
Showing posts from May, 2014

ios - iPhone crash log questions? -

I recently updated a new version of my application and it has been rejected as an apple " When we launched it, your app crashed, this happened when your app was used on Wi-Fi. "But I have double check with the ADACH build through Testflights and Ipad IOS on Wi-Fi I am working on 7.1. Here's the crash log that Apple has sent me. mirror error message: Library has not been loaded: / Developer / Library / Framwork / Scientist Kit. Framework / CentingKit: referenced from / var / mobile / applications / 27000A12-B7DF-4CB2- BDAA-407CA13E56D2 / / xxx Reason: Image not found dyld version: 324.1 binary image: 0x120044000 - 0x120068faa dyld arm64 & lt; 628da833271c3f9bb8d44c34060f55e0 & gt; / Usr / lib / dyld 0x183d98000 - 0x183dbffff account arm64 & lt; 04e6c9c23f373940997e5568b8a52603 & gt; / System / Library / Framework / ACC Framework / Assets 0x183dc0000 - 0x183dc3fff admin arm64 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/CoreTelephony 0x...

python - Single boto connection object for different aws services -

Is it possible to create a connection object to use for different AAS services? Every time a connection is made to a new API call, I am confident that some time will be saved if the connection made once can be reused. Although it may be possible to use a single connection for multiple services, it is not how Boto is written and as mentioned above, I suspect that this will improve your performance. I suggest that you make a connection per service and keep using that connection again. Boto cache connection and it will also operate any resume which may be necessary if you do not use the connection for some time or face some error.

javascript - fotorama: can't get the API object (undefined) -

I am using Fotorama 4.5.0 (Rail Gem) and I have a problem getting API object. Photomars are in hidden lights on page load, it opens in the modal on click. Here is the code: $ objects = $ ('* [rel = "fotorama"]') $ fotorama_div = $ ('.fotorama') $ fotorama_div .on ('fotorama: showend', (e, fotorama, additional) -> 3 resizing photamera). Fontma () fotorama = $ ('fotorama') console.log (fotorama) // Here $ objects are undefined. On 'click', - & gt; // Find an index of an image ({content: $ ('# fotorama-container'}}) (index) // index is correct With Photomarma the object is always undefined . OK, I've added the if with check: $ objects $ $ ('* [rel = "fotorama"]) $ fotorama_div = $ ('. Fotorama') $ fotorama_div .on ('Fotarma: Shawn', (E, Photarma, additional) -> Resizing Photarma) .fotorama () fotorama = $ (...

javascript - parseInt(8558968890839370929) return 8558968890839371000 ,why? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 18 उत्तर जब मैं निष्पादित करता हूँ parseInt (8558968890839370929) क्रोम में, यह 8558968890839371000 देता है। इसके बजाय क्यों 9,007,199,254,740,992 (2 53 ) बदले नहीं? क्योंकि इंट की सीमा को पार कर लिया गया है +/- 9007199254740992 से ध्यान दें कि सभी सकारात्मक और नकारात्मक पूर्णांक जिनके परिमाण में कोई बड़ा नहीं है 2 से अधिक 53 संख्या प्रकार में प्रतिनिधित्व कर रहे हैं (वास्तव में, पूर्णांक 0 के दो प्रस्तुतीकरण, +0 और '??? 0)।

java - Cannot include "javaee-api-7.0.jar" in Android Application -

When I try to run my android application and I want to "javaee-api-7.0.jar" in my Libs folder I get the following error at the time of compilation: {code> [First App] DX Trouble Processing "javax / management / j2ee / listenerRegistration .class ": Ill- Do not build core libraries when using advice or misuse of a main category (Java. * Or javax. *) It is usually un In Ane is by including core library file in the project of your application when using the IDE (such as Eclipse). If you are sure that you are not deliberately defining a core class, then it is most likely what is happening. However, you can actually try to define a square in a core namespace, for example, from a non-Android virtual machine project, the source you may have taken it will not be the most trusted. At a minimum, it puts your app's compatibility at risk with future versions of the platform. It is also often of suspicious validity if you really intend to build the main library - wh...

c - How to handle an invalid/garbage value while trying to use popen function that returns a permission denied -

I am trying to write a program that will look for user-owned files. After that, print out the output to earn it to peer or some other program. The problem occurs when I enter the directory as / , most initial search will be denied with permission. But it seems that a zero / trash or some variable is assigned, although it indicates that the codes are returned to the denial of permission: static structure {char file_owned [8192] [1024]; }Information; Zero get_file_owned (four * username) {FILE * stream3; Extern file * popen (); Four commands [1024]; Four buff [1024]; Int i; Sprintf (command, "find / -use% s -ls", user name); If (! (Stream 3 = popen ("command", "r"))) {exit (1); } i = 0; While (fgets (fond, size (fond), section 3) = null) {sprintf (info.file_owned [i], "% s", buff); // It prints in some file_modified but now I know what is i ++; } Paclose (stream 3); Return; } Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {static char * username; Int i;...

javascript - Image hide and show not working -

I'm using it for zoom and pan image. I have successfully applied my project for an image, now I want (& lt ;; & gt; coral), so that I can use it for multiple images. When I add related parts to my custom.js then it does not work properly. I have two screen sizes that will clear the picture This is the first case and after clicking on the Coronal button right I can only see the background but not the necessary image I am not able to understand what I am missing, this Html part i & lt; div class = "image-display" id = "displayplan4" style = "width: 70%; height: 120%; left: 39%; top: 10%; position: full; display: none; " & Gt; & Lt; Img src = "picture / features.jpg" style = "width: 150%; height: 130%; left: -60%; top: -20%; position: full; overflow: auto; z-index: 1; "& Gt; & Lt; div style = "width: 150%; height: 130%; left: -60%; top: -20%; position: full; background: RGBA (255,25...

How to move from one fragment to another fragment on click of a ImageView in Android? -

I have an image view. I want to move one piece from one piece to another with one click of the imageview Just as we can move from one activity to another. intent = new intent (main activity; this, SecondActivity.class); startActivity (i); How can I do this? Can anyone explain me step by step? My codes are as follows: mycontacts.class public squares expansion of my contacts fragment {public micrank () {} @ Override Public View Creatives (LayoutInflator Inflator, View Group Container, Bundle Saved InstantState) {Final View v = Super. Gateview (position, convertview, parent); ImageView Purple = (ImageView) v.findViewById (; Purple.setOnClickListener (New OnClickListener) {@Override Click Public Zero (see V) {// TODO Auto-Generated Method Stub / How to Break Work From Here}}}); Return view; }} taskss.class extends the fragment of public square works {public work () {} @ View override public view view (Layout Inflighter Inflator, View Group Container...

Download and rename file from Server using php script -

I am storing all my files like "8asd98asd9as7d98asd9.file" and the "real" file name is a mysql-database : Retrieving the id from (INt) AI PK, PathOnServer does not tap text, the realfilm name is VARCHAR (200). I need a script which allows me to access files like "" which downloads the file and converts it to "actual filename" . How can this be done? I believe this code will do a trick for you that you are seeing & lt ;? Php if (! Is_numeric ($ _GET ['id'])) {// we validate the parameter echo 'wrong parameter'; Go out(); } $ ODb = new mysqli ("ip", "user", "pass", "database name"); // If connecting to database ($ oDb-> connect_errno) {// check 'error' for an error; Go out(); } $ OResult = $ oDb-> Query ('SELECT' pathOnServer`, `realFilename` FROM --tablename-- WHERE id = '. (Int) $ _GET [' id '].' LIMIT 1 ...

Execute mysql Querys with jQuery/Ajax and PHP? -

I have PHP scripts that list all the applications from a Databse in an HTML table. In my line, I must accept two buttons and reject it to accept the acceptance of the ID to set the status to "accept". Due to the same it should update the status in the mysql database At this time my script: echo . $ Line-> ID '& lt; / TD & gt; '; Echo '& lt; Td> . $ Line-> Name '& lt; / TD & gt; '; Echo '& lt; Td> . $ Line-> Age '& Lt; / TD & gt; '; Echo '& lt; Td> . $ Line-> Mail '& lt; / TD & gt; '; Echo '& lt; Td> . $ Line-> KD '& Lt; / TD & gt; '; Echo '& lt; Td> . $ Line-> Steam '& Lt; / TD & gt; '; Echo '& lt; Td> . $ Line-> Spiel '& Lt; / TD & gt; '; Echo '& lt; Td> . $ Line-> Status' & lt; / TD & gt; '; Echo & lt; / Tr & gt; '; } Echo ...

gruntjs - Testing JavaScript using grunt -

I will run tests against javascript files via the Kiosk framework. Just need a simple example, do so, there are dependencies of the target file ( /test/filename.js ) on another file. Actually you have to use a rash execution command. Here is the explanation: In simple words, what you should do for this specific requirement: module.exports = function (grunt) { Grunt.initConfig ({execute: {simple_target: {// execute javascript files in a node child_process src: ['filename.js']}}}) Grunt.loadNpmTasks ('grunt-execute'); Grunt.registerTask ('Default', ['Executed']); } "Blanket": "~ 0.4.4", "blanket-execution": "~ 0.1.5" and also, Code> should be included in the package. Jason, then just install NPM

html5 - Safari CSS rule vh-units? -

Does anyone know that there is a fix for the Safari VH rule? #what {min-height: 70vh; } In all browsers, work fine, but this is not recognized only in Safari? There is a fix for Safari, can we use the VH rule in CSS? Instead of using VW / VH, rim with this javascript "run code snippet" creates confusion By doing zooming, its window size changes. To test it, just copy this code into some HTML file and run it in Safari and other browsers (or see "full page"). & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script language = "javascript" type = "text / javascript" & gt; (Function (doc, win) {var docEl = doc.documentElement, recalc = function () {var clientWidth = docEl.clientWidth; if (! ClientWidth) return; = clientWidth + 'px'; .display = "none"; docEl.clientWidth; // Force Relay - is required for new Android devices = ""...

making phone call from DialogBox in Android -

I have a dialog box with 2 buttons. If we click on the + ve button, it tries to open the dialing pad; And if we click on the button, it closes the dialog when I click on the + ve button, it shows a zero exception if the same code is executed without the dialog box, then it is fine. Here's my code: callDialog.setPositiveButton ("Call Now", New Android. Dialogue Interface. OnClickListener () {@Override Click Public Zero ( DialogInterface dialogue, int) {intial dial = new intent (); dial .set action ("android.intent.action.DIAL"), {dial.Setdata (Uri. Telephone: 9951037343); initial activity (dial); } Catch (Exception e) {Log. ("Calling", "" + E. Message ());}}} I use & lt; Permission is permitted as Android: n Ame = "android.permission.CALL_PHONE" /> Try it out. intent to call = new intent (int. Action_dial); call.setData (Uri.parse ("telephone: phononumber"); initialization (call);

utf 8 - Add Unicode Meta tag to XPages for Polish Characters -

I need to support different languages ​​in xpages. I have been advised that there are special characters in Polish language which Unicode characters are part of the set. & lt; Meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charset = utf-8" I need to add the following to support Polish / & gt; My question is, if it is safe to add this meta tag to my expex without breaking my expection while using other languages ​​or does this meta tag use only the Polish language Time should be applied? It should be safe to add I have an application that supports multi-languages And it uses UTF-8 The easiest way to add this meta tag is to set it in XSP properties on the Page Generation tab. Just change from server default to utf-8:

javascript - How to remove a DOM element or select from a $(this).html() in jQuery? -

I am trying to get the carat within an HTML element, either ?? ² (▲) and â ?? ▼). So I have used it (it is within a separate function console.log ($ (this.html ())) Returns: Phone One? ² Now if I want to completely interrupt this HTML element, how do I do it? In addition to this, if I want to select actual carat for comparison How can I do this? Update : Answer more and more How do I select the carat from HTML: console log ($ ('# sort-caret', this) .html ()); returns: undefined To remove the domain element and just get the text: var s = 'phone & lt; span id = "sort-caret" & gt; Ã? ² & lt ; / span> 'var var / r & lt; / / 1 & gt; / console.log (s.replace (r, "")); To get span lessons in the current context, use it: $ (this) .find ('span'). Html ()

android - Can anyone help for getting response by entering username and password? -

I click on I have fulfilled all the assumptions of username and password but I do not know how I can use JSON RESTFUL in this code. So plz helps me solve this problem. import; Importroid.os.Bundle; Import android.widget.Button; Import android.widget.EditText; Public classroom increases main activity activity {Private Static Last String SERVICE_URI = ""; Public editing text, edittext_username, edittext_password; Button button_submit; @ Override Protected Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super. NET (Saved Instantstate); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); Edittext_password = (edit text) findViewById (; Find Edittext_username = (EditText) ViewById (; Button_submit = (button) FindById (; Button_submit.setOnClickListener (New OnClickListener) {@Override Public Zero Click on (see ARG0) {// TODO a...

Android using typeface -

I'm trying to use custom font in my app but I'm getting an error. My code is: typeface myTypeface = Typeface.createFromAsset (getAssets (), "fonts / oxygen_regular .ttf"); TextView texto_titulo = (TextView) findViewById (RID Ref_articulo); texto_titulo.setTypeface (myTypeface); I have a font in the font folder in the property folder. I do not know what's happening, I'm doing this in ActionBarActivity: "The basic type can not be made quite "Does anyone know the solution? thank you in advanced. Your code is: "fonts Including extanton. If the original font name is: Oxygen_Regular TTF or Oxygen_Agular.TTF inside your font property folder, your code will give oxygen_regular.text error. OK in the same way It is necessary that you Writes Ram.

sql - Join over substring across tables in MSSQL -

I have a table that contains a column URL and another table with a substrings from that table Table 1 id | URL ---------- 1 ... \ aaa_common \ 2 ... \ aaa_qa .. 3 ... \ aaa_test \ Analytics Table 2 some id | Compname ----------------- 1 aaa_common 2 aaa_qa 3 aaa_test It is possible to use the use of string functions (charindex and substrings). But is that an easy choice? You can use this, but it will be a bit of a performance hit. From table_1 t1 inner join table_2 to t1.url like contact ('%', t2.compname, '%') T2 to Select

cmd - Finding files with a certain pattern in the filenames -

I just want to find patterns in filenames not in filenames. For content, I can use the findstr but I want to find the filename for the pattern. from the directory on which you want to start the search: Dir / s * substring *. * This will search through all the subdirectories (due to the '/ S' option), starting now, 'substrings' string and all files with an arbitrary extension searching for. Of course this is an example; You can enter * substring *. * can be replaced with any other regex.

terminal - How can I list unique characters used in a text file using linux command line tools? -

I would like to list a set of characters described in the text file using the Linux command line tool. How can I achieve this ? uniq utility works only on lines. I od od- Using cvAnone -w1 , it shows letters \ escapes other for non-displayable Example: Therefore, to list Unix: od-cvAnone -w1 | Sort -bu or to create the top 20 histogram: od-cvAnone -w1 | Sort-b UNIK-C | Sort-RN | Head N-20 See this

c# - How to pass DateTime parameter in SQL query for Oracle DB -

I want to include some 'timestamp' fields in the SQL query WHERE clause: In my code the created prefix parameter is defined in the following way ... command. Parameter. Add (": Built-in Project", Miscellaneous. ConvertoOurachtimestamp (built-in property); ... static class diversified {public static OracleTimeStamp convertor oretimestamp (date time date time) {OracleTimeStamp results = new OracleTimeStamp (datetime); Return result; }} And as a result, I get the following exception Exception: Additional information: ORA-00932: Incompatible datatype: Expected TIMESTAMP found NUMBER Can you please tell me, how to pass a datetime in SQL query for OKACKAL DB? PS What I have tried: - I have created an Oracle parameter with attributes OracleParameter Para = New OracleParameter (); Paragraph Parameter name = ": built prap"; Paragraph Direction = System.Data.Pameter Direction.Input; Paragraph Oracleb type = Oraclebetype Timestamp; Paragra...

Twitter UserStream auto update with https -

I am currently connected to the Twitter User Stream API but it seems that I have my production environment (https) Works on the platform server. Some of the information that I personally checked by myself: - 2 environments are on the same server, so this can not be IP block - a code issue would be possible, but it is unlikely because it is staging Works on, but not on production - NGNX is configured correctly, because it works before https The only thing I can think is that Twitter is blocked Our https connection , We reached a Twitter cap or Twitter is having problems streaming to HTPS. Is there anyone who can help me before or with this? It seems that it was due to twitter that was connected to the website from an internal (badly Documented) puts the border into its userstream service. (I think this connection limit is around 20 to 30 connections). The solution I now use now selects every 90 seconds in each of my APIs.

mysql - What can I use if I want't to display a top 10 list of records -

I have a room booking system, where users can select a room, and then for that room Times can book I do not want to extend my system a little bit, with the option of the top 10 list of the most booked rooms. You can view your database, and this is a foreign key here: I know that I have all my bookings on which 2FX room_id is: SELECT COUNT (*) from 'booking 'Where `cell_id` = 2 but what I want to achieve, something like this will appear in the list: cell 1 = 84 Booking Room 2 = 70 Reservation Room 3 = 54 Booking etc. Can someone point me in the right direction? select COUNT (*) as bCount, by Room_ID `Bookings` group Book LIMIT 10 by the room_id order

Updating pointer address in function, when passed as an argument. [ passing pointer as reference in C] -

Concept: Pointer passing by context is trying to get: update indicator address from function To achieve, when passed as an argument. int main (zero) {uint8_t unArray [10] = {0}; // unint8_t type unsigned four UIint8_t * pmyPtr as DIF; PmyPtr = unArray; Function (pmyPtr); * PmyPtr = someValue3; } Zero fun (uint8_t * unPtr) {* unPtr = someValue1; UnPtr ++; * UnPtr = someValue2; UnPtr ++; } Suppose we have an Aeera address as 0x0001000. Therefore pmyprtr will be 0x0001000 because it is assigned a constant indicator. When the function function is passed then indexing of some array (the first two) is updated by DE-referenced. When I return to main after function addition, I am trying to update the third index. How can this be achieved. I have a hip that can be easy to de-referencing. You're right. An indicator for pointer is a simple solution. In C ++ it can be hidden in form of context. main () {uint8_t unArray [10] = {0}; // Unint8_t type unsigned four UIint8_t...

css - Bootstrap responsive sidebar logo rendering on small devices -

I try to apply responsive sidebar menus with Bootstrap3 but I have problems rendering properly for small devices The markup looks like & lt; div id = "sidebar" class = "col-md-3" & gt; // If instead of displaying this logo desktop & lt; A class = "logo_big" href = "& lt; php bloginfo ('url')? & Gt; /" title = "& gt; php bloginfo ('name')? & Gt;" rel = "homepage" & Gt; & Lt; Img class = "img-responsive" src = "& lt ;? php echo get_template_directory_uri () ;? & gt; /library/images/logo.jpg" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; div class = "sidebar-nav" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "navbar navbar-default" role = "navigation" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "navbar-header" & gt; & Lt; Button type = "button" class = "navbar-toggle" data-toggle = "collapse" ...

android - how to get email of dropbox account during login process? -

मैंने "dropbox-android-sdk-1.6.1.jar" का उपयोग किया और ईमेल प्राप्त करने का प्रयास किया: AndroidAuth सत्र सत्र = बिल्ड सत्र (); मापी = नया ड्रॉपबॉक्स एपीआई & lt; AndroidAuth सत्र & gt; (सत्र); । MApi.getSession () startOAuth2Authentication (myactivity.this); हालांकि, मैं केवल प्रदर्शन नाम वापस कर सकता हूं: स्ट्रिंग ईमेल = mApi.accountInfo ()। DisplayName.toString (); ड्रॉपबॉक्स एपीआई के साथ प्रमाणन करने के लिए मैं ईमेल उपयोगकर्ता कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? मैं किसी भी उत्तर की सराहना करता हूं धन्यवाद मैं JSONObject प्राप्त करने के लिए प्रतिबिंब का उपयोग करता हूं जिसमें ईमेल जानकारी होती है सार्वजनिक स्थिर JSONObject getJson (DbxAccountInfo जानकारी) {क्लास & lt;? & Gt; accountClass; क्षेत्र rawJson = नल; कोशिश {accountClass = Class.forName (info.getClass ()। getName ()); RawJson = accountClass.getDeclaredField ("कच्चे जेसन"); } पकड़ (क्लासनोटफाउंड एक्सेप्शन ई 1) {लॉग डी। ("माइलॉग्स", ई 1.getMessage () + "अपवाद... - Run duplicate IIS websites on same database -

I need some guidance in the "best practice" for the following scenario: I have a product that has an ASP.NET Website and native smartphone app for android / ios / wp that use website urls to call web pages. We want to transfer the website from "" to a subdomain like "" This means that we need to update The app is going to point to the new URL which is not a problem. But as we all know, not all users update their app instantly, so we want a "cross over period", where we operate a website on both URLs. This will use the same database, but the ASP.NET site code will be slightly altered to the new subdomain site. Is there any problem in crossing this kind, where 2 ASP.NET sites share the same database? (All IDs in DD have been automatically increased, or GUIDs) Any help, suggestions or concerns are greatly appreciated I have no problem using the separate service URL for the existing Mobile Ap...

r - Converting character to Date -

I have a vector with dates in the following format: dates & lt; - c ("01AUG2006", "01DEC2006", "01JC2006", "01JUN2006", "01MAY2007") To convert this vector to something in a class, Date , I wrote this function: convert2Date & lt; - Function (x) {Required (car) D & lt; - substr (x, 0,2) m.text & lt; - substr (x, 3,5) m & lt; - Record (Mtext, "'Jane' = 1; 'FB' = 2; 'MAR' = 3; 'APR' = 4; 'May' = 5; 'Jun' = 6; 'Jul' = 7; 'AuG' = 8; 'SEP' = 9; 'OCT' = 10; 'Novi' = 11; 'DEC' = 12 ") Y & LT; - substrate (x, 69) out & lt; - Date (code (D, M, Y, Sep = "/"), "% d /% m /% Y" outside} test & lt; - Convert 2 dated (date) [1] "2006-08-01" "2006-12-01" "2006-06-01" "2007 -05- 01 "class (test) [1]" date " This works, but it...

ios - curious about NSURLCache -

the cache, such as NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy , NSURLRequestReturnCacheDataElseLoad , however, or one of them after reading them you are using the local cache data, or use the cash, my question , So that I want to start requesting a URL, before I want to load the cache and render ui, then negotiate with the server new Grab the final data and ui, which policy Continue to my liking refreshing? If I want to achieve the right understanding of what you quickly cache show (UI data obtained even if it is outdated, so existing data even get it slow), then you have two requests using different cache policies I request another start, only when the first one finished First, check the result of first request, because first Ta may not be available in the cache, so the first request will be first come back to the uncached data that you wanted.

c++ - Emit signal from non-member static function -

I tried to use QThread for the first time and I used to emit signals from non-member I want to have constant function My DataReceiver.h file:. #ifndef DATARECEIVER_H #define DATARECEIVER_H # Include & lt; QObject & gt; #include "vrpn_Analog.h" Class DataReceiver: Public QObject {Q_OBJECT Public: DatareEcever (); Public slots: zero checks (); Signal: zero blink (); }; Zero VRPN_CALLBACK hand_anolog (zero * userdata, const vrpn_ANALOGCB A); #endif // DATARECEIVER_H My DataReceiver.cpp file: #include "datareceiver.h" #include "vrpn_Analog ". H "DetectorIcever :: DatareEcever () {} Zero Dataraisever :: Check () {bool running = true; / * VRPN Analog Object * / vrpn_Analog_Remote * VRPNAnalog; / * Binding for VRPN analog for a callback * / VRPN LogLog = New VRPN_Annog_remote ("OpenVee_BriPN_Anlog @LocalHost"); VRPNAnLog-> Register_Change_Handler (NULL, HandelNellogg); / * The main loop of the program, each VRPN obje...

javascript - Return a Q Promise from an API Properly -

I am developing an API that will give me the promise back. The promise of return is made up of many other promises, so I am using Q.Al and / or Q.Letset. The problem I am running in is that this code is never completed (see test). I hope that the addUsers should be able to call / fail / etc on whatever is coming back, which is a Q.all or Q.allSettlted API : 'strict experiment'; Var q = Required ('q'), demand = = (Required), user = requires ('../model/user'), _ = ('underscore') ; Var addUsers = function (user) {var prompts __map (user, function) (user new user); var prom ); Returns Q.allSettled (promises); }; Module.exports.addUsers = addUsers; Test: 'strict experiment'; Var kraken = require ('kraken-js'), express = required ('express'), request = requires ('superstest'), required ('tea'). Should (), userApi = require ('.. / lib / userApi'), user = required ('../model/user'); Describ...

.htaccess - htaccess and regex - handling domain in url -

Imagine in my website I want to show some analytic about domain, the URL of the work that I need: As you see in the URL above, this google .com in order to process a variable and given variables, it has passed it to another page, which is exactly what I want To find such a variable, here is my regague: / ^ [A-zA-Z \ d] + (?: -? [ A-zA-z \ d]) + \. [A-zA-Z] + $ / The above RegEx is simple and it accepts everything: , so my . In the htaccess file I have: RewriteRule ^ [A-zA-Z \ d] + (?: - [[a-zA-Z \ d]) + \ . [A-zA-Z] + $ Module / Page / page.php? Domain = $ 1 The above rule tries to redirect each domain to page.php , but this is the domain Not passing as variable ... I tried to keep (. *) $ in the end, but it is not working .... How can I get it? Thanks Change your rewrite rule to: RewriteRule (^ [A-zA-Z \ d + + (?: - [[a-zA-Z \ d]) + \. [A-zA-Z] + $) Module / page / page.php? Domain = $ 1 [L...

php - ATK4 Autocomplete issue -

I'm new at ATK 4. I am trying to implement an autocomplete field, but when I try to define the field, I only had one error I was running on Mac with ATK 4 of last version (4.2.4) I am All other functions (field types) work well, but when I define a type of autocomplete, I get the same error, for example I saw: In this case I have been defined as a model: class Model_Agenda Model_Table increases {public $ entity_code = 'agenda'; Function init () {origin: init (); $ This- & gt; AddField ('Date'); $ This- & gt; AddField ('time'); $ This- & gt; AddField ('DRIVERID'); $ This- & gt; AddField ('STUDENTID'); $ This- & gt; HasOne ('STUDENTID') - & gt; Display (array ('form' = & gt; 'autocomplete / basic')); }} and then on my page: $ form = $ this-> Add ('form'); $ Form & gt; AddField ('ReadOnly', 'Date') - & gt; Set ($ _ [['date']); $ Form ...

php - How can I make sure my button stays even after it has reset the page -

मेरे पास निम्न है: $ अनुमति_रेफ़ेर = array ("https: // localhost /**blah.php** "); // इस सरणी $ referal = $ _SERVER ['HTTP_REFERER'] में अनुमत साइटों को जोड़ें; यदि (in_array ($ referal, $ allow_referer)) {// do-stuff} इसलिए यदि पृष्ठ blah.php से आ रहा है तो सहेजें बटन है सबमिट करने के बजाय सबमिट करने की अनुमति दी गई मैंने इसे सेट अप किया है जहां बचत बटन डेटाबेस को अपडेट करता है और डेटाबेस में सबमिट बटन सम्मिलित होता है। & lt?? php if (! in_array ($ referal, $ अनुमति_रेफ़र)) {? & gt; & Lt; बटन प्रकार = "सबमिट करें" नाम = "सबमिट करें" मान = "सबमिट-नया" & gt; & Lt; / बटन & gt; सबमिट करें & Lt;? Php} और {? & Gt; & Lt; बटन प्रकार = "सबमिट करें" नाम = "सबमिट करें" value = "save-new" & gt; सहेजें & lt; / बटन & gt; & Lt;? Php}? & Gt; मैं कैसे सुनिश्चित कर सकता हूं कि सहेजें बटन को सहेजने पर क्लिक करने के बाद भी रहता है। उदाहरण के लिए, कह सकते ...

regex - mysql stored procedure regexp -

I try to check my authentication with a regexp but there is always an error BEGIN declared closelyn varchar (255); If POST_FARMS is zero, set the closolin = 1; Otherwise if POST_FARMS REGEXP '^ [1- 9]' then set the closolin = 2; ELSE set closolar = 3; end if; Select clogolin; END Please study this link thoroughly: If the syntax - If search is a statement then the list [ ELSEIF search_condition then statement_list] ... a [ELSE statement_list] / END if And then please compare the above syntax with your code: ELSE if is a POST_FARMS REGEXP ^ ^ [1 - 9] 'THEN

java - Google Drive API List Files bug and Web Link bug -

I have an Android phone app prototype that can be used to sync the database sitting in the phone using the Google Phone Public Web Link feature Has been an XML file for For the past 3 weeks now, two important issues have emerged that according to the stability, I will list them and you will be able to tell people of your temporary patch to solve it. (1) Around the time of March 27, 2014, when the Java API, the number of items per page and the exponential back-off in the query again in case of failures with the exponential back-off in max, as It has been seen here: for some test sites, but not all (most Canadians did not have an impact on sites, and very few U.S. sites were unaffected by the south near NYC), resulting in 500 internal server error E In addition to more than one patch, among other things, was to slow the rate of inquiries per user per minute, and up went the set API Console query rate has been raised 10 times. All this has not been of any use. The final patch ...

paypal - PHP and NVP (Name-Value Pair) lists? -

Work a little with PayPal and stumbled upon the NVP response. I used to work as a response format with JSON and XML. But why has not the NAVP worked with "simplified" format why they are using JSON / XML instead of other NSPs? A list might look something like this. ITEM (0) .name What is a good way to work with NVP in PP? Hope someone can explain professionals with JSW and XML with NVP and PHP has a way of working with NVP. How to repeat through a list. You can use PHP function. It parses a string like this in a PHP array such as user = test and password = 123 : Array ([user] => test [password] => 123)

Android : when i put 'addView(..) inside a forloop i got error..Here we go -

यहां कोड का नमूना: टेबल लेआउट ll = (टेबल लेआउट) findViewById ( .dyn_lyr); रैखिक लेआउट के साथ भी ऐसा ही है // लाइनरलेआउट लो = (रैखिक लयआउट) ढूंढिए वीवीबीआईआईडी (आर.डिडिन)।; TextView tv1 = (TextView) findViewById (; tv1.setText ( "SomeTextGoesHere"); के लिए (इंट आई = 1; आई & lt; = 5; i ++) {ll.addView (tv1); } LinearLayout / Table ScrollView में है! आप TextView को डायनेमिक रूप से बनाएं और इसमें जोड़ें ... के लिए (int i = 1; i & lt; = 5; i ++) {टेक्स्टव्यू टीवी 1 = नया टेक्स्टव्यू (getApplicationContext ()); tv1.setText ( "SomeTextGoesHere"); ll.addView (TV1); }

php - Should i obscure database primary keys (id's) in application front end -

I am working on an application that allows a moderator to edit user information. Therefore, at the moment, I have a URL like I'm a little worried here, because I am exposing the user table primary key (ID) directly from the database. I take URLs (eg: 1 and 2 urls) from URL, ask for databases with ID and get user information (of course, I encrypt the iPad ID from the URL). Please note that I am validating every request to check that the moderator has access to edit that user I am doing this. is it safe? If not, how can I do it? I can think of an option i.e. is a separate column for users with a key of 25 characters and use the keys in the URL and query data with those keys But, What does it matter? (Since the key is now exposed) Inquiries by the primary key yield faster than other columns It is safe (and it seems to be the best way to do this) Unless the validity of admin rights is correct and you...

javascript - How can I have mocha reporter for protractor? -

I am using the protractor (0.22.0) to test my app. Is it possible to be a stereo-style reporter instead of the original jasmine? This crurality looks like this: (.... f ...) And I'm liking something else: Testing my tests 1 My test 1-1 My test 1-2 My set of tests 2 My test 2-1 My test 2-2 View the response here: I am using this module and it works perfectly:.

IS there any way to open our app in android when anyone unlocks the screen -

I want to open my app every time my user opens the home screen. Please help me This app is for my personal use so any help would be great thanks Register your application Get the intent of SCREEN_ON by entering a receiver in your manifest: & lt; Receiver Android: name = ". ReceiverScreenUnlocked" & gt; & Lt; Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; Action Android: name = "android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON" /> & Lt; / Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; / Receiver & gt; & Lt; / Application & gt; Write the receiver category to unlock the screen and to get the intent to run the desired activity: public Class receiver expands the unblock broadcast receiver screen {@ override public resumption at zero (reference reference, intention intent) {intent i = new intent (); I.setClassName ("com.test", "com.test.MainActivity"); I.setFlags (Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); Context.startActivity (i); }} *

ios - how to place a UIViewController in another UIViewController through nib in xcode -

मैंने एक DetailViewController , UIViewController से प्राप्त किया है। अब मैं इस DetailViewController को एक और InfoViewController के लेआउट का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं। मुझे addSubView विधि का उपयोग करके ऐसा करने का एक तरीका मिला लेकिन जो मैं देख रहा हूं वह इसे nib फ़ाइल के माध्यम से अन्य UIView s जैसे साजिश करना है मैं nib फ़ाइल के माध्यम से DetailViewContoller अंदर InfoViewController लेआउट प्लॉट करना चाहता हूं। क्या यह संभव है? कोई भी प्रतिक्रिया आभारी होगी। हां यह संभव है .. पहले DetailViewController.xib में देखने के लिए संदर्भित आउटलेट निकाल दें। और InfoViewController.xib खींचें ऑब्जेक्ट में और DetailViewController के लिए कस्टम वर्ग को संपादित करें। अब InfoViewController.xib में ड्रैग-ड्रॉप व्यू और जो कुछ भी आप चाहते हैं उसे जोड़ें। अब विस्तार दृश्यविशेषताएं जो कि ऑब्जेक्ट के अंतर्गत है, के लिए नया दृश्य संदर्भ आउटलेट जोड़ें। आशा है कि इससे आपकी मदद मिलेगी।

C++ Class Template Issue -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 13 उत्तर 6 जवाब मुझे अपने कार्यक्रम में एक त्रुटि मिलती है, जिसमें "अनसुलझी बाहरी प्रतीक" कहा जाता है, मैंने सब कुछ जानने की कोशिश की, लेकिन मुझे इसका समाधान नहीं हो सका। क्लास टेम्प्लेट का इस्तेमाल करने के बाद मुझे यह त्रुटि मिलनी शुरू हुई। यहां फाइलहैंडलर वर्ग हैडर है: - #include & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; iostream & gt; #include "test.h" #include & lt; iomanip & gt; #include "Administrator.h" #ifndef FileHandler_h #define नामांकन फ़ाइल का उपयोग करके FileHandler_h; टेम्पलेट & lt; कक्षा T & gt; क्लास फ़ाइलहैंडलर {सार्वजनिक: स्ट्रिंग लेखनटोफाइल (टी लिखने वाला ऑब्जेक्ट); सार्वजनिक: FileHandler (); }; #endif फ़ाइल हैंडलर कक्षा कार्यान्वयन टेम्पलेट & lt; class T & gt; FileHandler & lt; T & gt; :: FileHandler () {} टेम्पलेट & lt; कक्षा T & gt; स्ट्रिंग फाईलहाण्डलर & lt; T & gt; :: writeToFile (टी लिखना वस्तु) {ofstream ou...

ember.js - How to document an Ember App? -

Am I using YUIdoc and something else? Can anyone tell me how to properly document a scene in a model, a controller, a mixer and amber? For example, I am trying to document this: App.newModel = DS.Model.extend ({someProperty: DS.attr ('string') }); App.myController = Ember.Controller.extend ({someProperty: ...}); App.myMixin = Ember.Mixin.create ({someProperty: ...}); Edit Now I am using YUIdoc instead of jsdoc3 Because you are using JSDoc for AMR applications, JSDoc is not a parse code and not just comments. Amber uses its own class-like syntax, so JSDoC will not be able to recognize a lot of code. I use personally, which uses the Amber team (YUIDoc allows you to import other documents to resolve external references like DS.Model ). There are some comparisons, and you provide a difference chart that shows which equipment parses comments instead of source code. In addition, I know that I am not answering your specific question. But it should help answer the...

c++ - STL remove first element that matches a predicate from a vector -

What is an effective way of erasing the first element in a vector that matches any prediction? I am storing unique values ​​in a vector, so I do not want algorithms to find the entire container. Currently I am: if ((it automatically = std :: find_if (container.bizin), container.and (), [] ( Type & amp; Elem) {return elem == value;}) = container.end ())) {container.erase (this); } Thanks, already. Only a minor improvement: container.range (std: : Remove (container.begin (), container.ed (), value), container.and ()); If you want to use an unary predicate my_predicate : container.erase (std :: removal_if (container) Start (), container.and (), my_predicate), container.and ()); This is exactly the same performance characteristics (find + erasing all elements will also touch all the elements), but special cases ( ! = Container.end () ) because it is based. If you do not care to keep the vector constant (or sorted!), Then you swap to back () and pop_...

silverlight - How to strech items in itemcontrol -

So I'm trying to do some things in objects so that horizontally spread and when you look at the following code, So you can see that I am very disappointed I simplified my code and added some colors to better see what control starts and ends, where ... items are equally spaced across horizontal There is a possibility of spreading and filling? & lt; Grid Background = "Red" Horizontal Alignment = "Statch" Vertical Element = "Stretch" & gt; & Lt; Grid.ColumnDefinitions & gt; & Lt; Column width = "*" /> & Lt; /Grid.ColumnDefinitions> & Lt; ItemControl x: Name = "horizontal lightbox" background = "blue" horizontal alignment = "statchch" horizontal content alignment = "stretch" & gt; & Lt; ItemsControl.Items & gt; & Lt; System: Int32 & gt; 4 & lt; / System: Int32 & gt; & Lt; System: Int32 & gt; 4 & lt; / System: Int32 & gt; ...

Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors using MATLAB -

I'm having problems finding the eigenvalues ​​and eigenvectors using the command in MATLAB. My lecturer did not want us to use eig instead he asked us to use Nulsspace, but when I run my order, the output is an empty matrix. This code is: A = 'C: \ documents and settings \ user \ desktop \ testproject.jpg'; B = blank (A, 'jpg'); C = RGB 2g (B); Imshow (c); D = IM 2 double (C); F = Transfer (D); G = F * D; H = poly (g); R = Roots (H); M = Null (R) The purpose of this code is to find SVD, so to find singular values ​​and matrix u and v.

java - JavaFX window sizing -

My app looks different on the same OS This is Windows 7 rich interface: and Windows 7 Regular Interface: The only thing that annoys me is shaping up, it's 640x445 in FxML, but it's widespread in Windows 7. How can I avoid this? What is a way to do TextArea fullscreen or something else? You can use the following code when you start the phase to resize your size (I Believe you javafx-2?) // stage.setResizable (true); Screen screen = Screen.getPrimary (); Rectangle 2d border = screen.jetvisualband (); Stage.setX (bounds.getMinX ()); Stage.setY (bounds.getMinY ()); Stage.setWidth (bounds.getWidth ()); Stage.setHeight (bounds.getHeight ()); Or you can use fullscreen mode: stage.setFullScreen (true);

xslt - converting XML to CSV using xsltproc -

I have a lot of this kind of file: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Statistics & gt; & Lt; TP ID = "1P3" & gt; & Lt; Value & gt; & Lt; DATETIME & gt; 2014-04-30T10: 14: 00Z & lt; / DATETIME & gt; & Lt; EE & gt; 4.820 & lt; / E & gt; & Lt; Status & gt; 0 & lt; / Status & gt; & Lt; / Value & gt; & Lt; Value & gt; & Lt; DATETIME & gt; 2014-04-30T10: 29: 00Z & lt; / DATETIME & gt; & Lt; EE & gt; 4.825 & lt; / E & gt; & Lt; Status & gt; 0 & lt; / Status & gt; & Lt; / Value & gt; & Lt; Value & gt; & Lt; DATETIME & gt; 2014-04-30T10: 44: 00Z & lt; / DATETIME & gt; & Lt; EE & gt; 4.831 & lt; / E & gt; & Lt; Status & gt; 0 & lt; / Status & gt; & Lt; / Value & gt; & Lt; / T.P. & Gt; & Lt; TP ID = "4P2...

ios - How do I set a custom image on an map annotation? -

I want to set a custom image to SKAnnotation , but when I send the image path markers I set the image of the marker with the following code: Type: @ "png"]; Annotation.imageSize = 64; I use a default image: annotation.annotationType = SKAnnotationTypeGreen; Markers appear correctly How do I set a custom image on a map annotation? png-8 file format is not supported. Using the png-24 file works properly.

SQL Server Java query working in one table and not in another -

I have a Java code that connects to the SQL Server 2008 R2 database. I have two questions, which work fine in both MS SQL Server Management Studio, but only one of them works while executing with Java code. If the difference is only the questions that they use different tables, and two tables do not lie in the same database I all DBA, but as far as I can see, permissions for both tables are identical . What can be wrong in the tables, and how should I see the difference? Well, I edited the question to add details I've used the same Java code, just another change active SQL line with comments. My java code snippet: // string sql = "TOP TOP 10 * FROM [ipm_data]. [Dbo]. [Table1]"; // works correctly String SQL = "Select [IPM_data] from the top 10 *. [DBO]. [Table 2]"; // stmt = con.createStatement () does not work; Rs = stmt.executeQuery (SQL); And with a non-functional query in the command prompt: & gt; Java connect URL2

wpf - Building MSI Project and Overwriting with Newer Version -

I have a WPF application that I am creating an MSI file. The project has a majority of C # projects in a solution. My problem is that I'm just trying to overwrite an old project without running an MSI file and uninstalling the project. I am able to run a new MSI file without problems, but some DLLs are not overwritten with the new ones? How to configure projects This appears to be a duplicate post, for my comments View Post Brief answer: You should not really update this way because it is my opinion, but because you will go into problems if you keep doing this, increase the file version of any file that you want to change

php - array_unshift, force second value -

I am trying to create a table of contents in the .json for the interactive book. My output is to start with: {"url": "index.html", "hidden": true}, but its After that I want to add arrays, Array_unshift adds this value before and I would like to add the new arrays after that instead in other words index Html should be on top and I should be successful with the arrays generated with my script How do I do it? post.php & lt ;? Php // check if a form was submitted (empty! $ _POST)) {$ file = 'entries.json'; $ Json = file_get_contents ($ file); // json back to a php stdClass $ phpClass = json_decode ($ json); $ PostArray = Array ("url" = & gt; $ _POST ['url'], "title" = $ $ _POST ['title'], "thumb" = & gt; $ _POST ['thumb'], "binline "= & Gt; $ _POST ['Bineline']); // push new $ poster at the top of phpClass array_unshift ($ phpClass-> conte... how to handle textbox.onchange events -

I do not see any tutorials with text input on university. How can I add a text box surface to my app and how to handle onchange events It's a little hard to understand what you are going to do. But start with your first question. There is currently no an on-hander handler option, if you want it now, you can write the subclass of InputSurface. While overriding the deployment function, while still calling the InputSurface deployment function, we can add our functionality, without much messing! Here's a way you can add an on-line handler to the subclass of Inputsfus. Just remember that the Intersurfaces change again after the blurring. Good luck! var requires engine = ('famous / core / engine'); Var Surface = is required ('famous / core / surface'); Var Statmodififier = Required ('Famous / Modifier / State Modifier'); Var event handler = Required ('famous / core / event handler') var inputsfurfus = ('famous / surface / ...

java ee - Looking for Flag to disable Auth in JSF web.xml -

I am looking for a simple truth / flag flag in web.xml to enable or disable authentication in JSF. Status: I have a web The following is the code for Xml authentication: & lt; Login-config & gt; & Lt; Auth-Method & gt; $ {Test.auth} & lt; / Auth-method & gt; & Lt; Radius name & gt; File & lt; / Circle-name & gt; & Lt; / Login-config & gt; & Lt; Security-roles & gt; & Lt; Description & gt; Examiner & lt; / Description & gt; & Lt; Role Name & gt; Examiner & lt; / Role Name & gt; & Lt; / Safety-roles & gt; & Lt; Security-lock & gt; & Lt; Display-name & gt; Test server-access & lt; / Display-name & gt; & Lt; Web resource collection & gt; & Lt; Web resource name & gt; Test server-access & lt; / Web resource name & gt; & Lt; Description / & gt; & Lt; URL pattern & gt; / * & Lt; / URL pattern & gt; & Lt; / Web re...