
Showing posts from March, 2012

centos - Linux vnc port closed -

I have a VPS server on Santos and I have installed a vnc server through this tutorial: p> The server is running well but I can not connect it, I have scanned by nmap and I can not find port 5901 . I tried disabling iptables but I could not find anything! I have already added this line to the IP tables and save / resume it but it does not work! iptables -I INPUT 5 -m State --State New -M TCP-P TCP-M Multiport --ports 5901: 5903,6001: 6003-J ACCEPT Try this iptables rules 1) Connection rules are not secure 2) Secure and only your given IP Connect to address * Instead of "" with IP range 1) rule set iptables -i INPUT -p tcp - dport 5901 -J ACCEPT iptables -i INPUT -p TCP - port 6001-J ACCEPT 2) rule set iptables -i INPUT -p Tcp - dport 5901 -j Rejects iptables -i INPUT -p tcp - dport 6001 -j reject iptables -i INPUT - P TCP - Depot 5901 - 1982.18.10.0/24 - ACCEPT iptables -I INPUT -p TCP --Port 6001-S192.168.10.0/24 - ACCEPT

swing - Java Subtract lines -

Then I have a simple rectangle, which is drawn with lines drawn on the screen that runs under the sides is. So something looks like: this line is In fact, the entire line is going down completely from the top of the screen, it is only slightly cut off. But what I want to do, this 1 row is divided into two rows where it sometimes pierces the rectangle. So it will look like this: What I was thinking A line of rectangular was moving down on the left side (top-left top to bottom-left) and then to reduce that line to achieve two resulting lines. But Java does not have a line deduction function, so I'm a bit lost ... plus I think there is a better way. Any ideas? I will use Java-2D for this. import Java.awt *; Import java.awt.geom. *; Import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; Import javax.swing. *; Square rectangular framelline {public static buffard image mill image () {buffard image bi = new buffard image (600,200, buffard image .ipep_inderg); Graphics 2DGG = B.Arch...

c# - what is the event when a form show -

I have a few buttons such as btnInsertContact, btnInsertEmployemant, ... for MainForm ... For example when users click btnInsertContact, another form will be displayed that the user should enter their contact information in it. But the mainframe can not be closed. I want an event that closes with the user's contact form, then it is of happiness. With this code, the contact form will be shown, but the mainform should not be closed. Private Zero btnInsertContact_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {frmContact.ShowDialog (); } I want to update some information in the mainframe after closing the contact form. I tried the load event but this is not true because my main form did not stop I tried the event but it could not work, I do not know Why Which events do I want? If you want to get value from the contact form, then you should modify the controls for public // main form // first method private zeros btnInsertContact_Click (object sender, event erggs e) ...

c# - How to get the Dataset if there are null values in some of the fields -

डेटासेट डीएस = ast.GetUserLoginInfo (परम); अग्रगण (डीएसटीबल्स में डाटारोव डॉ। [0] .रो।) {यदि (डीएसटीबल्स.काउंट & gt; 0) {यदि (डीएसटीबल्स [0] .रोव.काउंट & gt; 0) {_userstate.ID = कन्वर्ट ToInt32 (ds.Tables [0] .Rows [0] [ "आईडी"]); _userstate.Name = Convert.ToString (ds.Tables [0] .Rows [0] ["नाम"])। ट्रिम (); _userstate.Email = Convert.ToString (डीएसटीबल्स [0] .Rows [0] ["ईमेल"]) .ट्रिम (); _userstate.Username = Convert.ToString (ds.Tables [0] .Rows [0] ["उपयोगकर्ता नाम"])। ट्रिम (); _userstate.GroupId = Convert.ToInt32 (डीएसटीबल्स [0] .रोव [0] ["ग्रुपआईड"]); _userstate.BranchId = Convert.ToInt32 (डीएसटीबल्स [0] .राओ [0] ["शाखा आईडी"]); _userstate.BranchId = Convert.ToInt32 (डीएसटीबल्स [0] .राओ [0] ["डिप्टीआईडी"]); _userstate.RoleId = Convert.ToInt32 (डीएसटीबल्स [0] .रोव [0] ["रोलआईड"]); _userstate.IsActive = Convert.ToBoolean (डीएसटीबल्स [0] .राओ [0] ["आईएक्टिव"]); _siteuser.UserStat...

c# - Getting buttons to change background color when left mouse button is down and you hover over them -

I have a grid of buttons, to change the color of the color when rotation is clicked through 3 colors Private Zero Button 11 9_MouseClick (Object Sender, MouseEventArgs E) {Control ctrl = ((sender)); Switch (ctrl.BackColor.Name) {case "Aquamarine": ctrl.BackColor = Color.Yellow; break; Case "Yellow": ctrl.BackColor = Color.CornflowerBlue; break; Case "Cornflower Blue": ctrl.BackColor = Color.Gainsboro; break; Default: ctrl.BackColor = Color.Aquamarine; break; } I need them that when I left the mouse click and rotated them, then I did the same. Thanks for any help. Use mouseHover events and controls. Musburutan Stable property I will do something like this: Private Zero button 11 9_MouseClick (Object Sender, MouseEventArgs E) {ChangeColor (as the sender's control); } Private Zero Button 11 9_MouseHover (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {If (Control.MouseButtons == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left) {ChangeColor (Sender as Control); }} P...

Which maven scope to use? -

El-api.jar is required to compile my project. At the same time, this library is provided by the Tomcat Container, when the web app is deployed. What should I do to successfully compile the project, but simultaneously - the API in my web-INF / Lib? Thank you. This is a classic usecake for the provided area. Provided This is very similar to a compilation, but indicates that you provide dependency on the JDK or container on runtime Expect to do. For example, when creating a web application for Java Enterprise Edition, you will determine the dependency on the serlet API and related Java EE API for the claim because the web container provides those sections. This scope is available only on the compilation and testing class, and is not infected.

How to use site template in sharepoint 2007 -

I have a site template called test1.stp. I am creating a new web application and when I am creating a site archive , Then she is not showing the option for 'custom tab' to select the template in the web application in SharePoint 2007. But this SharePoint is available in 2010 How to do this? Is this a template for 2007 or 2010? It seems that this is a template created from SharePoint 2010 site, so it will only work on 2010 site.

php - hierarchical ACl with inheritance and override -

I am providing a scenario below where I find it difficult to find out how to prepare DB structure for management May be. Any guidance and solutions will be useful We have domains in the top level, many groups can be created under each domain, so more than one user can belong to each group of domains. Are there. We have modules (e.g., frequently asked questions, products, etc.) and actions (add, edit, delete, view etc.). There are several actions in each module (such as Add_FAQ, Edit_FAQ, etc.). Case 1 We need to manage the permissions for these modules operations, users, domains, and permissions can be allowed on the users. If a domain is allowed to do something, then all groups and users are automatically allowed under it. Permissions can be overridden in contrast to what a group or user is given to his parents. For example, a domain X has 2 groups (grp1, grp2) and in each group the user has 2 user users 1_grp1, user2_grp1, user1_grp2, user2_grp2. Now X is allowed to remove ...

ios - UIScrollView contentSize change changes contentOffset -

I have seen many solutions here for this problem, but none of them works for me here some of my code : - (zero) table view: (UITableView *) tableview was done by SelectionRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath scrollOffset = scrollView.contentOffset; [ExtensionsviewReload Data]; // contentSize has now been changed [scrollView setContentOffset: scrollOffset animated: yes]; Even though I can see with the NSLog statement that the content offset is set correctly at this point, this content does not display according to the offset, it jumps elsewhere why this is happening And how can I fix it? to: Important: You should not embed UIWebView or UITableView objects in the UIScrollView object. If you do this, then unexpected behavior can be a result, because touch events can be mixed for two objects and can be handled incorrectly.

performance - Retrieving page weight programmatically in Selenium Framework -

I am trying to create utilities related to page display in selenium framework on .NET. For page display, I am considering page load time and page weight as the output, using the WebTiming API of the browser, I plan to calculate Page Timing Matrix I am making Is there a library that will help me get it? Or can Selenium be used for this use case? Does page weight mean all download resources size sizes or just one .html file? What should I do to calculate page weight? Yes, I think you want to use something that gives you all those statistics To one Will give through.

AngularJS stops working after ajax-updating it via JSF -

मेरे पास JSF + AngularJS फ़ॉर्म है: & lt; h: फ़ॉर्म आईडी = "FmMain1" एन्क्टीप = "मल्टीपार्ट / फॉर्म-डेटा" prependId = "false" & gt; & lt; p: कमांडबटन मान = "संपादित करें" कार्रवाई = "# {testBean.updateMode}" अद्यतन = "@ फॉर्म" प्रक्रिया = "@ फॉर्म" / & gt; & Lt; h: पैनल ग्रिड = "# {testBean.mode eq 'edit'}" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट एनजी-शो = "सच" प्रकार = "पाठ" एनजी-मॉडल = "कुछ समय पहले" / & gt; & Lt; h1 & gt; हैलो {{sometoad}} & lt; / h1 & gt; & Lt; / h: panelGrid & gt; & Lt; h: पैनल ग्रिड = "# {testBean.mode eq 'VIEW'}" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट एनजी-शो = "सच" प्रकार = "पाठ" एनजी-मॉडल = "कुछ समय पहले" / & gt; & Lt; h1 & gt; हैलो {{sometoad}} & lt; / h1 & gt; & Lt; / h: panelGrid & gt; & Lt; / h: प्रपत्र & gt; इस प्रबंधित बी...

Source code that read grub.conf while booting kernel -

I see the code that grub.conf reads, googled but not found. I understand what / bin / grub / stage2 grub.conf with the link given below, which is a binary file. Stage 2 Stage 2 to determine the way to load the code kernel Reads /boot/grub/grub.conf for. The step 2 code is stored in the / boot / grub / stage2 file: ls -al / boot / grub / stage2 -rw-r - r--. 1 root route 125976 28 June 2012 / boot / grub / stage2 Any idea where I can find it So, a bit that can make the source code a bit confusing, is that your disturbance is a basic example, now called "GRUB Legacy". For current development, and easily accessible source code, which is known as GRUB2, and now just go to GRUB (a version number> 2 = GRUB2) development versions of GRUB 1.9 * used to go. Therefore, I do not know that it is useful at all, but to use older versions of GRUB sources, you either have your distribution packaging system, or inside.

TFS in Visual Studio: Exclude specific branches from update -

I am using TFS source control within Visual Studio. We have lots of branches in it, which has a branch when I right click on the folder then select "Get latest version", all the branches are downloaded. How can I branch out from being updated? Each included branch looks tiresome manually. Thanks Conrad You can create a batch file containing the latest for all the required branches. See the command.

android - In xml VideoView and ScrollView issue -

I'm trying to do that top half screen with text, with scroll, but lower half screen video Shows one video in the scene. I want to scroll my text area but will not scroll down the button and video. But my code does not work. How can I do this? My code is below. & lt; Relative layout xmlns: android = "" android: layout_width = "fill_parent" Android: layout_height = "fill_parent" Android: orientation = "vertical" & gt; & Lt; RelativeLayout xmlns: Android = "" Android: layout_width = "fill_parent" Android: layout_height = "fill_parent" & gt; & Lt; Android: background = "@ android: color / black" Android: layout_alignParentBottom = "true" & gt; RelativeLayout Android: id = "@ + id / rel_btn_Check" android: layout_width = "fill_parent" Android: layout_height = ...

c++ - Interpreting color function and adjusting pixels values -

यहाँ परिभाषा है जिसे मैं शुद्ध स्रोत से पढ़ता हूं 1 है मिडटोन: अंधेरे टोन (ब्लैक), और प्रतिभाशाली टोन (श्वेत) के बीच स्थित। 24 बिट रंग की छवि के लिए, यह तब होता है जब लाल = ग्रीन = ब्लू = 128। और दूसरा द्वारा बनाए गए टन 30% और 70% कवरेज के बीच डॉट्स और मिडटोन भी रंगों की श्रेणी से संदर्भित करता है जो कि काले रंग के साथ मिश्रित नहीं होते हैं ( छाया) या सफेद (हाइलाइट्स)। ये परिभाषा से मुझे क्या मिला है कि पिक्सल जिसका मूल्य 0 या 255 हैं, उन्हें उन्हें 128 पर समायोजित करना चाहिए क्या मैं परिभाषा सही ले रहा हूँ? मैं हिस्टोग्राम समताकरण के तरीके का उपयोग नहीं करना चाहता हूं जैसा कि मेरे ज्ञान के मुताबिक यह छवि की चमक के लिए भी प्रयोग किया जाता है मैं नीचे की तरह कार्य करना चाहता हूं, जैसे कि मैं इस फ़ंक्शन को ओपनसीवी सी ++ लेकिन मुझे मिडटाउन और सीवाईएमके के मूल्यों से निपटने का विचार नहीं है क्योंकि इसके साथ ही आरजीबी और सीएमवाइके दोनों एक ही समय में हैं उदाहरण के लिए नमूना छवि उपरोक्त मानों को लागू करने के बाद मैं ओपनसीवी में ऐसा ही करना चाहता...

objective c - UIImageView fit to View frame size -

When I create a new ViewController and I pull it UIImageView, the UIIV increases to fit the fullscreen with width and height Is the screen? If I make changes between 4 and 3,5 "screen, then UIImageView changes its height dynamically. How do I fix it Can i short answer: Use auto layout Long answer : Select the image view, left , on the right , top , bottom Select the image view, update the frame mvc - Extension method is not working properly -

My app is having some issue. When I keep a debug and check those values ​​update properly. But if it's a Without running debug values ​​correctly.How to get rid of this issue. This is my stable extension method. Public Fixed Decimal CalculateTotal (Invoice Invoice) {var subotto = Invoice. SubTotal; var total = sub-total; If (invoice.fix == tap ||! Invoice fee.a ()) mathematics returns. Round (total, 2); Foreign currency (fees charged in invoicing, where (f => F.Iscelled). Order By (F = & gt; F. Prednens)) {var value = 0m; If (fee.Percentage.HasValue) {If (fee total! = Null) value + = total sum total value; } If (fee.Fixed.HasValue) {value + = fee.Fixed.Value; } Total + = value; } Return Mathematics. Round (total, 2); } The method is called as the top calling down. Public InvoiceDetail Booking (My Parameters) {var bookingProcessModel = BookingProcessDetails (providerKey, ownerKey, serviceId, petKeys, selected date, selected times, selected extras services, selec...

java - Trying to test connection on localhost ports using Socket and get ConnectException -

A simple test using the socket to test which port is available for TCP service on my local machine Writing java program. Here is my code: for (int i = 0; i & lt; 1024; i ++) {try {// test Availability InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost (); Socket s = new socket (adr, i); System.out.println ("port is a server" + "+" localhost. ");} Hold (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace (); breakdown;}} And when I'm getting: connect: The address on the local machine is invalid or not valid on the port on the remote machine at ( on (unknown source) (Unknown Source) (unknown source) (Unknown Source) at PlainSocketImpl.connect .SocksSocketImpl.connect (unknown source) on java....

mysql - LOAD DATA INFILE should fill up empty values with specific content -

लोड डेटा INFILE को एक विशेष सामग्री के साथ केवल खाली मान भरना चाहिए। सीएसवी: मान 1, मूल्य 2 -------------- 1 123345 2 3 678 901 अपेक्षित परिणाम: मान 1, मान 2 ---- ---------- 1 123345 2 के0000123345 3 678901 लोड डेटा INFILE .... SET .... ean = IFNULL (@ डी 3, कोंकैट ('0000 ' , A)) ... अभी भी रिक्त डेटाबेस मूल्यों का परिणाम होगा। जब आप लोड डेटा का उपयोग कर रहे हैं इनपुट फ़ाइल में एक रिक्त फ़ील्ड खाली स्ट्रिंग (स्ट्रिंग प्रकार के लिए) के रूप में माना जाता है, तो खाली स्ट्रिंग null के समान नहीं है। तो आपके इनपुट के लिए, आपका खाली फ़ील्ड IFNULL () परीक्षण को विफल कर देगा। अपने क्षेत्र में इनकमिंग डेटा की लंबाई की जांच करें और यदि यह शून्य है तो सम्मिलित करें: लोड डेटा INFILE .... SET .... ean = IF (CHAR_LENGTH (@ d3)> 0 , @ डी 3, कोंकैट ('के रूप में', 'ए'))

What's the difference between the meaning of import statement in Python and Java? -

I am a Python programmer and I am just starting to learn Java. I know that both Python and Java use import to get codes from other files. Is there any difference between the exact meaning of these imports in these 2 languages? Java import refers to a brief reference that for classes it is different from some other languages. For example, in Python, the import keyword imports into a script's namespace. In Java, the import keyword only allows typing to reference types without specifying the full name. In Python In [1]: import os.path In [2]: Path ---------------- ----------------------------- --------------------- --------- NameError traceback (most recent call final) & lt; Ipython-input-2-e7fa32cb05ba & gt; In & lt; Module & gt; () ---- & gt; 1 Path Name: Error: Name 'path' is not defined [3]: os.path out [3]: & lt; From module 'posixpath' '/usr/lib/python2.7/posixpath.pyc'> You can not just specify the path using t...

javascript - PHP can I kill the script and have an alert? -

I want to kill a script and post a warning on the same page My code: if (empty ($ _ POST ['item'])) {print '& lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; '; Print 'alert ("item is required"); Print '& lt; / script & gt; '; } The problem is that the script does not kill is there a way to do that it kills the script, prints, and stops the same Page? Use Exit zero ([string $ Status]] or Exit zero (int $ position) To end your current php script.

c++ - How to best safeguard against mismatch of (compiler) flags between library (source) and application (header) compilations? -

While implementing some interfaces, as given in the header file, how to distinguish between a combination of library implementation Prevent header file? Description : A library is provided by the interface header file, say, foo.h , and its implementation by some source file, say , . The latter has been compiled to create a library, say, , while the former # written by an application & lt; & Gt; ed, which is the libfoo. . . . // foo.h namespace foo {class bar {# ifdef SomeOption std :: int32_t x [2]; # Als std :: int64_t x [2]; #endif bar const * ptr; / * ... * /}; } Then offset of ptr is either 8 or 16 bytes, which depends on SomeOption (and Sizeof (also bar)) is also different). Now, if the library was compiled with a different value from the app for SomeOption , then obviously the serious problem will arise (which is difficult to debug for unknown). A solution? Therefore, I have come up with the following idea // namespace fo...

perl - Ambiguous use of -CONSTANT resolved as -&CONSTANT() -

As I told Perlsub, I am trying to declare magic numbers as constants in my Perl scripts. However, I receive warnings: $ cat foo.perl uses warnings; Strict use; Sub Constant () {5} Print 7-Constant, "\ n"; $ Perl foo.perl - The suspected use of Constant Foo.perl on line 3. The warning disappears if I insert a space between zero - & amp; CONSTANT () and constant . This expression wishes more than wind, but it works. I'm curious, though: what warning does this warn me about? (Pearl 5.10.1 from Debian "Squeeze"). First of all, let's look at some backgrounds for each other: $ _ = -foo; -foo is a string literally [1] . $ perl -Mstrict - WE'say -foo; '-foo Except that a sub-name has been declared foo . $ perl -Mstrict -wE'sub foo {123} say-foo; Suspicious use of '-foo - - 1-123 Back to your question now - & amp; Resolved as foo (). Warning is incorrect one word ( 7 ) can not be performed by another ...

Integrate Windows Azure Pack with Active Directory -

Is it possible to integrate Windows Azure Pack with Active Directory and whether domain users using Single-Sign On Certify portal? Anyone can write good articles. Note: I know that WAP supports ADFS, but I am looking for plain Aid support! The Windows Blue Pack Tenant Portal uses claim-based authentication. It assigns all authentication to a Security Token Service (STS) that: Support WS-Federation Busted a federation metadata endpoint Active Directory Credentials (NTLM / Kerberos authentication), with the help of the "JSN Web Token" (JWT) being created at least 'UPN' and alternatively "group" You need a STS to use these requirements. And can use Active Directory as an identity provider () Examples include AD FS 3.0 (as you speak) and STS, which are used by WAP for management portal Are with. In theory, you can also use the management portal STS for the tenant portal, but the documents clearly state that by doing so, 'the tenant will ...

python - Why can I encrypt data with one DES key and successfully decrypt with another? -

I tried to apply DES algorithm using PEDS and crypto seagr. DES module. I had a problem when I 82514145 would extend encrypted with the key and cipher to decrypt the 93505044 , I can retrieve the decrypted text. I had 256 keys behaved this way, it is a violation of cryptography. My code is as follows: from crypto Import DES plain_text = 'asdfghij' Print 'plain text:', plain_text des = ( '82514145', DES.MODE_ECB) cipher_text = des.encrypt (plain_text) print "ciphertext" Saifr_tekst DES = DES. New (9 '3505044', Diiskmood_isibi) print "decrypted text:" dES Dikrript (Saifr_tekst) output: plain text: asdfghij the ciphertext @ ¿½ ¿½ ï ¿½ ï ¿½ ¿½ decrypted text: asdfghij what about my In any mistakes? I got the same results with PID. DES keys are only 56 bits long, but they are expanded thanks to 64 bit equality bits The eighth bit of each byte should be set to ensure. Many crypto libraries ignore parallel b...

jQuery slider's slide event not working correctly -

I am using the jQuery slider, in its slide event, I execute some code Had written for. When I scroll the slider faster using the mouse, then the slider moves slowly when scrolling, the code inside the slide event will not be executed. . Here is my code: $ ("#master") .slider ({value: 0, Orientation: "horizontal", category: "min"). Step: 1, Animate: Wrong, Slide: Function (Event, UI) {/ * Below the slider is scrolled fast / / $ ("#ratvalue") .val (ui.value + "%"); var ratval = ui.value; console.log (s) Red); Prognu ( "#" Master, Rtlal, 100);}}); Use this: $ (" # Master ") .slider ({value: 0, Orientation:" horizontal ", category:" min ", step: 1, animate: wrong, stop: function (event, UI) will work under * / $ ( "#value") .val (ui.value + "%"); var Rawal = ui.value; console.log; ratgani ("# master", ratlal, 100);}});

ms word - Add a password to Office documents through C++ -

I'm trying to add a password to an office with C ++, using "Office C ++ Office Automation ", but thought it was not what I see. I do not seem to understand how to do this, any help would be appreciated, thanks. VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is built in words that it would be easy to use an external Instead of using Office Automation from the C ++ program,

c# - Generic extension method resolution fails -

The following program does not compile, because in line with the error, the compiler uses a T parameter As a resolution, which is the list & lt; T & gt; does not fit in the usual obstacles of single T , fails. The compiler does not believe that there is another method that can be used if I remove the single- T method, then the compiler will search the method correctly for many objects. I have read two blog posts about Generic Method Resolution, which is second from John Skate and another from Eric Lipper, but I could not find an explanation or a way to solve my problem. Obviously, two methods will work with different names, but I like the fact that you have only one way for those cases. Namespace testing {Using the system. Colllections.Generic; Public Interface SomeInterface {} Public Segment Some Impressions: Some Interface {} Public Stable Class Extension Techniques {// To exclude this line, the compiler chose the correct method on the line that puts an erro...

java - decompile a .class file programmatically -

I am currently working on a project that lets me java file one. To wit. I have a program that should read the class file and decompile it and the resulting Java source code is written in a file. Please help me to do this. EDIT: I'm completely new to the world of decompilers. I have gone through some APIs, but I do not know what kind of use and what to use. Any kind of help would really be appreciated - edit: I tried to use it: import com.strobel.decompiler *; Import * *; Public class java code {public static zero main (string [] args throws exceptions {decompileee (); } Private static vide decompily () throws exceptions {Final DecompilerSettings Settings = Default (); Last file output stream stream = new file output stream ("C: /jp/"); Final OutputStream Vibrator Writer = New OutputStream Water (Stream); Decompiler.decompile ("C: /jp/X.class", new plaintext output (author), settings); Println ("success...

load testing - YAT: Save final console output to file -

I want to save the last data from the console output to the intermediate file. How can I do that? The report module exports all the information in JSON format to HTML. You can get some information from there (cumulative antithesis for example). You do not need to modify the Python code in that case, just add some JS to the page that creates the table. On the other hand, if you want something else then that information you are involved in should be implemented in the report module. What are the special pieces of previous screen data that you are interested in? On the way, PS can create a few templates and then load.ini of the report section in the template parameter Specify what you want to use.

c# - Select name in autocomplete text box then load mobile no in 2nd text box -

There are two fields in my database table: name and mobile no , And two text boxes in a form are an autocomplete text box by getting names from my first textbox database. I want that when I select name in the text box, then load it into another text box mobile no Can anyone help it? changed the private zero text box 1_Text (object sender, EventArgs e) {AutoComplete (); } Public Zero Autocomplete () {SqlConnection conn = New SqlConnection (@ "Database Source ....."); conn.Open (); Autocomplete column compilation AutoItem = new auto complete column compilation (); SQL Commands Command = New SQL Commands ("Select from Table 1", Kon); SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter (command); DataTable TBL = New DataTable (); Adp.fill (tbl); Foreign Currency (Datarao RW in TBL RO) {Autime. Ed (rw ["name"]. Tostrings ()); } Textbox1.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest; textbox1.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource; Textbox1.AutoCo...

css - Divs overlapping on browser resize -

I am running in some issues, when both these divisions are trying to sit next to each other, When there is a room in the browser, they sit under each other in a small size, they currently overlap at the exit of the room. ` CSS Container 3 {Width: 100%; } .left-column3 {width: 50%; Swim left; } .right-column3 {width: 45%; Swim left; } html & lt; Div class = "container3" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "left-column3" & gt; & Lt ;! - Start the MailChimp signup form - & gt; & Lt; Link href = "Not saved: //" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" & gt; & Lt; Style type = "text / css" & gt; #mc_embed_signup {background: # 0F3053; Border: 2px solid # 0D3161; Clear: left; Font: 14 px helvetica, tecton supporter; Width: 200px;} / * your site stylesheet or add your own Melchaip form style overrides in this style block, we recommend moving thi...

javascript - Saving continuosly generated data from browser to file -

My JS WebFone running in the browser is getting data via VBRCC data channel. Now I need to save the received data to get the file. I can get the data in Blob and then save it to the file, but to save the data continuously without all the data in memory I For example, my application is getting 5 GB of data in small part and it is IMHO to add all the part in memory to a huge blob and save the file. Instead, is not good practice. I believe that it works in a similar way how the standard downloading works. Any remedy? You have to download each block (you can see) and then after downloading them one They can merge with them Another option would be to activate the data through a webcot and once the websicet kills the server,

ElasticSearch: Nested Arrays vs Separate Types -

I am using elastic search as a data store and I think about structuring my data My natural tendency from MySQL is to divide everything into different types ("tables"), but I'm sure if anything is achieved for it. For example, I have an article with comments in it and I want to keep track of the users who have clicked "like" on the comment, should I just keep the array of User ID in the nested array inside the article's comments, Or should I take steps to type a comment separately? And the comments about the array of those users, should it also be of a different type? {"article": {"properties": {... "comments": {"property": {... "likes": {"type": "string"} // UIID}}} Is there a problem with nested array being nested array from an efficiency perspective? And it is better to use nested searches as a data store to use nested arrays / objects or different types? This is a wides...

javascript - Using chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab() from DevTools console -

I'm curious about whether to take a screenshot of Chrome DevTools directly using Chrome's tabTabs.captureVisibleTab It is possible from inside the console or within a snippet), without completing the process of creating an extension. Is this somehow possible? If not, how would you suggest taking a screenshot, which reliably copulates the current page (html2canvas does not present everything properly). Thanks for your help. After installing here, Google has provided "Chrome-Extension: / / Cpngackimfmofbokmjmljamhdnckgpmj / js / page_context.js "can open its code to see its code. This extension does not use Chrome Extension APIs, it works well in most pages except for some complex pages.

python - does not display image -

I am facing a problem that can not display the image with the following command: /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7: io.imshow when skimage import ( 'abc.png') /matplotlib/backends/backend_tkagg.pyc in new_figure_manager shows the following error (number, * args, ** kwargs) 78 FigureClass = kwargs.pop ( 'FigureClass', Figure) 79 Figure = FigureClass (* args, ** kwargs) ---> 80 window = Tk.Tk () 81 canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg (figure, master = window) 82 figManager = FigureManagerTkAgg (canvas, numbers, window) __init __ (in /usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk/Tkinter.pyc Self, screen name, basename, classname, useTk, sync, access) 1686 baseName = baseName + ext 1687 interactive = 0 - & gt; 1688 = _tkinter.create (screenname, basename, className, interactive, Wantobjects, UseTk, sink, use) in 1689 if useTk: 1690 self._loadtk () TclError: no display name and no $ display environment variables In the server I'm running this remote server, I found that the...

html5 - Need to get different Grey color shade randomly using jquery -

I am working on the HTML5 pie chart. For each of those values, I need different gray colors. I have n numbers, so this is not stable, can anyone help me on it so that I can generate a random gray color shadow code. code like you: var a = Math.random ( ) * 254; Var B = Math. Floor (A / 8) * 8; $ (". Greybox") CSS ("background-color", "RGB (" + B + "," + B + "," + B + ")");

wpf - TreeView with grouping -

मुझे TreeView में समूह के लिए ओवरलैप बनाने की आवश्यकता ऐसा कुछ: मेरे आइटम्स्सर्स नोड 1, नोड 1.1 में, और नोड 2 को एक साथ समूहीकृत किया जाता है और नोड 3 और नोड 3.1 को एकसमूह समूहबद्ध किया जाता है एक PropertyGroupDesciptor के साथ एक संग्रह दृश्य का उपयोग कर रहा है। अब मैं ऑरेंज आयत को चारों ओर जोड़ना नहीं चाहता मेरे प्रयास अब तक ग्रुपस्टाइल का इस्तेमाल करना था लेकिन इसके परिणामस्वरूप 2 ऑरेंज ग्रुप के रूप में ग्रुपिंग प्रॉपर्टी के मूल्य के साथ-साथ, समूह के लिए ग्रुपबॉक्च को स्टाइल करने की आवश्यकता है किसी भी विचार? मेरा कोड (यह हिस्सा मेरे लिए अप्रासंगिक लगता है क्योंकि यह सिर्फ मेरे समूह तर्क है, लेकिन अगर कुछ लोगों को यह समझना महत्वपूर्ण है कि मैंने क्या वर्णन किया है, तो मैंने इसे ख़ुशी से यहां रखा है): सीएस: पब्लिक क्लास मायएनोड {सार्वजनिक एंट समूहप्रॉपर्टी {get; set; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग शीर्षक {get; set; } सार्वजनिक सूची & lt; MyNode & gt; बच्चे {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } } दृश्य मॉोडल में: सार्वजनिक सूची & lt; MyNode & gt; MyItemsSource...

cpu architecture - what is the meaning of Instruction dispatch -

Can anyone tell me what is the exact meaning of instruction dispatch and how the registration based Architectural instruction to avoid dispatch? Instructions include instructions for reading / reading instruction from memory and jumping to related section is. An additional stack-based architecture will look like this: I1: Load C I2: Load B i3: ADD I4: Store A You assume the stack and push the result back on it (hence the name stack based architecture). In a register based architecture: A register-based architecture is not completely Avoid getting directions, but it's their number Reduces

javascript - Use idangerous.swiper.js on Dynamic Content -

मार्कअप: & lt; ol & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & Lt; div class = "swiper-container" & gt; & Lt; div class = "swiper-wrapper" & gt; & lt; div वर्ग = "swiper-slide" & gt; & lt; img class = "listitempage" डेटा-यूआरएल = "" src = "" / & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "पृष्ठांकन" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / ol & gt; स्लाइडर के लिए स्क्रिप्ट & lt; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; Var mySwiper = नया स्विपर ('। Swiper-container', {पृष्ठ पर अंक लगाना: '। पृष्ठांकन', पृष्ठांकन क्लिक करने योग्य: सही, मोड: 'ऊर्ध्वाधर'}); चित्र गतिशील रूप से एक के बाद एक लोड किए जाते हैं। मैं उस छवियों को स्वाइप करना चाहता हूं लेकिन ऐसा करने में असमर्थ कृपया मदद करें। सबसे पहले, सुनिश्चित करें कि संबंधित प्लग इन फ़ाइलें (.js और .css दोनों) ) को सही तरीके...

Checking and creating a View within MySQL via C# -

I should be able to see if a view is already present in my MySQL database and if it is one C#. I could actually do a bit with a little help and in the right direction - if possible. You can use information_schema to query if a different object, see in your case, exists is. My example code snippet has C # below. string conn = @ "data source = myserverName; initial catalog = myCatalogName; coordinated security = true"; String cmdStr = "count_schema.views to count (*) where table_schema = 'mySchemaName' and table_name = 'MyViewName'"; (MySqlConnection conn = New MySqlConnection (conn)) using {MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand (cmdStr, conn); conn.Open (); MySqlDataReader Reader = cmd.ExecuteReader (); While (reader.Read ()) {int count = reader.GetInt32 (0); If (calculation == 0) {MessageBox.Show ("see does not exist!"); MySqlCommand command = New MySqlCommand ("Choose my image from MyTable *;", conn) command.ExecuteNo...

Enums are giving me unexplained error -

I have this odd error here my code I do not know how to solve: public static app catalog type in {oTHER ( "other", 1, PROFILE ( "personality", 2), PROFILE_LOCAL ( "PROFILE_LOCAL", 3), PROFILE_SHARED ( "PROFILE_SHARED", 4), PROFILE_WIDE ( "PROFILE_WIDE", 0); private string title; Private Entity number; Private list type (String title, int number) {this.title = title; this.number = number;} I am getting an error between now) and; ("Projector", 0); To say the error) to complete the body, although in other enums I can not include all this works well) because it will not work. I have tried to clean up and rebuild the project but there is still nothing, any help would be appreciated. occurring code>) to PROFILE_WIDE is reported on line because statements semi-ends with a colon, it is arguably the last position where your list can ENUMs that went over only a member of array (.. (All other rows) ..); adding one...

javascript - Is there an onload function for html canvas? -

My goal is to create an array of image data from a series of png images. To do this, I am using the loop to go through the images, put them in the canvas, and then retrieve and store the image data created in an array. The problem is that there is not enough time in the image load in the canvas. My solution is to leave a timer enough time for now, but it is terrible. I can not find any solution to this problem. Is there an "onload" function for canvas? for (var i = 1; i & lt; 50; i ++) {(function (i) {setTimeout (function () {return function () {var newpath = path Path to image + i + ".png" baliseimg.onload = function () {// baliseimg: html image tag ctxt.drawImage (baliseimg, 0,0); ctxt imaged IGS [I-1] = CTTX.Get image data ( 0,0,512,512);} To print the image number at Belizeim SRC = Newpath;} ();} .Filtext (I, 50, 50); //, 100 * i); // 100 mms work, limit 40 Looks at (i)); } Thanks for your time. No, according to but you still img can...

Programmatically set the referrer on javascript redirect -

cross-browser to call javascript setLocation () but still to take the reference person to the current webpage (just like HTTP server-side redirects) and if yes, how? A clear example: Site A has been sent to the user Site B . When Site B , Site A Referrer is Site B to Site C (While adjusting the location in JS), when redirecting, Site B will be the referrer. When redirecting from B to C , I want to put the original referrer (i.e. site A ) It seems that you need the persistence of referre history, to get it easily You can use query-string:

mysql - SELECT newest rows, ignore old duplicates -

मेरी तालिका में, मेरे पास निम्न कॉलम हैं: सीआरएमआईडी | उपयोगकर्ता | टिकट_आईडी | | विवरण | तिथि | घंटे मैं क्या करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ तालिका से सभी पंक्तियों का चयन करना है, लेकिन जब दो (या अधिक) पंक्तियों में समान है, तो ticket_id , मैं चाहता हूं नतीजतन, नवीनतम दिनांक और समय के साथ पंक्ति को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए नवीनतम। यहां समस्या यह है कि मुझे ऐडिन के मामलों में होना चाहिए, यदि दिनांक कॉलम से मान समान हैं, तो मैं घंटे के कॉलम की तुलना करूँगा, अन्यथा, इसका साधारण कॉज़ मैं केवल दिनांक कॉलम की तुलना कर रहा हूं। SELECT n। * से तालिका n सही जुड़ें (अधिकतम MAX_date चुनें) (अधिकतम संख्या का चयन करें (घंटे का चयन करें WHERE तारीख = max_date) के रूप में घंटे, उपयोगकर्ता, ticket_id उपयोगकर्ता द्वारा टिकट ग्रुप द्वारा उपयोगकर्ता, ticket_id) m पर n.user = m.user और n.ticket_id = m.ticket_id

javascript - I would like to not expose some of details in plain HTML code -

In my application, I want to assign some PHP values ​​to the JavaScript variable. So I used to follow the code "; & Lt; / Script & gt; But the problem is that I want to hide the details from the HTML source view. The description will now appear in the HTML view source such as var my_js_var = "this is my php value"; How can I hide such details from the HTML source? You need to have hash / encrypt for use in the customer and the server is processed upon request Verify hash at size.

java - Getting this error while trying to connect facebook chat using smack -

When using smile trying to add Facebook chat to get this error. Used jars Smack 3.3.1.jar, smackx 3.3.1.jar exception in thread "main" java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.jivesoftware.smackx.ServiceDiscoveryManager $ 1.connectionCreated ( on Lorg / on org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPConnection on org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPConnection.connectUsingConfiguration ( V org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPConnection.initConnection (; jivesoftware / Smack / connection .connect com.FacebookChatSample.main ( ( I had the same problem I have your price package have not been put in your pom.xml I've used the following Meven dependency: & lt; Dependency & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; Jivesoftware & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; Shaker & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Version & gt; 3.1.0 & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; / Dependencies...

qss - How to add style via setStyleSheet() without losing orignal style in Qt? -

I can use setStyleSheet () to set the style in Konw I Qt. But I had to face a problem setStyleSheet () set by the first set of setStyleSheet () The times have lost the first genres, / Strong>, setStyleSheet ("QLabel {color: red;}"); ............ setStyleSheet ("QLabel {border-image: url (...... }} ") When I set a border-image, red property is lost. Try to solve it by using setStyleSheet (styleSheet () + QString ("QLabel {limit-image: url (......)}"))) Is; But it was similar that only the property of the border-image was present. When I use set stylesheet (), then I should add the properties of each style, although I raise my poor written English Thank you. Any suggestions would be appreciated. You can set the stylesheets without a QLabel tag: SetStyleSheet ("color: red;"); After setting up a stylesheet property, you can add another property such as: setStyleSheet (stylesheet () .append (cus...

oracle10g - SQL query , How to select a generated field in GROUP BY -

I'm trying to select two things: customer_id and segment (based on some arguments), both of them Should be in the group I tried to use without the surname (like giving it to the case ... END) but it failed because it has the MAX GROUP BY field area if I cut the maximum It also fails to compile it. What should I do to keep this in mind? I'm not sure that you have already " Why do I strongly believe that by removing the "group by" section from your query, you will get the information you expected.

java - Use of eventBus in vertx -

I am using vertx in my project and I have problems with eventBus if I think right, then this is a The server transmits multiple languages ​​to use a string representing the root. My server has this code. Java: vertx.eventBus (). RegisterHandler ("gettree", new handler & lt; message & lt; string & gt; & gt; () {public void handle (message & lt; string & gt; e) {// E.rely (calling the function Is returning the JSSN string);}}); In a JavaScript file, I need to print that Jason String for the moment. I have: var eventBus = Required ('vertx / event_bus'); EventBus.send ('getTree', '', function (answer) {console.log ('I got a reply' + reply);}); } But does anyone know what does anyone know? I think you want to see something like in your console answer Please give it. To be able to get back anything on your Javascript answer handler, you will need to change your java message handler and call answer . I...

c# - To reduce the size of image when uploading -

I am uploading a document in the code below. My goal is that it is an image document, 20 Kb.Pls help me do this. String UploadPath = Configuration Manager. AppSettings ["SearchFolder"]; String strUploadpath = uploadpath. Terminal ("\\". ToCharArray ()) + "\\" + strClientName + \ "" + strDocumentFolder + "\" "DirectoryInfo dInfo = New Directory Info (strUploadpath); If (! DInfo.Exists) {dInfo.Create ();} (If the file is uploaded.filame! = Null & amp; documentpload.filename! = String. Empty) {document plus.avesave ((aruploadpath) + documentpload.philname); size of a shape depends on some factors (size , Resolution, Format, Compression, etc.). Example // Dastavejhuplod. Shejenas ((Saruplodpeth) + Dastavejuplodkfailnam); Stream stream = document plus.posted file.inputstream; Bitmap source = new bitmap (stream); Bitmap target = new bitmap (source width, source.high); Graphics G = Graphics. Framesize (target); Encoder...

How to hide the columns in excel sheet based on column name condition -

I have an Excel workbook where I have multiple sheets. I would like to hide some columns in all the sheets where the header is a string "AUDIT _" . I am trying to find a simple solution to hide these columns, all the sheets so that I do not want to go and hide every sheet. Would you please give me a suggestion on this. Try this one: sub column header () DimS As long as the worksheet, for longer time, for each S in worksheets. En = cell (1, column number) activate. End (XLTOLET) If the column for I = 1 to N is left (cell (1, i). Value, 6) = "AUDIT_" then cells (1, i) EntireColumn.Hidden = True End if Next I Next sub-term

Enumerate through data structure objective-c -

I have the following data structure: I want to add a new object to a new array that will store my marker. ({title = "1"; location = "2";}, {title = "3"; location = "4";}) How do I set up each marker so that the new array contains the property object marker of the first object, with the value of 1 title and marker. The value of 2? You can create a new class for it, and you can add objects of that class array. @interfaceMyClass: NSObject @property (strong, nonatomic) NSString * titles; @protecti (strong, non-constructive) NSString * location; @end I have set the type to NSString so far, although you can change it to its preference. You can create and add objects to objects as follows: MyClass * newObject = [[MyClass alloc] init]; NewObject.title = @ "1"; NewObject.location = @ "2"; // Adding to the array [arr addObject: newObject]; For fitting, you can apply: for (MyClass * obj in arr) {NSLog (@ ...

java - Allocate a double-String-Array -

I want to create a new string [] [], but Eclipse gives me an error: Public Class Course Vita {String [] [] Education = New String [2] [6]; // Here the error throws and "{" but why? Education [0] [0] = "10/2012 - Heat"; Education [0] [1] = "studium der informative"; Education [0] [2] = "Johannes Gutenberg-University in the MEN \\"; Education [0] [3] = ""; Education [0] [4] = ""; Education [0] [5] = ""; Education [1] [0] = "10/2005 - 5/2012"; Education [1] [1] = "abtutur"; Education [1] [2] = "Muppet-Gymnasium"; Education [1] [3] = "Note: 1,3"; Education [1] [4] = ""; Education [1] [5] = "";} Your declaration is fine. However you should use the initial block to assign your array value. Just attach all to education [x] [y] Make a statement in Curtly Brackets, or take them into the constructor. Initializer block example public class c...

Bitnami stack (Drupal) Apache 2.4 Won't start after editing HTTPD.CONF -

I've spent it a while so that I can be forgiven for this, but I'm at the end of my mind. I have a screwdriver drip stack on a Windows Server 2008 R2 box, which I am trying to add a single sign through the web server authentication module within Doppel. I have downloaded and installed it properly, however when I try to load the mod_auth_sspi module by editing the httpd.conf file and adding the line to the file: LoadModule sspi_auth_module module / mod_auth_sspi .so and add the file to the module directory. As far as I know it should do, I do this once and I try to restart the Apache server, it will not start again. If I comment on this line then it loads properly. Am I missing something? I am performing all the edits as an administrative account. Thanks in advance.

ruby on rails - rake test doesn't recognize a new folder inside the test folder -

When I run the rake test , then I did not test it in a new folder has gone. By default this folder is within the test folder in the Rail folder: When I run the test, i.e. the rake test , it tests the contents of the test folder. I have added an API folder inside the test folder. The contents of the API folder are tested When I do this: rake test: test = test / api / users_test.rb But, when I just do the rake test This API does not test the content of the folder. How to configure it? rake test: all should run all the tests subdirectories of the test folder , Even non-default ones. If you want to work in Rake Test: API : What to do rake -w test | Grep '^ Rec Test' to see the file (in Raillets gem) where the railway test defines tasks. You will see how the Railways determines the work for the default subdirectories. Create a lib / tasks / test.rake and do the same thing for your new subdirectory: Rail :: Test Task NY ('API' = & g...

java - Clearing application data programatically android -

I have an app with SharedPreferences. I clicked on a button to clear the complete apps data so that the application started as a fresh reason when it was first installed. I have tried: - expanded public class ClearData application {Private Static ClearData example; @ Override Public Empty on Create () {Super. Connet (); Example = this; } Public Fixed ClearData getInstance () {return example; } Public Zero Clear Display Data () {file cache = would match (); File apiar = new file (cache.getpartent ()); If (appDir.exists ()) {string [] children = appDir.list (); For (strings: children) {if (! S.equals ("lib")) {deleteDir (new file (appDir, s)); Log.i ( "tag", "**************** delete the file / data / data / Mypackage /" + s + "given ******** *** ******** "); }}}} Public static Boolean deleteDir (file dir) {if (dir = Null & amp; amp;; dir.isDirectory ()) {String [] children = dir.list (); For (; i & lt; i = 0 int ch...

c# - Refactoring code whilst using Entity Framework -

I have a small application that uses EF to continue my data. Currently, I have a single 'ticket' class which goes directly to the 'ticket' table. However, now there is a need to make different types of tickets (such as cruise tickets, airline tickets, train tickets), so I want my code to be rebroadced on the basis of these three ticket types. They are all received from the base ticket class. Is it possible to make such refactoring while maintaining / modifying the existing database? The feeling of my stomach is that it would be almost impossible to do this without rebooting my database again, and then copy the data from the existing database. You will have to use tabletivity for this case EF will create one to two tables of the same [table ("ticket")] class ticket {{key] long id {get; Set;}} [table ("airtalk")] class airticket: ticket {string some special report} {get; Set;}} Here Here the table ticket will be a general list of...

how to control Linux mouse cursor movement in C -

I'm trying to make an app for the remote control of the mouse on the Linux server via the Android application. As a beginner, I have many problems ... Before writing the Linux server with C, I tried to check whether I can control and move the mouse over Linux according to the code: Include # lt; Unistd.h & gt; #include & lt; String.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Errno.h & gt; # Include & lt; Fcntl.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; # Include & lt; Sys / stat.h & gt; # Include & lt; Sys / time.h & gt; # Include & lt; Sys / types.h & gt; #include & lt; Linux / input.h & gt; Int main () {struct input_event event, event_end; Int i = 0; Int fd = -1; FD = Open ("/ dev / input / event4", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK); If (FD & lt; 0) {mirror ("error"); } Memorandum (& amp; event, 0, size (incident)); Memc (& amp; event, 0, size (event_end)); Gettimeofday (...

jquery - Get height of a parent div -

& div; div वर्ग = 'शामिल' & gt; & Lt; a href = "#" & gt; & Lt; div id = "s1" वर्ग = "उप" onclick = "हैलो ('1')" & gt; दासदाद & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / a & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div class = 'contain' & gt; & Lt; a href = "#" & gt; & Lt; div id = "s2" वर्ग = "उप" onclick = "हैलो ('2')" & gt; दासदाद & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / a & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; उपरोक्त से मैं कैसे माता पिता की ऊंचाई प्राप्त कर सकता है जब div उप jquery में क्लिक किया जाता है। $ ('# s1 । ') .parent () ऊंचाई (); । सीएसएस .contain {margin: auto; width: auto; ऊंचाई: ऑटो;} .sub {width: 160px; min-height: 173px;} केवल माता-पिता का उपयोग करने से केवल & lt; a & gt; तत्व को एक स्तर तक पहुंच जाएगा, इसलिए आपको माता-पिता को दो बार प्रयोग करना चाहिए या निकटतम () का उपयोग करना चाहि...

PL/SQL fill variable with if-condition value -

I am trying to fill a variable in PL / SQL such as if-condition value: v_variable: = if (4> 3) then 'a' bse 'b' and; But that does not work. Is there any option to do this? Instead of doing so, a if , I go with: v_variable: = when the 4> 3 then 'A' and 'B' end;

html - Div disappearing until I scroll in Opera -

I'm coding a webpage, and I have a problem with the disappearance of a device in Opera and Maxthon Browser (Firefox Works fine with)). The devil is a fixed menu that slides along the window's scroll, but when it clicks on a link it scrolls down, but sometimes it disappears when Until that I do not scroll again. I only use HTML and CSS, I do not know JavaScript or anything, but it is very annoying. Is there any way to fix this? Relevant code: HTML: & lt; Div id = "menu" & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "about #" & gt; About us & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#March" & gt; Merchandise & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "# contact" & gt; Contact us & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; CSS: ...