
Showing posts from September, 2015

ruby on rails - How to avoid ActionController::InvalidCrossOriginRequest exception? -

मैंने Rails 4.1 को अपने रेल ऐप को अपडेट किया है और ActionController :: InvalidCrossOriginRequest अपवाद प्राप्त करना शुरू कर दिया है। मुझे पाया गया कि बिंग बॉट्स सक्रिय रूप से मेरी गतिशील रूप से जेनरेट की गई जावास्क्रिप्ट फाइल को क्रॉल करते हैं। मुझे लगता है कि यह सही है कि रेलवे इस अपवाद को उठाती है क्योंकि जावास्क्रिप्ट को सीधे कहा जाता है, लेकिन मेरा लॉग इस अपवाद के साथ भरा हुआ है। > सीएसआरएफ संरक्षण को बंद किए बिना इस अपवाद को बढ़ाने से बॉट्स से बचने का कोई तरीका क्या है? मेरा नियंत्रक ऐसा दिखता है। वर्ग सूचियाँ नियंत्रक & lt; ApplicationController before_filter: authenticate_user! Def add @list = List.find (params [: आईडी]) response_to do | format | Format.js {render 'add'} format.html {redirect_to list_path (@list)} एंड एंड एंड जेएच के उत्तर में जोड़ने के लिए और मानते हुए कि आपको कुछ सहायता चाहिए, आपको पता होना चाहिए कि हर मेजबान यह निर्धारित करने के लिए उपयोग करता है कि उनके सर्वर का कौन (और नहीं) पहुंच सकता है सीधे आपकी त्रुटि मूल रूप से है क...

Selenium IDE Conditional Statements -

I want to ask if there is another way to see the error label, which has been shown whether we There is no need to fill up with the necessary to use the verifyText command. Here's an example: id: [required] PW: [required] Email: [expected] Dropdown box: [required] If you make test cases, then there is an easy way to make a test case first, and then three error labels will show whether the other fields will not be filled with that. The PW or email from the dropdown box will be shown even if the error is filled with the error label. Before saving that field, I'm just using the verified text, but if there are many conditional requirements like this there is no easy and easy way to create this testcase? Thx If I understand you correctly, If you ignore the required text fields, you are searching for a way to verify that error message. Since I know the Waitfortext command and expect the error message to appear, this command will wait until it expects the err...

linux - How to use dos2unix? -

I am learning perl programming. I have run a Perl script in the Windows platform but I need to run it like a Linux platform like Ubuntu. My script runs entirely in windows but not in Linux. I'm not familiar with the dos2unix tool. I'm struggling to use this in my Windows 7 and how to convert my winfile to unixfile. Suppose that my perl script is and coding is inside. How do I work correctly using this dos2unix tool in linux? Also, how should I open the dos2unix tool? You should be able to get the dos2unix from your package manager on Linux . If you are using a Debian-based distro, you should be able to do sudo apt-get dos2unix . If you want to be RH-such as distro, you should be able to sudo yum install dos2unix . Once installed, you can only give the target file as an argument ' dos2unix In addition, note that this can not be the only problem, that you can run Linux while trying to move from Windows to Script. For example, if you ...

c# - How to send bulk email using smtp avoiding spam -

I have a website and I need to send newsletters for around 2 customers. But email to customers in the spam sent. How to remove this problem? Please suggest smtp configuration to avoid spam in any case. I am sending 1) HTML text 2) I use the C # code to send mail 3) Let me address some emails with my domain name for example : as ADDRESS Thank you in advance. Firstly send a test to a service like From there, You can diagnose the report lines with "1.0" or "-0.5" as they are issues that affect your overall score (& gt; 10.0 = spam). This may be a problem with your HTML or how you are setting up your MIME header.

sql - Select count and aggregate, but only unique -

मेरे पास टेबल के साथ एक डाटाबेस (MSSQL) है: बनाएँ तालिका [ डीपीए] [साइप्रर्स] ([टाइम] [डेटाइम] NULL, [होस्टनाम] [वरारार] (50) नल, [क्लाइंटआईपी] [वरारार] (50) नल, [यूजरएजेंट] [वरारार] (550) नल, [साइफर नेम ] [दोहराव] (200) नल, [साइफरवर्सन] [वरचर] (100) नल, [साइफरबिट्स] [वरारार] (50) नल) पर [प्राथमिक] कुछ पंक्तियाँ इस तरह दिख सकते हैं: अब का चयन करें CipherName, CipherVersion, CipherBits, मैं प्रत्येक शीर्ष स्तर डोमेन के लिए CipherName, CipherVersion और CipherBits के संयोजन की घटनाओं की संख्या की गणना करना चाहते हैं। , सीआईपीआरएन नाम, साइफरविर्सियन, साइफरबिट्स द्वारा समूह '%' समूह की तरह सीपर्स से "हिट्स" के रूप में, "हिट्स", क्रैक्स यह है कि मैं केवल विशिष्ट उदाहरणों की गिनती करना चाहता हूं प्रत्येक ग्राहक आईपी यही है, अगर कोई ग्राहक और पर गया है तो मैं इसे दो के रूप में नहीं मानना ​​चाहता, बस एक। यह देखते हुए कि आप HostName द्वारा समूह नहीं कर रहे हैं, ऐसा लगता है कि आपकी ज़रूरत है: SE...

html - Website works on Chrome, but not Firefox? -

Therefore, I have a problem; I think it's supposed to be done with HTML or CSS ... I was working on a website template, and ... like .. I will explain the pictures. Chrome: Firefox: Not sure what's going on; Because this is my first website & lt; Html & gt; (at the bottom, ignore 5,000 blockquotes) The problem is that your CSS file is not included on Firefox. This is likely to happen because Firefox is more rigid in parsing its HTML. Just change this line: & lt; Link href = "layout.css" type = "syle / css" rel = "stylesheet" /> gt; To do this: & lt; And it's probably my guess that Chrome will know that you're working with the link href = "layout.css" type = "text / css" rel = "stylesheet" /> Want to point the link to a CSS file but not Firefox

ios - NSJSONSerialization parse error - unrecognized selector -

यह कोड है: NSString * jsonString = @ "[{\" sn \ ": \" ई \ ", \" टी \ ": \" के \ ", \" d \ ": \" मंगल 3-मार्च \ "}, {\" sn \ ": \" F \ ", \ "टी \": \ "वाई 1 \", \ "डी \": \ "मंगल 3-मार्च \"}] "; एनएसडीटा * डेटा = [jsonString डेटाउपकरण एन्कोडिंग: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSArray * jsArray = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData: डेटा विकल्प: 0 त्रुटि: शून्य]; एनएसएलॉग (@ "जेएसएआरए:% @", जेएसएआरआरए); (जेएसएआरआर में आईडी नौकरी) {एनएसएलॉग (@ "जॉब:% @", जॉब); एनएसएलॉग (@ "% @", [नौकरी एसओ]); } कंसोल में, मुझे यह मिलता है: 2014-04-22 15: 40: 46.464 परीक्षण [2442: 60b] जेएसएआरआरए: ({ D = "मंगल 3-मार्च"; sn = E; t = K;}, {d = "मंगल 3-मार्च"; sn = f; t = "y 1";}) 2014-04-22 15:40 : 46.466 टेस्ट [2442: 60 बी] नौकरी: {d = "मंगल 3-मार्च"; sn = E; टी = के; } - [__ एनएससीएफएप्शन एसआईपी]: अज्...

wpf - shift+click couldn't select correct items with listview -

In my list view, I press ctrl + a to select all the items and select several items with the shift button. But this does not work, I use the keybinding to rewrite all the commands, but how to select multiple items with the shift button? XAML: & lt; ListView VirtualizingPanel.IsVirtualizing = "True" VirtualizingPanel.VirtualizationMode = "Recycling" ItemSource = "{Binding Test List}" SelectionMode = "Extended" & gt; & Lt; ListView.ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; Text block text = "{binding test content}" /> & Lt; / DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; /ListView.ItemTemplate> & Lt; ListView.InputBindings & gt; & Lt; Key binding command = "{binding selection all command}" modifier = "control" key = "a" /> & Lt; /ListView.InputBindings> & Lt; ListView.ItemContainerStyle & gt; & Lt; Style TargetType = "ListViewItem...

jquery - Events not displayed in fullcalendar js -

Please help someone figure out what's wrong with the code. I used fullcalendar.js for the calendar event. I want to show the event in the calendar. Below is my code. $ (document) .ready (function () {$ (window). reset (function () {$ ('# calendar'). fullCalendar ('option', 'height' get_calendar_height ());}); var date = new date (); var d = date.getDate (); var m = date.getMonth (); var y = date.getFullYear (); var navent = []; nevent = document.getElementById ('& lt;% = hdnevent.ClientID%';); value; // alerts (nevent); var calendar = $ ('# calendar'). FullCalendar ({Subject: true, title: {left: 'prev, next today', center: 'title', right: 'month, agendaWeek, agendaDay', width: get_calendar_width}, width: get_calendar_width, height: 480, select: right, selectHelper: true, slots min: 15 , All data default: false, // events: 'JasonRespons.Shex', events: navent});}); nevent is the value: [{id: ...

python - Replacing value in dictionary -

I'm not sure how to change the value of a dictionary with the second value I b Value should be replaced with the value of a and the value of c should be replaced by the value of the code (which is a is the value of). For d_values ​​for d_keys in : my_dict = {"a": 1, "b": "a", "My_dict.keys ()": if d_values ​​in d_values: My_dict [d_keys] = d_values ​​ I need my_dict to become {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1} , but my code gives me {a: a ....} with somewhere line I think you are more confused, depending on your requirement, just what you want > gt; & gt; therefore values Instead of changing, '' one ': 1,' C ': 1,' B ': 1} dict.fromkeys (my_dict, my_dict, same ku Rebuild the entire dictionary with the capital structure, but with the value my_dict ['a']

Codeigniter:Not found error -

I'm the start of the codeigniter. I have created a project called 'Administration' in Codeigniter. It has a login page named login.php which is in View / login.php. The login controller, which is set as the base controller for the admins controller, looks like this: CI_Controller {class in the class login} {public function index () {$ data ['msg'] = '' ; $ This- & gt; Load-> View ('Login', $ data); } Public Function User Login () {$ this-> form_validation- & gt; set_rules ('uname', 'username', 'required'); $ This- & gt; form_validation- & gt; set_rules ('login_password', 'password', 'required'); $ Msg = $ this- & gt; Login_model- & gt; Get_login (); If ($ this-> form_validation-> run () === incorrect) {$ data ['msg'] = ''; $ This- & gt; Load-> View ('Login', $ data); } And if ($ msg == 0) {$ data ['msg'] = 'Username an...

c - How do I know which exec command to use for a specific program? -

My question is about the ADF family of C system calls. How do I guess what type of program I am implementing, since then, the exec family has a different way between arg1, arg2, arg3 ... and its 2d char array for its parameters I see. Can most Linux command line programs handle both forms of input? For example: int execl (const char * path, const char * arg0, ... / *, (four *) 0 * /); Intimate Exec (Constant Charles * Path, Four * Cost Agg []); What will happen if I execute the LS: execl ('/ bin / ls', 'ls', NULL); versus: execv ('/ bin / ls', lsArgsArray); Probably LS can handle both forms of input, but my actual question is generally general about other utilities, it is safe to believe that you can tell them in any way? If it is not safe to invoke any method, how does it happen, as if it is different to use besesh? The program executed, or the kernel, does not matter to whatever you say: both of them Has changed from your C library to...

javascript - Different styles for text and elements inside another element -

I am trying to style the pager of the WebGrid element in ASP.Net MVC. The pager looks like this: However, I can easily style a elements, I'm having trouble styling the "untagged" text (in this example, 2 ). Is there a way that I can target / target, not just text and anchor elements? (Provided) I am not aware of a CSS selector which can target text nodes . You can use JavaScript or jQuery to wrap an active link of a tag; So this style is an example here: $ (".pagination"). material (). Filter (function () {this.nodeType === node.TATXADNADA & amp; / \ / d + /.test(this.nodeValue);}). Rap ("& lt; b & gt; & lt; / b & gt;");

Magento CSS/JS not loading after upgrade to 1.8.1 -

I have upgraded my Magento site from 1.6 to 1.8.1 yet. After updating the website is unable to load CSS and JS. I checked the error log and say this: [Tuesday April 22 16: 40: 30.616082 2014] [Original: crit] [PID 27847: TID 140041728800512] (13) Permission denied [customer] AH00529: /home/strictly/public_html/js/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: To check the htaccess file, it is readable and that '/ home / strict / Public_html / js / 'is executable, ​​ I followed the advice of many people and did the following: var / cache folder Web / Unsafe / base_url and Both dev / js / merge_files and dev / css / merge_css_files 0 P> This site loads very slowly, and when it loads, it is not CSS and JS. I inspect Chrome's Elements button and check the back-functioning of using the I fail to load CSS and JS files, each 404 can not see the error not found. My guess is that it has been set to right with permission for JS and CSS folders / files. Does...

jsf 2 - Sending "Authentication Required Message" when not authenticated and "Session has expired" when session is timed out -

I am working with the login filter and have successfully implemented them Also, It needs to show that if someone tries to see a page, I just need to show an error message, "authentication required". Error message like "Session has expired" after the session expired, implementation for later (as suggested by everyone), login or index to use filters. Redirecting xhmtm , Is over. But I thought of showing an error message. Any help? Thanks in advance See my answer here: Instead of using Flash or Session Area, in your case You should use the URL parameter to see that it should add a FacesMessage to @PostConstruct You can insert in your bean: @PostConstruct public Zero init () {string ShowMessage = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance (). GetExternalContext (). GetRequestParameterMap (). Get ("showMessage"); If ("Truth". Acquires (Show Message)) {FacesContext.getCurrentInstance () AddMessage (empty, new FacesMessage (FacesMessage.SEVERITY_...

(C++) If - Else if statements for a CommandLine rock paper scissors game -

I'm quite new to C ++ but I'm reading a lot of documents and I do not know what's here Used to be. If I have made statements on other things, but maybe this is just a brain fart, I really do not know when I type "1" when he asks for input and I enter and it goes straight to the Else statement #include & lt; Cstdlib & gt; # Include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Sstream & gt; #include & lt; String & gt; using namespace std; Int main () {four choices; Int P2 = 2; Int R1 = 1; Int s3 = 3; // question cout & lt; & Lt; "Let's Rock Paper Scissors" and Lieutenant; & Lt; Andal; Cout & lt; & Lt; "(Use Letter) Rock (1) - Paper (2) - Scissors (3)" & lt; & Lt; Endl; Que: cout & lt; & Lt; "What is your choice ?:"; Cin & gt; & Gt; the option; If (like == p1) {cout & lt; & Lt; "You choose rock" & lt; & Lt; Endl;} and if (like == p2)...

mysql - Field naming basics -

I am new to MySQL and want to drag / show a field that contains a place I thought the following Syntax will work - but I have been given an error code of 1054: SELECT [record ID] to testDB.all; Try using Backlit: IDD to testDB.all ; Side note: Back tiles are being used for table and column identifier, but only when the identifier is a MySQL reserved keyword , Or when the identifier contains white space or characters outside of a limited set, it is often recommended to avoid column or table identifiers to avoid the quoted problem while using reserved keywords. P> Back Tix status requires the following: SELECT id, 'my name', 'other field', 'field, with, comma '

mongodb - Mongo DB error: invalid operator: $search when doing $text search -

मैंने इसके साथ एक सूचक बनाया है: db.MyCollection.ensureIndex ({ "फ़ील्ड 1": "टेक्स्ट"}) और मैं निम्नलिखित को रोबोमोंगो में चला रहा हूं: db.MyCollection.find ({$ text: {$ search: "something"}}) और इस त्रुटि को वापस पाने के लिए: त्रुटि: {"$ err": "अमान्य ऑपरेटर: $ खोज "," कोड ": 10068} डॉक्स बहुत स्पष्ट लग रहे हैं कि मैं सही सिंटैक्स का उपयोग कर रहा हूं:। मैं मोंगो संस्करण 2.4.9 का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ। किसी को भी पता है कि समस्या यहाँ क्या हो सकती है? मुंगो 2.6+ $ text इस प्रकार से कार्य करता है: db.collection.insert ({desc: "यह पाठ के साथ एक स्ट्रिंग है"}); Db.collection.insert ({desc: "यह टेक्स्ट के साथ एक और स्ट्रिंग है"}); Db.collection.insert ({desc: "यह ext के साथ एक अन्य स्ट्रिंग है"}); db.collection.ensureIndex ({ "desc": "पाठ"}); Db.collection.find ({$ text: {$ खोज: "टेक्स्ट"}}); यह आउटपुट को निम्न के रूप में देगा: {"_id...

In python, how do I create two index slicing for my own matrix class? -

I'm trying to write my own matrix class in Python, in fact, for testing purposes this matrix class Is in C ++ and I am using SWIG to interface between two. However, for this question, it may be easy to consider the pure Python implementation of the matrix class. I want to be able to call this matrix class and want to use two-indexed slicing action. For example, after we created 4x4 matrix of people, & gt; & Gt; & Gt; A = matrix (4,4,1) I want to be able to get sub2x2 matrix: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; A [1: 2,1: 2] I have heard about the code Hollis __ , but it seems that this only allows for single skiing Gives, e.g. One [1: 2] . How can I do a two-index skiing so that I can call A [i: j, l: k] ? Thank you! Note that __ getslice __ dislikes so consider the following minimum example Do: square fu: def __getitem __ (auto, * args): print args f = foo () f [1: 2,2: 4] It will print: ((piece (1, 2, none), piece (2, 4, none)), If ...

java - How to handle network state and HTTP status codes correctly -

Within one method, I am sending GET and POST requests using HttpURLConnection. As you can see in the example code, I am holding most exceptions. But I wonder if this is the right way and how should I actually manage a site like "no network is available" and bad status code in response to the server? I ask because of this because I want to inform the user about various problems. Public static bitmap getImage (string url) {HttpURLConnection conn = null; {URL new URL} Try new URL (URL); Conn = (HttpURLConnection) newUrl.openConnection (); Conn.setDoInput (true); Conn.setDoOutput (wrong); Conn.setUseCaches (wrong); Conn.setRequestProperty ("Accept-Charset", "utf-8"); Conn.setRequestProperty ("content type", "image / PNG"); Conn.setRequestMethod ("GET"); Conn.connect (); Int total = conn.getContentLength (); InputStream = conn.getInputStream (); // ... read the image here! } Catch (malmarmdureleuxation E) {e.printStackTrace ...

github - Git merging and commit issue -

I have 2 branches - Master and development while I am in development branch, I've made a change of one file) and it Is successful. However, when I type the GIT checkout master , then the git merge develops ... instead of receiving the output message like ( I am copying this message from the previous merge which I did), and updating git push : 325ac4a..51ffb06 Fast-forward Test_Folder / Image / IMG_01 .jpg | Bin 0 - & gt; 4224 bytes 2 files were changed, 1 entry (+) make mode 100644 test_foulder/images/img_01.jpg I was asked to add a committed message to the terminal ... this This is different from my past previous merger which I have done and for the first time I have seen it. Although I managed to pass since committed a git push , am I doing something wrong? Still, the 'should be the issue' seems right, is there any way that I can send messages without the terminal style? (By the way, I tried to use git gui , but apparently I do not see any file o...

javascript - Two input fields with keyup function -

I have two input fields and I need a function, when the value of some #name or #email was changed to my The beginning really does not work. $ ('#name') keyboard (function () {// OR $ ('# email'). Key (function () / something}};}); You can use the to separate the comma , > : $ ('# name, # email'). Key (function () {// do something}};

css - IE8 Background filter doesn't work -

I have a background size: cover, but it does not work in IE8, so I got Gogd and got it Filters: Prozed: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader (src = 'background.png', sizingMethod = 'scale'); -M-filter: "Prozed: DxImage Transforms Microsoft.lfaimageloader (src = 'background.png', sizing method = 'scale')"; So I copied it to my script but it does not work, my script: background: url ('background.png') center Top no repeat; Background size: cover; -WebKit-Background-Size: Cover; -MOZ-BACKGROUND-SHAPE: COVER; -o-background-shape: cover; Maximum-height: 682px; Filter: Proded: DxImG Transforms. Microsoft.alpha imagedloader (src = 'background.png', sizing method = 'scale'); -M-filter: "Prozed: DxImage Transform. Microsoft. Alpha Impilezer (src = 'background.png', sizing method = 'scale')"; I have only one problem, I get another device in which you want to put a background Are th...

laravel - How do you use setColumnAttribute with update()? -

I am attempting to strip non-numeric characters on an attribute before saving, but the new value is not saved is. My model looks like this: class model extends \ supernatural {public function set column attribute ($ value) {$ value = (int) preg_replace (' / [^ 0-9] / ',' ', $ Value); $ Return; }} If I add a dd ($ value) to it, then that method needs to be run, it is a dump. I update the model: Model :: search ($ id) - & gt; Update ($ attributes); Why does not this save the value given by the setColumnAttribute method? What am I missing? searching on a lucrative mutator I got it back to the value Instead of $ this- & gt; Attributes were included in the array. Extended in class model \ Supernatural {Public function set column attribute ($ value) {$ Value = (int) preg_replace ('/ [^ 0-9] /', '', $ value ); $ This- & gt; Attribute ['column'] = $ value; }}

php - How to repair wamp server without re-installing? -

uncommenting द्वारा php.ini में परिवर्तन करने के बाद बिजली की विफलता के कारण मेरी विंडोज़ -8 प्रणाली बंद हो गई और बाद में मैं इस त्रुटि को पाने के लिए उपयोग करता हूं जब मैं वैम्प सर्वर प्रारंभ करने का प्रयास करता हूं / p> बाद में कुछ लिंक पर जाकर मैंने खाली कोड को wampmanager.ini फ़ाइल में जोड़ा क्योंकि यह खाली था अब पहली त्रुटि तय हो गई है और अब नीचे उल्लिखित इस त्रुटि को फेंक दिया गया है: बाद में मैंने भी इस त्रुटि को ठीक करने के लिए विज़ुअल सी ++ 2008 इंस्टॉल किया, लेकिन असफल रहे मेरे पास कई महत्वपूर्ण डेटाबेस हैं जो मैंने भी वापस नहीं लिया है। मैं फिर से स्थापित करने के बिना इस wamp सर्वर की मरम्मत करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ। कोई भी इस के साथ मेरी सहायता कर सकता है। अग्रिम धन्यवाद यह दस्तावेज आपको मदद कर सकता है यह विचार यह है कि आप अपने मौजूदा संस्करण को वास्तव में अप्रतिष्ठापन चलाने के बिना और अपने मौजूदा इंस्टॉलेशन से वास्तव में किसी भी फाइल को हटाने के बिना अनइंस्टॉल कर सकते हैं। Wamp फ़ोल्डर और उसके बाद वॅम्प का एक ही संस्करण इंस्टॉ...

string - java : search for a word in a text and give its line -

I have string output (a paragraph) that has approximately 140 lines, I want to find a word in this paragraph for example I have a line in the paragraph for: Date: 08/12/2009 Value: 58 9.236 Smooth smth fax: 25896217 I search terms The value of this gives me line 2 in the paragraph, in fact I use this code to get the number of lines: string result = "..." mater = m = pattern.compile ("(\ n) | (\ r) | (\ r \ n)") matching (result). Int lines = 1; While (m.find ()) {lines ++; } Is there a predefined method in Java that gives me a line of similar words? As far as I know, there is no one, then my solution is to split text into lines and The text line must be scanned from the line, unless the word is found. Then return a line number. Public class zero main (string [] ARG) {string text = "Date: 08/12/2009" + "\ n" + "Value: 589.236" + " \ N "+" smth: smth "+" \ n "+" fax: 25896217 ...

c# - How to get a struct array to an IntPtr? -

सी ++ फ़ंक्शन प्रोटोटाइप है; / ********** ************************************************** *********** पैरामीटर [में]: शून्य * संभाल, चार * jpeg_buf, jpeg_buf jpeg_buf मापदंडों [बाहर]: सूचीआकार: परिणाम सूची आकार, अधिकतम & lt; = 1000; सूची: परिणाम ************************************************************************************************* ************************* / पूर्णांक getInfo (शून्य * संभाल, अहस्ताक्षरित चार * jpeg_buf, अहस्ताक्षरित int jpeg_len, पूर्णांक में & amp; list_size, जानकारी * info_list) ; सी ++ प्रकार; टाइप-टाइप स्ट्रेट {int dot_x; Int dot_y; } Attr; Typedef संरचना {int छोड़ दिया; Int शीर्ष; Int सही; इंट तल; } Rect_S; Typedef संरचना {rect_S rect; अटर्ट अटर; } जानकारी; सी # DLL आयात; [DllImport ( "sample.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] आंतरिक स्थिर extern int getInfo (IntPtr संभाल, बाइट [] jpeg_buf, यूआईटीपी jpeg_len, आउट इंट सूची, बाहर निकालें IntPtr सूची); संरचनाएं सी # में हैं; आंतरिक संरचना Attr {...

php - Converting arrays to objects to automate array_key_exists() -

I do not want to send any notice to my code, so I have to use the array without worrying A little class is written for undefined indexes all the time. class ArrayAsObject {Private $ array; Public function __ composition (& amp; $ array) {$ this- & gt; Array = & amp; $ Array; } Public function __get ($ key) {if (array_key_exists ($ key, $ this-> array)) {return $ this-> array [$ key]; } And {return tap; }}} $ Fruit = array ('apple' => 42); $ Fruits = new Array object ($ fruit); Echo $ fruit-> Apple; // 42 resonance $ fruit-> Lemon; // null I'm just wondering if this is an unexpected result, or can I use it for any array and live happily later? I will expand from class like this: class MyArrayObject ArrayObject Extended {public function offsetGet ($ name) {if ($ this-> OffsetExists ($ name)) Returns parent :: offsetgate ($ name); }} You can access your array data from offsetGet () , so if you select $ myObjectArray ['t...

Creating new column based on earliest date value in other column in R -

I have a data frame that looks like this: topic = c (1 , 1, 1,1,2,2,2,2) OBS = C (1.3,2.4,3.3,4.2,1.2,2.7,3.6,4.9) REFDAT = like. DET (C ('2013-09-25' , '2013-09-25', '2013-09-26', '2013-09-26', '2013-09-27', '2013- 09-27', '2013-09-30', ' 2013 - 09-30 ')) df1 = data.frame (subject, OBS, REFDATE) I want to add a new column (REFDATE2) which contains only the most for each First topic REFDATE , produce it: topic = c (1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2) OBS = C (1.3,2.4,3.3 , 4.2, 1.22.7,3.64.9) REFDAT = Edge. Date (c ('2013-09-25', '2013-09-25', '2013-09-26', '2013-09-26', '2013-09-27', '2013- 09-27 ',' 2013-09-30 ',' 2013-09-30 ')) REFDT2 = ASD (c (' 2013-09-25 ',' 2013-09-25 ',' 2013-09-25 ' , '2013-09-25', '2013-09-27', '2013- 09-27', '2013-09-27', '2013-09 -27') df2 = data.frame (subject, Synergy, ...

java - display error message in jsp with javascript -

I have a jsp file that has a form and I have to validate the form. The Jsp page will be opened as a pop-up page and therefore I do not want to pop up the verification message again. Here's my code. & lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function validateForm () {var x = document.forms ["myForm"] ["name1"] value; If (x. Tram (). Length & lt; = 4) {return false; }} & lt; / Script & gt; & lt; form name = "myForm" method = "POST" verb = "write.jsp" onsubmit = "return validateForm ();" & gt; Name: & lt; Input type = "text" name = "name1" value = "& lt;% = name%>" Size = "20" /> & Lt; Br> Price: & lt; Input type = "text" name = "value" value = "& lt;% = value%>" Size = "20" /> gt; & Lt; Br> Deadline: & lt; Input type = "text" name = "f...

actionscript 3 - Determining the NumericStepper that called the valueFormatFunction -

I need to get the component that calls the function from within the function. I generally have the properties of the properties of the components In the data column of the label, the grid's property is the argument, but here I have the value of the stepper, is there any way to get the component? Thank you. not Since arguments.caller is now available No, maybe you can not magically search the calling component. String {return + "" + value.toString ()}} Use it as: & Lt; S: NumericStepper id = "ns2" valueFormatFunction = "{getValueFormatFunction (ns2)}" />

excel - Removing items from listbox according to their values VBA -

I am trying to delete all items in a user form list-box except for specific values ​​ says that I want to delete everything in my list box except "Cat" and "dog" I have written: I = 0 ListBox2.ListCount - 1 for ListBox2.List (i) & lt; & Gt; "Cat" or Listbox 2. List (i) & lt; & Gt; "Dog" then ListBox2.RemoveItem i End if next For some reason this does not work, I tried to find a solution but I could not. What's wrong here? Use the back loop: i ListBox2. ListCount- 1 to 0 Step-1 If ListBox2.List (i) & lt; & Gt; "Cat" and List Box 2. List (i) & lt; & Gt; "Dog" then listbox2.RemoveItem i End if Next and OR to and on your if Statement

What's the best way to host some html & css onto Googles Servers? -

We want to host a simple HTML site with some CSS and JavaScript on the Googles server. Should we select the app engine or start a web server using Compute Engine? If we choose app engine, then we have to choose a language java, go, php etc. None of these suits us, we have some HTML files Should we go with a server in Compute Engine? Google Cloud Storage is better suited for this use, for you to serve a stable web site Configure a bucket, see

php - Contact Form 7 allow in HTML tag area -

How do I enable the contact form 7 shortcode in the HTML area (where only html tags are allowed). [Contact Form-7ID = "2358" title = "Contact Form 1"] Actually, I would like to allow the third slide of my web site You can output it to PHP Before posting, search a bit on the web, search a bit on the web before posting,

initialization - I am confused about the data types of java. -

यह क्यों सही है? char c1 = 125; और यह क्यों गलत है? चार सी 2 = सी 1 + 1; ऊपर दिए गए कोड का सही तरीका होना चाहिए: चार सी 2 = (चार) (सी 1 + 1); मैं उलझन में हूँ बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद! यह गलत है क्योंकि char पूर्णांक । 1 में c1 को c1 को int में जोड़ा जाता है। जब आप इसे char java शिकायत में वापस डालते हैं, क्योंकि यह वादा नहीं कर सकता कि int एक char में फिट होगा > -एडिट - char c = 123 के मामले में 123 भाग ज्ञात है, इसलिए जावा वास्तव में यह वादा कर सकता है कि यह हमेशा एक char में फ़िट होता है यह भी काम करेगा: अंतिम चार c0 = 123; चार सी 1 = सी 0 + 1; और यह: अंतिम अंत i0 = 123; Char c1 = i0 + 1;

apache pig - Is it possible to use 'like' condition in gt/lt while reading from HBase -

मेरे पास StartDate , EndDate : 2014010120140201 मैं तालिका पढ़ने के लिए सुअर का उपयोग करता हूं। मुझे पता है कि मैं एचबीज़ से पढ़ते समय gt / lt condidtions का उपयोग कर सकता हूं, लेकिन मैं सोच रहा था कि क्या 'जैसे' उदाहरण के लिए 201401012014 % के बजाय - gt 2014010120140000 सादर / पावेल मिलान P> पैटर्न मिलान का एक उदाहरण: res = एक्स मैचों के अनुसार डेटा फ़िल्टर करें। * Blabla। * ' ;

regex - I need to match a Text from a block including newline -

I need to match a block of text between two tokens, including Newline. For example START END I want this is the exam that I want to remove and use for my own purpose code> Start (. *?) EN D This should be done in your case. You can also use it for your case if you do not want a match group: (? & lt; = start). *? (? = END) What you need in the first match group. Demo here: Try this if you have new lines in between: START ([\ s \ S] *?) END

ios - Duplicate symbols while compiling QtQuick2 application -

I am currently trying to create and run QtQuick 2 applications, but a duplicate symbol error is displayed: ld: 55 duplicate symbols of architecture i386 and here are some duplication: duplicate symbol __ZTS16QActionAnimation in: /Users/momo/Qt5.2.1 /5.2.1 /ios/lib/libQt5Quick_iphonesimulator_debug.a (ququickanimation.o) / User / Momo / Quit 5.2.1 / 5.2.1 / ios / lib / libQt5Declarative_iphonesimulator_debug.a (moc_qdeclarativeanimation_p_p.o) Duplicate Symbols __Z30_q_InterruptShortstore Nardis_di in: / Users / mamo / Qt 5. 2.1 / 5.2.1 / iOS / Lib / libQt5Declarative_iphonesimulator_debug.a (qdeclarativeanimation.o) / Users / MoMA / QEt 5.2.1 / 5.2.1 / OS / LIB / LIBQ5Quick_iphonesimulator_debug.a (qquickanimation.o) Duplicate Symbols __Z31_q_InterolocationClockwise Rotation RDS_D in: / usr /momo/Qt5.2.1/5.2.1/ios/lib/libQt5Declarative_iphonesimulator_debug.a(qdeclarativeanimation.o) / usr / Momo / Quit 5.2.1 / 5.2.1 / ios / lib / libQt5Quick_iphonesimulator_debug.a (qq Uick...

excel - Selecting an active cell from a textbox value -

मैं इस कोड का उपयोग कर रहा हूं: निजी उप टेक्स्ट बॉक्स 12_Change () श्रेणी ("टेक्स्टबॉक्स 12। मूल्य ")। चुनें TextBox3.Value = ActiveCell.Value End Sub और TextBox12 को वर्तमान में सेल संदर्भ दिया जा रहा है, तब मुझे TextBox3 सक्रिय कक्ष, किसी भी विचारों का मूल्य दिखाने के लिए? "कोड से निकालें .. । त्रुटि गोतो फाइन रेंज (पाठ बॉक्स 12.वैल्यू) पर। TextBox3.Value = ActiveCell.Value चुनें ठीक: में त्रुटि के लिए त्रुटि पर जोड़ें संदर्भ मान ... आप सीधे उपयोग कर सकते हैं: TextBox3.Value = Range (TextBox12.Value)। वेल्यू सेल को चुनने के बिना।

How to store the Data from to Sqlite DataBase in iOS? -

I am using to get data as given below. I have already created the data base using the SQLite manager - (IBAction) button: (ID) sender {PFQuery * postQuery = [PFQuery query worldname: @ "movie"]; // movie is the name of the class in, which stores the data in that two columns [postcontic object in backgroundwith block: ^ (nsary * objects, nsERr * error) {if (error!) Save // ​​save result Update table to poster = objects; NSLog (@ "Array ....% @", self.postArray); // [spinner start-up]; [Self.myTableRedloadData]; }}]; } - (zero) getTheData: (id) sender {// this is sqlite query class model = [[ddmodel alloc] init]; // Insert here the method to send the column square object (buk). [Model insertInformIntoDB: buk]; PFObject * Post = [self.postArray objectAtIndex: indexPath.row]; NSLog (@ "posttttt ......% @", post); // Here column name to send the data to the squid column. = [post objectForKey: @ "name"]; Buk...

JQuery document ready and ajax -

I have to resize my page's textair tags, in which the class is: textAreaGroup only the first two I have this code: jQuery (document) .ready (function () {var orig_h; jQuery (".textAreaGroup"). ("Focus" Function () {orig_h = jQuery (this) .it (); jQuery (this) .it (jQuery (this) [0] .scrollHeight);}). ('Blurred', function () {jQuery ('TextEregr '). Height (orig_h)});}); It works only with two first textare tags, and it is not applicable for new people loaded by Ajax. What should I do to provide this code for all textare tags? You can try this, where you have set the selector inside the function Event delegation: Even if it is not using focus () and blurring () events, the result will be similar. A ...

javascript - Owl carousel destroy issue (Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'destroy' of undefined ) -

I am using Owl Hindozel for my project at some resolution, I need to destroy the owl carousel , So I used the owl carousel but the other jquery function is not working even when using the function. The document is also not ready. Please help fix this problem so that I use the flagged carousel to function with jquery Specific to me This is my code Function Mobile () {var Chekwyuth = $ (window). With (); Var banner = $ ("# ndmv-banner-intro"); If (checkwidth> 980) {banner.owlCarousel ({single item: true, autoplay: wrong, drag beer, aniffish: true}); } And {bannerdata ('olucarcarcel'). Destroyed (); Destroy banner.removeClass ('owl-carousel'). }} $ (Document) .ready (mobile); $ (Window) .resize (mobile); You are applying a deleted object to an object Which is undefined. You can try to do something like that. if ( ('owlCarousel')! = 'Undefined') { ('owlCarousel'). Destroyed (); Banner.removeClass...

delete rows on a csv file depending on pattern python -

I am new to handle CSV files with Python and I want to write code which allows me to do the following: Pattern like: pattern = "3-5; 7; 10-16" (which may be different) and I want to delete (in that case) from 3 to 5, 7 and 10 16 lines one know how to do this? You can not delete lines only from a CSV. Instead, you have to read it and then Must agree with the accepted values. The following code works: Import to CSV pattern = "3-5; 7; 10-16" off = [] in pattern.split (';'): if '-' I: off + = range (int (i.split ('-') [0]), int (i.split ('-') [1]) + 1) Other: off + = [int I)] with open ('test.txt') as f: reader = csv.reader (f) reader = [','. For the item (reader) if the i + 1 is not closed] in the print reader: reader with i (reader 'input.txt', 'w') for i: Reader for i2 : F2.write (i + '\ n')

MySQL One Column, two Foreign Key options -

I have a database set up, it has two tables, with a event containing a Event_ID and Places with Venue_ID . These two tables have slightly different structures (events date and venue_name are not places) I have details of both events and places, which share the same structure. Can there be a description table, which can either refer to a event_id or space_id , or is it better to keep it separate? Or is there a third option? places + developments do not have many details (referencing comments) I'm not sure what your institutions are trying to do, but I (a native English speaker), a "phenomenon" is very different from a "site". An "event" is something that happens at a particular point in time and place. "Participants" can sign up for an "event" A "venue" is a special place. These are very different bodies. There is a connection between them. As Alvaro points out in his comment, there is not a sui...

web services - Webservice issue in CQ5 - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class -

I was working on the SOAP CXF webservice. I went "" via the link given below. I have created the CXF osgi bundle and it is in active state in Felix console when I was trying to call webservice via JSP, then it is giving the error as "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: class com.aem. ws.Weather could not start ". Thanks, Rayan Parab Look at this link and see if it helps - it looks like a similar problem: Another thing to check is that your bundle exports a unique package name I have found that if I have two bundles which export the same package in this case - then the CQ will choose one to use on a runtime, and if the bundle is in place Such error sector is not going to class even if another bundle includes class check whether bundle exported have that ensures careful not two bundle to define the same package namespace.

android - Delegate touch event from one view to another -

I'm trying to drop with my own drag and touch view events, I have long click and drag I want to trigger, on the longclick I create visual shadows as a bitmap and this bitmap is set on the image view. I want to draw this image view. My problem is, the image visit is not responding to touch the event immediately after that long click event. I have to stop touching the screen and tap the image again, and then my image is increasing. Some relevant codes: mcategoryNews.setOnLongClickListener (New View.OnLongClickListener () {@Override Public Boolean onLongClick (see v) {v.setVisibility (View.INVISIBLE) ; ImageView Shadow = (getView) getView () findViewById (; shadow.setLayoutParams (New FrameLayout.LayoutParams (v.getWidth), v.getHeight ()); shadow.setImageBitmap (Utils.loadBitmapFromView (V)); shadow.bringToFront (); (shadow.getLayoutParams) shadow.getLayoutParams ()) leftMargin = rowCategories1.getLeft (); (); True back;}}); Private View.OnTouchListener mDr...

How to convert as pdf using payday gemfile in rails -

I am using payday gem and I write coding in controller and my code code> class is pdf controller & lt; ApplicationController Def Indexes feedback_to do | Format | format.html format.pdf dispatch_data invoice. Render_PDF ,: filename = & gt; "Invoice # 12.pdf" ,: type = & gt; "App / PDF" ,: Nature => "Inline" and end I do not know what to do next, any thoughts You forgot to initialize invoice instances. Invoice = Payday :: Invoice.New (: Invoice_Number => 12) Invoice.line_imes & lt; & Lt; (: value = & gt; 20 ,: Qty => 5 ,: Description = & gt; "Pants") Invoice. Line_ights & lt; & Lt; (: value = & gt; 10 ,: Qty => 3 ,: Description = & gt; "Shirts") Invoice. Line_ights & lt; & Lt; (: value = & gt; 5, quantity = & gt; 200 ,: description = & gt; "salute") Invoice .render_pdf_to_file ("/ path / to_f...

android - Why WebView doesn't render raw HTML properly? -

Maybe my question is stupid question but webview does not explain HTML tags I searched but there was no such problem . Please tell me if you have any ideas. This is my code: @ Override public view creatives (LayoutsInflator, View Group Container, Bundle Saved InstantState) {// Get Reference to Application mContext = getActivity () GetApplicationContext (); Assign layout to // piece View view = inflater.inflate (R.layout.dialog_product_info, container, incorrect); MWebView = (webview) view.findViewById (; MWebView.setBackgroundColor (.getResources () getColor (R.color.transparent)); Return view; } @ Override Public Empty on Activity Crated (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super. On-activity creativity (saved instenstate); . GetDialog () setTitle (mProduct.getName ()); MWebView.loadDataWithBaseURL (blank, "& lt; HTML>" + mProduct.getDescription () + "& lt; / HTML & gt;", "text / html", "utf-8", tap); } Screenshot...

jquery - pagedlist in partial view not working correctly- MVC4 -

I have implemented paging in my partial view. This is my paging - & lt; Div class = "endorsement-perfect" & gt; @ Html.PagedListPager (model, page => Url.Action ("_AllVendors", new {page, sortOrder = ViewBag.CurrentSort, currentFilter = ViewBag.CurrentFilter, @Class = "endorsement"})) Now I wanted to load results according to the pages under this partial view. So I did not use this script to navigate to the partial view page. & lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Function () {$ ('endorsement-right A'). (Function () {var page = $ (this) .text (); if (this.href == "") {return;} Else {$ .ajax ({url: this.href + '& amp; page =' + Page, type: 'GET', cache: incorrect, success: function (result) {$ ('# allenders-partial'). Html result);}});} return false;});}); & Lt; / Script & gt; I am loading results in a single device with ID- allenders-partial . ...

html - How to add checkall and uncheck all option for jquery multiselect? -

I have added jquery multiselect property to my dropdown. I dropdown is such, & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Id = "selectChartType" multi = "multiple" size = "5" style = "width: 25px" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "option1" & gt; Option 1 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "option 2" & gt; Option 2 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "option3" & gt; Option 3 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "option4" & gt; Option 4 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "option5" & gt; Option 5 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "option 6" & gt; Option 6 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "option 7" & gt; Option 7 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "option8" & gt; Option 8 & lt; / Options & gt; &...

javascript - JQuery - datepicker doesn't appear -

I'm new to jQuery and I need to use datepicker to get the form in the date. I am using this code: HTML & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta charset = "UTF-8" & gt; & Lt; link rel = "stylesheet" href = "//"> & Lt; Script src = "//"></script> & Lt; Script src = "//"></script> & Lt; Script & gt; $ (Function () {$ ("#date"). Focus (.) DateTime ({dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy'});}); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Date: & lt; Input type = "article" id = "date" & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; But when I click on the field, nothing happens when I try to use it: This...

javascript - how to make html5 player play on Ipad fullscreen using UIWebView -

I have a video app, where I've added custom CSS in the HTML5 player. It works fine in the browser in minimal browser and max mode. But in the case of iPad fullscreen HTML5, the original player is not seen rather than playing. How can we make the HTML5 player to play on the iPad fullscreen mode, instead of the native player, I found out that if only the enabled InlineMediaPlayback property in UIWebView is set to YES. We can create HTML5 files. But what is UIWebView and how can I use it? Any kind of help is greatly appreciated. Help please UIWebView means that the development of the app (app store) is either by using native code or by web Using technologies like languages, it is such a component that allows the webpage to be presented in an application. When you watch HTML 5 videos in Safari iOS, Apple does not allow you to control your original fullscreen experience on iPad / iPhone - when the video is fullscreen will play in the default QuickTime Player. It is stated that...

shell - Ruby system arguments -

I am trying to use the system to run nmap from the Ruby program. I want to avoid some arguments to prevent shell injection, so that I am using the following form: system ('nmap', '-sn', hostname) This works fine, though I want to use the -ox- option to output xml stdout the following code does not appear to be working though: system ('nmap', '-sn', '-oX -', hostname) -OX - ignore logic Is being done Anyone can suggest a workaround? As system also saves spaces in the argument, your system In fact with the call -oX - nmap -sn -x \ - Part space Gaya. Thus a valid argument for NMAP will not be considered. To fix this, you really have to give it two arguments. Here, the location will not be saved in a single argument: system ('nmap', '-sn', '-oX', '-', hostname)

coffeescript - Open link in new window - coffescript -

How to get a beef like target = '_ blank' coffeescript? So far I have tried: window.location = "/ site / # {pk} / goto_url /" window.attr ('target', '_blank ') You should try window .open "/ site / # {PK} / GotoOrl /", "_blank"

c# - Loop through dynamic radio buttons if it check status Y/N -

I need advice ... I have a form, in which the number of consumer panels The usercontrol has the generated radio buttons on runtime) (Structure of the Wifera) I have seen this thread: Prices are assigned from the MySQL database, Against this radio button will have to be checked. Also the names of the radio are assigned by loop: from: "radio button 1" + [i]. Ostring (); From : "radio button 4" + [i]. ostring (); For example: I have 10 groups of 4 Radiobuton I (40 Radio) Should I save my states in the array? In this way [0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ..., ...] I should have a chance to test it against the database. I appreciate some simple solution for this. In my recommendation winform panels will be for loops on each panel, get usercontrol. Then, loop on each control in user control. If the control is a radiobutan, then check it against the database. I'm not sure how you're matching the radio button to the database, but probably matches th... mvc 4 - How do I get the value of my drop down list -

I am trying to return the selected item and when I debug my code, the data data track list Is always empty. How do I specify the value of the view data? Public Functioning Edit Percell (Ent ID) {Parcel Parcia = _abcSearchService.GetAbcParcel (id); & Lt; SelectListItem & gt; Tracklist = new list & lt; SelectListItem & gt; New selection list item {text = "processing", value = "processing", selected = true}, new selection list item {text = "out for delivery", value = "out for delivery"}, new selectistitem {text = "Deliver" value = "distributed"},}; ViewData ["TrackList"] = TrackList.Afake number (); } It all depends on how you are setting up the drop down. I will advise not to use view-back / data to send information, put it in its void and make a list of how you are making it, but save it in the viewing model viewModel.TrackList = TrackList; then @ html.DropDownListFor (x = &...

css3 - How do I remove the border of all - elements on the last row? -

I have seen lots of explanations of how to choose the last element in a list and how to remove its limit as well as with CSS3 How to choose the last one from the other but it is not enough for my case. I have a horizontal navigation that floats for two columns for a mid-sized viewport, with a variable number of elements. There are four elements, but if the user is an administrator, then there is a fifth element in navigation. Therefore, the last column looks like a "" two-column table, either ; Li & gt; Whether it is or not This is what looks, currently (no border is deleted): I want this, when there are five elements, I can remove the lower limit of the" help "item. And when there are four elements ("administration" is unavailable), the limit below both help and administration has been removed. I tried to give "help" to my class, with the idea that in the worst case, I used JavaScript to specify the class in the last or two f...

web services - PHP SoapClient - Unauthorized Operation Exception - Request formed properly? -

I am trying to reach a 3-party GPS tracking SOAP WebService to return the list of our company's vehicles . I'm looking through the documentation for the SoapClient object and I'm reading here many examples on stack overflow, but I'm still not sure how to do this operation. $ api_key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; $ Service_url = This is the service for which I am trying to access, is WSDL, I get GetVehicles I am trying to reach () method When I use a new client: $ client = New SOAP client ($ service_url, array ('cache_wsdl' = & gt; 0)); I have $ client- & gt; I'm able to run __getFunctions (), which lists all the functions properly, however, when I try to use the GetVehicles method: $ codes = $ client- & Gt; GetVehicles ($ api_key); var_dump ($ vehicles); I'm getting an "attempt to do unauthorized operation" error I'm not sure whether this request is ...