
Showing posts from January, 2013

ios - How to create variable for segue name? -

If I have many segues from one view controller to another, then there is a way to assign your identifier to a variable So that the variable should be referred as, as shown below? - (void) Prepare ForSegue: (UIStoryboardSegue *) Sender from: (ID) Sender {NSLog (@ "% @", segue identifier); If (if the name of the identifier is changed) I like it if ([segue.identifier is EqualToString: @ "someSegueName"]) {// push to see controller}} This will update the variable assignment. I have not met surprisingly, why are you trying to do this? You can try under logic if it is appropriate for you. You can try enum with strings for that string values ​​and identifiers for different segments. Use the array and accordingly Another method would be to create a constant for each identifier.

jquery - Content of a div inside a php variable -

मेरे पास एक टेम्पलेट के अंदर बहुत सारे php शामिल पृष्ठों हैं I & lt; h1 & gt; टैग भी एक शामिल पेज के अंदर है, लेकिन मुझे उन्हें गतिशील रूप से बदलने की आवश्यकता है: & lt; div id = ' xnavact '& gt; एबीसी & lt; / div & gt; जे एस var a = $ ('# xnavact')। Html (); । $ ( 'एच 1') एचटीएमएल (क); यह काम करता है लेकिन मैंने सुना है कि Google खोज में जावास्क्रिप्ट के माध्यम से परिवर्तित सामग्री शामिल नहीं है। क्या मैं इस बारे में सही हूं, और मैं php का उपयोग कैसे कर सकता हूं? ऐसा कुछ: & lt; h1 & gt; & lt;? Php गूंज $ content_of_xnavact? & Gt; & lt; / h1 & gt; लेकिन एक php चर में एक div की सामग्री कैसे प्राप्त करें? आप अपने एचटीएमएल सामग्री को कुछ संकुल जैसे पीएचपी में पार्स कर सकते हैं। यदि आप अपनी स्क्रिप्ट के माध्यम से कई बार वैल्यू का उपयोग करना चाहते हैं, तो मुझे लगता है कि आपको इस वैरिएबल को इस वैरिएबल में सहेजने और उपयोग करने के बारे में विचार करना चाहिए यह एक स्थिर फ़ाइल में संपूर्ण HT...

c# - I Text Sharp how to repeat header and footer -

How to Repeat Report Headers and Footers by Using ItExtsharp by Using PageEvent? I have found that if we add, the report header does not repeat pdfWriter.PageEvent = new MarginalHelper (); Public Class MarginalHelper: PDF PageEventHelper {Public Override Zero Onstart Page (PDFDriver PDFDriver, Document Document) {New Header Information (PDFDriver); } Public override zero onpagepage (PDFDriver PDFDriver, Document Doctor) {Report Footer (PDF Writer Direct Content); }} Header Wont appears in the first page. Does anyone know a solution for this? I do not want to use a table for the header. As a document, you ever to the content in OnStartPage Should be added () method, only in OnEndPage () method In other words: new header information (pdfWriter); Move OnEndPage () to . Also, make sure you declare the PageEvent first by opening the document.

ruby - Issue with the installation of gem 'pg' in Heroku - Rails -

I am trying to install Ruby on Rails on OSX, for which I used to It looked fine on the terminal, but after doing $ rails new myapp - database = postgresql CD myapp I did it welcomes the rail controller and generates an error: mani 'spring (& gt; = 0) Ruby could not be found in the gems available on this machine. To install the missing gems, install bundle and after following the instructions, install me Time was an error PG (0.17.1), and mortgage can not continue. Ensure that the gem is successful before bundling 'PG-V' 0.17.1 '. And then ... Error: Error installing page: Error: Mani failed to create native extension. ... 'libpq-fe.h header *** extconf.rb can not get failed *** Could not make makefile due to some reason, maybe lack of required libraries and / or headers for more information mkmf Check the log file. You may need configuration options. A similar question said that the problem was solved by updating XCode, but I ...

ruby on rails 4 - Rails4, passenger, nginx (application is rails4 but wrongly detected as Rails1 or Rails2) -

But this is wrong rail 1 or Rail 2. This is probably a bug in Fusion Traveler, so please report it. The Fusion Traveler assumes that a fixed layout in the Rack app (Rail> = 3) directory Suppose you have a rack app in / webapps / rackapp. After that, there should be at least three entries in that folder: *, a racket file to start the rack application. This file should have full argument to start the application. * Public /, a folder that has public static web properties, such as images and stylesheets * Tmp /, is used for restart.txt (our application restart mechanism). It will be explained in the following sub-section. Please check your config, in your router directory and public, tmp folders. Refer:

algorithm - Find the maximum value in an array that's the sum of 3 other values -

Looking at a very large integer array, I need to find the maximum value of a4 , such as: a4 = a1 + a2 + a3 Where there are all values ​​in the A array. How will I do this? Note: Using 4 for loops is not the ideal solution. There is a simple (expected) O (N ^ 2) solution: Repeat through all the pairs of array elements (A, B) and submit their sum to a hash table. Repeat through all candidates added (A4, A1) and see if the A4 - A1 table is in. All solution solutions are more than A4. Of course you should do the smallest process of A4, but it does not affect asiplotics. If you want to avoid using more than one element, then you need some additional information in the hash table so that you can filter the pairs that are either a1 or a4 fast Let's slide with. If the integers are bound in the array (max - min

How to pass a structure into a function to print using pointers and dynamic memory [C-Programming] -

I am trying to exceed a structure in the structure that will print the content, Ask for Structure Structure student {char * fname} Char * lname; Float score; }; Create prototype Zero print-students (Structured student ** s, input student_size); The main function int main () {int base_number, i; Int student; Structure student * ptr; Printf ("Enter the number of students:"); Scanf ("% d", and base_number); PTR = (Structured Student *) Molec (Base_Number * Sizoff (Structure Student)); Students = base_number; Printf ("\ nEnter Student Information \ nExample: John Smith98.50 \ n \ n"); (I = 0; i & lt; base_number; i ++) for {printf ("student% d:", i + 1); scanf ("% s% s% f", & amp; (ptr + i) -> fname, & amp; (ptr + i) -> lname, & amp; (ptr + i) - & gt; ; Score); } Print Students (and PTR, Students); Return 0; } Print Student Function Zero print students (Structured student ** s, int studen...

c# - How to get multiple elements by name in XML using LINQ -

मेरे पास निम्न XML है: & lt;? xml संस्करण = "1.0" स्टैंडअलोन = "हाँ" & gt; & LT; TestSuite & gt; & Lt; टेस्ट सीज़ नाम = "XXX" आईडी = "123; 234; 345; 456" & gt; & Lt; CodeBlock / & gt; & Lt; / testcase & gt; & Lt; टेस्टसीज नाम = "ईस्ट" आईडी = "11,22,33, 44, 55" & gt; & Lt; CodeBlock / & gt; & Lt; / testcase & gt; & Lt; / TestSuite & gt; मुझे सभी आईडी प्राप्त करने और आईडी एएससी द्वारा उन्हें क्रमबद्ध करने की आवश्यकता है, नीचे मेरी लिनक है: var r = (एक्सएमडीएक्स में एलवी 1 से। डिस्केन्डेंट्स ("टेस्टसीज़") का चयन करें नया {आईडी = lv1.Attribute ("ID")। मान})। जहां (डी = & gt; डी.आई.डी.! = स्ट्रिंग.एप्टी) .GroupBy (l = & gt; l.ID)। सूची बनाने के लिए(); अब मुझे मिल रहा है: 123; 234; 345; 456 11, 22, 33, 44, 55 लेकिन मैं आईडी कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं: 11 22 33 44 55 123 234 345 456 यह स्पष्ट नहीं है कि आप ...

java - Returning a value from another class to Activity in Android -

Hi, I am trying to pass the php page from Android form via JSON and try to get results through JSON I am an example and implement it in that example I am entering the username and password in the Android form, on the page through JSN, I send it to the PHP page, the form is retrieving the role of the details passing the database and Android clips The result is going to the problem and my function is setting the value of the text re-filed and the result is displayed in the special text field. Now I want that I want to return the result as a string and get it back into main activity. I am pasting the code below Please help me. The main activity. Class The Public Sector main activity enhances the behavioral activity {Personal edit test user name field, password field, role; Private text view status, method; @ Override Protected Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super. NET (Saved Instantstate); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); Find UsernameField = (edit )VBIID (RIDAditText1...

android - Accessing Media Player instance for playing Background Music -

I am developing an application that will play Ajan at specific times, for this, I have created an Assigned Task Class and whenever The time the system matches, the player starts playing. But this gives me a null pointer exception because it fails to reach the media player in Ajna. So what is the process of reaching the media player frequency in asynchTask class, so that I can play in the background, though the user is on another app screen, the player should start playing. This is my code class in azanBackground asynchTask and lt; VOID, VOID, VOID & gt; {protected void doInBackground & lt; Zero ... Parameters & gt; {String temp = "2:50 am" if (systemTime.equals (temp)) {azan.fplayer.start (); // I'm getting a null pointer exception} In order for media your The app is played in the background of the location when the user is interacting with it. You must start the service / broadcast-receiver with the main activity of your application and include...

Call a java value in javascript which is in jsp page -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 जवाब & lt; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; ; क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {if (diff1 & gt; 31) {चेतावनी ("आप एक महीने से अधिक नहीं बढ़ा सकते हैं");} अन्य { Var jspcall = "thnks.jsp"; window.location.href = jspcall;}});}); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; और यहां मेरा जेएसपी कोड है दिनांक तिथि = एडेट; System.out.println ("विस्तार करें" + तिथि); Java.sql.Date content = new java.sql.Date (date.getTime ()); Java.util.Date exp_date = नया java.util.Date (content.getTime ()); Java.util.Date cur_date = नया java.util.Date (); Println (cur_date); लंबी diff = exp_date.getTime () - cur_date.getTime (); लंबी diff1 = diff / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); & Gt%; & Lt; li & gt; & Lt; बटन वर्ग = "सबमिट करें" & gt; सबमिट करें & lt; / button & gt; यह सब एक ही जेएसपी पृष्ठ में है। इसके अलावा किसी भी अन्य सुझाव? उपयोग करें & lt;% = आपका jsp चर% & gt; आप लंबे मार्ग के रूप में भी कर सक...

python - Check if a socket is closed after sock.shutdown(SHUT_WR)? -

By my understanding of a dragon socket, one reading end and one typed ends. I also understand that you can close a half socket (on some systems) Also, you can check in the python if a socket is sending an exception by checking something out. I was wondering if there was any way of "reliable" investigation that after a server stopped the "write" end of the socket, the end of the "read" socket, the customer had to close the socket. For example, if a server was running, and this is the client code: sock.shutdown (socket.SHUT_WR) # I want to check that I can still read the code in the socket at this point. Is this possible? I think a dragon socket, a reading end and a write end. No socket full-duplex, bidirectional, reading / writing, ... I also understand that you have a half socket ) Can be closed. You can either stop to read or write. In addition, you can check in the python if a socket is stopped by sending something and ch...

java - Change date output format -

I am using H2DB in my Java application and I need to get its date. Everything is fine, but I got a 1-digit number or a month's number, it gives me a format of 2014-4-8. Is it possible to achieve something like this (2014-04-08), without zero and without formatting through the application? If you use struts2 at the front end. Belo tags can be useful to you & lt; S: date name = "somedate" format = "EEE, MMM dd, Yyyy" />

html - Bootstrap Button with link does not work on mobile safari -

मेरे पास एक वेबपेज है जो एक ब्योउन दिखाता है: & lt; p & gt; & lt; a वर्ग = "बीटीएन बीटीएन बीटीएन-प्राथमिक बीटीएन-बड़े" href = "index.php? विकल्प = कॉम_कंपनीक्विज़ एंड amp; देखें = क्विज़ और मदिताड = 142" & gt; एक प्रश्नोत्तरी लें & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / p & gt; यह फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स में काम करता है लेकिन मेरे मोबाइल सफारी पर काम नहीं करता? देखिए: कोई भी विचार क्या समस्या है? यहाँ पर से ठीक काम करता है ... मैंने अपने आईफोन पर कोशिश की, बटन क्लिक किया और यूआरएल पर गया आपके कोड में ...

Java - Store data from file into Arrays -

I also got my program to read the file and show file information but I have to know how to store the data The file is in two dimensional array and one dimensional array. The file that is reads looks like this: 1000, Adams, Olive, 80,78,61,91,20,18,18, 20,19,20,19,20 , 20,19,20, bus, 3.11 1001, Smith, Kimberley, 70,68,53,72,20,20,18,20,18,18,20,19,20, 19.18, IMD, 3.5 1002, Fendez, Aaron, 76,67,72,99,18,20,20,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,20, Bio, 2.7 Two-dimensional array All numbers must be kept between names and three letters. One dimensional array must be kept in the GPA at the end. My question happens once again: How do I get the file to store files in the array? import *; Public class students {public static zero chief (string [] args) {int [] [] studentskocus = new int [9 3] [15]; Float [] student GPA = new float [9 3]; String filename = "student @ txt"; {FileReader fileReader = try New FileReader (fileName); Buffer Redder Buffered Reader = New Buffettder ...

jquery - how to do a status check on a checkbox? -

When a check event is on a checkbox (in one view), I caught it from jquery and checked or its base But on the uncontrolled situation, a database sent a post to the controller to change the field. The line-id should be captured with jquery, what do I try to do with the data-attribute. I got it in a possible way, but it does not work, there is nothing on click. Can anyone help me please thank you? See: foreach (different items in the model.) {& Lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Td> @ Html.CheckBox ("check", new dictionary & lt; string, object & gt; {{"class", "myCheckboxes"}, {"data-detection", item.ID}}) & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> @ Html.DisplayFor (model item => item message) & lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; } jquery: $ ('. MyCheckboxes'). Click (function () {var my_id = $ (this) .attr ('data-permission'); if ($ (this) .is (': check')) {// code ...} else {/ / Code ...}}); ...

android - How to send email using gmail app in Delphi XE5? -

It's easy: I'm trying to create an email using the Gmail app for Android, like Gmail's You share something through. I do not know how to do this. found it: process TfrmSendMail.CreateEmail (recipient, topic , Content, attachment, attachment 2: string); Var Intent: Joyent; Uri: Janet_Uurie; Attachment file: Jeffail; Start intent: = TJIntent.Create; Intent.setAction (TJIntent.JavaClass.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE); Intent.setFlags (TJIntent.JavaClass.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); Intent.putExtra (TJIntent.JavaClass.EXTRA_EMAIL, stringingstringstrings); Intent.putExtra (TJIntent.JavaClass.EXTRA_SUBJECT, stringingstringstring (subject)); Intent.putExtra (TJIntent.JavaClass.EXTRA_TEXT, stringingstorage (content)); Attachment file: = Share activity. Gatefonedeveloper (stringshotstring); Uri: = TJnet_URI Java class.framefile (attachmentfile); Intent.putExtra (TJIntent.JavaClass.EXTRA_STREAM, TJParcelable.Wrap (IlocalObject as Uric) (.GetObjectID)); Intent.setType (StringToJString ...

java - Issue with main when running jar file -

I am trying to run a jar file, and I have created the manifest file and specify the main entry point such as eclipse Have done I have tested all my class files and I need to work ( to tell me this error why it is not sure how to resolve it or: Exception in thread "main" Java.lang.NoclassDefFoundError: org / apache / ws / commons / schema / xmlSchemaElement on java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0 (Basic method) java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods (unknown source) java.lang Sun.launcher.LauncherHelper.validateMainClass on (unknown source) at .class.getMethod0 on sun.laun java.lang.Class.getMethod (unknown source) Reason by cher.LauncherHelper.checkAndLoadMain (unknown source): java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: classguy ($ 1) RUR (unknown source) at org Java class loader $ (Unknown Source) on (Basic method) on Java. Sun.URLClassLoader.findClass (unknown source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadC...

execute a php script on windows from batch file in background? -

I am trying to run a php script from the batch file, and I want to run it in the background, so someone There will be no new PHP window, and the batch file window will stop immediately and will not wait to finish the php script. I have tried all of these: start php.exe myscript.php - batch file window immediately off, but a new php window opens and waits To finish the script, start \ b php.exe myscript.php - No php window opens, but until the batch file window remains open That PHP script does not end. php.exe myscript.php - start How do I deal with both of these Can I close any php window and batch file console immediately? Try it out: start / minute myscript.php I know that this works for you. With it you can also see:

android - Send Push Notification or Passbook Pass without an installed app via iBeacon -

Is it possible to notify a user or push a passbook close to a user when he is near a certain location (IBeacon, for example). I thought I read somewhere that iBeacon was able to send a message with the link to the app when someone was connected to that particular iBeacon without installing an iBeacon app around it. Thank you! Brett Sorry for the bad news but you can not send data trot ebikon without app Passbook works basically with ibeacon but only for nearby revival. (Aire makes apear on the lock screen with a revision) There are 3 ways to make a pass relief for passbook (but it is necessary to pass on the phone before pass) Best regards > >

sql server - Convert SQL datetime to specific format -

मेरे पास एक तालिका है datetime नीचे के रूप में colomn: tbTest ID पूर्णांक सेटडेट डेटेट करें और एक प्रविष्टि जैसे: आईडी सेटडेट 1 04/10/2014 02:38:16 PM मैं SetDate को डीडी-एमएम-याय एचएच: मिमी: एसएस पीएम या में परिवर्तित करना चाहता हूं डीडी-एमएम-yyyy hh: मिमी PM वांछित आउटपुट: आईडी सेट डेट 1 10-04-2014 2:38:16 PM या 1 10-04-2014 2:38 अपराह्न आप कनवर्ट का उपयोग कर सकते हैं कन्वर्ट (varchar (10), getdate (), 105) + '' + SUBSTRING (कन्वर्ट (varchar, getdate (), 100), 14, 4) + '' राइट (कन्वर्ट (varchar, getdate (), 100), 2) / html>

c# - Get last entered word of RichEditControl -

How do I get my code last entered in the rich edit control private zero Rich EditControl1_KeyPress (Object Sender, Keypress Event Eggs E) {If (E.Kerk == '') {Int verandpanzi = rich edit control 1. Document. Caretation .OIT (); Int currentPosition = wordEndPosition; While (current position> 0 & amp; amp; amp; amp; and & amp; amp; amp; amp; & amp; amp; Advanced Editing Controls> text [currentPosition - 1]! = '') {CurrentPosition--; } String word = rich edit control1 Lesson Thabstring (current condition, word nutrition - current state); this. Text = "last four was typed:" + word; }} But when I create a new line , then it was wrong. I think that you want to get a word, whether it's surrounded by spaces or new lines Yes, until this is the last? You should probably check the new line in your loop, so it does not check the blank space only. richEditControl1.Text [currentPosition - 1]! = "\ n" Or something is not ev...

multithreading in Python: extremely high CPU consumption -

Below is a simple timer's code that prints a new number in the command line every 0.1 seconds, and - Along with - waiting for a keypress (entered). As soon as the entry is pressed, the timer is turned into pause, the printing stops and waits for another entry keypress, which starts counting / printing again. The problem I have is that in the 'pause' situation, the CPU consumption increases to about 100% (and less than 1% when running / showing). Why is that so? What am i doing wrong Here the code goes: import time, thread, sys time_passed = 0 l = [] trig = True def input (L): "" "A query Wait for "raw_input () l.append (none) def timer ():" "" prints a number of milliseconds "" Global Time-Time Time Sleep (.1) Time-Tide + = 1 System .stdout.write (format (time_pass) + "\ r") running sys.stdout.flush () def (): "Toggle play / pause state if press enter" "" global trigger, while l Trigger:...

Load error when running rails console -

I am using Rails 4.1 and Ruby 2.1.1 Everything works, But when I run the rail I get this error & gt; Rail Console Development Environment (Rail 4.1.0) Load Error: /home/andreas/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.1/.irbrc NoMethodError: 'partition' for the undefined method zero: NilClass /home/andreas/.rvm /scripts/irbrc.rb41:in `& lt; Top (required) & gt; ' The console opens after the error and can be used. 41. The line and surroundings are in the .irbrc file. 39 # Calculate the Ruby string. 40 rvm_ruby_string = ENV ["rvm_ruby_string"] || 41 (ENV ['GM_HOME'] & amp; NIV ['GM_Home]'] Partition (/ \) Last Split (/ @ /). First) || 42 ("# {RUBY_VERSION} -p # {RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}" Rescue zero) || 43 (RUBY_DESCRIPTION.split ("") [1] .sub ('p', '-p') Rescue zero) || 44 (`Ruby -V` || '') .split (" ") [1] .sub ('p', '-p') Meet in the console irb (main): 008: 0> ENV...

python - When is django.conf.global_settings loaded? -

I created a custom user model using the "AbstractUser" model. conf.global_settings import from ajango AUTH_USER_MODEL MyCustomUser (AbstractUser): regions = models. ManyToManyField (= 'some models') class meta: app_label = 'myapp' MyObject (models.Model): Owner = models.ForeignKey (= AUTH_USER_MODEL) and I have set AUTH_USER_MODEL to settings / (I file Ex: settings /, settings / in the settings of each environment. AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'myapp.MyCustomUser' When I executed the python syncdb , my console window is deegen Has been flared by! myapp.MyObject: The 'owner' model defines a relationship with 'auth.User', which has been swapped out. Update the relationship to point to the setting AUTH_USER_MODEL So, I have two questions. What is the problem is that I have separated each setting from the settings. Code> django.global_settings import AUTH_USER_MODEL import mypro...

c# - Calls to Twilio Method is ambiguous -

I am trying to send an SMS using twilio, but when I use the code, Errors are available: Error 1 Error 11 call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'Twilio.TwilioRestClient.SendMessage (string , String, string, string [], string) 'and' tivialo Twillest client.msms (string, string, string, string [], system. Action) 'C: \ development \ testSMS statement. Espacks C Error 2 can not specify a vested-type local variable to zero Does anyone know how I can fix this? The code is // Find your account, Sid and Oth Tokens on String Accountcid = "MySide"; String AuthToken = "Mayutocon"; Var libilio = new twiliorrstclient (accountcid, orthocon); Var message = twilio.SendMessage ("+ 441618504425", "07914164512", "Code is 123456", blank, empty); Console.WriteLine (message.Sid); The problem is that overloaded in SendMessage Is there a string type in the last...

c++ - Why Doesn't My String In My Vector Change Value? -

I am trying to change the value of time in my vector of structs. As a result, the value of shares should be produced as 1430 [1]. I think the time is different. The share is the name of my vector, I've already weighed with the vectors for each structure. The stock is a straight, in which there is string time. // It is in the Share.cpp vector & lt; Share & share; Unsigned conversion time = 1430; Std :: stringstream out; Outside & lt; & Lt; ConvTime; // Make a string stream share of the shares [1]. Time = (); Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; Shares [1] .time; Struct share {// member structure std :: All information in the string date; Std :: string time; Double price; Double volume; Double value; Std :: string condition; // Not a nurse in this assignment}; But my shares [1] Time stays in its original value and not 1430. What was I doing wrong? Before you actually use those items, you have to insert objects in the vector. When you write: vect...

unity3d - How to call C# function from UnityScript -

I want to call this type of C # function from Unity Script GameMaster.js . GameMaster.js Start #pragma Strict Function () {print (mahjong.Foo ()); } mahjong cs By using the system. Selection; Public square mahjong {string fu () {return "foo"; }} When I run the program, I get the BCE0005: unknown identifier: 'mahjong'. . According to the information from, if the script files are in the property directory, then I do not need the import file. But it does not work in my case. What am I missing? How do I call the #C function from Unity Script? The C # script is compiled before the JS script; You have to transfer the C # script to one of the following directories: Plugins, Standard Assets or Pro Standard Assets. It works in another way - if you want to call JS from C #, move JS to one of the folders. It does not work in both ways at once.

database - SQL conceptional: how many ways to "add" column and row to a result set? -

I am currently learning SQL The column and row from the result set to get the desired data mainly "cutting" (with its section) SQL It seems that there are only two ways to add "column" column: Join the table. 2. Select the "virtual" column in the selection list. And we can only add "rows": 1 you like call 1, now () as col2 ... to etc. Rows can be added by adding new tables or just FOR in the table or sub-selections select from table 1 (select 1 union 2) line 2 Choose the second row in the table # 2 rows doubles

properties - Javascript - Cannot set property 'value' of undefined -

I am creating a JavaScript cycle, which can be kept in the program instead of typing Documents. (A_ to z _) value = (zx from ax); My job is yet to: function absolute () {var counter 2 = "ax bx cx dx fx gx hx ix jx kx lx mx nx (Var i = 0; i But chrome apparently does not like the other from the previous row, by saying that can not determine undefined value - and "entry" is a form of HTML. I am starting a JavaScript, so thank you very much for your patience: -) counter 2 [i] = 1; What is this to do? Counter is a primitive string, so it will have no effect. entry. (a_ to z _). value let2 = [".a_ If you are using bracket notation, then you have to leave the dot. From dot notation property access it should only be the property name in the array: let2 = ["a_", "b_", a ?? |] In addition, you are not looping on the let2 array, but reaching the value of i in the bus - Where i is the value of 26 still wrap...

How can i get more than 1000 parts of amazon s3 multipart upload using php-aws lib listParts() method. -

I use this code, and it did not return more than 1000 parts of the upload. How do I get more than 1000 parts of the Amazon S3 multipart upload using the Php-aws lib listParts () method? Thank you. $ parts = $ s3- & gt; List pars (array ('bucket' => gt; bucket, 'key' = & gt; $ keyName, 'UploadId' = & gt; $ upload id,)); If there are more than 1000 parts, then result in NextPartNumberMarker Area. Assume with NextPartNumberMarker and make another request exactly like your original, but add the parameter with the value from PartNumberMarker to NextPartNumberMarker , like this From: ($ "bucket" => $ bucket, 'key' = & gt; $ keyName, 'UploadId' = & gt; $ upload id, '$' partnumber marker = '1 & gt; result 1 [' Next point number marker '],)); These parameters are documents. It is a pain to do this, however, so the easiest way to use SDK is to calculate a portion of the It...

sql - MySQL Query Remove Duplicate Row -

मेरे पास प्रारूप में डेटाबेस तालिका है: डेटाए | डाटाबी | डाटासी | टाइमस्टैम्प | UniqueID डेटा ऐसा दिख सकता है: 5 | 4 | 11 | 1/1/2014 | 1 5 | 4 | 2 | 2/1/2014 | 2 5 | 4 | 11 | 3/1/2014 | 3 3 | 6 | 7 | 4/1/2014 | समस्या यह है कि मेरे पास डुप्लिकेट प्रविष्टियां हैं जहां डेटाए-सी सभी समान हैं (पंक्ति 1 और 3), लेकिन टाइमस्टैम्प (दिनांक डेटा रिकॉर्ड किया गया था) और यूनिकआईडी हमेशा अलग होता है। जिस तरह से मैं डेटा रिकॉर्ड कर रहा हूं (मेरे पास रिकॉर्डिंग प्रक्रियाओं को बदलने का विकल्प नहीं है) हमेशा एक ही डेटा को दो बार रिकॉर्ड करने की संभावना को छोड़ देता है। मैं एक क्वेरी कैसे चला सकता हूं जो सभी डेटा की तुलना करता है कॉलम यह जांचने के लिए कि क्या कोई डुप्लिकेट पंक्ति है और नवीनतम डेटा के साथ प्रविष्टि को हटा दें। उदाहरण के लिए पंक्ति 1 पहले दर्ज किया गया था, इसलिए मैं 3 पंक्ति को निकालना और पंक्ति 1 रखना चाहूंगा आपकी मदद के लिए अग्रिम धन्यवाद। यहां एक विकल्प है जिसे मैंने करने की कोशिश की है: चुनें लाइन डेटाए, डेटाबी, डेटा से एफओआर [डाटाबेस]। [डीबीओ]। [Tbl_Data] जहां र...

html - how to format and position text properly in bootstrap 2 nav bar -

I need some help with Bootstrap 2 How do I get the status "text" And be well formatted in the navbar? & lt; div id = "navbarExample" class = "navbar navbar-static" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "navbar-inner" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "container" style = "width: auto;" & Gt; & Lt; One class = "brand" href = "#" & gt; W3resource & lt; / A & gt; ... & lt; Ul class = "nav navbar-nav pull-right" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Name & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; ---- This text looks a little strange and is not properly implemented & lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; By the way, it should be just text and should not be linked if I do this, it will work, but I do not want this to be a link. & lt; li class = "" & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; Name ...

java - Getting a RESTful webservice with Spring to understand a JSON-string -

I am very new to spring and all things involved, but I am trying to get through this medium. / P> To understand the JSON-formatted string, I am trying to create a service using Spring MVN and Gradle. It's all made in Java but I can not do it at all. @RequestMapping (value = "/ toggle") public @ ResponseBody String sendCommand (@RequestParam (value = "IP") string IP) {// body } There is a method in my controller, but when I send the following JSON-formatted string {"IP": "1982.19 "} using an @RequestBody for an example, with an own class for the intranet. And another where I get the HTTPTTP, to see if the string was received correctly. Upon receiving the string correctly, I can not get my code to "read" it. I can go to the local host: 8080 / toggle, and set variables by HTTP, say: http: // localhost: 8080 / toggle? Ip = works. Where would you like to continue troubleshooting? thank you in ad...

java - Converting a string to specific date format and of date type -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 13 उत्तर मुझे एक स्ट्रिंग बदलने की आवश्यकता है (20-04-2014) तिथि प्रकार के डीडी-एमएम-वाई वाई वाई वाई प्रारूप में तिथि करने के लिए। स्ट्रिंग तिथि = "20-04-2014"; मुझे बदलने की आवश्यकता है यह एक प्रकार की तिथि के लिए यह कैसे करें ?? आप इस तरह वर्ग का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। सरलडेटाफ़ॉर्मेट फ़ॉर्मेटर = नया सरलडेटफ़ॉर्मेट ("डीडी-एमएम-य्याय"); स्ट्रिंग दिनांक स्ट्रिंग = "20-04-2014"; तिथि दिनांक = फॉर्मेटर। पीआरएसई (डेटस्ट्रिंग);

php - Opencart: Adding Buy Now Button in Opencart Product Page -

I'm adding a Buy Now button to the opencart product page (also add to cart) Edit me first to list / view / topic / mytheme / template / product / product.tpl (Buy Now button in product page) ; '; Echo ""; Echo '& lt; Input type = "button" value = "buy now" id = "button-cart-buy" category = "button-product-page" />; '; } Else {echo & lt; Input type = "button" value = "out of stock" category = "button-product-page" /> '; }? & Gt; And after that, in product.tpl, I created a new function (button-cart-buy) Buy Now Button is similar to Cart Function, but I for Jason ['Success'] Buy now as below: if (json ['success']) {window.location =' index.php? Route = checkout / checkout '; } When we work with the link as click on Buy Now () on the product page, but if it does not work, then we can browse products from categories Then click on Buy...

php - Text area is not working -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 8 जवाब मेरे पास निम्न कोड है मेरा फ़ॉर्म & gt; इनपुट शैली = "ऊंचाई: 80px; चौड़ाई: 232 पीएक्स; फ़ॉन्ट-आकार: 20px" अधिकतम लंबाई = "250" नाम = "पता" प्रकार = "लेख" मान = " & Lt;? Php ईको $ पता;? & Gt; / & Gt; यह ठीक काम करता है और $ पता में मान टेक्स्ट फ़ील्ड में दिख रहा है। लेकिन मुझे टेक्स्ट फ़ील्ड को पाठ क्षेत्र में बदलने की आवश्यकता है। इसके लिए मैंने निम्न कोड लिखा था, & text; स्टाइल शैली = "ऊंचाई: 80 पिक्सेल; चौड़ाई: 232 पिक्स; फ़ॉन्ट-आकार: 20 पिक्सेल" अधिकतम लाँग = "250" नाम = "पता" मान = "& lt;? Php ईको $ पता;? & Gt;" & Gt; & lt; / पाठ क्षेत्र & gt; लेकिन यह कोड कोई मूल्य नहीं दिखाता है। कृपया मेरी मदद करें। नीचे का प्रयोग करें: textarea शैली = "ऊंचाई: 80px; चौड़ाई: 232 पीएक्स; फ़ॉन्ट-आकार: 20px" अधिकतम लंबाई = "250" नाम = "पता" & gt; & lt;? php ईको $ प...

sql - Reusing my UserManager tables for Roles manager (membership service) -

I am renaming a UserManager utility using table names (via DB reference configuration): ModelBlinder. Anti & lt; Users & gt; (). Broken ("user"); modelBuilder.Entity & LT; IntUserRole & gt; () ToTable ("UserRoles") .; modelBuilder.Entity & LT; IntUserLogin & gt; () ToTable ("UserLogins") .; modelBuilder.Entity & LT; IntUserClaim & gt; () ToTable ("UserClaims") .; modelBuilder.Entity & LT; IntRole & gt; () ToTable ("roles") .; Now, once the id [official] attribute wants to experiment with the choice of role, the ID needs to be restarted aspnet_regsql.exe, my db needs all the necessary For the creation of stored procedures. Unfortunately this creates a new set of default named tables (aspne_roles ...). Is this a way to reuse my tables? This solution. The problem was related to the wrong configuration. Actually I did not need any special role management, but only check that the use...

java - How to clean cache after a new deployment? -

I am developing an application using JSF2.0 / Praimfases 4.0 and JBoss 7. the problem that every time I use a new deployment (.war) do, for all users to clear their browser cache (See the picture positioning). I know that the contents of the browser are saved, the page makes it to run fast, but I also know that to recover the page again, HTTP is the ultimate cache- Control is a way of controlling . And the question is: How does the client browser recognize that there is a new deployment and clean the stored cache? Of course, using JBoss 7. In addition, I do not want to re-accept the cash in every access, only when there is a new deployment. Is this possible? I will suggest I use the built-in Jesf resource library system, which changes when it 'path supports Snskrnkrn resources as client cache load a given resource, can in this way change the version number of your resoures and without dealing with any cash aging strategies , Urging the client to reload them ...

jquery - Cycle2 play after being paused -

I am using cycle 2 and I'm having trouble starting the cycle. I have a group of divisions, one of these videos is wrapping and the other two images are in my parents' cover: I have some JS to force at the end of the video: $ (document) .ready (function (e) {$ (" # Hero Bind ("end", function () {$ ('cycle-slide show'). Cycle ('next'); This video calls after the next slide Drama does, however, this cycle is not continuing. I tried to add it again, 'again', 'resume' etc. But none of them tries to continue the slideshow. Any thoughts? Try it: Set Data cycle-paused 5000 or some other appropriate value Set may set set the data data-cycle-timeout -cycle-loop 1 so that it follows the last slide slide This slide will stop at the page load in the loaded position. .cycle ("resume") In that case, timed out and loop Settings will work as expected.

javascript - Are data properties dangerous? -

निम्न सरल उदाहरण का प्रयोग करें: var MyObject = {name: '', object_id : '', भयानक कार्य: फ़ंक्शन () {console.log ('भयानक'); }}; अब, यह ठीक है जब तक मैं प्रोटोटाइप विरासत के बारे में नहीं सोचता। कहो अब मैं इस वस्तु से उत्तराधिकार चाहता हूं: var child_object = ऑब्जेक्ट। बनाना (माइऑब्जेक्ट); यह तुरन्त समस्याओं का कारण बनता है क्योंकि बाल ऑब्जेक्ट ने नाम और object_id गुण निर्दिष्ट नहीं किए हैं जो इसलिए पैरेंट ऑब्जेक्ट से लिया जाएगा (प्रोटोटाइप)। क्या यह समझना सही है? यदि हां, तो क्या मैं विरासत के बारे में सोच रहा हूँ जावास्क्रिप्ट ग़लत ढंग से? वस्तुओं को कन्टेनरों के रूप में कार्य के बजाय माना जाना चाहिए? और इन मूल ऑब्जेक्ट को लागू करने के लिए कोई मूल तरीका नहीं है, ठीक है? यदि आप चाहते हैं कि सभी उदाहरण उन विशेषताओं के लिए, डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से, तब आपको वारिस नहीं लेना चाहिए, लेकिन उनका निर्माण करना चाहिए। ऐसा करने का सामान्य तरीका फ़ंक्शन जनक (नाम, आईडी) होगा { = name; = आईडी; } फ़ंक्शन बच्चे (नाम, आईडी) {

php - Kendo html string got formatted as html htmlentities -

Then I use PHP at the back end and how the string is created here: $ temporary ['photo'] = html_entity_decode ($ HTML formatted IMG); And in response it has been formatted: "photos": "& lt; img src = 'url / test1.jpg' & gt; ; & lt; IMG src = 'url / test2.png' & gt; and when I try to use it user: DataSourceDeals = new ({// serverPaging: true, ServerSurring: true, transport: {read: {url: crudServiceBaseUrlDeals + "read & businessId = {/ literal} {$} {literal } "," Datatype: "jsonp"}, update: {url: crudServiceBaseUrlDeals + "update and businessId = {/ literal} {$} {litterman}", data type: "jsonp"}, delete: { url: crudServiceBaseUrlDeals + "Deleted And businessman = {/ literal} {$} {literal} ", datatype:" Jsonp "}, create: {url: crudServiceBaseUrlDeals +" create and businessman = {/ literal...

php - Get 100 entries with foreach every time -

I have 10,000 users in the database and I am planning to send them emails in bundles of 100. Basically I need to use it to get 100 users and send email, and then get the next 100 and send it and so on. I have to use foreign experiment to limit what I have achieved to limit number 100. How to get the next 100. Code: $ email_preliminary = $ this-> Db- & gt; Select ('email') - & gt; Receive ('user'); $ Email_raw = Array (); $ Counter = 0; Forex Currency ($ email_preliminary- & gt; Results () as the $ line): $ email_raw [] = $ row-> E-mail; $ Counter ++; If ($ counter == 99) {break; } Endaurach; Appreciated the advice. Thanks! $ mail = array (); Forex Currency ($ email_preliminary- & gt; result () as $ line) {$ mail [] = $ line-> E-mail; } $ Tab = array_chunk ($ mail, 100); Foreign Currency ($ tab $ mail_lot) {$ mails_to_send = implode (',', $ mail_lot); // in Mail 1 @, mail2 @, mail 3 @ ...} for ...

PowerShell format output -

I am trying to write a script that removes all the folders that are more than 60 days old, Together, create a logfile where folders have been removed in the directory. What I have now: go-childItem- directory - path "\\ share \ dir1 \ dir2" | Where-Object {$ _ Last Light-Late (Get-Date) Adwords (-10)} | Remove-item-force-rectifier | Out-File Auto_Clean.log -Append -WhatIf The output resides in: What if : Performing "Output" in the operation "file" on "C: \ user \ bgijbels \ downloads \ Auto_Clean.log". When I click the Out-File It works fine, so it seems that part of the out-file is trying to write the name of every file in the folder in the log, whereas I should only have the name of the folder. It seems that this is the reason that it looks so long, if everything goes past of logfile, any thoughts? Thanks for your help. You are receiving a list of all the files because -Recurse switches the contents of the switch fold...

java - Android Refactor Menu Class -

I have a menu class for the Android application and I think I can refract it because I have about 4 The bar is the same method, please see below: Public abstract class activity enhances SherlockActivity {Create a bundle saved instenestate {super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); ActionBar AB = Letarslock (). GetActionBar (); Sherlock Hiller Setup section (now, this); } @ Override Public Boolean On Crate Option Menus (Menu Menu) {Return Create menu (this, menus); } Public Stability Boolean Maneu (Sherlock Activity Achievement, Menu Menu) {MenuInflater inflater = (ShareLock Activity) Aactive) .getSupportMenuInflater (); Inflater.inflate (R. menu.main_menu, menu); Intent I = new intent ((reference) is an activity, directional activity class); I.putext ("flag", "first instructions"); Menu.findItem ( .setIntent (i); Menu.findItem ( .setIntent (new intent ((reference) an activity, LearnActivity.class)); Menu.findItem ( .setInten...

Using Base64 encoded characters as filename in Android app -

I'm trying to create file names in my Android app with a 4 byte byte array. I am encoding the base 64 to the byte array with the URL_SAFE option. However, the generated string ends with a new character, which makes it void in the file name, there is no way to remove the new line ? My code is as follows: byte [] myByteArray = new byte [4]; MyByteArray = myByteArray; // Some data fills the byte array with the final string byte sting = base 64. encodeToString (myByteArray, Base64.URL_SAFE); After some googling, I found out that in Android, Base64 encoding automatically includes a new line after the string, and that it will be resolved using NO_WRAP flag though, is the NO_WRAP flag generated output filename safe? Thank you. OK, it shows that I want to implement both flags (Base64.URL_SAFE | Base64 .NO_WRAP).

javascript - Flot Chart Tooltip showing last date value of x-axis, not the current value -

The values ​​of the y-axis and x-axis are fine, but when I hover over the point, it shows the last value The value of X, the value of y is fine. X has the date value as if I hover over March / 2014 , tooltip February 2014 / , or if I 05 / May / 2014 Tooltip says 04 / May / 2014 . The value on X-axis and Y-axis is fine, only tooltip is problematic. tooltipOpts: {content: function} {return "% s:% x |% Y"}, change: {x: -30, y: -50}} Is there a way that I can manipulate% x, raise a price or something else? question solving. I also added the date format on the tooltep, just in XXIS. Tooltip: {content: function {} "return"% x |% y "}, xDateFormat: timeFormat, shift: {X: -30, y: -50}} In the time you enter a string such as var timeFormat = "% d /% b /% Y" .

angularjs drop-down menu with static options appears empty -

Create a stable drop-down menu to see how this works before currently using dynamic values I'm trying to, but this work is my JS file here: & lt; Td ng-show = "responsible" & gt; & Lt; Form method = "post" verb = "/ tache / add" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "id" value = "{{}}" /> & Lt; Select Name = "Attribution" Data-ng-Options = "Opti Option Option" Data-NG-Model = "Selected Open" & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "attribute" /> & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; And here is the content of the controller related to this part of the page: $ scope.options = [{nom: "a", id: 1 }, {Nom: "b", id: 2}]; $ Range.Selected option = $ area. Option [0]; None of these names appear in the drop-down menu, and when I click to see all the option...

c++ - Object Detection: Training Requried or No Training Required? -

This question is related to object detection, and basically, detecting any "known" objects. For example, I have imagined things below. Table Bottle The camera car I will take 4 photos from all these personal objects. From one to the left, from the second to the right, and the second 2 up and down I originally thought that it is possible to identify these objects with these 4 photos per each, because you have photos in all 4 angles, whatever the object Find out if you do not see him But I got confused, there is no idea about training the engine with thousands positive and negative images from each object. I do not really think this is necessary. So just say, my question is, to identify an object, do I need these thousands of positive and negative objects? Or just 4 photos enough from 4 angle? I am hoping to use OpenCV for this. Update In fact, the main thing is something like this .. Imagine that I have 2 laptops and one is Dell But you know that th...

c# - Split String between 2 substrings without removing delimiters -

मेरे पास एक स्ट्रिंग है "& lt; कैनवास पृष्ठभूमि =" # एफएफएफएफएफएफएफ "नाम = "पृष्ठ 1" चौड़ाई = "1200" ऊंचाई = "900" & gt; & lt; टेक्स्टब्लॉक नाम = "पृष्ठ शीर्षक" /> gt; & lt; / कैनवास & gt; & lt; कैनवास पृष्ठभूमि = "# FF00FFFF" नाम = "पेज_2" चौड़ाई = "1200 "ऊंचाई =" 900 "& gt; & lt; टेक्स्टब्लॉक नाम =" पेजटाइटल "/> & lt; / कैनवास & gt;" मैं इस स्ट्रिंग को सरणी में विभाजित करना चाहता हूं [& lt; कैनवास पृष्ठभूमि = "# एफएफएएफएफएफएफ" नाम = "पेज_1" चौड़ाई = "1200" ऊँचाई = "900" & gt; & lt; टेक्स्टबॉक नाम = "पेजटाइटल" /> & lt; / कैनवास & gt;], [& lt; कैनवास पृष्ठभूमि = "# एफएफएफएफएफएफएफ" नाम = "पेज 2" ​​चौड़ाई = "1200" ऊँचाई = "900" & gt; & lt; टेक्स्टबॉक नाम = "पेजटाइटल" /> & lt; / कैनव...

linux - Find the absolute size of an array/buffer on the stack -

I hope the title is not too much missile (I am quite new in the assembly) I play around with gdb debugger And some assembly code that goes as follows: 0x00000000004005d7 & lt; + 0>: push% RBP 0x00000000004005d8 & lt; + 1>: mov% rp,% rbp 0x000000004005db & lt; + 4>: $ 0xffffffffff80,% rsp 0x00000000004005df & lt; + 8>: mov% rdi, -0x78 (% rbp) 0x00000000004005e3 & lt; + 12>: mov -0x78 (% RBP),% rdx 0x00000000004005e7 & lt; + 16>: Lea AX, [APB-101] 0x00000000004005eb : mov% rdx,% rsi 0x00000000004005ee & lt; + 23>: mov% rax,% rdi 0x00000000004005f1 & lt; +6>: callq 0x400480 & lt; Strcpy @ plt & gt; 0x000000004005f6 & lt; + 31>: leaveq 0x00000000004005f7 & lt; + 32>: retq The thing I want to store is to find out the buffer size "[EPB-120]". The thing I have tryed was to set up a breakpoint: 0x00000000004005e7 and if the code runs, then I did the same and said that value to 0x120 decrease the p...

prolog - Count the occurence of a string in a string -

So I want to give a list of keywords, and whenever a word comes in a string, to increase. That's why I'm playing for a while but I can not work on it. This is what I have done whenever I run a question: I get an error like this: Error: Score / 3: Arguments are not adequately started . score ([], 0, document title, _)). Score ([H.Te], ACC, document (title, _): - sub-string (case_inensive, h, title), ac 1ac + 1, score (t, ac 1, document (title, _) is. My questions are written like this: ? - document (t, _), score ([rule], ac, document (t, _) When you enter the score ([rule], acc, document (t, _) Asks , variable ACC is deprecated (no value) so that your ACC1 AC + 1 fails because 1 ( arguments have not been adequately immediately ). In addition, your cacher continues to grow in recursion, but the case of your base is triggered when the accumulator goes to zero ( or ), then the case of your recurring basis assumes that the accumulator is less than zero Has ...

In hadoop - Map-Reduce error with filesplit -

When I use the bottom row in the map class: string filename = ( (FileScript) Context.getInputSplit ()). GetPath () GetName (); Println (file name); I got an empty output file. In addition, the console has the last two lines: 14/05/06 12:52:53 INFO mapred .JobClient: map output record = 0 14/05/06 12:52:53 information mapred.JobClient: SPLIT_RAW_BYTES = 2127 The problem is with the system .out.println () , you will not get the result in the console. You must check your logs or very simple: use a logger! Required import class for logging import org.apache.commons logging.Log; Import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; Define logger Private Static Last Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog (MyClass.class); Log in to whatever you need (fileName); You will get results during the job execution in the console.

How to install/uninstall a module on button click in openerp? -

Can someone help me with the code to install and uninstall the module to click the button in Opener? If you are developing a module and want to be ready to install it in OpenERP, Then you can get your __ openerp __. It is true, and also make sure that your module is within an addons path, your configuration is in Python, Py In the file included In this way, you will be able to find and install the module.

java - Recursive Search Method that calls itself returns the wrong value -

I am writing a method that searches the network for a peer network in a simple peer. The method I have written, the Wolf's Residential client takes a point in this network and checks that if the client was calling, the SearchForResponsibleClient method is responsible for this point. If it is responsible then it returns itself If it is not responsible then it sees its client neighbors (which is saved in the object) and checks that Is anyone responsible for the neighbors and if such a neighbor falls ... These two scenarios work fine. If neighbors are not responsible, then how to take the first neighbor of the calling client Goes and explores distress Client method is called again repeated. When I call it again, I get the correct output on the console but wrong return value. Here is my code: Search the public client interfaceForrespicious client (status P) {System.out.println ("Forge Resolcable Client For This Search" + this.uniqueID ); Boolean contains = ...