
Showing posts from May, 2012

Android service not running in separate process -

There is a service declared in my Android manifest.xml, through which in a different process than the rest of my code Android: The process of my service attributes though when I go to Settings & gt; Application & gt; Running, it only shows that I have a process and a service Do not I have two procedures? My service announcement in my Android manifest. XML is: & lt; Application ... Android: Process = ": MyAppProcess" & gt; ... & lt; Service Android: Name = "com.example.MyService" Android: label = "My service" Android: Exported = "Incorrect" Android: process = ": MyServiceProcess" /> Please check this code Lt; Service Android: enabled = ["true" | "False"] Android: export = ["true" | "False"] Android: icon = "Drawable Resources" Android: Isolation Process = ["True" | "False"] Android: label = "string processing" Androi...

php - Showing attribute ( Manufacture, Size, Color ) on magento checkout success page -

In fact I do this to get my order details on this Magenta Checkout Success page & lt; ? php $ order_id = Dana :: getSingleton ('checkout / session') - & gt; GetLastRealOrderId (); $ order_details = Dana :: MillModel ('Sales / Order') - & gt; LoadIbjectmentId ($ order_id); $ shipping_address_data = $ order_details-> getShippingAddress (); ? & Gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; & Lt ;? php echo $ this- & gt; __ ('Item Details')? & Gt; & Lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; & Lt ;? php echo $ this- & gt; __ ('build')? & Gt; & Lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; & Lt ;? php echo $ this- & gt; __ ('Colour')? & Gt; & Lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; & Lt ;? php echo $ this- & gt; __ ('Shape')? & Gt; & Lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; & Lt ;? php echo $ this- & gt; __ ('quantity')? & Gt; & ...

c# - Global style and local style overriding global style under same control -

I have a default style that is declared in the DefaultTheme.xaml file for TypeMenu items & lt; Style target type = "{x: type menu item}" & gt; . . . & Lt; / Style & gt; It was merged into user control & lt; ResourceDictionary Merged Dictionary & gt; & Lt; Source source = "../defaultTheme.xaml" /> & Lt; /ResourceDictionary.MergedDocs> Now in user control, if I declare any style for TargetType = "{x: Type MenuItem}" , then it handles styles declared from the global style. e.g. & lt; Style x: key = "local style" target type = "{x: type menu item}" & gt; . . . & Lt; / Style & gt; This will also apply the global style. I do not want this local style to inherit the global style. So I have the & lt; Style TargetType = "{x: Type MenuItem}" & gt; .. & lt; / Style & gt; I can override it by giving . Hold here, if I do this, then I can not appl...

angularjs - Angular $htttp : to which asynch call did I get the reply? -

I go to a server and a lat / long pair & amp; Some other information (for example vehicle details, time stamp). For each of them, I want to use Google Maps so that GOCOD & amp; Find out the road then insert it into the ng-grid. My ng-grid is bound to $ scope.myGrid and so far, without reverse geo encoding, I am still json data and $ scope.myGrid.push ( '{When: Data: [i]. Time_Stamp, Vehicle: Data [i]. Description'}} . > It was working fine, now I have to do reverse geocoding I want to add, which means to use AFAIK, $ http.get . Since it is asynchronous, I initially found the grid's "address" "[address available No] "with" "column. I get set up, so I want to set $ scope.myGrid [???] address to . But , how do I know What is that index ??? ? If I have 3 excellent asyn requests and receive a response, then how do I know which grid line corresponds to? My $ http.get for a (var i = 0; i & lt; data.length; I ++...

c# - Post Multiple List of objects in MVC -

Can I submit a form that has 2 set objects, my model looks like How do I submit ModelToSubmit for the controller? Any remedy? {ModelToSubmit Name of MVC HTML elements The feature uses the Named attribute in the following format: & Lt; Input type = 'text' name = 'item [0].' Value '/ & gt; . . . & Lt; Input type = 'text' name = 'item [n]. Id' /> & Lt; Input type = 'text' name = 'item [n] .name' / & gt; & Lt; Input type = 'text' name = 'item [n].' Value '/ & gt; and for transItems & lt; Input type = 'text' name = 'transItems [0] .Id' /> & Lt; Input type = 'text' name = 'trans itims [0] .name' /> & Lt; Input type = 'text' name = 'transitem [0] .Price' /> . . . & Lt; Input type = 'text' name = 'trans itims [m]. Id' /> & Lt; Input type = 'text' name = 'tran...

netty - new comer issue: will it work that java 5 run a jar file which is built by jdk6 or higher? -

itemprop = "text"> A direct issue for Java New Visitors: IMO, Java should be backward compatible, so a jar built with JDK5 JRE6 However, from the Natalie page, I found the following: You need the following to create Neti: latest stable Oracle JDK 7 latest stable Apache Mewen note That this build-time is required. Enough to run your Native-based application for JDK5 (for 3.x) or 6 (4.0+). This really confuses me, can anyone explain it? Yes, if you have the appropriate -source and -target The option is specified for javac to specify the native pom.xml -source 1.5 and -target 1.5 .

android - Overflow icon not showing in ActionBar while using appcompat v7 library -

OK ... I have tried all stack overfollow solutions, none of them work. Manifest & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Manifest xmlns: Android = "" package = "com.example.firstapp" Android: versionCode = "1" Android: versionName = "1.0" & gt; & Lt; Use-SDK Android: minSdkVersion = "8" Android: targetSdkVersion = "19" /> & Lt; Application Android: allowBackup = "true" android: icon = "@draubable / ic_luncher" android: label = "@ string / app_name" & gt; & Lt; Activity Android: name = "com.example.firstapp.DisplayMessageActivity" Android: label = "@ string / title_activity_desplay_smus" Android: parentActivityName = "com.example.firstapp.MainActivity" Android: Theme = "@ style / theme.AppCompat light "& gt; & Lt; Meta-Data An...

android - How to restrict the EditText to accept only alphanumeric characters -

How can I restrict EditText to accept alphanumeric characters only, both lowercase and Showing uppercase letters EditText ? in as uppercase & amp; EditText Android: id = "@ + id / userInput" Android: layout_width = "fill_parent" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: inputType = "textMultiLine" Android: minLines = "3" & gt; & Lt; Requestfocus / & gt; & Lt; / EditText> If a user shortens the typewriter "abcd", then EditText will automatically show the uppercase "ABCD" without the need to restrict the keyboard in uppercase. needed. p> / code>

eclipse - Emulator: ERROR: unexpected qemud char. channel close -

Whenever I try to launch an Android app it will be the cause of this error: emulator- 5554 disconnected! Cancel 'com.hellos.ArithmaticCalculatorActivity Activity Launch'! This is a known emulator bug. Do you go to Ubuntu? Try removing and redrawing your ADD If you are still having problems, try the following: Try to launch several ways: AVD Before your list, right-click the project in your workspace, etc. Click on window - & gt; Show Show - & gt; Other - & gt; Devies, and click on the Launched Device, highlight it. There is a known issue that sometimes focuses your AVD until you do so.

python - NameError global name 'ImageDraw' is not defined -

I am new, hello therefore community I wandered with pillow I am using this type of attribute in my attribute (Tkinter, BmpImagePlugin, cStringIO, subprocess, ctype s, re .. n) Code> PIL shows import * I try-leaving resolve this code line with the effort: Excluding AITITI from PIL import : No Import Mind # ImageN Import Image Import mageDraw Import ImageFactory My original code portion class capsGen (object): def __init __ (self): pass def videoGen (auto, path): Iv = input video stream () (path) self.videoHead (path) print itself .topDuration frameDiff = list (count (iv.readframe ())) #bmp - & gt; [Io] [1] self.totalFrame = frameDiff [-1] [0] # 16 IMGS itself GIIG = [] curImg = 0 while true: if curImg & lt; 16: self.genImgs.append (RANDIN (1, self.totalFrame)) curImg = curmeg ​​+ 1 else: try break: src = ("src.png") ciz = PIL.ImageDraw.draw (Src) Ft = PIL.ImageFont.truetype ("arial.ttf", 32) ciz.text ((190,...

java - Using update queries with objectdb -

निम्न कोड: EntityManagerFactory emf = persistence.createEntityManagerFactory ("test.odb" ); EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager (); em.getTransaction () शुरू ()।; बिंदु पी = नया बिंदु (0, 0); em.persist (पी); em.getTransaction () के लिए प्रतिबद्ध ()।; em.getTransaction () शुरू ()।; क्वेरी क्वेरी = em.createQuery ("UPDATE Point SET x = 1001 जहां x = 0"); Int updateCount = query.executeUpdate (); em.getTransaction () के लिए प्रतिबद्ध ()।; TypedQuery & LT; प्वाइंट & gt; Myquery = em.createQuery ("चयन पी से पॉइंट पी जहां p.x = 1001", Point.class); सूची के & lt; प्वाइंट & gt; परिणाम = myquery.getResultList (); System.out.println ("एक्स समन्वय है:" + results.get (0) .getX ()); em.close (); प्रिंट करता है: एक्स समन्वय है: 0 जो गलत है, क्योंकि एक्स निर्देशांक 1001 होना चाहिए लेकिन अगर मैं कोड को बदलता हूं: EntityManagerFactory emf = Perseverence.createEntityManagerFactory ("test.odb"); EntityManager em = em...

Error in Nuget while installing package -

When installing package Nuget me an error found error: The parameter is incorrect I When using Nuget in WebMatrix, then it is still an error. The following stack is Stress in WebMetrics An error occurred. the parameter is incorrect. System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: The parameter is incorrect. On NuGet.SettingsExtensions.GetDecryptedValue (Isettings setting, string section, SystemkSecuritykCryptography on NuGet.EncryptionUtility.DecryptString (string encrypted string) String key). ProtectedData.Unprotect (Byte [] Encrypted Data, Byte [] Alternative Entropy, DetectorScope Area). NuGet.SettingsExtensions.GetConfigValue NuGet.RequestHelper.GetResponse at NuGet.ProxyCache.GetProxy (Uri Yuri) at NuGet.ProxyCache.GetUserConfiguredProxy (itte settings settings, string key, boolean decrypt) (Func 1 createRequest, verb 1 on NuGet.HttpClient.GetResponse () on / code> 1 Ready REQUEST, IProxyCache proxy cache, ICredentialCache credentialProvider). System.Lazy Nu...

javascript - Toggle class when checkbox is checked with JQuery -

I have a switcher with a bootstrap, I want that when the checkbox (switch) is checked, then Class panel change, from brown to green I did it before but I changed my switcher and it does not work anymore. The main markup for the switcher is: & lt; Label class = "switch good-light" onclic = "" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "checkbox" & gt; & Lt; Period & gt; Wireless & lt; Span & gt; Off of & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Period & gt; On & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; A class = "BTN BTN-Primary" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Labels & gt; And the toggle class of JQuery is: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('. Switch-light') ( "Panel", "off", this.checked) .toggleClass ("Panel-Success",! This.checked);}). Change ()}); This is my JSField: try it out Code: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('s...

php - Random Switch Statement Improvements? -

I am trying to improve my switch statement to make it more random. I am currently trying to make the profile random. Two profiles are displayed on the other side at the same time these profiles are on a slide show and when I load the faded web page every and every second in 2.5 seconds I do not have to show the same profile at the same time (both above and below) Fan Thank you in advance for any input you may have made two switch statements as follows: & lt; div id = "slider" & gt; & Lt ;? In Php $ getSliderInfoQuery = "pst.state_id = select ps.state_id f_name, L_NAME, book_reviews left the city, zipcode, state_id, book_types, profile_photo, PROFILE_URL as, book_states join book_readers prt.rating ps left pst The prt.user_id = ps.user_id at the joining preset where promoted_reader = 1 is "ORDER"; $ Pickrow = mt_rand (1, 6); $ Pickrow = mt_rand (1, 6); Switch ($ Pickrock) {Case 1: Get Slider Enfe ... Case 4: $ getSliderInfoQuery. = ...

c# - Checking if checkbox is checked in MVC 4 without a submit button -

मेरे पास एक चेकबॉक्स है: & lt; form action = "" method = "POST "& gt; & LT; लेबल & gt; संग्रहीत @ एचटीएमएल। चेकबॉक्स ("चेकअर्चिव") & lt; / label & gt; & Lt; / प्रपत्र & gt; जब यह चेक किया जाता है, तो मैं इसे ContentResult को कॉल करने के लिए चाहता हूं, जिसकी जांच करने के लिए एक अतिरिक्त नए मान के साथ कई तरीकों की जांच हो रही है या नहीं / अनचेक किया गया है: [एचटीटीपीओपस्ट] पब्लिक एक्शन रिजल्ट इंडेक्स (फॉर्म कलेक्शन फॉर्मडेटा) {कोड> सार्वजनिक सामग्री रिजल्ट डेटा (आईटी) आईडी बुल की जाँच की गई; // जाँचें कि मान का चयन किया गया है और खूबी को सही या गलत वापसी के लिए सेट करें, रीडायरेक्ट टाईएक्शन ("डेटा", नया {चेक}); } लेकिन मैं किसी भी जांच और पास करने में असमर्थ हूँ। एक आसान तरीका होना चाहिए bool चेक = अनुरोध। फ़ॉर्म.सभी किके। कहाँ (c = & gt; c.Contains ("checkedArchive "))। FirstOrDefault ()! = नल; चूंकि केवल चेक किए गए मानों को वापस पोस्ट किया जाएगा, आपको सत्यापित करने की आवश...

javascript - Implement server side with node.js -

I am new to node.js , and I try to create an HTTP server Commands like: upload, download, user, etc. I apply the server to the server. This is the HTTP & amp; URL module. But now I am searching for Express Module, which I can use and use post methods, can I say that it will replace the first implementation? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the express module? Each time it happens, it comes under the question of self-developed, tailored code versus generic, but well supported code. As long as you do not have very specific needs and performance expectations out of the ordinary, express almost Also keep in mind that some kind of security like security Accordingly, so another supporter is there to use a well-maintained library (not that they are naturally safe or stable per by , but they often have things written by you Than too much).

jquery - Javascript Flow Chart or Static Flow Chart? -

Let's say we have the following image: I want to paint this image with everyone I am thinking possible connections and then the position of some labels on my correspondent arrow ... but this may not be the best way, because the position of each label will be different depending on the screen resolution, what do you think about this approach? My question is: Any JavaScript library jQuery plugin capable of drawing something like image above? I mean, many connections are capable of and can it be implemented with AngularJS? Here are some new details: After JointJess, I think I need it, but ... An example of JS is that with a connection / connection of links between my sources and targets on this project ... this is the thing: As you can see, there are so many links in this demo and it is difficult to interpret Can someone help me to work better on this Is received? Is there a better way of representing this? (Links on this example are static but they will be done dynamic...

How to overlay divs with pure css? -

यह प्रभाव बनाने के लिए: यह संभव है या मुझे इसे सॉफ़्टवेयर के साथ डिजाइन करना होगा? div {background: -moz-linear-gradient (-45deg, # 1e5799 50%,) = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> # 207cca 50%, # 7db9e8 100%); पृष्ठभूमि: -विबकिट-ग्रेडिएंट (रैखिक, बायां शीर्ष, दायां नीचे, रंग-रोक (50%, # 1e579 9), रंग-रोक (50%, # 207cca), रंग-रोक (100%, # 7db9e8)); ...} एक उदाहरण:

css - Last child border not showing -

I select the selectors first-child and last-child I am going to apply the rounded corners to an unordered list The problem I am facing is that the border of the right hand of the previous list is not being displayed. I define the boundaries in this way: Border: 1px solid hotpank; Border-right: 0; To prevent a double border by connecting the right hand limit to 0, then in the last-child I border-right Width of one But this is leaving me without the right hand limit on the last child and I am sure why, as you can see below: Ul, li {margin: 0; Padding: 0; }. Menu {width: 90%; Margin: 0 auto; Height: 30px; List style: none; }. Menu Lee {box-size: border-box; Display: Inline-block; Border: 1 px solid hotpunk; Border-right: 0; Padding: 0 0.5 AM; }. Menu Lee: First child {border-top-left-radius: 5px; }. Menu Lee: The last child (border-top-right-radius: 5 pixels; border-right: 1px;} instead of using the border-right: 0; to you border-right-width: 0; An...

sql - How to make a query to find this? -

मेरे पास तालिका में इस तरह एक डेटा है: column1 column2 a 1 a 2 B 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 मुझे इस तरह एक आउटपुट चाहिए: column1 column2 a 1-2 b 2-3 a 4-0 सी 5-0 इस क्वेरी की कोशिश करें: के रूप में vw1 के साथ (तालिका 1 का चयन करें, तालिका 1 से rownum आरएन), vw2 के रूप में (v1 का चयन करें col1, col2, rn, rn - col2 dis), vw3 के रूप में (col1, min (rn), to_char (min (col2 )) जब 'min (col2) = अधिकतम (col2) फिर' 0 'और to_char (अधिकतम (col2)) कॉल 2 द्वारा vw2 समूह से col2, dis आदेश द्वारा min (rn)) col1 का चयन करें , Vw3 से col2;

routing - OpenAdaptor vs Apache Camel -

I want to select the routing and transformation tool. I found camels and open adapters suitable for my setup Can anyone tell me which one will use? Any comparison (advantages and drawbacks) between the two? Thanks, Anuj This is also happening Apache camel mailing list has been discussed From this list you can see that OpenEdper is a dead project, Apache camel is a very There is a vibrant and big community so you should go for camel if you have these 2 options Keep in mind that instead of open edifier, you can find other options such as you can search. We have some links to those people on this page: .. Compared to the competitive class of camels.

Groovy, get list of current week and last 2 weeks -

I got a domain job with ID, day, list day since January. I get the current time from the code: def current = new date () Therefore, I want to get list day from last 2 weeks I am included this week, so I have used the following code but it does not work. def getWeek = current.Time - 13 (13 2 weeks + today) Please help me solve it. 100% sure that I understand, but you should be able to use a range: def current = new date (). ClearTime () def listOfDays = (current-13) .. current listOfDays.each {println it} It prints: Mercury Apr 09 00:00:00 BST 2014 Thu Apr 10 00:00:00 BST 2014 Fri Apr 11 00:00:00 BST 2014 Sat 12 Apr 00:00:00 BST 2014 Sun Apr 13 00:00:00 BST 2014 Mon Apr 14 00:00:00 BST 2014 Tuesday April 15 00:00:00 BST 2014 Wed Apr 16 00:00:00 BST 2014 Thurs Apr 17 00:00:00 BST 2014 Fri Apr 18 00:00:00 BST 2014 Sat Apr 19 00:00:00 BST 2014 Sun Apr 20 00:00:00 BST 2014 Mon Apr 21 00:00:00 BST 2014 Mars A April 22 00:00:00 BST 2014 If you mean that you wa...

linux - Where do I get 'httr' for R version 2.15.2 -

Hi, all. 'External file' which works on those rows with more than 3.0 versions of the CRAN website. I have a r version of 2.15.2 . Where can I find 'httr' for my version of RK? Thanks! Do I know what is the right way to achieve my purpose? Honestly, Alicia. You can get old records of the package from the crane. The archive for Observer is For some projects on Gitobb, some developers will be tagged for release. There are following publications in Observer You can install packages from github by using the install_github function from the devtools package. / P>

library for creating excel file in iOS -

Is there a free iOS library for creating Excel files? I have found these libraries, but unfortunately they have been given the version ... LibXL - Flexseal - (Xamarin IOS, it does not fit me) Thanks for the help Edit: Finally I used this library: There are several options in it, and saved in a file can go. This is a free Excel file manufacturer list ... give it a try ObjC ++ Cover and framework for the creation of Microsoft Excel This open source project Is a link to: -

android - AsyncTaskLoader and orienatation change -

I have an AsyncTaskLoader to do some work on the first startup. Loader has been started in the OnCreate mode of my activity if (! Initial Loader) {getLoaderManager () InitLoader (INITIALIZE_DB_LOADER_ID, empty, this); Startenders = true; } The loader is a boolean that is placed on the onsiteinstestate and has been recovered in the creation again. This prevents my loader from restarting but now it does not distribute results via callback because my audience, which is my activity, was destroyed. Here is the code that launches my loader: @override public loader & lt; Boolean & gt; OnCreateLoader (int id, bundle args) {back to new initalizeDatabaseLoader (this); } How can I survive my AsyncTaskLoader to resume on an orientation change but still deliver the results? You must expand the delivery result () method and get the result memory Should be kept in until the activity is not reconnected with the loader. You can find a very good example here: The req...

clearcase - Is it possible to merge checked out files from one view in another -

I have a scene in which I have checked 9 files, another team member merge my changes in my activities Wants to do but I do not want to check in files . Is there any way to merge files without any check or any other option. A method to use cleartool diff , patch can be used to generate, if you can do so, to apply to other developers, match in a compressed and mail (.zip) View. It would be something like this: Cleiston LSCA-L-C-Seaview. xargs cleartool diff -diff_format -pred option -diff_format option reports both headings and differences in the style of UNIX and Linux diff utility, the second Writing a list of the changes required to change the first file being compared in the file, as follows: The first number (or the number n, as n, the number ) Indicates the line number being compared in the first file. The second value is one of the following: Advertising C indicates that the lines are to be added, deleted, or replaced. The second number (or the r...

javascript - Sencha app build native overwriting our custom code -

We are working in this application for a lot of time. Sina Touch 2. We usually test and debug the code using Chrome and Wave The problem we are experiencing is that we have some custom search and group lists Our lists have been added to the ideas. When testing and debugging using Chrome, everything was done as expected, but then we used the command to integrate it with Cordova and package it to make Android and iOS applications. We have used the following command: sencha app build native For some reason, the code generated by this command overwrites our custom search And grouping javascript code. Why this may be happening, we like to talk that this equipment is not working properly, but we are doing something wrong which is causing this. We do not know what might be the reason for this. Can anyone put some light in it? Why are our custom groupers and filming functions overwritten while packaging? BILO How do we define the group method in our shop but it is a quote. ...

android - Get Latitude and Longitude of a road's kilometrical point with google geocoding -

I used the geocoding for the latitude and longitude of one kilo leafy point (milestone) on the street named the road Need and number of kilometers. Is there any way to do this? I am trying with a Google API with no luck and I have searched all the web thanks in advance, David You can use mapicast open platform web services This link is and it is

micro optimisation in for loop c++ -

Assume C ++ for loop as Integer should be allocated initially and after that, each phase should be increased. So it will not be fast enough to do something: variables since f or (int i; i ++ Do not need to be reloaded in storage? When is this unstable ? is making this small example code the same result for all the cases, whether the loop is optimized anyway or am I missing something? # include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Ctime & gt; Int main () {time_t start, ende; Unstable intimate dummy = 1; Const int rep = 1000000000; // method 1 start = time (0); For (int i = 0; i & lt; rep; i ++) dummy = 1; End = time (0); Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "Method 1:" & lt; & Lt; Fifthme (End, Beginning) * 1000 & lt; & Lt; "MS" & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; // method2 start = time (0); For (int i = 0; i ++> lie; representative;) dummy = 1; End = time (0); Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "Method 2:"...

backbone.js - Listen to attribute changes in a backbone view -

I want to call a method in my view when its attributes Gives me an error: There is no undefined function . SimpleView = Backbone.View.extend ({initialize: function () {this.attributes = _.extend (this.attributes, Backbone.Events); // update this.attributes.on ('change', this.updateAttributes (), this);}}); Update: I thought I have attributes with backbone.Events so that I can hear the changes. Yes ... so now I do not get any more errors, but still nothing happens. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Although I recommend you to use a model to keep attributes, If you want to be with the current perspective, then you have to manually trigger the event. this.attributes.trigger ('change'); I have made your updates so that you can get an idea of ​​how it can work.

android - TWO_SWIPE_DOWN TAP unable to catch on Google Glass GDK (XE16) -

Google ग्लास में XE16 LONG_PRESS, SWIPE_DOWN, THREE_LONG_PRESS, TWO_SWIPE_DOWN, TWO_TAP और amp; जैसे कई इशारों का पता लगा सकता है। । कांच में TWO_SWIPE_DOWN सबकुछ रद्द करने के लिए शॉर्टकट विकल्प की तरह है और काले स्क्रीन पर जाते हैं। उस काले स्क्रीन के बाद यह "ठीक ग्लास" आता है। लेकिन मुझे TWO_SWIPE_DOWN TAP ओवरराइड करने की आवश्यकता है ताकि उपयोगकर्ता इस तरह से आवेदन के बाहर नहीं जा सके। मैं TWO_SWIPE_DOWN को टैप करने के समय में उपयोगकर्ता विशिष्ट संदेश दिखाना चाहता हूं। मेरे पास निम्न प्रकार का कोड है: gestureDetector.setBaseListener (नया इशारा डिटेक्टर। बेसलेस्टनर () { सार्वजनिक बूलियन onGesture (इशारा इशारा) @Override {if (इशारा == Gesture.TAP) {return true;} else if (इशारा == Gesture.TWO_TAP) {return true;} else if (इशारा == Gesture.SWIPE_RIGHT) { सच वापसी;} else if (इशारा == Gesture.SWIPE_LEFT) {return true;} else if (इशारा == Gesture.TWO_SWIPE_DOWN) {Log.i (, "TWO_SWIPE_DOWN का दोहन जाँच हो रही है" "इसका काम कर ठीक।"); वापस सच;} सही लौ...

HTML/CSS Div drops down when I zoom out -

This is my website, and if you zoom out, the correct DIV zooms out. Here's the CSS: HTML & lt; Div class = "kontejner" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "glava" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "levidiv" & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; & Lt; P class = "manji" & gt; Login & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / a & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; & Lt; P class = "manji" & gt; Register & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Div class = "lewigird" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "vsebina" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "desnidiv" & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; & Lt; P class = ...

How to get keword argument from url in django class based views? -

Is there a way to get keyword arguments declared in within class based consideration methods? For example: I want to override the get_initial (self) to set one of the values ​​from the url. I really want to do it __ init __ to override? You can do this: arg_value = self .kwargs.get (ARGUMENT_NAME, none) How it is done SingleObjectMixin , which provides the get_object functionality used in DetailView Does.

javascript - Sencha find Row in Object -

itemprop = "text"> I have an item list. Fill this item with Jason data Example: Jason Data: {"id": 2677, "name": "------------------", "stock code": "RM0001", "group": 200000, "price": 0.0, "color": "LightCyan", "type": 3, "mustModGrpCount": 0, "mustModGroups": "", "command": 0, "campCount": 0, "populer": false}, {" id ": 398," Name ":" KUVER "," StockCode ":" URN0380 "," Group ": 200,021," Price ": 0.0," Color ":", "Type": 3, "Should ModGrpCount" : 0, "group group": "", "command": 0, "camp count": 0, "generator": wrong} me ----- ------------- Use of Elements Try it, but it does not work. var b = NewMobile.globals.products.getByField ('name...

genetic algorithm - GA Jgap: Avoid duplicates (doublettes) chromosomes where the order doesn't count -

I am implementing a genetic algorithm with GGAP to solve a problem where the chromosome integers are listed (I As a result, not just the best, keep the solution for a good solution on the result.) Each integer should appear only once in the chromosome (I have it to fit chromosomes with duplicate ails = 0 By setting and fine ...) My problem: In my problem, in which the number of chromosomes appears, does not count (1 2 3 2 2 3 is similar) So at the end of execution, I have a list of possible solutions I have used the solution reported here to remove duplicate chromosom in this way: conf.getNaturalSelectors (wrong). clear (); Best chromosomaschillaic BCS = new best chromosomesichur (confe, 0.8d); Bcs.setDoubletteChromosomesAllowed (false); conf.addNaturalSelector (BCS, Incorrect); But it only removes the same chromosome, it does not remove for example: ABCDACBDBACD Those chromosomes represent the same solution in my problem That's why I end up with a singl...

c# - Reading a text file: 'If' character store information after character -

Everything I am trying to read is read in a text file that keeps all the data related to the portion of the car Such as weight, acceleration, top speed etc. I just want to be able to write in the text file: W5A10T20 So I have to check if there is a character and if so, the value then This is what I've been trying so far: Public Virtual Zero Reidstate (String Choice Model) {List line = New list (); Using (var ModelInfo = new FileStream (Selected Model, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) {{StreamReader Reader = New StreamReader (ModelInfo)} {float input; String line = reader Readline (); Save the value after ({line = reader. Redline ())! = Null () (if (line wires ("w")) {// after the character.}}}}} For some reason this is not even getting 'W' character in 'if' for some reason besides how I will have to go about grabbing the price after the character. Thank you. For any reason, you are not using substrings? var test = line.substring ("w...

elasticsearch - Creating an index Nest -

मैं Elasticsearch Nest API का उपयोग करके निम्न सूचक को कैसे पुन: बनाएँगे? यहां इंडेक्स के लिए json है मानचित्रण सहित: {"सेटिंग": {"विश्लेषण": {"फ़िल्टर": {"trigrams_filter": {"प्रकार": "ngram", "min_gram": 3, " Max_gram ": 3}}," analyzer ": {" trigrams ": {" type ":" custom "," tokenizer ":" मानक "," फिल्टर ": [" लोअरकेस "," trigrams_filter "]}}}} , "मैपिंग": {"डेटा": {"सक्षम": {"सक्षम": सही}, "गुण": {"text": {"type": "string", "analyzer": "trigrams"}} }}} यहां मेरी प्रयास है: वर newIndex = client.CreateIndexAsync (indexName, सूचकांक = & gt; सूचकांक .NumberOfReplicas (प्रतिकृतियां) .NumberOfShards (टुकड़े) .Settings (सेटिंग्स = & gt; सेटिंग्स .Add ( "merge.policy.merge_factor", "10...

iOS Facebook SDK - Post to Friends wall with Privacy value set to SELF not being set -

I want to set the privacy of wall posts to post on my friends wall myself. So that only he can see, I know that it is possible because there is a property, but there is no such document how to get it. This code I use: NSMutableDictionary * params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: toStr, @ "to", @ " {'Value': 'SELF}} ", @" privacy ", @" Facebook SDK for iOS ", @" name ", @" Build great social applications and get more installs. ", @" Caption ", @ "Facebook SDK for iOS, Facebook Integrated iOS app makes it easier and faster to develop.", @ "Details", @ "", @ "Link", @ "https : // ", @" picture ", zero]; // NSLog (@ "Params% @", Parameters); [FBWebDialogs presentFeedDialogModallyWithSession: Zero Parameter...

c# - Downloading/Uploading inventory from Amazon -

There is a list of inventory when selling on Amazon, and when there is a large amount of product, it takes a lot of time to change the listing Like when new stock comes in. I have been stuck on this for days. I would like to do a small program (most likely on C #) what I'm trying to do here: 1. The program starts and logs in Amazon Seller 2. Download the list of my products for sale. 3. Comparison and update the downloaded file with me already with my new stock. 4. Upload the updated file. Stage is 1,2,4 which I need a lot of help, because now I've been stuck for a long time, step 3 is right, I know how to read and save the file, just need to know how to update . Are you asking to use the program to upload or update your Amazon account storage? How to do?

jquery - Div not closing when clicked outside the div? -

Why not div div / hiding when clicked outside the div When I click outside div I div / close I'm using the following javascript to do the following. $ (document) .mouseup (function (e) {var container = new array (); container. Push ($ ('$ openModal')) $. (Container, function Key, value) {if (! $) (Value!) ( // If the target of the click is not a container ... and ($ value) .has ( .length === 0) // ... nor a descendant of the container {$ (value) .hide ();}}};}); I want to close the markup of the divis. & lt; div id = "openmodal" class = "modalDialog" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; a href = "# close" heading = "off" square = "off" & gt; X & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Iframe src = "//" width = "854" height = "480" frameborder = "0" webkitolopholoscreen mozillaofflosscreen acceptable slides...

objective c - Add accessibility to pdf created with Quartz2d in iOS app -

I am using Quartz 2D to create a PDF file in an iOS app based on the Wenderlich tutorial. However, when the PDF user is displayed (using QLPreview), the voice over reads PDF in a very intuitive order, whether there is a way to modify the PDF when it reads voice over data designed to change the order. , And to add meta-data to images so that they are read properly? Thanks for any advice or help for this. The simple answer is: This is not possible. Quartz is just a drawing engine and does not have a dedicated PDF library. You should try writing the text on the page you want to read, it can help. I think (I'm not sure) is visible in the content of the page through the voice over text, when access Capacity is not present.

c++ - SetWindowText crashes program when printing wchar_t -

Why do not I print text in my window when I use SetWindowText () can? This is my window creation code that looks like this: game_board [i] = CreateWindowEx (0, L "static", board_ elements [i], WS_HCLD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER, 0, 0, 0, 0, HWD, (HMEU) IDCJMTI + I + 1, HINT, Faucet); And when I write something: wchar_t c; For (i = 0; i My program crashes after triggering my event. If I use SetWindowText (game_board [i], L "TEXT"); then this text usually prints everywhere. I need to de-emphasize all these issues and why I do not know why. I am using VS13 and the Windows app written in project C ++ if I copy the code into codeboxes, then it will pop an error for every artist created in VS And when I remove all of them, then it works normally. Why? Can anyone help me fix this? Hopefully someone is a pointer to the null-terminated string but you try to give it the same letter are doing. As a commentator is mentioned, this code should not...

geojson - topojson-svg : how to make it works? -

ट्वीट: माइक पॉसका: अगर आप चाहें इलस्ट्रेटर में नक्शे, टोपोओसन 1.6.9 एसवीजी में रूपांतरण का समर्थन करता है कोई कोड आवश्यक नहीं है! - माइक बोसॉक (@ एम्बॉस्टॉक) 30 एवरिल 2014 कूल! टॉपोजसन संस्करण: मेरे टर्मिनल पर, I संस्करण की जांच की गई ... $ टोकोजसन --वर्सन & gt; 1.6.11 $ नोड --वर्सन & gt; v0.10.25 अच्छा लगता है टॉपोजसन-एसवीजी परीक्षण: इसलिए मैंने इसे शूट किया ... कर्ल-ओ यूके.टॉपओ.जेसन 'http: / / '# ऑनलाइन एक ऑनलाइन टॉपजोजेन फ़ाइल टॉपोजसन-एसवीजी-ओ आउटपुट एसवीजी uk.topo.json # यह विफल रहता है त्रुटि: मुझे इस बदसूरत त्रुटि संदेश के साथ एक भ्रष्ट .svg फ़ाइल मिलती है fs.js: 393 बाइंडिंग। क्लोज़ (एफडी, मेक कॉलबैक (कॉलबैक)); ^ प्रकार: त्रुटि: Object.fs.close (fs.js: 393: 11) पर ऑब्जेक्ट पर गलत तर्क। & Lt; अनाम & gt; Object.Module._extensions..js पर (module.js: 456: 26) पर (/ home / yug / local / lib / node_modules / topojson / bin / topojson-svg: 85: 32) मॉड्यूल। Js (module.js : 474: 10) पर मॉड्यूल.ल...

php - Counting hits from a certain browser -

& lt; PHP $ con = mysqli_connect ("स्थानीयहोस्ट", "रूट", "", "userinfo" ); // चेक कनेक्शन अगर (mysqli_connect_errno ()) {गूंज "MySQL से कनेक्ट करने में विफल:"। mysqli_connect_error (); } $ परिणाम = mysqli_query ($ con, $ query); जबकि ($ row = mysqli_fetch_array ($ परिणाम)) {if ($ result) {$ Chromerows = mysqli_num_rows (mysqli_query ($ कनेक्शन, "SELECT * fROM tbl_stats WHERE ब्राउज़र = 'क्रोम'")); $ Firefoxrows = mysqli_num_rows (mysqli_query ($ कनेक्शन, "SELECT * fROM tbl_stats WHERE ब्राउज़र = 'फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स" ")); ईको 'क्रोम' ":"। $ क्रोमर्स "|" 'फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स' ":"। $ Firefoxrows; }} Mysqli_close ($ con); ? & Gt; तो मेरे पास एक ऐसा डेटाबेस है जो भंडार करता है जब कोई उपयोगकर्ता, ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम और उनके आईपी से विचार करता है। मुझे एक पृष्ठ पर हिट काउंटर जो उस ब्राउज़र की हिट्स की मात्रा दिखा रहा है, मैंने ट्यूटोरियल का पालन करने की कोशिश की ...

android - REST best practices and connectivity issues -

I have an interesting issue and should invest something with someone who is with the same experience. I have an Android app that makes a realt call (i.e. accepts open order) sends an app request and continues on issues of connectivity, meanwhile the server gets a request, the order situation changes and a Returns the response (such as HTTP 200). However, the app is missing its network connection, the response does not receive and an expiration exception is received. If I try to accept the order again, then I get the answer that it has already been taken (in this case by me). The question will be - what should be the best way for such a situation. For now, if I get a timeout exception (in some scenarios it is a loop with another web call to check that the order is not in my "current order" or not) then the loop needs to be run. I need this design Do not like it and wondered what might be better that web calls can return 200 (success) if the same customer tries to accept ...

paypal express checkout=>find total item ordered -

How to get the total number of items through express check out I am getting all other things but the order of total items received Unable to do this I send it within the GetTransactionDetails API call: L_QTYn With PayPal documentation this is the quantity you set or entered by the buyer. Character lengths and limitations: No limit If you need additional details of different areas for GetTransactionDetails API calls, here is a direct link to PayPal Developer Site:

ios - UILabel wont show the previous characters, only the last letter -

Each character in the target string is to be enumerated, it will appear as 'W', after which 'h' changes after 1 second Will be given, then 'E' and 'N'. The problem my label only displays the last letter What did I do? 1. Drag a label and a button on PlayViewController. 2. Create an asset for the label 3. Take action for the button In my PlayViewController.h: #import & lt; UIKit / UIKit.h & gt; @ Interface playview controller: UIViewController @property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel * listChar; - (IBAction) Initiation: (ID) Sender; @end In my PlayViewController.m: #import "PlayViewController.h" @interface PlayViewController () @end @implementation PlayViewController NSString * word; NSTimer * myTimer; - (zero) viewDidoadload [[Super Viewedload]; // Setup an additional after loading the view self.listChar.text = @ ""; Word = "when"; } - (IBAction) startGame: (ID) sender {myTimer = [NSTimer sched...

node.js usb InEndpoint Error under Ubuntu 12.04 Arm 7 Cortex -

I have trouble on your current target hardware (using standard) which intrinsically Aarmvi 7 node with the USB module. When using JS it works well under my PC, where I developed it, but now there are problems while ports for the target while reading the device while using the USB modules transmit method. Here are some details of the system: Linux utility -ubntu desktop 3k0k35 semi-FX 6-4 # 123 SMP master L2 Sitnbr 10:41: 30 ISAC 2013 armv7l armv7l armv7l gnu / linux libsb version: 1.0-9 or 1.0-18 (both test) node.js version: 0.10.22 (Maximum 0.10.x version to run on target) USB version: latest, ( But The mistakes I'm getting (in this order) are the following: {[error: ** unknown **] Errno: 6} or {[error: ** unknown **] errno: 2} I have seen error numbers come directly from libusb (errno.h): #define ENOFILE 2 / * No such file or directory / # define ENOENT 2 # define ENXIO 6 / * No such device or I do not know * / My application source code: var usb ...

mysql - Talend Data warehousing tool -

Question: I have two databases that are database databases (live databases) and the other is mine. I am using MySQL database. I should not use the client's database directly, so I created my database. Using the 'Talend' data warehousing tool I created a job for each table and by executing all the jobs, I can get all the updated data from the customer's database (live database) in my database. I need to manually execute these jobs to get updated data in my database, but my question is this: is there a process that automatically reminds me, when data is entered on the customer data base Or will I update the jobs manually to update those data in my database ?? Or if the customer updates any database table then will automatically execute / participate the related job ?? Please help me on this. If you can not modify your client database (i.e. add triggers), and no other way To identify changed records (i.e., any type of audit table), then you are our luck.

Grails / Spock testing .. unexpected error thrown -

Use the unit from the spock to check a commodity object. I have a line in the command object. some code .. } else {if ((and in & amp; obj.part) & amp; obj.transactionType.transactionIsATransfer ()) {Println "obj.part .. class is $ {obj.part.getClass ()} .. serial is $ {val.getClass ()}" if (isAvalidPartSerialCombo (obj.part, val)!) & Lt ; - Line 79 Return 'com.myStuff.TransactionDetailCommand .serialReference.not.for.part'} .. def isAvalidPartSerialCombo {part, serialReference -> Return InventoryMaster.hasPartandSerial (part, serialReference)} I have a unit test where I dependence def obj = new TransactionDetailCommand (transactionType fake out: new TransactionType (type "transfer", RequireSerial: true), serialReference: 'AAA', part new part (pARTNUMBER: 'AAA')) obj.metaClass.isAValidPartSerialCombo = {a, b - & gt; Wrong} and: "We try to validate the transaction" obj.validate () then: "we receiv...

semantics - Getting the error while integrating stanford sentiment analysis with java -

I'm working on sentiment analysis using Stanford spirit NLP library with Java. But when I am executing the code, I am getting the error. Not able to understand it. My code is as follows: package com.nlp; Import java.util.Properties; Import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations; Import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.Annotation; Import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP; Import edu.stanford.nlp.rnn.RNNCoreAnnotations; Import edu.stanford.nlp.sentiment.SentimentCoreAnnotations; Import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree; Import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap; Public class SemanticAnalysis {public static void (String args []) {sentimentAnalysis sense = new sentimentAnalysis (); Sentiment.findSentiment ("France is a good city"); }} Class emotion analysis {public string search sentence (string line) {property property = new properties (); Props.setProperty ("annotator", "tonkenize, ssplit, pars, emotion"); Stanford Corrierier NLP Pipeline = New Stanfordcor...

terminal - CEDET in emacs (command line mode) -

I'm trying to setup and Android development on my Mac using Macs and CEDAIT (I hate Eclipse And I want to keep using Emacs, but I want autocompletion, so this setup looked perfect.) However, I want to use emacs in the terminal. I have a problem with autocomplete CDET has attempted to use the graphical menu "popup-menu" and I found an error in CLI mode: "The function definition of the symbol is zero: popup-menu", which can be understood correctly Comes in My question is, what is the method of using MACS's Term Map menu to auto-complete the SEEDET? Thank you! Thibault. EDIT: You can find my IMA configuration here: EDIT 2: Some screenshots to show here 1- What is SEEDET auto completion in GUI mode 2- I CLE CDET = AutoComplete = I got my answer! I did not succeed to change the menu by auto-complete, however, it works perfectly with the company! This is a bit more messy than the GUI menu, but it's still awesome! Thanks to Stefan for...

python - NLTK tokenize with collocations -

I am using NLTK and would like to summarize a text in relation to collocations: for example, to be "New York" Should have a single token, while the naïve token will split "New" and "York". I know how and how to be found together, but how can not be aligned with both ... Thank you. approach, which seems right for you, called naming entity recognition, for nominated entity recognition There are many links dedicated to the NLTK. I just give you an example nltk import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize, pos_tag, ne_chunk def extract_entities (text) from : entities = [] sent_tokenize for sentence (text): quantity = ne_chunk Returns entities __name__ == '__main__' if: text = "" "search for a multi agency (pos_tag (word_tokenize)) entities.extend ((part hasattr for part in quantity, if 'node']] Under the campaign, after the police, many states and the way of Mexico say that a former Los Angeles police officer There is a doub...

ios - Keep previous UIBezierPath strokes on successive calls to drawRect -

I would like to mention that this post is similar, but there was no code snippet solution when it asked again. / P> I am learning iOS development application. I'm trying to create a drawing application using UIBezierPath. Whenever a new touch to me and a new UIBezierPath I have the following to show your last UIBezierPath Please tell me what is better / recommended way each have To attract the beer path, there is a color array to keep track of color because I have the option of changing the colors for each path. - drawRect: (zero): (CGRect) rect // (4) {UIBezierPath * currentPath; UIColor * currentColor; (Int index = 0; index & lt; [Seshnshaithara Gates]; for index ++) (current path = [self path Arre object Art Index: Index]; CurrentColor = [self. Strokare Objektatindaks: Index] [existing collar Setstrok] [Wartmanpath stroke];}} - (void) touch that: (Anssiti *) touches the Avant (Uaiivent *) event {Uaitoc * touches the touch = [an object]; CGPoint p = [touch Loca...

java - What Does It Mean If findViewById finds view but setText or setImageResource Do not work -

This problem is really driving me crazy. I have tried to pass it in 2-3 days. I have a list view, I repeat through each image element to set their images to a picture I checked that if FindViewById works, and it does so because the logcat gave me that ID When I try to set an image res to load the image from the Internet or use Picasso, nothing happens and the images are not visible. Here's the ImageView definition in XML: & lt; ImageView Android: id = "@ + id / photo" android: layout_height = "100dp" Android: layout_width = "100dp" Android: contentDescription = "@ string / desc" / & gt; And here is the process of running: for (int i = 0; i It looks a lot easier to do this, but for some reason it does not work. I tried to clean up this project, if it does not make any difference, it is all in one piece, and I have already used the setAdapter on the list. I really appreciate any help. adapter getView () gives ...