्री प्रकार: आवेदन / ओकटेट-स्ट्रीम सामग्री-लंबाई: 103 WLL202GUI # 00000084 $ ChsN989338254856CcsD98Cvsb90ccdc057d52d0e53d906f963aabcfa7CqsI4425339CmsHPedr @ mCgIC1 मुझे क्या पता है कि यह डाक डेटा है: WLL202GUI # 00,000,058 $ CuII4425339CnsI4425339CzsXT3BQnVOa1ZR0OL0 + 0hLWwgCksHiqQ0V5 और इस प्रतिक्रिया: WLL202GUI # 00,000,084 $ ChsN989338254856CcsD98Cvsb90ccdc057d52d0e53d906f963aabcfa7CqsI4425339CmsHPedr @ mCgIC 1 (अगर मुझे गलत है तो मुझे सही) इसके लिए पूर्ण यूआरआई पथ क्या...

Migrate Existing GWT Project to GWT Mobile Application and PhoneGap -

I have an existing living project. I want to run it on different mobile platforms. So I would like to start choosing GWT Mobile and PhoneGrap. But the project is quite large, code-wise. Is there any device available for migrating code to new Live-Mobile (M-GDT) and GVT-Phonegap? Or do I have to write the code from scratch? Regards, Sandip As far as I know that from gwt There are no tools to migrate the code up to mgwt. I code change should be 20% percent of your project, if you follow the MVP pattern suggested by GWT. If you follow MVP, then you can reuse all the layers except the layer and in any situation I do not think you can replace the GWT components with the mgwt components. As mobile types are a different type of factor and usage patterns, you have to make your ideas mobile-friendly. Just scaling the website on the mobile form factor will not provide a good user experience, therefore the page design needs to be changed and you will need code for it so that you can us...

python - Django override template static file location -

If I override templates for an installed app, then I Html file to / templates / appname / / code>. I'm wondering where is the appropriate place to store static files for those override templates? Will I put them in / common_static / appname ? Or is there a better place or way to override better templates at once? Ex application is given the notification name: A "???" ??? A generalist One ???? One ???? Line Notifications "One" CSS One ???? One ???? One ???? Line Styles.css A "One" ???? Line Line Js one ???? One ???? Line Line anim.js a ???? One ???? Line Templates one ???? One ???? One ???? Line Base.htmlA "A" ??? Line Notifications "A" file1.html A "A" ??? Line There are several ways to store templates and statics in Django: file2.html The following are two architectures that can be used: A which you have described above: / template - Store all templates of the project with the folder ap_na...

c# - how can I check and kill another instance of my application? -

I have to face a problem that my client is already running the app app, then they go to desktop (Can not kill APA), and app AAP Upgrade the app by running 1 with PowerShell. After this, after installing, click on the APA - & gt; Get an Exception . I think the root cause is that another example is running. My question is how can I check that my application is already running? Can i kill it Additionally, my application is Windows 8 Store, C #. Applications of all Metro style work in highly sandboxed environments and direct external applications There is no way to start. You can not access window app processes Unfortunately, you can not check running Windows apps. Let me now No way found. No metro-style applications Vari process S = process. GetProcessesByName ("your application name") p> to check that your program is already running: > > foreach (process different processes) {process.CloseMainWindow (); // or more aggressi...

javascript - Slide in and slide out simultaneously -

I'm trying to create a slider that clicks the images with the right arrow button on the mouse, There are empty frames. I want it to be seamless here are my codes: html: & lt; Div id = "img_slider" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "..//images/proj/1 (2) .jpg" id = "img_1" class = "slide_img" /> & Lt; Img src = "..//images/proj/1.jpg" id = "img_2" class = "slide_img" /> & Lt; Img src = "..//images/proj/2.jpg" id = "img_3" class = "slide_img" /> & Lt; Img src = "..//images/proj/3jpg" id = "img_4" class = "slide_img" /> & Lt; Img src = "..//images/proj/4jpg" id = "img_5" class = "slide_img" /> & Lt; Img src = "..//images/proj/5jpg" id = "img_6" class = "slide_img" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; And this is CSS: #img_slider {background: url (../ ima...

c# - How to serialize object to xml and compress in memory -

In my application, I should serial a large object for XML string. But then serialized throwing system. How can I sort out the object with exception and compression without otheoff memory exception? Public Static String GenerateXMLData & lt; T & gt; (T data) {byte [] bytes; (Var using memoryStream = new MemoryStream ()) (var gZipStream = new GZipStream (memoryStream, CompressionMode.Compress)) {BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = New BinaryFormatter (); Binary formatting Serialize (GJprstream, data); } Bytes = MemoryStream. ToArray (); } Return encoding. UTF8.GetString (bytes); } There are very good answeers on the stackoverflow which one has accesed through P> :)

jquery - select2 dropdown appearing messy on bootstrap modal -

HTML कोड - & lt; div class = "block" & gt; & Lt; लेबल वर्ग = "नियंत्रण-लेबल-आवश्यक" & gt; खाते में जमा करें & lt; / label & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; चुनें आईडी = "receipt_voucher_to_account_id" name = "receipt_voucher [to_account_id]" & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "1" & gt; एसबीआई & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "2" & gt; हाथ में नकद & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "3" & gt; ऋण और अग्रिम & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "4" & gt; एचडीएफसी बैंक एसीसी & lt; / option & gt; & Lt; / चयन & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; जेक्जरी कोड - & lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ( "# receipt_voucher_to_account_id") Select2 ();। $ ( "# Receipt_voucher_to_account_id") removeAttr ( 'tabi...

c# - How to display child window on grid click (using mvvm approach) -

I am starting a C # Silverlight and I have to use the MVVM approach to achieve my work. I have already created a GUI that looks like this: & lt; UserControl x: class = "DEV_CENTER.MainPage" xmlns = "" xmlns: x = " 2006 / xaml "xmlns: D =" "xmlns: mc =" http: //schemas.openxmlformats .org / markup-compatibility / 2006 "xmlns: vm = "Clr-namespace: DEV_CENTER" xmlns: data = "clr-namespace: System.Windows.Controls; assembly = System.Windows.Controls.Data" mc: Ignorable = "D" D: DesignHite = "300" D: DesignView = "400" & gt; & Lt; UserControl.Resources & gt; & Lt; Vm: ProgramView Model X: Key = "ProgramWellModel" /> & Lt; /UserControl.Resources> & Lt; Grid X: Name = "Layouts" background = ...

oracle - Convert time stored as hh24miss to hh24:mi:ss -

I have a column in my table that will store time as hh24miss format, i.e. it 091315 which is 9 minutes 13 minutes and 15 seconds, I need to convert it to HH 24: MI: SS and insert it with date column which is in the format YYYYMMDD . Just, the following column dates: 19940601 and time: 091315 to 01-Jan-94 09:13:15 . You should not store dates in the form of stars, and time There is no need to store in a separate field. The second involves the time below (you need TIMESTAMP for seconds frames.) If you are actually stuck with this schema, then you have two strings A DATE : to_date (date_column || time_column, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') Then you can show that you Whatever format you want; Which you have shown: to_char (to_date (date_column || time_column, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'), 'DD-Mon-RR HH 24: MI: SS') However, you have data on June, no. But in fact, please re-use your schema again and use the appropriate data type, do not store the va...

android - aChartEngine Line Graph setYAxisMax for add padding to graph -

I'm trying to add some padding to my graph by setting min and value X and Y axis My XYMultipleSeriesRenderer code is below: / / custom render XYMultipleSeriesRenderer Renderer = New XYMultipleSeriesRenderer (); // Background Renderer Set padded background color (color similar color ("#fffff"); renderer.setMarginsColor (Color.parseColor ("#FFFFFF")); Renderer.setPointSize (pointStrokeWidth); Renderer.setPanEnabled (true, true); //renderer.setPanEnabled(false); Renderer.setShowLegend (wrong); // renderer.setZoomEnabled (false); renderer.setInScroll (true); Renderer.setClickEnabled (true); renderer.setXLabels (0); // setcale // renderer.setscale (float) 1.5); //renderer.setShowAxes(true); // Label padding and size renderer.setShowCustomTextGrid (true); Renderer.setLabelsTextSize (20); Renderer.setXAxisMin (-0.2f); Double maxx = dashboard .getDaysDashboard () Size () - 0.9 F; Renderer.setXAxisMax (max); Renderer.setYAxisMin (-0.3f); Double max = da...

Excel VBA .find issue -

I am a new member of this forum, but have done some research for this particular problem. I have not found anything yet. I need a VBA script that searches for value in a cell I7 worksbook wb1 , And in another workbook, a sheet named "code" named wb2 refers to the reference of a column A: A if it finds the cell I7 Column A: A , the value will put "value found" in cell I7 . If he is not getting that value in the column range, then he will copy and paste the old values ​​from the old sheet as it is a new one. The Excel code is executing, but the problem I am experiencing is that if the value is not in the referenced column, then the code does not seem to be taking it, so the code is just " Value added ", regardless of the values ​​found in any referenced column, am I missing something here? WB1 as a slow workbook, wb2 as a workbook, dim range set ("A: A") set WBS = Sh1.Column (1). Search (what: = wb2.Sheets ("summary...

java - str.split("\\s+") Not working as expected -

मैं एक लाइन पढ़ रहा हूँ जैसे 2222 1555 777 है: स्ट्रिंग [] splitDist = line.split ("\\ s +"); के लिए (इंट I = 0; i & lt; splitDist.length; i ++) {System.out.println (i); } i कभी भी परिवर्तन नहीं होता है क्यों के रूप में किसी भी कारण? विचार? मैं ["2222", "1555", "777"] की तरह एक सरणी की अपेक्षा कर रहा हूं, लेकिन यह एक स्ट्रिंग ["22221555777"] इसलिए i 0 हो जाएगा संपादित करें: ऐसा क्यों नहीं हो रहा है यह सुनिश्चित करें ... कोशिश करने के लिए धन्यवाद, कुछ गलत है यहाँ। यह एक बात सिर्फ अजीब व्यवहार देता है ... स्ट्रिंग [] splitDist = line विभाजन ( "\\ s +"); (इंट आई = 0; आई & lt; splitDist.length; i ++) के लिए {System.out.println (splitDist [i]); } आपको सरणी तत्व को प्रिंट करना होगा और i

Methods of zooming in/out with openGL (C++) -

I'm wondering what types of methods we use while zooming in / out. In my current project, I have to display millions of 2D rectangles on the screen, and I am using a fixed viewport and when I have to zoom in / out, I am changing the glortho2D variable. I am thinking that this is a good way to do this and what other solution can I use. I have another question that I think is related to how I should zoom in / out? As I said, I am using a fixed viewport and changing the Glotho 2D variable in my code, and I think OpenGL will be able to understand which rectangles are out of the screen and they are presented However, it seems that OpenGag is repeating all the rectangles. Rendering time to see millions of rectangles (zoomed out) is equal to hundreds of rectangles (zoom in a particular area), which is the opposite of what I expected. I am thinking that it is related to zooming methods, which I used to or I am missing something important. Meaning I am using VBS while rendering the ...

ios - how can I color-swizzle shader to convert the RGBA to BGRA -

I had to be swaging, if I try to change it later then it looks very slow. Any examples? I'm using this to make a video of my application I currently have GL_RGBA, GL_UnSIGNED_BYTE, data); And it gives me data in the RGBA format, I need to convert it to BGR, how can I do this efficiently? You know that there is a BGRA format that can deliver glReadPixels: glReadPixels (x, y, width, height, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, post- Text "itemprop =" text "> information); And in fact it is recommended that you use BGRA to read the pixels, because it is the most GUI systems Sort order is, thus saving a conversion step.

Numric Regex with ":" how to add -

I am using the following regsx which is working fine for numbers, only me ":" how do i This is not working for me ... @ "^ [0- 9] (:) + \ s * $" for example 80:80 8000 8 You can do this with the following regex: ^ \ d [\ d:] * \s * $ Demo:

javascript - Ng-src updates but src does not when deleting photo -

इस प्रश्न का संदर्भ: मैं समाधान का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ यह प्रश्न: तो मेरे विचार में मेरे पास है: & lt; img ng-src = "{{}} {{randomStr}}" alt = "" / & gt; जब मैं फोटो बदलता हूं, तो मैं अपने contoller में निम्न कोड चलाता हूं: $ = somePathToPhoto; $ scope.randomStr = '? randomStr =' + नया दिनांक ()। getTime (); यह निम्न HTML (और हर काम करता है, जैसा कि यह होना चाहिए) में परिणाम: & lt; img ng-src = "img / प्रोफाइल / 5350f142dd9624b818d90007 / 5350f142dd9624b818d90007.png? RandomStr = 1398159116845 "alt =" "src =" आईएमजी / प्रोफाइल / 5350f142dd9624b818d90007 / 5350f142dd9624b818990007.png? RandomStr = 1398159116845 "& gt; प्रश्न: अब मैं उपयोगकर्ता को इस तस्वीर को हटाने की अनुमति देना चाहता हूं, इसलिए जब वह मेरे द्वारा हटाए गए बटन को मारता है: $ = ''; $ Scope.randomStr = ''; हालांकि, यह नि...

php - Foreach in CodeIgniter -

I want to leave some news first and I have got an error supply for foreach invalid argument: Model: public function get_all_news_home () {$ excluded = array (); $ This- & gt; Load-> Database (); $ Last_news_query = $ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Query (Select "News type = 1 from * and ready = 'Y' order date 4" from DESC limit); $ Last_news = $ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Query ($ last_news_query); $ Last_news = ($ last_news- & gt; num_rows ())? $ Last_news- & gt; Result_are (): null; Forex Currency ($ last_news as $ ln) {array_push ($ Excluded, array ('id' = & gt; $ ln ['id'])); } $ NewsIds = implode (',', array_values ​​($ Excluded)); $ All_news = $ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Query (News from "Select * where news.rd = 'wi' and news. Not in IIT ('$ news eds' order order dsc limit 12"); If ($ all_news- & gt; num_rows ()) {$ all_news = $ all_news- & gt; Result_are (); } And {$ all_...

css - my fonts are not working when I open my website in firefox -

I am using font-face, and antennaand and robot fonts are working in these two fonts Safari and Chrome , But they are crashing in Firefox This is my website: Why are any thoughts happening? You have to check the path of fonts in the CSS file, you also have different types of requirements (. TT.VP, EOT, SSGG) 1) Like websites or where you can upload fonts and it will apply to the folder structure created with CSS and custom fonts. 2) Similar questions Hope it helps.

android - Which mode to use to draw on a bitmap -

Hi I am using bitmap and using code to erase arch by bitmap mPaint.setXfermode (new portfidfoixform (mod.CLEAR)); Now what should I do with mPaint to draw it on bitmap? create different ways like // to clear the arcs Turn on zero EraserOn () {mPaint.setXfermode (New PortfidxFormode (M.CLEAR)); } // To draw again Turn on zero EraserOff () {mPaint.setXfermode (null); } And call them whenever they need.

Error when trying moses's sample-models -

After successfully installing Moses in my laptop (Ubuntu 13.04), I try to run a sample-model (). I remove it in wget and folder. And then run the command: ~ / mosesdecoder / bin / moses -f phrase-model / moses.ini & lt; Phrase-model / in & gt; and it failed with the following error: [user @ my-pc sample-models] $ ~ / mosesdecoder / bin / moses -f phrase -model / moses.ini & lt; Phrase-model / in & gt; Defined parameters (per moses.ini or switch): config: phrase-model / moses.ini feature: IRSTLM name = LM factor = 0 order = 3 marks-features = 1 path = LM / Europaral. Srilm.gz distortion word expression unknown PhraseDictionaryMemory Input-factor = 0 output-factor = 0 path = phrase-model / phrase-table num-features = 1 table-limit = 10 input-factor: 0 mapping: T-n-best-list: nbest.txt 100 Weight: WordPenalty0 = 0 Lm = 1 distortion 0 = 1 phrase mechanism 0 = 1 error: unknown parameter Feature error: unknown parameter weight error: a phrase translation table (t...

c# - Calling a function in Aspx.cs with change in dropdownbox -

I have a page where the change in value from drop down box will pass this text in the drop-down box. To get value from the database. & amp; Asp: dropdown list id = "dropid" runat = "server" OnChange = "getvaluesfromaspx"> & Lt; / Asp: DropDownList & gt; I want the function called "Getvaluesfromaspx" to call from aspx file in aspx.cs. help please. Use the "on-selected index change" event instead of the "Onchange" event. Also set AutoPostBack property value to true. & lt; ASP: Dropdown List ID = "DropDayed" Autopostback = "True" Run = "Server" On-Select Index-Changed = "Getleus Framespax" & gt; & Lt; / Asp: DropDownList & gt; and in the rear code protected zero gatewaylosphromaspex (object sender, eventArgse E) {//}

java - Change csv file path to internal storage -

I'm doing a small app that inserts people and then if I want to export it to CSV I , But it is exporting to the file's emulator SD card and I want to export it so that there is internal storage (download or other place). I have already searched here that I can get a reply, but I have not found anything that has resolved my problem. file dbFile = getDatabasePath ("androidituts"); File exportDir = new file (environment .getExternalStorageDirectory (), ""); If (! ExportDir.exists ()) {exportDir.mkdirs (); } File file = new file (export dir, "teste.csv"); Try {file.createNewFile (); CSVDriver CSVRert = new CSVRIIeter (new filewriter (file)); Cursor curCSV = mydb.rawQuery ("test from selection", blank); CsvWrite.writeNext (curCSV.getColumnNames ()); While (curCSV.moveToNext ()) {string arrStr [] = {curCSV.getString (1)}; csvWrite.writeNext (arrStr); } CsvWrite.close (); curCSV.close (); } Hold (exception sqlEx) {Log.e ("main activi...

vba - One thousand copies of a random value in Excel -

I have a cell in excel, which presses F9 every time. I need 1000 copies of this random variable in a column, then calculate the average. But the actual value is very tedious to type manually. Is there an efficient method for this? Let's say the cell B9 contains the value that worksheet Let's also count on each calculation of this, also assume that we can send 1000 samples to C1000 via C1 and subir ) Value (i, 3). Value = category ("B9"). Price Next Eye Range ("D1") Value = application Worksheet Function. Average (range ("C1: C-1000")) End sub

linux - Error in the systemtap script -

I'm trying to execute a systemtap script. But during execution I got the following error error stap -v g pass netfilter.stp 1:. Parse user scripts and 96 library script (s) using 150164virt / 25896res / 2100shr / 24504data KB, 230usr / 20sys / 243real warning MS: 26 :: 10 Source: function __get_mac_addr: identifier netfilter.stp '__get_mac_addr': eliding unused function '__get_mac_addr' string (addr: long) {^ Warning: identifier '__get_skb_arphdr' :: 37 unused function eliding '__get_skb_arphdr': 10 source: function __get_skb_arphdr: long (addr: long) ^ Warning: identifier '__ip6_skb_proto' :: 43: 10 Source: function __ip6_skb_proto: unused commencement The eliding '__ip6_skb_proto' long (addr: long) ^ ** means error: An investigation found ** have 2 of the script: 0 Investigation Analysis (s), 0 event (s), 2 Tweet (s), 0 Global (s) / 98268res / 3352shr / 95492data in KB, using 950usr / 250sys / 2047real MS 352168virt. Pass 2: ...

c# - Cannot show the images of a particular user -

I am working in and I want to show a picture of the user whose profile_id is 1. I am saving pictures directly in the varbinary format in the database and retrieving it in gridview. The problem I am experiencing is that when a user logs in to the "View Photos" button and clicks one, then The picture itself is four times, when the user has uploaded 4 separate pictures, it is not taking all the four pictures that the user has uploaded. I am using this handler. This is my table specification: Name of the table: (photo) column: photo_id, profile_id (foreign key), photo Below is my grid-view code & lt; Asp: image id = "image 1" run = "server" imageUrl = '& lt;% #' ThumbNail.ashx? Proid = "+ Eval (" Profile_ID ")%> height =" 200px "width =" 200px "/> In this way I am binding data to the grid SqlConnection connection = New SqlConnection (strCon); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand (...

php - If condition not checking the condition -

समारोह pokemon2 () {include 'details.php'; $ क्षति = $ _POST ['हमला']; $ Oppo_health = $ _SESSION ['oppo_health']; अगर ($ oppo_health & lt; 0) {गूंज "मर गया!"; } और {$ oppo_path = $ _SESSION ['पथ']; गूंज "& lt; br / & gt;"; गूंज $ oppo_path; गूंज "& lt; br / & gt;"; $ Oppo_health = $ oppo_health - $ क्षति; गूंज $ oppo_health; $ _SESSION ['हमले'] = $ क्षति; $ _SESSION ['oppo_health'] = $ oppo_health; }} यदि कोड $ oppo_health 0 से नीचे जाता है तो कोड 'मर गया' प्रदर्शित होना चाहिए! लेकिन ऐसा नहीं होना चाहिए जैसा कि यह होना चाहिए ?? तर्क सही है और कोई भी त्रुटि दिखाई नहीं दे रही है। आपको session_start () विधि का प्रयोग करके एक सत्र शुरू करने की आवश्यकता है।

box api - Box API, Unable to get sharedlink of a file. Shows Bad Request Error -

बॉक्स एपीआई। V2। बॉक्स प्रबंधक बॉक्समैजर = नया बॉक्स मैनेजर (response1.Data.access_token); var sharedLink = new SharedLink () {access = Access.Open, अनुमतियां = नई अनुमतियां () {CanDownload = true, CanPreview = true}, UnsharedAt = DateTime.Now.AddYears (1)}; BoxManager.ShareLink (फ़ाइल, साझा लिंक); यह नीचे कोड "बुरा अनुरोध" त्रुटि मुझे फेंकता है, कोई मुझे इस पर मदद कर सकता है? क्या आप बॉक्स के साथ आपके खाते के किस प्रकार के खाते की पुष्टि कर सकते हैं? यदि आपके पास कोई व्यक्तिगत खाता है, तो निकाल देना UnsharedAt = DateTime समाप्ति वाले लिंक के लिए अपग्रेड किए गए खाते की आवश्यकता है

Check if selected dropdown value is empty using jQuery -

There is a dropdown in question: & lt; Choose Name = "Data" Category = "Autotyim" ID = "EventStart Timeman" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "" & gt; & Lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "00" & gt; 00 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "10" & gt; 10 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "20" & gt; 20 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "30" & gt; 30 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "40" & gt; 40 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "50" & gt; 50 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; What I want to do is check whether the current value is empty: if ($ ("EventStartTimeMin"). val () = == "") {// ...} But this does not work, even if the value is empty. Any help is greatly appreciated. ...

java - update notification text every second -

I want to update every notification text I have written this code New handler () Post Delayed (New Runnabel) {@Override public void run () {// TODO Auto-Generated Method Stub Builder.SetSamLicon (R.drawable. IC_Luncher); Builder.Sent ContentTitle ("text"); Builder.ContentText ("Value updated every 1 second");}}}, 1 * 1000); But the price is not updated every 1 second, but only once. Why? How can I do this? His code starts a thread that sleeps 1000 milliseconds each round. Thread T = New thread () {@ Override Public Wide Run) {try {while (! Interrupt ()) {Thread.sleep (1000); RunOnUiThread (New Runnabel) {@ Override Public Wired Run ()} // // Update Text Here!}}); }} Grip (interrupted e) e} {}}}; T.start ();

javascript - Grails controller - link to select element from .gsp file -

So, I'm working on this grails application to create a web dashboard. So far, I have created a controller who asks the matrix from my database and presents it as a JSON file, which I feed on D3 and other JavaScript libraries on front-end GSP file. My question is: At the end of my face I have a certain drop down menu: Source def listJson = {def sql = new Sql (dataSource) def rows = sql.rows ("select date_hour, total_value as sale, visit from table") sql.close () JSON} render rows The problem is now, I have a bunch of drop down menus, and each has a lot of options, for each of which, if I If I have done so, then I have to make a new Jason file for D3. Instead, can I in no way contain the value of the option from the element given above in the SQL statement in the controller? Below is something similar, but I do not know if this is possible, and if it is, then the correct syntax. I'm using grails 2.3.4. def listJson = {def sql = new SQL (datasource) de...

java - Is it possible to retrieve lambda expression at runtime -

Last night, playing with Java8 Lombda, and I was wondering if it is possible to achieve Lambda expression at runtime. In short and as far as I understand, long expression is converted into a (static) method, and then called using Inxicinics. Let's take an example like this: people.filter (person -> person.get ()> = minAge); Where filters as a parameter Predicate & lt; T & gt; Within a filter method, I will explain how the expression of Lambda ( person -> person.getage () & gt; = minAge ) in this case? I tried to read the Generated Bytecode of Logic Class using ASM5 BETA but I could not go ahead using Class Visitor and Method Visitor to reach the method linked to Lambda Expression. Public & lt; T & gt; & Lt; T & gt; Filter (Filter T & gt; Expression} {try {class & lt;? Filter & gt; Enhances Expression class = expression .getClass (); Byte [] Content = getClassContent (Expression class); ClassReader class reader = n...

android - How can I make a image at edge of a layout? -

हाय मैं एंड्रॉइड ऐप के साथ काम कर रहा हूं। मैं चित्र में एक लेआउट बनाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। मैंने केंद्र में दृश्य बनाया था। लेकिन मैं लेआउट के कोने पर छवि दिखाना चाहता हूं। मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूँ ? कृपया कुछ उदाहरणों के साथ मेरी सहायता करें, पहले से धन्यवाद:) नीचे कोड का प्रयास करें: - & lt; रिलेटिव लेआउट एंड्रॉइड: layout_width = "मैच_पेरेंट" एंड्रॉइड: लेआउट_हेहेट = "200 डीपी" & gt; & Lt; RelativeLayout एंड्रॉइड: layout_width = "match_parent" android: layout_height = "200dp" एंड्रॉइड: layout_margin = "30dp" एंड्रॉइड: layout_marginLeft = "14dp" एंड्रॉइड: पृष्ठभूमि = "# 000000" & gt; & Lt; / RelativeLayout & gt; & LT; imageView एंड्रॉयड: layout_width = "50dp" एंड्रॉयड: layout_height = "50dp" एंड्रॉयड: layout_alignParentLeft = "true" एंड्रॉयड: layout_alignParentTop = "true" एंड्रॉयड: layout_marginLeft = "14dp" एंड्रॉयड: layo...

android - update a variable in another activity -

Thank you for seeing everyone and hope you will find a reply ... im updating a high-screen This is my adapter. Simple Adapter Adapter 1 = New Simple Adapter (this, List Normal, R.Lailout.List_Hoscor_Oro, New String [] {"catGeneral", "Score 1 "}, new int [] {,}); This fills my list hashmap I want to change the value of hScoreGen1 , if it is low then new score ... By now I am in another activity that should change the value hScoreGen1 If (the total correction gt; scoring gt; current.scoreCatValue) {// currentScoreCatValue is the original value of hScoreGen1 if (currentScoreCat == 1) {// the current session is set to 1 from another activity HiScore .hScoreGen1 = Total Correction; Instead of displaying the changing values ​​with my problem list view but showing prices ... hope you can help and I can add more codes if needed update your adapter if (total correction> gt ; ScoreScreen. currentScoreCatValue) {// currentSco...

java - Primefaces p:calendar component is not working for Saturday and Sunday -

मेरा एसक्यूएल कोड है से चुनिए डी डीएनए डब्ल्यू.के. के बीच d.createdDate: startDate AND: stopdate आदेश द्वारा d.createdDate एएससी मेरे प्राइमफ़ेस कोड हैं & lt; p: कैलेंडर id = "basla" value = "# {denemeBean .startdate} "पैटर्न =" dd-MM-yyyy "/ & gt; & lt; p: कैलेंडर id = "bit" value = "# {denemeBean.stopDate}" पैटर्न = "dd-MM-yyyy" / & gt; जब मैं स्टारडेट = 20-04-2014 रविवार और स्टॉपडेट = 22-04-2014 के बीच की तारीखों का चुनाव करता हूं, मंगलवार को, मैं देखता हूं की डेटा की तारीख 1 9-04-2014 शनिवार से शुरू होती है और 21 -04-2014 सोमवार और भी startDate = 19-04-2014 शनिवार और stopDate = 22-04-2014 मंगलवार, डेटा की तारीख 18-04-2014 शनिवार के साथ शुरू और 21-04- 2014 सोमवार डेनमेबेन `सार्वजनिक वर्ग DenemeBean सीरियलजबल लागू करता है { निजी तिथि start date = नया दिनांक (); प्राइवेट डेट स्टैट डट = नई तिथि (); सार्वजनिक DenemeBean () {} @PostConstruct सार्वजनिक शून्य init () {startDate = DateUtils....

c# - Pass Value From T4 Template To Another -

I have a problem, I just need another (T4) value from the template file, for example, Pass the controller by the name of. 4 to list.cs.t4 (MVC 5.1), or if the controller's name is listed in the list, thanks Share a steady class assistant? To share "design-code", please think again to make your answer more "stateless" If you want to share the code with your regular C # project, It is possible, but you need to refer to the shared assembly which you can reference. Just & lt; Including # # included # #. Directives to one Instructions have been given to draw directly into the CC file because the Directorate does not nest in control or classroom feature blocks. 'Cited from the aforesaid reply'

hybrid - Opening youtube video within the application - Phonegap application -

I am developing a hybrid application that supports Android and iOS. I need to embed a YouTube video in the app, as if it should be opened within the app. I have tried to use IFrame and it is working on the browser. But YouTube video in the iPhone, embedded in iframe, is opening in an external browser and is not taking applications. While searching on Google, I came to know that the option of allowing the LLXLRLL to be opened in the webwave in Cordova Plist (Cordova IOS episode). However, it is affecting other places where some URLs should be opened in external browsers and not in the application. Please suggest that there is a way to integrate YouTube where the video should open inside the app for a hybrid app. Here's a good The code is for a quick access. & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Youtube video & lt; / Heading & gt; & Lt; Meta name = "viewport" content = "width = tool-width; initial-scale...

php - If VB condition with or -

मुझे मिल गया है जैसे: & lt; vb: if condition = "$ channel ['नोडिड']! = 16 "& gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & lt; टीडी & gt; कुछ & lt; / टीडी & gt; & lt; / टीआर & gt; & Lt; / vb: यदि & gt; लेकिन मुझे इसकी भी आवश्यकता है कि 20 के लिए भी जांचें ताकि यह कुछ ऐसा होना चाहिए: if! = 16 || 20 मैं यह कैसे लिखूं यह होगा: & lt; vb: if condition = "$ channel ['nodeid'] = 16 || $ चैनल ['नोडिड'] = 20" & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & lt; टीडी & gt; कुछ & lt; / टीडी & gt; & lt; / टीआर & gt; & Lt; / vb: यदि & gt;

c# - Control.BeginInvoke() not working without MethodInvoker - But why? -

Ich has a small WinForms program, which has 1 button and 1 textbox if I click on the button then 1 Count 100,000 programmers and shows in milliseconds in the text box in each stage in the current time. Cowhopping elimination is running in a separate thread. public partial category Form 1: form {public representative zero myDelegate (); Public myDelegate mydelegate; Public Form 1 () {Initialization (); Mydelegate = new myDelegate (b); } Private Zero Button 1_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {button2.Focus (); Thread t = new thread (a); T.Start (); } Private Zero Form 1_CADDOWN (Object Sender, KEventErgus E) {console.lightline (E. ccode); } Public Zero A (for (int i = 0; i & lt; 100000; i ++) {textbox1.BeginInvoke (mydelegate);}} Public Zero B () {textBox1.Text = GetCurrentMilli (.) ToString (); textBox1.Refresh ();} Public Static Double GetCurrentMilli () {DateTime Jan 1970 = New DateTime (1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTime.UTC); TimeSpace Javascript = DateTime.Utakano - January...

parameters - Can I get gml:id from GetFeature request -

मैं geoserver को http: // someurl: 8080 / geoserver / wfs? Service = Wfs और अनुरोध = GetFeature - & amp; कुछ Parameters ... - और भौगोलिक स्थिति से प्राप्त सिर्फ आइटम मैं मापदंडों में लिखा था। उदाहरण के लिए, मैं सभी सुविधाओं का केवल जीएमएल: आईडी करना चाहूंगा। क्या यह संभव है? आपको पहले से धन्यवाद। आप propertyName पैरामीटर का उपयोग कर सकते हैं: propertyName = attribute1, attribute2 उदाहरण: http: // someurl: 8080 / geoserver / wfs? Service = wfs और संस्करण = 2.0.0 और अनुरोध = GetFeature & amp; टाइपनाम = नाम स्थान: फीचरप्रकार & amp; featureID = सुविधा & amp; propertyName = id

html - Email Fallback Outlook Gmail -

Hello you are amazing smart friends. I am trying to set up a fallback system for email clients. After reading this and other great blogs, I still remember something. I am able to display email correctly in Outlook but in VLL Vimeo is still sung in Gmail which gives me two images. & lt; Table border = "0" cell padding = "0" field = "0" width = "100%" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td rowspan = 2 square = "desktop" & gt; & Lt ;! - [if mso]> & Lt; v: React style = "width: 600px; height: 281px;" Strokecolor = "none" & gt; & Lt; V: fill type = "tile" color = "# 363636" src = "" /> & Lt; / V: fill & gt; & Lt; / V: rectangular & gt; & Lt; V: figure id = "somnam" style = "condition: full; width: 600px; height: 281px;...

java - Calling method that exists in child classes but not in parent class -

सार्वजनिक वर्ग अभिभावक {....} सार्वजनिक वर्ग Child1 माता-पिता का विस्तार (.... public void foo ) {....}} सार्वजनिक वर्ग Child2 माता-पिता को विस्तारित करता है {.... public void foo () {....}} यहां विधि foo () केवल बाल कक्षाओं में मौजूद है और माता-पिता वर्ग में नहीं जोड़ा जा सकता (यहां तक ​​कि अमूर्त पद्धति भी नहीं)। इस स्थिति में जब मैं foo () विधि obj पर कॉल करना चाहता हूं, तो parent वर्ग का संदर्भ है तो मुझे intanceof का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता है एक से अधिक अगर..कुछ के साथ मैं बचाना चाहता हूं अभिभावक obj = ... // बच्चे कक्षा () का एक वस्तु; संपादित करें: मुझे केवल obj के रूप में parent के प्रकार का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता है अन्यथा मैं ओबीसी पर तरीकों को कॉल करने में सक्षम नहीं होगा जो मूल वर्ग में मौजूद है। मेरा समाधान: जिस दृष्टिकोण से मैं सोच रहा हूं वह इंटरफ़ेस को परिभाषित करना है फूइंटरफेस के साथ foo () विधि और सभी बाल वर्गों को इसे लागू करने दें, तब मैं बस उस इंटरफ़ेस और कॉल फू को obj डाली जा सकता हूं ) इस तरह की विधि: यदि (ob...

html - Gap between border and image when border radius is added -

I have a limit radius of 50% and a 3px limit around it. My problem occurs when the border radius is given, there is a 1px difference between the image and the boundary. The problem is displayed in the image below. And I'm using Am css, img {boundary: 3px solid # 4cb7ac; Height: 46px; Width: 46px; Border-Radius: 50%; } Note The image size is 46px x 46px And to get the image of & lt ; Img & gt; I'm not allowed to set it as a background image. The solution should be compatible with all browsers. Even IE8 Is there any way to overcome that difference? Edit Just type your border color to background color and it's okay. View

javascript - Function use value in link when available -

I am unsure how to explain it correctly, but I basically marker via Google API on a map Link to them on the instructions of that place, however, currently it only works if the user allows to track their location. What I have to do is basically in both situations, to mark markers where the user tracks his location var reittiohjeet = "" + pos + "/" And if the user dismisses the track to track their location, then the link var reittiohjeet2 = " "+ Osoite; I tried to make alternate functions that would be participating in the second section of the Navigator.jolocation but nothing like this looks like. funct Ion initialize () {var mapOptions = {center: new google.maps.LatLng (60.174,24.927), zoom: 8} Var map = new google.maps.Map (document.getElementById ("map-canvas"), map options ); If (navigator.jolocation) {navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition (function) {var pos = new google.maps.LatLng (position.coords.latitude, positio...

excel - Java - Read xls as text without point value -

I am reading XLS file as below: POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem ( New file inputstream (filename)); HSSFWorkbook wb = New HSSFWorkbook (fs); HSSFSheet Sheet = wb.getSheetAt (0); HSSFRow rowTPNB; HSSFcell cellTPNB; RowTPNB = Sheet.Getrev (5); CETPNB = RowTPNB .getCell (1); With that code I am getting a value from Excel which is like this from 76653764 to 7.6653764E7 . How do I create a value for 76653764 ? Please advise You can do it like this Double.valueOf ("7.6653764E7"). LongValue (); This will return a long value and remove scientific notation :)

jquery - AJAX Auth required - what status code to use? -

Model and administrator login in my MVC application throw the necessary exceptions whenever a public user uses a secure resource Attempts are listening for the errors of dispatch and when I know that there is a LoginRequired exception, then I create and return a custom response. If the request was a normal HTTP request, things are simple - I redirect 302, and the 'Location' login page. But what will happen when AJX requests? I've read about setting up a header here, then looking for a global Ajax handler handler. I can not make any problems, but surely there should be an HTTP status code to deal with this? What would be a good alternative to code? I need one which is a fair fit, but no type of behavior is being put on the user agent automatically. You know I am not an expert in such things, but when I am able to start a resume I wanted to download some headers and you can send a costume request header with AJAX, and you can send some feedback titles with PHP ...

ios - NSURLSession and Multithreading -

I just want to clarify something, though it is quite simple from what I've read so far in Apple's documentation. When NSURL session comes into play, by default, any task is set to run on separate thread. So when I write NSURL session * session = [NSURL session session with session: Representative delegation: self-delegate queue: zero]; [[Session download Task With Request: Request] Resume]; The downloading process (representative methods, completion operators, EACAC) runs from main one to second queue (i.e. thread). Therefore, there is no need to create a NSOperationQueue for example or put the "resume" call inside the GCD block (like dispatch_async () ) Have given . Am I properly understood? Yes, everything runs in the background thread default and you can also see if you want Then at the runtime.

Pygame memory leak with transform.flip -

Today I came across an interesting issue which, by writing a small side scroller, instead of a sprite sheet, I was planning to use because I lacked a good "packer" for making phantom sheets (and honestly with patience and passion as it is only a test project). Anyway, I showed the animation running on the right of 8 PNG (with transparency). I considered it a good idea to prepare the flipped images to run on the left in the consultant, and the frame is not framed when the game is running (Flip actually consumes a lot of CPU like I Was measured). > To get access to the loop, I get the memory leak self.move_l = [# 8 PNG images with transparency to the right] For the self in IMG. Move_l: self.move_r.append (pygame.transform.flip (img, true, false) error traceback: traceback (most recent Call final): The file "D: \ Python 34 \ _Projects \ efg \", in line 196, in the & lt; module & gt; main = master program ((1024, 680)) "D: \ Python ...

javascript - How to Separate Row Values in Text View's in PhoneGap? -

I have parsed JSN data in table view. The code for table view is given below - & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, initial-scale = 1" & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "css /" & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div data-role = "page" id = "pagetwo" & gt; & Lt; Div data-role = "header" & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; Cars & lt; / H1> & Lt; A href = "levels.html" data-roll = "button" data-inline = "true" data-mini = "true" & gt; Back & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div data-role = "main" square = "ui-content" style = "margin-top: -20px;" & Gt; & Lt; H2 & gt; & Lt; / H2 & gt; &...

Azure how to enable full WebJob logs -

When I run the console application as a WebJob in Windows Azure, it adds a warning after some lines of log : [05/06/2014 09:42:40 & gt; 21026c: Warning] reached the maximum allowable output lines for this run, you can enable website application diagnostics to see all job logs and prevents logging. With the Basic hosting plan I was going through all the settings in my website but I was unable to find anything that could fix the issue. How do I enable full weblog log? The way to enable full (continuous) WebJobs log is actually in error message: Enable the Website Application Diagnostics , you can do it via the Ezoor Portal on the Configure tab of the website, so you can go to the file system (or for only 12 hours), Table Storage or Blob Storage You can set the application log. Once enabled, full log of WebJobs will go to selected storage. More information about application diagnostics for Ezur websites:

sql - Group Date column based on hours -

I have a table in the SQLite database where I store data about call logs as an example That my table looks like this | Call_count | Call_best Time_slice | Time_Stamp | | 10 | 500 21 | 139936 9 26 9. | 2 | 88 | 22 | 1399383668 | Calls_count are calls made since last comments call_department from previous inspections The duration of the call in MS Time-piece indicates a time portion of the week every day divided into 4 parts of 6 hours such as 06: 00-11: 59 | 12: 00-17: 59 | 18: 00- 23.59 | 24: 00-05: 59 | Mon 11 | 12 | 13. 14 | Mars | 21 | 22 | 23 24 | Mercury | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 Guru 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | Fri | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 Saturn | 61 | 62 | 63 64 | Sun | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | and time_stamp is unix era when the observation was done / record was put into the database Now I want to make a query so That if I specify the beginning of time and the end of the week, the results give 168 lines of data, give me the amount of calls grouped per hour, just like I ...

How much of a performance difference is between template and templateUrl Angularjs -

What is the difference between a template and templateUrl? Currently I'm using the template in my instructions, but because I'm passionate about performance, I would like it now, which is fast. And if I use the template URL + $ template cache, is it faster using templates only in the instructions? I myself was asking # 1 question on your post for another day. As no one answers before this, and I do not have enough representative to post any comment, here are my conclusions after some tests. The best answer to your first question is that will be at the upper part of partial lazy request, when you open the Directorate (and this is only for the first time) once loaded When done, it will behave behaviorally similar to template ). Overhead is due to additional request and additional processing of the header with the browser's additional processing. Template URL can only result in poor user experience if you load tons of different instructions at one time, ...

CUDA vs OpenCL performance on empty kernel -

While measuring the performance of the same kernel on cuda and openclick, I have found a strange thing. When I leave my kernel completely empty without any input parameter and calculation, cuda gives me very poor performance compared to OpenCL. Quda Kernel: __ global__ zero kernel_empty () {} Cuda host: kernel_empty & lt; & Lt; & Lt; Dim3 (10000, 10000, 1), dim3 (8, 8, 1) & gt; & Gt; & Gt; (); OpenCL kernel: __feature__ ((reqd_work_group_size (8, 8, 1)), zero kernel_empty (__kernel) {} / Code> OpenCL Host: cl_event perf_event; Size_t global_work_offset [3] = {0, 0, 0}; Size_t global_work_size [3] = {10000, 10000, 1}; Size_t local_work_size [3] = {8, 8, 1}; ClEnqueueNDRangeKernel (queue, kernel, 3, global_work_offset, global_work_size, local_work_size, 0, null, and perf_event); OpenCL 6ms CUDA returns 390ms The kernel is working correctly on both APIs, because I am using them to calculate my staff. There is no error ...

angularjs - Angular ng-repeat conditional wrap items in element (group items in ng-repeat) -

I am trying to group items in ng-repeat using a condition. An example The 'time' field is actually a timestamp (13 99372207), but with the exact time the example production is easy to understand. I am listing ng-repetitive items: & lt; Div ng-repeat = "data in r: orderby: sort: direction" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; {{}} & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Also tried with: & lt; Div ng-repeat-start = "data in r: orderby: sort: direction" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; P & gt; {{}} & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Div ng-repeat-end & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; There is a valid output: & lt; Div class = "group-class" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; P & gt; AAA & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; P & gt; BBB & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & ... mvc 4 - Conversion of decimal[ ] to double [ ] in c# -

I am creating a plot in the application using the following code SYSTEM. Web. UI. Datvisijation Charting Chart chart = new system Web. UI. Datvisijation Charting. Chart (); Chart.BackColor = Color.Transparent; Chart.Width = Unit Pixel (700); Chart.Height = Unit Pixel (420); Chart.BackColor = Color.FromArgb (211, 223, 240); Chart.BorderlineDashStyle = ChartDesstyle. Solid; Chart.BackSecondaryColor = Color. White; Chart.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.TopBottom; Chart.BorderlineWidth = 1; Chart.Palette = Chart Colorellet. Bytepastell; Chart. Borderline collar = color. From ARGB (26, 59, 105); Chart. Type Reader = RenderType Binary streaming; Chart.BorderSkin.SkinStyle = BorderSkinStyle.Emboss; Chart.AntiAliasing = AntiAliasingStyles.All; Chart.TextAntiAliasingQuality = TextInstalling Properties Normal; Series series 1 = new series ("Series 1"); Series 1 Chart array = "ca 1"; Series 1 ChartType = SerguitType Line; Series 1 Font = new font (...