
Showing posts from July, 2013

java - Update table column when the user clicks item in a listview -

I want to update a table when the user clicks on a list by clicking on an ovallister and setting my code view_list.setOnItemClickListener (New OnTimeClicklist) {Item zero on Public Zero (adapter view & lt;? & Gt; Arg0, see arg1, int arg2, long arg3) {string click = (Adrillist.Jet ( Arg2) .toString (;); ShoppingListDB.rawQuery ("UPDATE ITEMS SET FOUND = 'YES' WHERE ITEM_NAME =" + + '' '' '', 'tap');}}); now I'm doing rawQuery execSQL string update = "set the updated item = 'yes' ou' ITEM_NAME =" + "'+ + + +' '' ''; ShoppingListDB.execSQL (updated);

select date part only in sql server -

I'm trying to get a date part of the date column to compare two dates, Could not get the part, I tried it convert (date, detet ()) but it does not work with SQL Server 2005 because we are using it, and when I tried it DATEADD (dd, 0, DATEDIFF (dd, 0, gatetet ())) gives it to 2008-09-22 00: 00: 00.000 where I get the time of time Not only should the date part, i.e. 00, taken from both the posts: What Ihv did is convert (VARCHAR (10), '2014-04-21 00: 00: 00.000') and it returns 2014-04-21 , but it is now in varchar . Is there a way that I can only get in the date type in SQL Server 2005? Thanks in advance. Is there any way that I can only get it in SQL in the part of the server 2005. No, date was added in Datatype SQL Server 2008. The best you can do is to use one time from time to time with 00:00:00 .

php - Paypal IPN Initial and Subsequent Responses -

I am working on a project which PayPal, Li> one time payment Subscriptions Installments I'm just curious about these issues: After a buyer the notification URL Is called, is there auto-debit for every subscription / installment cycle (like monthly, annual, etc.)? If # 1 is true, then is there any difference in initial subscription / installment payment and IPN response for subsequent payment for the same order? If # 1 and # 2 are correct, can you give me a sample feedback string to show the difference? Thanks in advance. The additional variable used below is the quick payment for membership and recurring payment for notifications

javascript - CORS on phonegap not working -

I got the code from my PC through the browser to get the code to work cross domain from my PC. But while running the code to PhoneGrap it is no longer working. I've given permission for Internet and access originals * so it should be able to access all webpages. What more do I need to enable? & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script src = "js / jquery-1.11.0.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" charset = "utf-8" src = "cordova.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "css / bootstrap.css" /> & Lt; Script & gt; Function Dologin () {var senddata = $ ('# form'). Serialize (); Warning (senddata); $ AZ ({type: 'post', url: 'XXXXXXXX', data: senddata, crossDomain: true, dataType: 'json', success: function (response) {if (response.succ...

javascript - DOMContentLoaded event does not fire -

I wanted to try Javascript's DOMContentLoaded event. But there is no fire in that event. It is not supported on IE. Please help with this. I did not get much help on Googling. I do not want to try it in javascript and jquery please help with this. DOMContentLoaded IE9 and above and all supported in other modern browsers. Using onreadystatechange is a work-environment for early versions of IE. Here you can see a complete cross-browser, plain JavaScript content loaded detection function: which you can either use or you can borrow concepts from code. The basic idea is that you DOMContentLoaded in the modern browsers and in the earlier versions of IE, you onreadystatechange from the fallback window onload Use. First of all, there is a fire which is safe to inquire and modify the document. The root of the linked code above is the argument: // Otherwise if we do not have an event handler installed, install them (document.addEventListener) {// The first choice ...

jsf 2 - JSF 2.0 getAttributes for resource bundle values is null -

We have recently upgraded JSF 1.x to JSF 2.x We One is up and running for 2 years The problem we are facing is: We have code below in JSF & Lt; F: attribute name = "label" value = "# {giams bundle ['lbl.request.summary.desc.validation']}" /> & Lt; / H: inputText> We use the necessary converter to get the label value below string elementLabel = (string) component.getAttributes (). Get ("label"); But component label is reverse null. It is not able to get the value when we define the resource bundle name, but when we add a string to F, the attribute tag please help. This works fine for me only in Mojarra 2.1.27. However, since you are setting the attribute of an existing component feature, other implementations can not handle naming in the same order. To fix, I use an existing label attribute: & lt; h: inputText id = "descriptionText" required = "true" value = "# {scenarioDesc...

SQLite to SQL Server 2008, Collations -

SQLite is trying to import database structure from SQL Server 2008 R2 Express. vendor_no VARCHAR (255) calllet encode I checked it, but this is how to define the following SQLite syntax in my SQL server ? The way many entries and many of them look very similar, if this happens then the database is in the US-English environment. SQLlite has only one built-in termination (binary), 'encore' only makes binary combing case-insensitive is. There are many different characters in the SQL server, most of which are both versions (CI-case insensitive and CS case sensitive). This is not a great idea to mix collation with SQL Server, because it is due to errors due to inherent conversion in many operations (such as, union, etc.). What you can do, the case is insensitive to ensure your database: select name, from collation_name to sys.databases It may return the query: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS (US English case insensitive) but you need to make sure that it looks so...

architecture - Use OAuth to tightly bind two applications? -

I am working to integrate two applications developed by two different teams for the same user base. Users will first be logged in, and we want to see their login on the first application in order to facilitate the second entry. OAuth was suggested as a protocol to execute this integration. It does not kill me completely like OAuth implementation Does this mean using OAuth to tighten two applications in such a way? As always, it depends :). I did not recommend to use OAuth as an application, but OAuth should use both to separate the login process and authenticate the user to both applications. In this way both apps do not know about each other, but only about the login service. With this you can develop other applications that only depend on your OAuth service.

android - Google Glass hides my app from menu after firmware update on 18/Apr/2014 -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर 18 / Apr / 2014 पर जब मैंने Google ग्लास को बूट किया तो Google ग्लास ने फर्मवेयर अद्यतन स्वचालित रूप से शुरू किया। फर्मवेयर अपडेट के बाद, मेरा ऐप जिसे मैं जीडीके से बना रहा हूं मेनू से गायब हो जाता है और मैं अपने ऐप को आवाज आदेश से लॉन्च नहीं कर सकता। मैं ऐप को पुनः स्थापित कर रहा हूं, लेकिन यह वही है मैं एडीबी द्वारा ऐप को अनइंस्टॉल कर सकता था, इसलिए एपीके वहाँ है और गूगल ग्लास में स्थापित है, लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि Google ग्लास मेन्यू से मेरे ऐप की कमान छुपाता है। क्या किसी के पास एक ही अनुभव है? क्या यह तय करने का कोई तरीका है? एक्सई 16 रिलीज नोट को देखो। आपको मेनिफेस्ट में विकास अनुमति के लिए अनुरोध करने की आवश्यकता है: & lt; उपयोग-अनुमति एंड्रॉइड: name = "" / & gt;

qt - Detecting Mouse Event over Multiple Graphics View -

I have a class "Seen window" that inherits QGraphicsScene. I have a mouse movement that emits the current X and Y position of the mouse on the scene. In my main window class, I have four graphics vzes that I use to display different images. I have created four objects of the same graphics class to set on the scene. I want to know that my mouse from the graphics is currently watching how do I do it? I tried to use the event filter in the main category to detect the scene but it is not helping. I tried to do this in the following way: bool MainWindow :: eventFilter (QObject * f_object, QEvent * f_event) {if (f_object == Graphicsview & amp; amp; and f_event -> Type () == QEvent :: MouseMove {qDebug () & lt; & Lt; "I'm in scene 1"; } Can anyone please provide a solution to this? Thank you. * Receiving answers from comments ... The problem is that you Install Event Filter on QGraphicsView , although instead of viewing the mouse, i...

Append tracks in Movie using FFMPEG android -

I want to add a video to a 2 audio track and movie I'm using the FFMPEG library. It is always to choose another sound track instead of both. Any help? movie results = new movie (); If (audiotrrackrecordesappordes ()> gt; {results.adtrack (new appendracac (audio trackercropeappen tuarer (new track [audiotrecurecarded sands ()))); } If (audiotrack vacancy () () ()> gt; 0} {Results.adtrack (new appendrack (audiotrack record) .toir (new track [audio trackrecord ()]))); } If (videoTracks.size ()> gt; {result.addTrack (new appendraq (videotrack .toAray (new track [videoTracks.size ()]))); } I have mixed using audio MP4 parser and it works. Follow this tutorial

compression - How to extract data from Hadoop sequence file? -

Hadoop sequence file is really weird I can not pack images and retrieve images in the sequence file. I do a few simple tests and I did not even get the size of the byte before and after the sequence file. configuration confHadoop = new configuration (); File system fs = FileSystem.get (confHadoop); String filename = args [0]; Path file = new path (fs.getUri (.) ToString () + "/" + fileName); Path seqFile = new path ("/ temp.seq"); Index file Author writer = null; FSDataInputStream Inn = Null; {Author = sequence file.Createreitre (Confhepedope, Writerfile), Writer. Key class (textex), Writer.valueclass (bytesable.class)); In = (file); Byte buffer [] = IOUtils.toByteArray (in); System.out.println ("Basic Size ---->" + String.valueOf (Buffer Lamp)); Author.append (new text (filename), new bytesrate (buffer)); Println (calculateMd5 (buffer)); Writer.close (); } Finally {IOUtils.closeQuietly (in); } Sequence file. Reader Reader = ...

mysql - how to use php to select value from a table use some keys -

I want to write a function that takes 2 parameters: one is the name of the table and the other is an associative array of keys Now I have a function: // $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ Table; $ I = sizeof ($ keyValues); Forex currency ($ key as $ $ value = & gt; $ val) {if ($ i == 1) $ qry = "WHERE". $ Key "=". $ Kiwal [$ key] ""; Else $ qry = "AND" $ Key "=". $ Keywall [$ key] ""; $ I ++; } // resonance is "query:". $ Qry; $ Result = mysql_query ($ qry) or die ("query $ qry fail."); If the result returned ($ result = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ result)); Second false return; } // GetAllFrom but this is not work Can someone help me in modifying this and can tell me what is Forex ($ key = $ as the original value => gt; ; $ Val) mean? I am confused. Thanks! You can solve the code, but I will tell you to solve t...

linux - Got an error while executing bash commands on remote ubuntu machine "no tty present and no askpass program specified" -

I am running a bash script to execute commands on the remote host. Here's the command: ssh ppuser@ "sudo mv /tmp/$2.tar.gz $ 1" $ 1 and $ 2 are command line arguments. But in the execution I am getting this error: no TTI is present and no inquiry program is specified. Hope you will help me, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Anywhere you have followed in your sudoers file Default Expectations Simply comment on this line - Delete it For specific program names, you can also try the following: Default & lt; / path default Programs & gt; KTT To change it, default & lt; / Path to the program & gt; ! To specify the user specific Default: Username! Adding Requite is already specified in the comment, for that you will have user name ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: all sudo for its password

criteria - Yii critetia addCondition and addInCondition + and/or operators -

Is it possible in criteria & amp; Or operators between the upgradation and the addincondition? I have something like this: $ criteria = new CDBCRITERIA; // If the value is TRUE $ criteria- & gt; Is the sum ('t.value = TRUE'); // If the value is wrong criteria- & gt; Plus ('t.value = FALSE'); $ Benchmarking & gt; AddInCondition ('', $ array); I do not know where I will be the operator Thank you. according to class references (': public CDbCriteria AddInCondition ( String $ column, array $ value, string $ operator = 'and') The third parameter is the operator that will be added to the current one, so it will be for you: $ criteria- & gt; addicondition ('TID', $ array, 'OR');

delphi - How to achieve smaller size of the executable? -

After a long time, I have returned after a long time in Delphi and an old release to my client ... I know that size has no effect these days, but I have been strangely struck that a unit application, when compiled, 1x084 / 416b executable one and only .pice I wrote the unit, it is 20.8k larger, mostly due to the prosperity of Gai Usage section is as follows: Windows, messages, SUsUtils, variants, classes, controls, forms, struts, dialogs, ADODB, DB Uses DBGrid, Extra Secrets, DBCTRLs, STCTRL, Grid, Menus, Buttons; I wonder if in any way can I reduce the size of the application to 300-400 or less? Did you debug or build a release? (For small size issue it, make sure that optimization is on, debug info is off) Did you turn off RTII (DLFA 2010 and above) If not needed? (Size of small EXE.) The number of units in the section of your use of your main unit is not a good way to estimate the EXE size, think about it: Vcl There is only a large amount of code, the ...

c# - How to place a programmatically added literal control in the right location in the web page? -

I am adding a literal control on my web page using the following lines of code: Little ControlOn MyObject = New Little Control (); MyObject.Text = @ "& lt; Object ID = 'Media Player' WIDTH = '640' HEIGHT = '480' CLASSID = 'clsid: 9BE31822-FDAD-461B-AD51-BE1D1C159921' STANDBY = 'Windows Media Player Component Loading Is ... 'TYPE =' application / x-vlc-plugin '& gt; PARAM name =' filename 'VALUE =' "+" file: /// "+ path +" '& gt; . & lt; / OBJECT & gt; , "; Page.Controls.Add (myObject); But it is being added to the bottom of the page, while I want it in the middle, how can I specify this place where I need to keep this control? With experience, I will enter the literal declaration on your page Set the precise location), then set the control code to text if you do not enter any text, the element will be empty and will not render anything on the page. On y...

php - How i get parameter from url in zf2? -

I am new to zf2 and I have to get the parameters from the url. But when I write if ($ this-> getRequest () -> isGet ()) {$ get = $ this- & gt; Params () - & gt; fromQuery (); } Print_r (get $); In the controller this blank table returns how do I get the parameters from the URL? This is my URL: I have to get 46. How do I get this parameter? In the controller you can do that with the ultimate plugin: $ this-> Parameters () - & gt; FromQuery (); but fromQuery standard received from parameter ? Var = value and var2 = somevalue . Because you have a good URL, you can $ this-> params () - & gt; fromoutout (); Should use. See more details or

Django doesn't look for static files in my app -

I have developed a stand-alone Django app that has a stable JS file. On some installations, the Django Development Server can not find the static file. The AP has been installed as a Python package with PIP, and I am in the site-package / app name / static / JS / myfile.js Looking at the Django Debug Toolbar, and the "Stable" panel installed, I see a list of "stable file apps". My app is not listed there. How can I tell Django that it's in my app's static file folder Should also look? I am using Django 1.6.3 with the following stable file finders: static_finders = (' 'Django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder',) django.contrib.staticfiles app is installed. Update: When using collectstatic , files are not copied from the app. OK, it was stupid. The app was part of the earlier old project in question. I changed it to an different development machine on a free app when I wrap it up as an indep...

android - Pull to refresh in Main Activity that contains fragments -

I have gone through a lot but I have not found a suitable answer. I want to apply the drag to refresh I have all gone through the link given below, but everywhere they have simple list view or example in ScrollView for Activity Have given. Here I have an activity in which 4 pieces and I want to implement the bridge to refresh. Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated. Below is my activity XML code: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; LinearLayout xmlns: android = "Http://schemaskandroidkcom/apk/res/android" Android: Layout_width = "Wrap_content" Android: Layout_height = "Wrap_content" android: background = "@ color / homePageBackground" android: orientation = "Vertical" & gt; & Lt; Piece android: id = "@ + id / announcementHomefragment" android: name = "" Android: layout_width = "match_pa...

php - Unicode Characters issue in Cakephp and Mysql -

I have a site that was implemented for my customer in Cakephp 2 years ago. At that time I was not aware that this site will be used worldwide. Special characters of different countries have been used on the site. At that time the cakepip utf8 option was not enabled and characters are saved in encoded form such as ?? In the database. Now when we try to download CSV these characters have caused problems and did not appear correctly in CSV. "text"> You have to ensure 3 things - 1 'encoding' = & gt; Enable 'utf8', 'Database Settings' on database settings on 'app / config / database.php` 2. Table column collation should be set to' utf8_general_ci 'or' utf8_unicode_ci`. 3. The HTL page character set must be set as `utf-8`

c++ - Most efficient way to find whether all objects belong to the same group? -

Then I have every item with the integer field group number. I want to find the most efficient time that all the objects are same Whether or not the group belongs to. Can it be done in C ++ in less time than C (O)? Without doing some preprocessing outside of your function, you can not do better than O (n) , Such as o (1). To know that all the elements belong to the same group (at least in the worst case), you will need to look at all the elements to determine your group, which makes it instantly Is (n). The simplest algorithm looks like this (Python Pseudocode): def all_same_group (element): group 0 = element [0]. In # group elements, first element # on the remaining elements of the element, repeat [1:]: if! = Group0: return False # element has a different group, not exactly the same True # We did not come back in the loop, so all the same Only two groups believe that this is the most Will be in good case (where there are different groups of first and sec...

how to set group=True in couchdb-python -

group = how is it possible to set couchdb-python? Import server from couchdb.mapping import from couchdb document, textfield, integerfield, datetime field, viewfiled server = server () db = ('python-test2') class person (c. Document): _id = TextField () name = TextField () age = integer field () by_name = ViewField ('people', '' '\ function (doctor) {emit (, doc);}' '') person = Person (_id = 'Person1', name = ' (db) (person.by_name.map_fun) for line in John Doe db.quire: print line is true for the line in

ios - setting title on navigation bar not working -

I want to set the title in my navigation bar [self.navigationItem setTitle : @ "Some title"]; However, the back button title is not changed to the navigation bar title. self.navigationController.navigationBar.topItem.title = @ "myTitle"; In or or H IBOutletUnavigationHTML * navItem; In. M navItem.title = @ "new title";

Delphi XE4 - Octal constant is working like decimal constant -

Today I was reviewing my partner's code This is the plain old Delphi, version XE4. I searched the code like this: cWin_CountryIdsSet: array of array [0..243] = (499, 688, 040, ...) This is a list of decimal ids, but one of these - 040 - looks like octets, is not it? I immediately told him about the problem, but he replied: "No, it works like decimation, look at yourself". And he was right! I wrote a little example: Written (080); If 80 = 080 then righten ('they are the same'); Writeln (IntToStr (080)); Displays this: 80 equals 80 So it means that it's the embroider's The wrong name is moment. In particular this sentence is incorrect: All constants with initial zero are considered octal if an invalid number is continuously 8 or 9 in an octal, an error is reported. . 037777777777 more volatile constants are deducted. I have not found any error in using Digitally 8 and Compiler. 0 Someone has explained to me, please, who is wrong...

shell - Batch Script to manipulate an existing textfile -

I'm totally new to writing a batch script, I'm busy with a tutorial in the example below. Can i learn I really need help writing a batch script to insert a line of text between the existing text file. For example, the file with myfile.txt file is given: A BCD FAG HJClnamnop Q RS T Uvuxiz Command ./ "=== === ===" myfile.txt should modify this file: A BCD efg hjiklmnop === === === q rs t uvwxyz Calculate the number of files with FIND / F %% in the line for @echo off rem file (get the "Search / C / V" line "set number / one middle = numlines / 2 Find all the lines in the rim process, insert line numbers using FINDSTR / N / F "token = 1 * delims =:" %% in ('findstr / n' ^ ""% 2 ') (RAM) Echo root line is echo / %% b rem if line is middle one ... if %% is equal to% mid% (resonance% ~ 1 to new line)) previous batch file Create as - middle-middle .bat and execute it as follows: pu...

iphone - NSInvalidArgumentException exception when adding image to imageView iOS -

.फ़ाइलें @property (मजबूत, nonatomic) LAClaimReport * दावे रिपोर्ट; । फ़ाइल @ इंटरफेस LACreateReportViewController () {NSArray * _thumbnails; लापोटो टहौब्स * _last चुने गए फोटो; } _ थंबनेल =; यदि (_ थंबनेल count & gt; 0) {_photosCaption.textColor = [UIColor colorWithRed: 0 / 255.0 हरा: 46 / 255.0 नीला: 91 / 255.0 अल्फा: 1]; UIImageView * image = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (30, 1838, 300, 600)]; एनएसएलॉग (@ "छवि:% @", _ थंबनेल [0]); [छवि सेट छवि: (UIImage *) _ थंबनेल [0]]; // यहां अपवाद } NSInvalidArgumentException ', कारण:' - [Laphoto आकार]: अपरिचित चयनकर्ता को उदाहरण के लिए भेजा गया 0xa76b720 ' तस्वीरें एक स्तंभ है LAClaimReport की क्लास फ़ाइल आकार के बारे में मैं क्या याद कर रहा हूँ यहाँ? Pls गाइड। _ थंबनेल इसमें UIImage उदाहरण, इसमें कुछ अन्य प्रकार के ऑब्जेक्ट शामिल हैं आकार UIImage पर एक विधि है जो कि छवि दृश्य द्वारा उपयोग की जाती है, यह बताने के लिए पर्याप्त जानकारी श...

r - Error when using rbind to merge data.tables and one of them is empty -

Three (or more) data with RBID. An error is issued while merge Tuberge and an empty data is qualified between two non-empty data. TB: & gt; Loading Required (Data Eligible) Required Package: data.table data.table 1.9.2 for Support Type: Help ("Data Eligible") & gt; DT & LT; - Data suitable (x = c (1,2,3)) gt; RBIDID (DT, Data.W., DT) Error in Setclaimer (TT, CMH (, make name ( [x]], (& lt; text & gt; # 1) : The column number is out of new order limits: NA This does not happen when the empty figure is in the end: > RBID (DT, DT, DatataHable ()) x 1: 1 2: 2 3: 3 4: 1 5: 2 6: 3 But some other error occurs when empty data Accessible startup: & gt; RBIDID (data) Eligibility in the data (), DT, DT) Data: (...) (& lt; text & gt; # 1): In the colnames of some colnames of the argument 2 (x) Are not present 1. If there is a logic colnames they may be in a different order, but they all should be...

html5 - How to add part of an external file in HTML file programatically? -

The content of a body of the table is generated by the Java code and it exports it to the file in the HTML file program definition How can I read? The Java program generates the following code & lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; File name & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; & Lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Date & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> The Hitch Hitchcock's Guide to the Galaxy & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; Book & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; 28/01/2011 & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> The Hitch Hitchcock's Guide to the Galaxy & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; Film & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; 28/01/2011 & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> Deck Slow's overall detective agency & lt; / Td> & L...

xml - XSLT to Transform the child Node name according to their occurrence -

I need to write an XSLT, which will change the node name, I will see it during my presence XML Current: & lt; Order & gt; & Lt; Order & gt; & Lt; OrderNo & gt; ABC & lt; / OrderNo & gt; & Lt; ItemDetails & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; Shirt & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; Socks & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; ItemPrice & gt; 30 & lt; / ItemPrice & gt; & Lt; ItemPrice & gt; 40 & lt; / ItemPrice & gt; & Lt; / ItemDetails & gt; & Lt; / Order & gt; & Lt; / Order & gt; XML Requirement & lt; Order & gt; & Lt; Order & gt; & Lt; OrderNo & gt; ABC & lt; / OrderNo & gt; & Lt; ItemDetails & gt; & Lt; NAME1 & gt; Shirt & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; NAME2 & gt; Socks & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; ItemPrice1 & gt; 30 & lt; / ItemPrice & gt; & Lt; ItemPrice2 & gt; 40 & lt; / ItemPri...

How to stop Storyboard in WPF? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 3 जवाब मेरे पास एनीमेशन है। लेकिन मैं इसे रोक नहीं सकता। स्टोरीबोर्ड पुनरावृत्ति व्यवहार संपत्ति "हमेशा के लिए" है। एनीमेशन से कोड को पीछे कैसे रोक सकता हूं? यहां मेरा एक्सएएमएल है: & lt; UserControl.Resources & gt; & lt; स्टोरीबोर्ड x: नाम = "लोडिंग एन्निमेशन" x: कुंजी = "लोड हो रहा है एनीमेशन" दोबारा दोहराएं = "हमेशा" स्पीडरैटियो = "1" ऑटोआरवरसे = "ट्रू" & gt; & lt; डबलएनिमेशनउजिंगकीफ्रेम x: नाम = "डबलएनिमेशन का उपयोग करफ्रेम" स्टोरीबोर्ड। लक्ष्यप्रॉपर्टी = "(UIElement.Opacity)" स्टोरीबोर्ड। TargetName = "pathListBox" & gt; & lt; EasingDoubleKeyFrame कीटाइम = "0" मान = "0" / & gt; & lt; EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime = "0: 0: 1" मान = "1" / & gt; & Lt; / DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames & gt; & lt; डबलएनिमेशनकॉफफ्रेम स्टोरीबोर्ड। लक्ष्यप्रॉपर्टी = "...

c++ - Variable changed value suddenly after Loop -

मुझे nablist नामक मैट्रिक्स के साथ एक समस्या है जब मैंने nablist को पहले प्रिंट में मुद्रित किया था तो nablist बिल्कुल सही था, लेकिन जब मैंने इसे फिर से मुद्रित किया तब मूल्य पूरी तरह गलत थे। मुझे विश्वास है कि समस्या पंक्ति में है: nablist [i, nnab [i]] = j क्योंकि मैंने सूचक को सूचक के रूप में रखने की कोशिश की । किसी भी विचार? मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: #include & lt; stdio.h & gt; # शामिल & lt; windows.h & gt; int main (int argc, char ** argv) int n = 902; Int i, j; Int * nnab = नया इंट [एनएमएक्स]; Int * nablist = नया इंट [एनएमएक्स, 6]; के लिए (i = 0; i & lt; n; i ++) {nnab [i] = 0; के लिए (जे = 0; जम्मू & lt; 6; j ++) {nablist [i, j] = 0; }} के लिए (i = 0; i & lt; n-1; i ++) {for (j = i + 1; j & lt; n; j ++) {nnab [i] = nnab [i] +1; nablist [मैं, nnab [i]] = j; अदालत के & lt; & lt; nablist [मैं, nnab [i]] के & lt; & lt; endl; // पहला प्रिंट}} के लिए (i = 0; i & lt; n-1; i ++) {cout & lt; & lt; nablist [i, ...

groovy - Grails get day of current week and last three weeks -

I found the job of a domain with ID, showing the value of day-to-day match to current. I need to search for the current week's list and the last two weeks before: Today is Monday (04/22) What do I need: Week 1: 06-12 April Week 2: 13-19 April Current week: April 20-26 Please help, thank you. Posted here for the poster: DRF current = New date () Clear time () int current day = calendar. In stains. With {time = get present (calendar.dev_vv}} def listOfDays = (current - 13 - present day) .. (current +7 - current date) listoffends.each {printlian IT} Print: Sun Apr 06 00:00:00 BST 2014 Mon Apr 07 00:00: 00 BST 2014 Tuesday April 08 00:00:00 BST 2014 Wed Apr 09 00:00: 00 BST 2014 Thurs 10 April 00 AM 2014 BST 2014 Fri Apr 11 00:00:00 BST 2014 Sat 12 Apr 00:00: 00 BST 2014 Sun Apr 13 00:00:00 BST 2014 Mon Apr 14 0 0:00:00 BST 2014 Tues Apr 15 00:00:00 BST 2014 Wed Apr 16 00:00:00 BST 2014 Thurs Apr 17 00:00: 00 BST 2014 Venus Apr 18 00:00:00 BST 2014 Sat ...

c# - Alert Success or Error message for jQuery POST method -

I am using the following jQuery to save and save data: var Data = "sample data"; $ .post ('@ Url.Content ("~ / Student / SaveData"), {data: data} // I want a warning or error alert here This is my controller : public action SaveData (string data) {try to save the data // save logic // save the success signal // pass hold (exception pre) {// pass error signal} return See);} If the error message is successfully saved otherwise, I want to alert the message of success. first using the wrong assistant instead of @ Url.Content You are required to use the @ Url.Action var data = "sample data"; $ AZ ("Url.Action" ("SaveData", "Student"), Type: "Go", Data: {Sample: Data} Success: Function (Res) {Warning ("Success" );}, Error: function () {warning ("failure");}}); And your action will be: Pub Lime Action Result SaveData (string sample = "") {return content (sa...

neo4j - Issue combining two cypher queries with UNION -

When combining two cyber questions on the query I ran into the following problem: MATCH (P1: Crew) - [R_PPQ] - & gt; (FQ: Crew) WHERE IN ["NEO", "Morphius"] Returns as a separate (P1) person, count as friend (R_PPQ) friend_core, submit ( friends form In DESC LIMIT 10 by Friends_core works fine, like MATCH (f: crew) and lt; Weighing weight as a separate (F), count (R_FQ) with WHERE IN ["Neo", "Morphius"] - weight by weight ORDER DESC limited 10 matches - [R_FQF] - [R_FQF] lt; - (P: Crew) Returns as a separate (P) person, as the amount (weight) Friends_core, Friend (FNN) friend as friend_score DESC LIMIT 10 Now when I use the Union command, i.e. match (P1: Crew) - [R_PPQ] - & gt; (FQ: Crew) query results [Neo "," Morphius "] by using WHERE as a separate (P1) person, counting (R_PFQ) as friend_core, collected ( friend's The friend OR_SECOR E DECSC limit 10 unio...

html - Bootstrap is not styling anything -

I am using bootstrap but it is not styling anything for some reason. I have tried to paste the bootstrap code for forms and navigations in my home view and it just looks normal without bootstrap style. I have @import "bootstrap"; In my stylesheet And the appropriate gems in my jemphilos are I forgetting some part of the setup? Or why it will not work, I have used it in the last few days only a few days ago, but it is not sure why it is not styling anything around this time. This is my Gmail: source 'http: //' gem 'bootstrap-sass',' ~ & gt; 3.1.1 'Mani' simple_form # Rail instead of the edges of the bundle: Mani 'Rail', Gitub: 'Rail / Rail' gem 'Rail', '4.0.3' # Active record gem as database for 'sqlite3' Use SQLite3 to use SCSS for # stylesheet Mani 'Asus-Rail', '~ & gt; 4.0.0 '# Use Eugplifier as Compressor for Javascript Properties Mani' EugelForm ...

scala macros - Liftable for function literal -

क्या एक कार्यात्मक शब्दशः (2.11 के साथ) लिफ्ट योग्य है? यदि मेरे पास मामला वर्ग का सत्यापनकर्ता [टी] (निश्चय: टी = & gt; बूलियन) वैल की परिभाषा = (s: स्ट्रिंग) = & gt; S.startsWith ("हाय") फिर मैं predicate भी quasiquote करने में सक्षम होना चाहता हूँ: q "नया सत्यापनकर्ता ($ वर्डिकेट) " मुझे आश्वस्त था कि एक अधोरेखण के साथ एक लिफ्ट योग्य बनाने के लिए लेकिन यह थोड़ा बहुत आशावादी था: अंतर्निहित def भारप्रतिक्रिया [टी: लिफ्ट योग्य] (f: T = & gt; बूलियन) = लिफ्ट योग्य [T = & gt; बूलियन] {एफ = & gt; Q "$ f (_)"} मुझे यह देखने से पता नहीं चला था कि मैं इसे कैसे हल कर सकता हूं। इसे देखने का दूसरा तरीका: कहें कि मैं मैक्रो के साथ समय संकलित करने पर निम्न वर्ग से उदाहरण बनाना चाहता हूं: सार वर्ग कक्षा के साथ Validity {val predicate: String = & gt; और मैं कहीं और एक वैरिएबल वैल्यू के रूप में एक कार्यात्मक शब्दशः प्राप्त करता हूं: val predicate = (s: स्ट्रिंग) = & gt; S.startsWith ("हाय") तब...

location - Geofencing in android app -

I am creating a check and am currently checking the application. The user will be able to check with the current location and when he goes 50 meters away from the current location, he should be checked out. Can it be implemented for Android using Geo Fencing? I do not know how to use this piece of code but how to use it. SimpleGeofence mUIGeofence1 = New SimpleGeofence ("1", Double.valueOf (mLatitude1.getText () toString () ..), Double.valueOf (mLongitude1.getText () toString ()), Float.valueOf (mRadius1.getText () toString ()), GEOFENCE_EXPIRATION_TIME, // this geofence record only entry transit in Geofence.GEOFENCE_TRANSITION_ENTER); MGeofenceStorage.setGeofence ("1", MUGOffance 1); I would really appreciate if the geo-fencing can be given the right way to use. You can apply using this geofencing. The sample code deploys you with a object with Geofence You want to know how to register a geofence, and ask about using the Geofening API. PreGi...

How to know the server name of SQL Server? -

is SQL Server 2008 R2 on my machine. I want to connect with Windows authentication mode I do not remember the server name .... I have also tested in SQL Server Configuration Manager but if no instance is running, how do I know the service name of SQL Server? have you tried SELECT @@ SERVERNAME

sql - How to get Unique Value from a table for different sessions -

I have a process that creates unique account ID while Accounts When creating Maximum Account ID is stored in another table ( Table :: MaxAccountID ). Example: Account ID :: MG110000021 (110000021, we are getting from the MaxAccountID table) For example: max account id p> We received TABLOCKX for unique code id Because the same SP is being called during a fraction of a second in many sessions. Therefore each session will receive TABLOCKX with the unique account id . This does not solve my problem, however, we also account ID for the same (duplicate) different sessions. SELECT @OutPutID = Account ID from MaxAccountID (TABLOCKX) UPDATE MAXAccountID SET AccountID = AccountID +1 Account ID value. Start from the BEGIN transfer EXEC GetMax_AccountID @OutPutID account INFO included (------------ COMMIT TRANSACTION Finally start the catch rollback transfer end capture GetMax_AccountID are included in the form of output para as output para SE...

OpenGL ES/2.0: scope of glEnableVertexAttribArray? -

I think - as I googled around, the stackoverflow is discovered, and a clear answer was not found - let us clear Need to Future: What is the exact scope of glEnableVertexAttribArray? What exactly do I mean? Well, we know: Uniform state Shah is bound to ader program. Calling glUseProgram (X) (X> 0) will also set the uniform of all uniforms in its default value (except for ATI), or we GlUniformXXX ( ) when that same program was active. So the answer to my question is "what is the exact scope of gluinform", "every use of a specific shader program" would be. Now I have the position that there can be several sets of buffer in one mesh objects. The pseudoing of the rendering looks like this: mat = trap-> meet; mesh- & gt; overrideUniforms; Mat- & gt; PrepareGL; // Call Gluus Program, Updated Uniform, Bind Texture Mesh- & gt; Render; Now Aries-> Render is clearly related to binding properties and drawing. If there are several sets o...

The json extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration -

मैं इस से उबंटू 13.10 x 64 पर PHP5.6.0 स्थापित करता हूं https: // launchpad .net / ~ ondrej / + archive / php5-5.6a तब मैं phpmyadmin स्थापित किया है जब मैं दोपहर का भोजन phpmyadmin करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ मुझे यह संदेश मिला जेसन एक्सटेंशन लापता है कृपया अपने PHP कॉन्फ़िगरेशन की जांच करें मेरे PHP मॉड्यूल: बीसीमाथ बीज़ 2 कैलेंडर कोर सीटीईपी तारीख डीबीए डोम ईआरएफ़ एक्स्टआईफ़ फ़ाइलइन्फ़ो फिल्टर एफटीपी जीडी गेटटेक्स्ट हैश आईएनसीवी बीबीएक्सएमएल एमबीएसस्ट्रिंग एमसीआरपीटी एमएचएसएच आईएसएसएलएल एमएसएसपीएलआईएसपीएसएलपीसीएनटीएल पीकोड पीडीओ pdo_mysql Phar posix readline प्रतिबिंब सत्र shmop सरल एक्सएमएल साबुन सॉकेट एसपीएल मानक sysvmsg sysvsem sysvshm tokenizer wddx एक्सएमएल xmlreader xmlwriter ज़ेंड ओपरकैप zip zlib [ज़ेंड मॉड्यूल] ज़ेंड ओपकाचे तो जब मैं php-json sudo apt-get install php5-json स्थापित करने के लिए इस कमांड का उपयोग करता हूं मुझे यह मिला निम्न पैकेज में असंबद्ध निर्भरताएं हैं: php5-json: Depends: phpapi-20121212 E: समस्याओं को दूर करने में असमर्थ, आ...

java - Missing return statement error in method -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 10 जवाब आयात करें java util.Scanner; सार्वजनिक कक्षा मुख्य {सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक स्ट्रिंग डस्टफ़ास्ट (इंट संख्या) {// आपका कोड यहाँ (इंट आई = 1; आई & lt; 5; i ++) {if (i == संख्या) {स्ट्रिंग str = String.valueOf (i) ; वापसी str; } और अगर (i & gt; 4) {वापसी "बहुत बड़ा"; } और अगर (i & lt; 1) {वापसी "बहुत छोटा"; }}} सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {स्कैनर = नए स्कैनर (; int n = in.nextInt (); के लिए (इंट आई = 0; आई & lt; n; i ++) {int a = in.nextInt (); System.out.println (डस्टफ (ए)); }} } जब मैं इस कोड को चलाता हूं, तो मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिलती है: मेन.जावाआडर: त्रुटि इस समस्या को हल करने के लिए मुझे क्या करना चाहिए? निम्न शर्त देखें: 1 से 4 (समावेशी) की संख्या को देखते हुए , संख्या के एक शब्द प्रतिनिधित्व को वापस। उदाहरण के लिए, 2 दिया, दो वापसी करें यदि संख्या 4 से अधिक है, तो वाक्यांश बहुत बड़ी लौटें। यदि संख्या 1 से कम है, तो वाक्यांश बहुत छोटा लौटें। डस्टफ () ...

function - Syntax for using a struct as input in C -

I am trying to isolate a program in some pieces (as such, the function was written separately instead Is the file). The function I am using the output is an array of strokes and when I get everything in a file, then it's running fine. I'm thinking about how to call this structure properly, however, at the moment in my separate file, I have: zero-zero dualum (double L1, double L2 , Double lag, double h, structure boat_param * value); Int main () {Double L1, L2, Love, H; Structure name_param value [211]; L1 = 17.6; L2 = 3; Love = 4; H = 4.5; Dipped_Volume (L1, L2, Lavin, H, Mann); Unsigned four I = 0; (I = 0; i & lt; = 90; ++ i) {printf ("V =% lf \ nUc =% lf \ nVc =% lf \ n", value [i] .V, value [i]. UC, Maan [i]. Vc); } Return 0; } Duplicated_ volume function starts like this: zero dipped_volume (double L1, double L2, double lag, double H, structure name_param * result) P> Note - When the main is in the same file, it works. At the moment, I'm ge...

javascript - Page safety of setInterval -

मेरे पास पाठ का एक टुकड़ा है जो कि वेबकिट का पृष्ठभूमि-क्लिप: टेक्स्ट सुविधा का उपयोग करता है और शुद्ध सौंदर्यशास्त्र के लिए उद्देश्यों, मैं पाठ पर छवि के माध्यम से स्क्रॉल करने के लिए एक स्क्रिप्ट को शामिल करना चाहता हूँ। जिस तरह से मैंने ऐसा करने का विचार किया है, वह यह है कि setInterval का उपयोग कर रहा है और मैंने नीचे दिए गए फ़ंक्शन को चलाया है I मैं जानना चाहता हूं कि मैं setInterval का उपयोग करने की किसी भी समस्याओं में भाग दूँगा क्योंकि मैं इसे 50ms पर पाशन कर रहा हूं। समारोह: function movePos () {var obj = document.query सिलेक्टर ('एच 1 स्पैन'); Var pos = parseInt (; = (pos + 1) + 'px'; } कोई भी आधुनिक ब्राउज़र भी मामूली हार्डवेयर के साथ इन तीन लाइनों को निष्पादित करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए कोड का प्रति सेकंड 20 गुना आपको ठीक होना चाहिए। यदि आप अनुकूलित करना चाहते हैं, और obj चर नहीं बदलेगा, तो आप उस मान को कैश कर सकते हैं, इसलिए आप चयनकर्ता को 20 बार प्रति नहीं चल रहे हैं दूसरा।...

Http post from android to PHP -

I am trying to Android php to httppost form via XPP. I am getting httpResponse in Android but when I try to load the URL in the browser, nothing is displayed. It only displays "no" "I send the value from Android And when I load the url, then it should be displayed in the browser. " protected string doInBackground (string ... ury) {// TODO auto-generated method stub {http client http client = new default HTTP client (); Http post http post = new HTTP post (Yuri [0]); //httpPost.setHeader("Content-Type"/"application/x-www-form-urlencoded "); & Lt; NameValuePair & gt; NameValuePair = New ArrayList & lt; NameValuePair & gt; (1); NameValuePair.add (New BasicNameValuePair ("id", "somevalue")); Log.d ("debug", nameValuePair.get (0) .toString ()); UrlEncodedFormEntity ent = New UrlEncodedFormEntity (nameValuePair, HTTP.UTF_8); httpPost.setEntity (ENT); HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute (http...

Wikipedia API - Relative URLs -

I am using the Wikipedia API to get information and display it in my web application. I use a URL below to access the API in my JavaScript with an AJAX request However, in the returned content, hyperlinks should be form / 'wiki / Resource 'has been specified with the relative URL. Now, when I display this content on my web page, like the URL http: // localhost: 8003 / wiki / resource Maybe I redirect the URL instead? Thanks in advance! For example: Synonyms front URL for example: wikiRelativeUrl = getRelativeUrl (); // something like / wiki / source baseUrl = "http: //en.wikipedia"; FullUrl = baseUrl + wikiRelativeUrl; // Use full URL

javascript - AngularJs - Holding value of for loop string to use elsewhere -

I am stuck in my angular railway project. I will run the loop for the query, some nested JSON data and one NG-repeat output in 3 different variables. So it creates a title where I have control over the elements that make up the title {{number}} {{shots}} {{goals}}. However, my knowledge about angular has spread here because when I click on an event (from the ng-repeat list), I give a new tab, but I will change the title of that event to new I want to move to the tab. I can not call it as a squash variable because the final variable is still being held there. I thought about specifying this as a new variable. But uncertainty is actually how to do it as angular. Here's the code I'm working with: My angle is only a standard for loops that looks at values ​​within JS and specifies them as variables. Any advice is highly appreciated. Edit: 24 hours later and I still can not crack it (very disappointing). I'm not sure what is the way to capture and clone the...

sphinxql - Sphinx sql_query_killlist is ignored -

I am trying to get the main index to work, but whatever I do, the deleted document is now The SPINXQUL result is also my Sphinx version 2.0.4 . A part of the sphinx.conf file: source torrent {type = mysql sql_host = localhost sql_user = torrents sql_pass = torrents sql_db = torrents Sql_port = 3306 sql_sock = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock sql_query_range = Select MIN (ID), torrents from MAX (id) sql_range_step = 1000 sql_query = \ code,,, text_data. Select torrent, language_id, category, title, word, hex (torrents.code), amount as seed (trackers_torrents.seeds), zodiac (trackers_torrents.peers) peer, size, creation_date, rating `text_data` \ LEFT Join = text_data.torrent Leave trackers_torrents.torrent = Add \ trackers_torrents` to \ where text_data.torrent & gt; = $ Start and text_data.torrent & lt; = $ end \ and `trackers_torrents`.status = 'OK' and` torrents`.is_stopword = 0 \ group by text_data.torrent \ ORD...

Bootstrap tabs not switching in Wordpress -

I am trying to use the Bootstrap tab in my WordPress project. I can see tabs in the browser window but tabs are not switching. I am using code. Tabs are basically examples from bootstrapdocs, which are repeated in many places in stack overflow. However in my Wordpress project they still do not switch. function jrtrs_add_bootstrap () {$ src = plugin_dir_url (__FILE__). 'Css / bootstrap.min.css'; wp_register_style ('trs_bootstrap-style', $ src); wp_enqueue_style ('trs_bootstrap style'); } // Add js script function jrtrs_add_scripts () {wp_enqueue_script ('jquery'); Wp_enqueue_script ('nav-tabs', plugin_dir_url (__FILE__). 'Js / bootstrap-tab.js', array ('jquery')); Wp_enqueue_script ('tracking-settings-ajax-request', plugin_dir_url (__FILE__). 'Js / tracking-settings.js', array ('jquery')); } Add_action ('wp_print_scripts', 'jrtrs_add_scripts'); Add_shortcode ('ms_betfair_plugin...

java - Mapping XML to models when list node name and item node name are the same -

I am writing a client for an API and I am trying to map the top response to my model : This is my InvoiceMessageCollection @XmlRootElement (name = "invoice-message") @XmlAccessorType (XmlAccessType.NONE) applies the public class InvoiceMessageCollection Iterable & LT; InvoiceMessage & gt; {@XmlElement (name = "invoice-message") private list & lt; InvoiceMessage & gt; List = New ArrayList & lt; InvoiceMessage & gt; (); Public listing & lt; InvoiceMessage & gt; GetList () {Return List; } Public Zero Set List (List & lt; InvoiceMessage & gt; List) {this.list = list; } InputStream (Last InputStream XML) throws harvest from Public Stable Invoice Message HarvestClientException {try {JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance (InvoiceMessageCollection.class); Unmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller (); Return (Invoice Message Collection); Unmasharar.Yourmaral (XML); } Hold (exception e) {New Harvest Client ...

java - Ebean query; using an object in the WHERE clause -

I have a stock item class in which there is an area which is a warehouse item, to find all the stockitim in a certain warehouse. I want to run an EBI query: list & lt; Stockitum & gt; Results = stockItim.Fund () .jp () .eq ("warehouse", warehouse). Fundlist (); But, the result is always the size of 0, even when there are stock items in the database with the given warehouse I have overridden in the warehouse class () is equal to If I ask for a list of all stock items and then check the parity on the warehouse fields, then I can find the warehouse I am looking for: String result string; & Lt; StockItem & gt; Results = stockItim.Fund (). FindList (); If (result.get (0) .warehouse.equals (warehouse)) {resultString = "success"; } Is this the only way to do this? Edit: Me is equal to Warehouse () @ Override public boolean par (object o) {if (o instance gourehouse) {Warehouse other = (godown) O; Return name Angle (other name) & am...

AFNetworking and CLLocation Manager iOS -

मेरा प्रश्न इस प्रकार है: स्थान सेवाओं का उपयोग करते समय स्थान कब अद्यतन किया जाता है? जब मैंने स्टार्टअपडेटिंग स्थान को कहा तो मुझे पहले से एक स्थान वापस आने की उम्मीद थी, इसलिए मैं अपने आईओएस परियोजना के लिए अक्षांश और देशांतर को पुनः प्राप्त कर सकता हूं। ये एक वेब सेवा के लिए आवश्यक पैरामीटर भी हैं, लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि उन्हें शून्य के रूप में लौटा दिया गया है। इंटरफ़ेस CLLocationManagerDelegate प्रोटोकॉल के अनुरूप है और मैंने इसके लिए तरीकों को लागू किया है। वैसे भी यहां मेरा कोड है: - (शून्य) दृश्यडिडलोड {सुपर व्यूडिडलोड]; // प्रस्तुतियों के बीच चयन को संरक्षित करने के लिए निम्नलिखित पंक्ति को दोहराएं। // self.clearSelectionOnViewWillAppear = नहीं; // इस दृश्य नियंत्रक के लिए नेविगेशन बार में एक संपादन बटन को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए निम्न पंक्ति को उल्लिखित करें। // self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = self.editButtonItem; अगर ([self.parentViewControllerKindOfClass: [BTMainViewController वर्ग]]) {BTMainViewController * parent = (BTMainViewController *) self.parentView...